The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2436 Historical footsteps

In the history of North American movies, the fastest breakthrough of 100 million, 200 million… all the way to 400 million! Five hundred million! The “Jurassic World” continuously refreshed its historical record with a destructive attitude, successfully crossing the 500 million threshold in just fifteen days, and rushing towards a height of 600 million.

In just twenty-four days, “Jurassic World” became the fifth film in North American film history to break 600 million at the box office. The previous four were “Avatar”, “Titanic”, “Avengers”, and “Gravity” now welcomes the fifth member, constituting the top of the pyramid.

As a digression, the most noteworthy thing is that “Avatar”, “Titanic” and “Gravity” are all original works. They are not sequels or copyrights. They are contrary to the overall trend of Hollywood industry; even the “Avengers” “Alliance” and “Jurassic World”, the previous series have been completely laid out for a long time, but as far as the movie itself is concerned, it is also a new work from the start, rather than the sequel of “XX2” and “XX3”.

This also shows that sequel movies can be streamlined to continue the film company’s way of making money; but the market is still willing to buy original ideas. On the contrary, sequel movies can’t reach such a high level. Give different answers.

Furthermore, DreamWorks, Lionsgate Films, A24 Films, Sisyphus Films, etc., small companies that started from independent films and then opened up a world, they still have a huge living space, even Disney and Warner Together, the brothers could not completely empty the market.

Of course, the “Jurassic World” in the eyes of major Hollywood film companies is another scene. Obviously it is not an original, but a sequel series, and even more streamlined works. This also strengthens their focus on copyright, streamlining, and commercialization of movies. The only exception is:

Lan Li-Hall.

After “Gravity”, Lan Li owns his second North American 600 million work, which makes him comparable to James Cameron——

The two film history box office champions gave James the opportunity to mobilize one billion dollars to shoot the five-part “Avatar”. Such a treatment even Steven Spielberg did not have, even in Hollywood, James’ status and Power is always at the forefront, even aloof.

Now, Renley is shoulder to shoulder with James.

In February, two Oscars; in May, two in Cannes; in June, two in North America, 600 million. The first half of 2015 belonged to that unique blue gift.

Objectively speaking, “Len Li creates history” is no longer news. This is an actor who is destined to rewrite the history of North American cinema. Whether it is age or historical data, everything is constantly writing records; but despite In this way, the first half of the year is still a myth.

It’s even crazier than achieving EGOT at a young age!

When the premiere weekend of “Jurassic World” broke out at a peak of 230 million, many people sighed. The 400 million feat in North America for four consecutive years is enough to make Lan Li’s name go down in history and go down in history— —Although his name has been recorded early in the history of North American cinema.

But after just four weeks, people began to explore the possibility of “800 million in North America”?

This is really crazy!

Since “Star Wars” created a record high in 1977 and won the box office of 400 million in North America, the North American market has gone through ups and downs in just forty years and reached 600 million in North America on the “Titanic”. This journey is a complete journey. It took two decades; to reach the “Avatar” North America 700 million, this section of the journey took another 12 years; now only six years, will North America enter the next stage to challenge the height of 800 million?

National attention!

greatly awaited!


However, calm down and think carefully:

Everyone once thought that “100 million in a single day” was an impossible task, but “Jurassic World” easily achieved it; now, many people think that the era of “800 million in North America” ​​has not yet arrived, but the audience Given a different answer, then, “who” is the right party?

“Many audiences have misunderstandings about performance. In my opinion, performance is not only an interpretation, but also an understanding and integration. Even in a popcorn movie, not every actor can adapt to every role. Yes, this is why the casting director must exist.”

In an interview with “U.S. Weekly”, Steven Spielberg expressed this position when answering the question about “whether Renly made the Jurassic World?”

“The excellence and excellence of Lan Li lies in his ability to give the character soul, including his own understanding, including the extension of the plot, which are inseparable. Twenty-two years ago, when I was creating’Jurassic Park’ , I tried to evolve the imagination in my dreams into reality. Dinosaurs are the soul of the whole movie; and 22 years later, when we were recreating this story, Lanly became the core of the connection between dinosaurs and reality. We tried to tell a story about dinosaurs that affected real life and even changed the world. Lanly made the story possible.”

