The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Red Tailed Fox

“The yang, the yang. The yang in our body is responsible for driving, regenerating and growing. The living, if you borrow the word “niu” you just used to play the piano, life is the composition of the ox and the one. The moral scripture says: the **** of the valley does not die , Is called Xuanmin. The gate of Xuanmin is the root of heaven and earth.

“This is a metaphor. Lao Tzu compares the invisible and intangible avenue that produces the universe to the birth canal of a cow. One is the change from nothing, from chaos to disorder, and the constant birth of two, two, three, and three. Process. So birth is change.”

“And the life embodied in your body is your unique and personalized version.”

“Zhuangzi wrote an article on the master of health preservation. The master is your own soul consciousness. The master of health preservation is to inspire and make your own unique spiritual body follow and adapt to the changing laws of heaven and earth.”

“Zhuangzi said that a good health regimen can keep one’s health, one’s whole life, one can raise one’s relatives, and can endure for years. It means that one can protect one’s body from harm, one’s own nature can be preserved, one can maintain good communication with others, and one can do his best. year.”

“Still talking about the cow. This time, Pao Ding solved the cow. Pa Ding unlocked the cow ingeniously, quickly, and painlessly. He solved the problem at the least cost, and the knife was not damaged. Pain. How did you do it?”

“Let’s talk about the micro-level first. Just now, Lao Mu said that our body is a microscopic ecological system. You must first understand your body clearly, such as skin, organs, muscles, bones, tendons, acupuncture points, meridians, nerves, etc. Only in order to hide the essence and receive the Qi, it can be like an arm and a finger.”

“Let’s talk about the middle view, and then clarify the structure of the body, and know the route and effect of force, energy, and qi. Pao Ding can follow the cow’s joints and subfascia to avoid nerves and bones. Find the gap and get into the gap with no thickness, so that you can untie the cow with no effort and no knife.”

“At the macro level, the body is like the universe. As a changing system, the body has its own development trend, evolutionary cycle, and operating rhythm in the process of birth, old age, sickness, and death. By grasping, adapting, and adjusting to control, it can naturally achieve speed and ease. It’s a matter of peace of mind and effort. It’s in line with the Tao. There are too many specific health regimens. Let’s discuss it later when we have time.”

Mu Xiuyan went on to say: “Taoism teaches longevity and long-term vision. As long as you are alive, there are unlimited possibilities. The so-called living for a long time, do you understand the passing years?”

Yi Liu opened his mouth and opened his mouth: “Um, this, anyway, I finally understand why I have to call it awesome to describe a person, one thing is very powerful, I am very awkward.”

Mu Weihuan almost vomited a sip of wine that he had just drunk, and said with a smile, “I will take you if I am not satisfied with the water and soil! Well, as of today, I still believe in sleeping in Taoism and Buddhism. Get out of here and enter the mountain tomorrow morning.”

The next morning, everyone got up and washed and set off on the road. The soldiers were divided into two groups. The team of Mu Yizheng marched along the road, said to be the road, which was the width of a carriage after many years of waste.

The six people spurred their horses and spurred them into the mountain for a short half an hour. Mu Weihuan stopped the horse’s head and said: “We are going to separate here. Tenglin and I will continue to take the main road. Lan Ting and Qing Jun, Xian Jing and Fei Fei Go deep into the left and right sides to look for medicinal materials, spirit beasts and ores. Don’t easily conflict when you encounter outsiders. If you can’t cope with the situation, immediately send fireworks warnings. Remember not to go out of the five-mile range, so that I can sense your location. , And we can rush over in time if there is a situation.”

The four of them responded, turning their horses’ heads diagonally and rushing out.

Let’s say that Hualan Ting and Feng Qingjun moved the horse to the left. At this time, the snow stopped, the sky was blue and cloudless, the sun was dazzling, and the ground was white. The snow was more than a foot thick, and the single-horned horse couldn’t run fast. There was no road in the mountain. The two simply walked and stopped by believing that the horse was rein, and collected some common herbs along the way.

