The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Xueye on Tao

Hua Lanting and Lin Xian were shocked to live in a room. Tonight they both felt a little restless and not sleepy for no reason. So they got up in their clothes and went to the terrace outside the house to make a pot of wine and sit down to enjoy the snow. .

The night outside was deep and heavy snow was flying. Lin Xian said, “The weather here is a bit strange. I wanted to make a divination for the good or bad of this trip, but the hexagrams are messy and difficult to form. This is rarely the case.” After hearing this, Hua Lanting said, “Yes, it is difficult for me to settle down. There is indeed something weird here.”

Just when the two were silent looking at the sky, the door next to them rang and Yi Liunian and Zhuge Yun also came out. It’s not interesting not to call us.”

Lin Xian replied in shock: “The mountains are lonely, and you can drink alone on a snowy night. What an artistic thing, you can’t stop the scenery, but you are playing the piano against the cow.”

Yi Nian turned a black face: “Is the cow begging you to play the piano? The cow doesn’t say anything if you play it so badly, it’s sick to the person who plays the piano.”

“Hahaha!” Hua Lanting said with a smile: “Zhuge, do you think it is more painful for cattle or people to play the piano?”

Zhuge Yun accepted it blankly: “Qin is the most painful.”

“I am the most painful!” Mu Yizheng’s voice sounded behind him, and the four of them looked back, but it was Mu Yizheng and Yijun who led Feng Qingjun’s four daughters over.

Mu Weihuan scowled and then reprimanded: “You guys don’t sleep in the middle of the night, and your voice is still so loud. Don’t you know that Taoism pays attention to health preservation? I haven’t heard of a disciple named Zhao who stayed up late and suddenly died of drinking and drinking. Already? How did I teach you these useless things?”

Yi Liunian licked his face and said, “Mr. Mu, I don’t allow you to talk about yourself like that. What you teach is useful? Speaking of staying up late, I sincerely advise everyone here, in order not to die suddenly, don’t be surnamed Zhao!”

Mu Suan laughed after listening: “Smelly boy, stop talking nonsense, it’s useful to you. Go and order a few plates of beef and pour me a glass of wine. Tonight will be the supper dinner before the experience.”

Yi Nian slaps a snake on the stick: “Mr Mu, I think you should add the word “please”, so it looks polite.”

Mu Suohuan gave a false kick: “Polite to you, hurry up and bring me beef and old wine. Is this all right?”

“Uh, okay, then I’ll treat you, as long as you check out, it’s all right.” Yi Liuyan went down to order.

The crowd then took their seats. After the wine and food were ready, the men pushed their cups and changed their cups, and the woman whispered. He heard Hua Lanting suddenly ask Mu Weihuo: “You just talked about health preservation, but we are uneasy here. It is difficult. It’s hard to sleep and rest even if you enter concentration cultivation, how should you raise this life?”

Mu Suoyan thought for a while and wanted to answer: “Your question is a bit big, I will try to answer part of it first.”

“First, you can’t fall asleep. There are no more than three situations. One is immersed in troubles about the past, the other is delusion about the future, and the third is that external forces have affected your mood.”

“In either case, you are actually competing with yourself, in an uncomfortable state, and your spirit consciousness is not in harmony with your life body at the present moment, or you feel that You should fall asleep and expect to fall asleep, but on the other hand, your body is affected by the mixed thoughts in reality and cannot enter the state of sleep at this moment. To put it bluntly, it is you who are doing the trouble again.”

“No one in this world can hurt you, it’s me who really stabbed you.”

“Of course this is because you haven’t cultivated to the state of being at ease, nor am I. Freedom is the ultimate goal pursued by our practitioners. Maybe there are even more lofty goals above this. It’s not you and me at this stage Imagined.”

“But as far as health preservation is concerned, there is a simple state that ordinary people should have experienced. It is about to fall asleep but not asleep. It seems that you have entered a dream, but you can hear the person next to you.”

“This is a critical point. By keeping that critical point, you can communicate with the world, absorb energy from all things in the world, accumulate power, and then release it with certain methods and techniques. It works.”

“And this world is made up of different life forms, information exchange methods, and a variety of materials and energies, resulting in different cultivation methods and schools.”

Yi Liunian interjected and said: “Sometimes when I meditate or stand, I get into a state of sitting but not sitting, standing but not standing, awake but not awake, empty but not empty, and like urine but not urine. But soon It will come out again.”

Mu Susuo smiled and said: “The words are rough and not rough. The reason is this. The longer you maintain the state, the deeper your skill and the stronger your control over your mind and body.”

Hua Lanting asked: “Taoism believes in immortality, emphasizes the physical body, and seeks freedom; Buddhism believes in reincarnation, emphasizes thoughts, and liberation. So which one is more important, mind or body?”

Mu Huan replied: “It’s still the same sentence. Different paths lead to the same goal, and all methods are one, just like a blind man touching an elephant. Whether Taoism, Buddhism or demons, demons, ghosts, spirituality, etc., everyone just has different forms and standpoints. It is different, the entry point chosen and the path of practice are different. There may be differences between superior and inferior, prioritized, good and evil, good and evil, forming a relationship of competition and cooperation, but in essence, they are all about pursuing some form of immortality.”

