The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Legend of Wulan

The Eastern Shuxuanxianzhou Comprehension Realm spans thousands of miles. The Mengbishenghuashan Mountain is located in the west of the east. Eight hundred miles westward, you will reach the area at the junction of the east and the west. This is called the Wulan Mountain Range, which is a branch of the Mengbishenghuashan Mountain.

Wulan Mountain Range is not tall and straight, and the mountain is relatively relaxed. However, the vegetation in the mountains is complex and the terrain is complex and diverse. The most important thing is the perennial clouds and fog, hence the name.

Hundreds of years ago, Wulan Mountain was rich in mineral deposits. Several cultivating sects in the mountains and nearby rushed to mine here. The place was very lively and prosperous at one time. Later, the mineral veins were excavated and gradually became barren.

Zizai Vientiane Gate itself is rich in resources, and has not been resolute to include it in its sphere of influence. In addition, the resources and the environment have been damaged for a long time, so there are sparsely populated, but it can be recuperated here.

It is not until the recent years that the ecology in the mountains has gradually recovered and various resources have available value. Only in the east and west have people enter the mountains. A number of small towns and villages have formed at several entrances and exits and in the mountains. Dispatch disciples to gather resources here.

Because there are no big cultivating schools near the east and west sides of the mountain range, in general, this place is relatively remote and quiet, with few people interested in it, which may be the reason why the other party chose to hide here.

Mu Yuzheng and others first arrived at Yuehe Ancient Town and picked up two children from the Teng family, one named Tenglin and the other named Teng Zhen, both of whom had the cultivation base of the Medicine Realm. The two had entered the fog many times. Arashiyama, this trip is as a guide for everyone.

According to the daily foot strength of a unicorn, it takes two or three days for an 800-mile journey. Everyone was not in a hurry. After leaving Yuehe Town, the eight boys and girls were walking down the mountain for the first time. They were all excited and watched the cultural scenery of Xianzhou in winter, while chatting and chatting.

In this group, Hua Lan Ting and Feng Qingjun often whispered to themselves, mainly discussing their experience in medical herbs. Hua Lanting’s memory of Feng Qingjun’s attack on Feng Qingjun was still fresh. Song Feifei still entangled Lin Xianjing, as if she always had something to say to him, although Lin Xianjing couldn’t answer a word in three sentences.

The guide Tenglin is in his thirties. He is mature and accidental. He is good at observing words and expressions. He is also very good at talking. He often breaks in to introduce the customs and customs of the Wulan Mountains and the production of mineral animals and plants to the four people. He will not be lonely along the way. .

In Yijun’s group, Zhuge Yun, Wen Yin, and the guide Teng Zhen are all people who talk less, but Yi Liunian is still embarrassed to talk to Wen Yin more, so he had to seize the opportunity to ask Zhang Hanyun about the beast that he is interested in. Zhang Hanyun is indeed knowledgeable in this respect, and the blood moon black sand sect’s beast-repelling system is also different from the system of the Vientiane Freedom Gate. Others who listened in and learned a lot of basic knowledge about spirit beasts by the way.

That evening, as the surrounding mountains gradually slowed down, everyone came to the mountain pass in the eastern part of Wulan. Under a leeward ridge, there was the only town nearby. Teng Lin looked for a hotel he had stayed in before for everyone to stay. The hotel was not big, and the twelve people suddenly appeared very crowded as soon as they entered.

After Tenglin arranged dinner for everyone, he said that he was out to inquire about the situation and went out with Teng Zhen.

After a simple wash, everyone came to the middle hall to eat. There were four or five tables of scattered guests in the hall. The charcoal brazier in the hall was very hot. Although everyone was not fatigued on the way, they sat in the hot and sweaty room on the cold winter night. It’s still very comfortable with meat and drinks inside.

Halfway through the meal, Teng Lin and Teng Zhen only came back. After the two shook the snow on their bodies and took their seats, Mu Weihuan asked in a low voice, “How is it? What’s the matter?”

Tenglin smiled and said: “The situation is not true, but it is normal and not normal.”

Seeing everyone’s gazes, Teng Lin continued: “It is normal because nothing special happened recently, and it is abnormal because there are more people than usual, and things may happen later.” Lin sold it and took a sip of the wine.

Along the way, Yi Nian knows about Teng Lin’s problem. He is afraid of the world’s undisturbed temper and hopes to do something. He urges: “The wine tube is enough, Big Brother Teng, don’t drink half of it, just say it quickly.”

Teng Lin continued: “I also inquired about the fact that there was such a stall. It is a long story. It should be more than 600 years ago. Wulan Mountain was when the spiritual vein mining was vigorous. The heroes stood side by side here. There is a foggy cloud fairy sect, the master has no Taoist, the four major disciples under the seat, hundreds of disciples, it is said that they own half of the mineral source, and are the number one cultivating sect within a hundred miles.”

“This Wudao Taoist is a master of the reborn realm. He has achieved success in cultivating the fog-locking cloud-lane technique and formation, plus the four masterpieces of Lingyun Spear, Qingyun Rod, Izumo Halberd, and Flowing Cloud Sword. With this deterrence, the old man used this deterrence. The dragon sees the head but does not see the end. On weekdays, the four major disciples of Chu, Wu, Han, and Leng manage the school.”

“Later, for some reason, the foggy mountains shook the mountains one day, and the spiritual veins almost disappeared. It is said that the other three major sects in the mountain joined forces to attack the Yunxian Zongxing Master to inquire about crimes, thinking that it was an incomprehensible Taoist who used the formation technique and received the spiritual veins. Everyone cultivates resources and wealth. After the war, two defeats were wounded, the heads of the three factions died, and no Taoists were missing. Since then, the foggy cloud fairy sect has disappeared, and after no spiritual veins, the four major disciples left each. Set up another door, the Wulan Mountain range also depressed.”