The beauty of Hualan Ting is on the side and the beautiful scenery is in front. Although the sky is cold and the air is in a group, my heart is hot. I chat and laugh with the wind and enjoy the picture of only two people walking alone in the snow in the vast world. During the period, he also discussed and practiced with Feng Qingjun a new spiritual treasure hidden weapon called “Chunlei Jingzhe Jin Lingshi”, and accidentally discovered that He Feng Qingjun’s “Rain Passing Sky Soft Smoke Luo” was retracted in and out. Used in conjunction can exert a very strong power.

It was almost noon, but there were scattered snowflakes in the sky. The two came to the foot of a mountain peak of 20 to 30 feet high, looking at the large white and smooth slopes that rose slowly in front of them, Hua Lan Ting said to Feng Qingjun: “It’s only five miles away from the road. There is no wind now. Why don’t we go up and eat lunch before going forward.” Feng Qingjun had no opinion, and the two urged the single wildebeest. Run up the mountain.

When you reach the top of the mountain, you can look far away. There are large and small snow hills in front. The heavy snow makes the peaks and ridges more concave and convex, with soft lines. There is a small lake at the foot of the mountain. Snow covers the ice, and only some blue stones and vegetation are exposed along the bank. s color. Immediately after reaching the peak, Hualanting made a long roar, echoes back and forth, and the snow fell on the pine trees nearby.

The wind is clear and juan said strangely: “What is it called, Shixing has made a big splash? Let’s compose an impromptu poem.”

Hua Lanting shook his head and said: “I don’t have the ability, I just feel that the ten-mile spring breeze is not as good as the snow falling between your eyebrows, and the curve of a thousand hills is not as white as your heart lake. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is only worthy of your background.”

Feng Qingjun listened to the wind and turned his head, his face was reddish, and he smiled without saying a word.

Hualanting was about to dismount to take out the dry food to eat, Feng Qingjun suddenly said: “Look, there are people over there!”

Hua Lanting waited and watched, and as expected, two figures on horseback turned out under a hill not far away. They came one after another in their direction and observed for a while. Gradually, there were shouts and shouts. It seems that the people behind are chasing the people in front.

Hua Lan Ting said upon seeing this: “Come over to our side, go, go down and take a look.”

Feng Qingjun replied: “Okay, I guess it was caused by your howling, but don’t do anything until the situation is unknown.”

They rode their horses down the mountain. Before they reached the foot of the mountain, they saw the one behind approached and stood up on the horse, slashing towards the front and riding in midair. The young man in front of him was in Dao costume, and he saddled down. Blocked with a long sword in their hands, the two fought for a few rounds. The young man in the Taoist costume seemed to be invincible.

At this time, the two of Huafeng had clearly seen that there was a young man in his twenties. He was dressed in a strong costume, and his face was gloomy. There was black smoke in the light of the sword. There was a faint sound of ghost crying and wolf howling. .

At this time the two sides approached, the young man in Dao costume glanced at the two but did not call for help. Instead, he turned sideways. The young man took the opportunity to slash at the back of the young man in Dao costume. After coming out, the sword body exploded and burst into a cloud of blue light, blocking the young man’s long sword. He also rushed to the ground before being impacted, and turned over and couldn’t stand up for a while.

The young man with strong outfit noticed that the head of the long knife was cracking and saw a stranger approaching. He didn’t say anything. His left hand quickly pinched a thick black qi to hit the chest and abdomen of the fallen boy.

Seeing that the young man with Taoist costume was about to be seriously injured by this blow, Hua Lanting and Feng Qingjun couldn’t think about it carefully at this time, and each flew up and stepped forward, with a thunder in the palm of the hand and a burst of Wuji Kung’s spiritual energy hitting the black smoke. , Intercepted the black smoke in front of the Dao Zhuang boy in time, it was able to dissipate the opponent’s energy, and the Dao Zhuang boy was rescued dangerously.