Yi Liu Nian asked in confusion: “Isn’t it saying that righteous and evil are not at the same time? Didn’t we come here also want to eliminate the people of the devil’s way?”

Mu Weihu nodded and shook his head: “I can’t give you the correct answer. What I know is that this world is diverse, our plane is just a drop in the ocean, and the forms of life in the universe are immeasurable. Human beings with colored bodies belong to a very small number.”

“From the perspective of the origin of the universe, the great history, the great era, and the great pattern, everything is a continuous and continuous cycle in the air; Sad, pitiful, and small, and will always be manipulated and coerced by unknown laws and high-level life forms through concepts, emotions, desires, and so-called accidents. But from the perspective of the practitioner, we are lucky. , Because the only way to control one’s own destiny is to practice, not all beings have such opportunities.”

“Taoists say that they are not worthy of virtue. They believe that from different time and space and levels, right and wrong, good and evil, good and evil are all relative, and good and bad are all relative values on a certain level.”

“The so-called good has no near name, and evil has no near punishment. The source governor thinks that it is sutra. That is to say, follow the middle way and use the basic value judgment as the criterion. Everything is not excessive or out of line.”

“Therefore, wine, wealth, qi, and strength can be healthy; greed, anger, ignorance, and slowness, and noness is bodhi.”

“But there is a section where if you do a good thing too harshly, and if you do a bad thing too absolutely, it will be dangerous and punished.”

“In the view of our school, the right way is to enlighten people’s kindness and rationality, allowing people to practice voluntarily, freely, and without conditions, while the evil way is a method of coercive coercion by stimulating greed, desire and temptation. Be fascinating.”

“The concepts of the two are different, they are opposites, and the ways are different. The prevalence of evil ways will inevitably compress the living space of the right way, so fighting is inevitable.”

“If you think that heaven is ruthless and the survival of the fittest is normal, it doesn’t matter whether right or wrong is good or bad. Coexistence and struggle of various factions is normal. In this case, with limited resources, any path you choose to preach the Dao will be compared with others. In particular, conflicts are formed on the opposite sides.”

“If you don’t think this is the norm, no matter if you want to be the only one, or you just want to be the same, but in the reality of biodiversity, there will always be others who don’t think so, so there is still no way to avoid fighting.”

“As for whether the spirit or the body is more important, it’s just a different focus.”

“The sky represents all intangible things, and the earth represents all tangible things. Under the conditions of mutual integration, collision, communication, time and space karma, and the state of harmony between heaven and earth, through temporary docking, temporarily entrusting this physical image to you, this It’s not something you can have forever.”

“And the emotional memory represented by the spirit and the relationship between us and all the sentient and ruthless beings in the world, as an information carrier, can be retained continuously in different ways. From this perspective, the physical body is just a stinky skin. It values the spirit of cultivation.”

“But from the perspective of Taoism, you can’t control the body you have in this life, and can’t control the physical, material, and rigid things, so how can you control the soft, spiritual, and non-material things?”

” Therefore, Taoists think that their body is a small microcosmic ecology, so they emphasize the dual cultivation of life and life and the enlightenment of the flesh. The flesh is the medium, process and means for us to enter the Tao.”

” Therefore, Taoism does not emphasize spiritual cultivation. In addition to cultivating the physical body through exercises, our practice also includes increasing wisdom and vision through continuous experience.”

“When you can see the various possibilities from different angles, different time and space, and establish multiple perspective angles of front, back, left and right, up and down, inside and outside, short, long, and near, you can no longer be entangled, and you can be more comfortable and capable. Knowing that this world shouldn’t is all deserved, in order to treat the impermanence and helplessness of the world with an impermanent and natural attitude, the gentleman is a gentleman, the villain is a villain, if he is smart, he is smart, and he is stupid. stupid.”

“There are rules in the game, but there are always loopholes in the game. The experience is transparent and natural, and everything can be done, nothing can be done, and nothing can be done. This is the so-called misfortune. , All deeds are impermanent, all dharmas have no self.”

Yi Liu said: “Isn’t this just pretending to be stupid when you should pretend to be stupid, and pretending to be stupid when you should be pretending to be stupid?”

Mu Yanyan looked at him and replied: “Come on, as long as you keep working hard to pretend, there is nothing you can’t mess up.”

Yi Foonian stuck out his tongue and said, “I’m not an interactive and active atmosphere, let’s say I’m wrong?”

While talking, he looked around and asked Zhuge Yun: “Zhuge, how do you keep calm and quiet at any time?”

Zhuge Yun said coldly: “Because I never argue with brain-dead people, I usually stop the conversation, and then say to him: Well, you are right.”

“But you are completely evading like this? It doesn’t make sense, you can’t handle it this way.” Yi Liunian argued.

“Well, you are right.” Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing and Zhuge Yun said in unison.

After everyone laughed and digested Mu Suhu’s words for a while, Feng Qingjun asked, “I understand a little bit about practice and experience. These will deplete our internal and external energy, including the spirit and the body. Then Lan Ting asked. How to maintain health and how to do it? Can it supplement and gain loss?”

Mu Siao laughed and said: “I am not a fan of meat and vegetables. Regarding health preservation, you, Sister Yun, have more say.”

Yiyun glanced at him and said: “I think you are afraid of delaying drinking, or maybe, I will tell the children my experience.”

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