“A generation of legends ended, but the following legends spread like wildfire. It is said that the spiritual veins collected and protected by the invisible Taoist will be opened once every 100 years, and those who hold their tokens can get a part of the mineral vein spiritual energy resources. According to legend a long time ago Someone once saw it with their own eyes, but in recent hundreds of years, because no one has heard of anyone gaining spiritual veins, the fact that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false has finally become a legend, and it has gradually been forgotten.”

“At this time this year is another hundred years, so some cultivators will come here when the mountains are covered by heavy snow in this severe winter. But because there are fewer and fewer people who know and believe in this matter, those who come here are all leisurely. Those who have nothing to look forward to trying their luck, otherwise, at this time there should be only a few cultivators who collect winter herbs and hunt spirit beasts.”

At this time, the innkeeper happened to come over to refill the drink, and heard Teng Lin’s words interjecting: “I know this rumor for a long time here, and there are different versions. Some say that the four major disciples are in the den and forced the master to die and divide the spoils. Unevenness caused the Yunxian Sect to fall apart; some said that it was an unsophisticated practice and went crazy, a big change in xinxing began to kill people indiscriminately and destroyed the school; others were even more outrageous, saying that the heavens saw the spiritual veins being demanded and exploited indefinitely. Lowering the sky thunder and pressing the spirit pulse into the depths of the earth caused a series of subsequent changes.”

Yi Liunian asked: “Did anyone really get the mineral vein aura?”

The boss shook his head: “The rumors of the rivers and lakes are groundless, maybe there is a reason, maybe it’s just an association for later generations, I hope it is true, otherwise my little shop is a solar term that is few people patronized and business is light.”

“But having said that, every time around the winter solstice of the century, the clouds and mists in this mountain are indeed more prosperous, and thunder comes down from time to time. It is very strange. The other four disciples later set up their own doors. It should be true that they are now in the western part of Xianzhou. The second-rate sect Lingyun Sect is said to have been founded by the eldest disciple and continues to this day; while the second disciple went to the north of Xianzhou and founded the Qingyun Sect, but later I heard that it was destroyed during the war; the third disciple went to the south and is now oblivious. The fourth disciple was a woman, and later became a nun. Some people say that the ruined Liuyun Temple in the mountains used to be her residence.

“By the way, I remember my grandfather once told me that when he was young, on the winter solstice of a hundred years, he heard the Orion in the mountains said that he saw a cultivator fighting the law. Who can tell whether this rumor is true or false.”

A guest at the next table said at this moment: “Our brothers wandered here and heard this rumor by accident, so he stopped by and took a look. I don’t want the mineral veins, but do you know what kind of spirit beast and elixir produced in the mountain, boss? , Lest our brother walk empty-handed in this cold weather.”

The boss smiled and replied: “This guest officer, you are asking the right person. Although Wulan Mountain has no spiritual veins, there is still a little spiritual energy in the perennial clouds. After hundreds of years of nourishment, there is really something in the mountains. Few peculiar products attract outsiders to enter. Otherwise, I won’t open a shop here in this cold winter. It’s better to go home with my wife and children.”

“Speaking of the most famous one? There are two kinds. One is the red-tailed spirit fox, which only appears in the mountains in winter. Can resist spiritual exploration.”

“Then there is the snowy night fan palm flower, which blooms in the snow every 100 years and looks like an upright palm. It is as tall as half a person. It is red, green and white. The leaves are like six-petal snowflakes. This flower can be used as medicine to make a pill. UU reading can relieve most of the cold toxins and increase the power of ice magic by 10%. Of course, there are many treasures, but these two are only produced here, you can go into the mountains to try your luck. ”

Yi Liunian was still immersed in the rumors just now, and then asked: “Did anyone say what treasure hunting tokens are?”

The boss smiled and said, “Young man, I don’t know, I don’t say anything, okay?”

Yi Liunian also smiled wryly, and suddenly heard the boss shout: “My bacon!” Everyone saw that Zhang Hanyun’s spotted possum and Yi Liuian’s spotted flying lizard were vying for the boss and hung at the door. Everyone burst into laughter, and no longer discussed this rumor in the laughter.

After dinner, everyone gathered in a room for a meeting. Tenglin took out a map, and Mu Weihuo pointed to the map and said, “There will be two roads, one road and one mountain road after entering the mountain tomorrow. Tenglin and I will lead a team in Lanting. Going big, Yijun leads another group of mountain trails. We meet at the former site of the misty cloud fairy sect in the middle of the mountain. If nothing happens, we will continue to separate through the mountain and return to the north mountain pass. If there is an enemy on the way, You follow the instructions and react accordingly.”

After the meeting, everyone went back to their rooms and rested. Only Tenglin said that he was going out again to look for the deceased to find out about the situation. Mu Weihuan asked him to bring Tengzhen with him just in case. Tenglin said that he was familiar with it and there would be no problems, and he was still alone. Going out alone.

There was no moon that night, the outside was pitch black, everything was silent, and the falling snow was audible. A grey sculpture slipped up silently, flew low hundreds of meters and then rose into the air, disappearing into the night.

In the small town, several spiritual senses and eyes swept across the sky, no one moved, some thoughtful.

At this time, the wind and snow in the entire Wulan mountainous area were heavier, and thick fog gradually returned. There was occasional thunder shining deep in the middle. In different parts of the mountains, many people did not fall asleep and had their own thoughts.

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