The young man with strong outfit made no effort and swept away his spiritual consciousness. He noticed that although the fluctuation of the spiritual energy of the two is not weak, but it is only the foundation stage cultivation base, so he did not pay too much attention to it, and drank with a sullen face: “What are you? People? Don’t ask questions, just take care of things, get tired and crooked, isn’t it?”

Hua Lanting saw the other party’s rude words, and knew from the previous collision of spiritual power that the other party’s cultivation base was higher than his own and Feng Qingjun. At this time, the matter was unclear, but he did not want to use the name of Freedom Vientiane Gate to overwhelm others, so he said in a deep voice. : “We are a bit reckless in our eagerness to save people, but everyone is a cultivator. If you have any problems, you can’t discuss and solve them. We have to be cruel to hurt people. I don’t know how this brother has offended you.”

The young man snorted and said, “I found a red-tailed spirit fox. I was seriously injured and dying, but I told this kid to pick up the bargain and take it away. How can I give up. This has nothing to do with you, I persuade you. You don’t want the dog to get the rat to get to the upper body.”

At this time, Feng Qingjun has helped the young man in Taoist costume. The injury of the young man is not serious. When he got up, he bowed to the two Huafeng and said: “In the southwest of Xia Xianzhou, there is no peaceful formation of Dao Zong Ping Rong Ce, thank you in advance. Thanks to two helping hands for life-saving grace.”

After speaking, he turned to the young man with a strong outfit: “You are talking nonsense, turning black and white, and raking it in. It is clearly the red-tailed fox that my uncle and I discovered first. We tried our best to follow to the lair, and set up a formation at the entrance of the cave for three days to lure. It came out of the hole, and the spirit fox was injured and ran away. We tracked it all the way. It was because you met on the way to pick up the ready-made cheap, and severely injured the spirit fox with a black hand. Otherwise, the normal three-tailed spirit fox can’t be chased by you.”

Speaking of this, I looked at Hua Lanting: “My uncle and I rushed to the house and happened to collect the spirit fox who was desperately fleeing to death. Instead, they forced us to surrender the spirit fox, and even violently robbed us. My uncle was taken away. He was entangled by his accomplices. I was chased and killed by him. I tried all the means and couldn’t get rid of it. When I heard someone screaming nearby, I instinctively fled to this place in a panic. I really didn’t intend to involve you in a dispute. ”

The young man with strong outfit laughed strangely: “You also touched your upper and lower lips, how do I know if you found it first? Who can prove it? If you have the ability, let the spirit fox speak as a proof. First come, first served, I will kill you. The one is mine.”

Road pretending to be a boyish red face: “You are arrogant, there is the blood of the spirit fox along the way to testify.”

Hua Lanting asked Xiang Jinzhuang youth: “Then when you saw Linghu, did it hurt?”

The young man with strong costume became impatient, and yelled in a bad voice: “Stop talking nonsense, it’s nothing to you. The surname is flat, I just grab you and me? Just give me the spirit fox and return it to me, or you will bring these two boys with you. Don’t leave the girl. My Earth Spirit Gang is doing this business. Isn’t it the job of killing people and stealing treasures? It’s been your uncle Xiangxi that made you crooked for a long time. I feel good today.”

When Hua Lanting heard him admit to robbing, he couldn’t help being filled with righteous indignation. He was about to go forward and continue the theory. Ping Rongce grabbed him and said in a low voice: “Forget it, this person is at least the initial cultivation base of the medicine. The three of us joined forces. It may not be possible to beat him. Linghu will give it to him, and you can catch it again. This matter really has nothing to do with you. It is kindly accepted. You have already helped me. I don’t want to involve the two anymore.”

Hua Lan Ting saw that the victim was like this, so he couldn’t say anything more, but he didn’t say anything again, and his heart was afraid that this person might not be willing to give up, so he secretly guarded himself.

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