“This is an important change in the movie. So, when you asked if Lanly made this movie, my answer was yes. I also believe that the movie box office gave the best answer, not just’Ju Luo Ji World’, countless movies before this, have already given the answer.”

When talking about this, Steven laughed happily, “I look forward to the’Jurassic World’ being able to use the influence of Lan Li to make more people like dinosaurs and let more people dream with me. . Welcome everyone to join the ranks of film creation, anyone can make a movie.”

When the “U.S. Weekly” interview was conducted, the North American box office of “Jurassic World” had just exceeded 500 million, which was far from reaching the follow-up height, but Steven was still asked about box office expectations.

“This is not a topic that I can decide, but I look forward to the movie making history. When James did it back then, maybe Renly could do it too. I look forward to him being able to accomplish what I couldn’t. George and I I’m all looking forward to Renly’s ability to deflate James.”

The amount of information is a bit large, and only a director of Steven’s level can mention a lot of bigwigs lightly.

After the “Jurassic World” North American box office exceeded 650 million yuan, “U.S. Weekly” organized another interview, this time with James Cameron.

“Yes! Yes, the answer is 100% yes to me, without any doubt.”

Can the North American box office of “Jurassic World” exceed 800 million? This is James’ answer.

“To be honest, I have been expecting someone to break this record, because the record was originally born to wait for future generations to break it, which is meaningful; in the past few years, the record has not been surpassed, and I am making’ “Avatar’s sequel has encountered some technical problems, and then countless discussions have never stopped.”

“I look forward to the box office record being broken, because this will also prove that our film market is still alive, and audiences are still willing to go into the cinema to watch those attractive works on the big screen. This is great for me and my colleagues. The work carried out is of great significance.”

“If the’Jurassic World’ set this record, I would be very happy. I also believe that Steven should be very happy to see such a result.”

Then James was asked about Renly’s question-after all, he had never worked with Renly, and of course, Renly had never worked with Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, or George Luca. S, Francis Ford Coppola and others have worked together, the times are different after all.

“In fact, I watched’Gravity’ in the movie theater. I personally like Lan Li’s performance very much. It can be seen that he can interpret and interpret his own things according to the director’s requirements and give the character more charm. This It is undoubtedly a very rare and exceptionally unique thing.”

“I don’t think that our crew has enough budget to invite Lan Li to come and shoot, and his shooting schedule will also encounter many uncertain problems, but if there is a chance in the future, I can imagine an “Abyss” like that. His work should be able to bring out the unique temperament of Lan Li. I heard that Ridley Scott is preparing to film the follow-up story of’Blade Runner’, and I would strongly recommend him to talk to Lan Li.”

There is no courtesy or compliment, but the real sincerity is revealed between the lines, and the positive attitude of the director can also be seen from the side.

At the end of the interview, James once again said affirmatively, “800 million, yes, I am sure that the “Jurassic World” of North America 800 million should be no problem. In fact, I think you should consider 900 million. Why not? Maybe? One day in the future, one billion dollars in a single market is also possible. We should expect the movie.”

From Steven Spielberg to James Cameron, these film masters have expressed their opinions and expressed their opinions in the interview process; but they are not concerned about a record only www. . com is more of the deep content represented by this record, just like the major Hollywood studios.

However, it is undeniable that all the sights of the United States are focused. According to the prediction of the exhibition relationship, there is no suspense for the “Jurassic World” North America to exceed 800 million. This also means that all audiences in the entire North America region will participate in this journey. In, and then witness the birth of history with your own eyes.

Everyone—everyone in the literal sense, can’t wait to go to the cinema to watch this work, lest they fall behind the trend.

Then, the footsteps of history approached little by little.

In the second week of July, “Little Yellow Man with Big Eyes” officially debuted, also produced by Universal Pictures, derived from the legend of the classic popular character of “Despicable Me”, and opened a separate biography-just like the “Fast and Passion” series I’m studying personal biography. In general, this animation work with an investment of only 74 million yuan has exploded with amazing market power relying on cuteness and comedy.

The premiere weekend is 115 million dollars.

“Little Yellow Man with Big Eyes” made a strong climb to the weekend box office champion, ending the “Jurassic World” winning streak, while Universal Pictures continued its strong performance, but the focus still did not leave the “Jurassic World”.

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