The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2480

Chapter 2437 800 million is coming

In the second week of July, Universal Pictures’ “Little Yellow Man with Big Eyes” reached the top of the North American weekend box office rankings, and officially took over the championship scepter from “Jurassic World”.

In the third week of July, the new Marvel superhero “Ant-Man” appeared on the stage, but the weight scale shrank several times like Ant-Man, narrowly beating his opponent to the top of the championship.

In the fourth week of July, the highly anticipated “Pixel Wars” and “Paper Town” both encountered Waterloo. “Ant-Man” won the weekend box office title with less than $80,000.

Then, “Mission Impossible 5” and “Fantastic Four 2015” came.

The box office battle in the summer file is still full of sparks and passion. You sing and I will appear on the stage. The lively scene of gongs and drums always keeps attention, regardless of whether you like it or not, regardless of magnitude, regardless of success or failure, exposure rate And the degree of discussion is always able to seize the first line of vision.

After a strong four consecutive championships, “Jurassic World” also had to face repeated bombardments from strong opponents. However, after withstanding the fierce impact of the second and third weeks in a row, the film basically gained a foothold. , The audience frenzy has maintained a stable development curve and determined its historical position early.

North America 700 million and film history records, these are basically no suspense, now people are concerned about: when will the milestone officially come?

After retiring from the championship, “Jurassic World” still maintains a strong competitiveness. Even if new films continue to seize the market, the film’s box office decline is still very well controlled, and it has gradually narrowed down to Within 40%, or even within 30%, this also makes the cumulative box office rise always stable, the dawn of record creation is gradually approaching, and the suspense is getting smaller.

On July 22, the cumulative box office of “Jurassic World” officially crossed the 700 million threshold, becoming the third US$700 million film in North American film history after “Avatar” and “Titanic”.

Although this is the expected result, it can be seen from the box office development curve, but such a rapid and rapid, it still attracted an exclamation, and Universal Pictures was even more proud-neither Disney nor Warner Bros. They completed the feat ahead of Marvel and DC. Universal Pictures, once criticized for being small, lacking courage, and lacking competitiveness, has truly risen strongly.

On August 8th and Saturday, the entire North America was exclaiming that the “Fantastic Four 2015” was rotten into the stinking ditch. The sound of verbal criticism made this work one of the worst and worst superhero movies in film history. The media With a comprehensive evaluation of 27 points and a Rotten Tomatoes Freshness Index of 9%, it can be called “heinously bad”. The producer of 20th Century Fox was scolded by comic fans and called the biggest tragedy of the year.

As a result, the US$25 million premiere weekend box office compared to the investment cost of US$120 million. It is now possible to foresee a bloodshed and disastrous ending, which should be the worst since the superhero movie’s strong return in 2008. A failure can even be said to be the worst in history.

At the same time, “Jurassic World” also wrote history on the same weekend, but it is a completely different history. With a figure of 762 million US dollars, this work officially surpassed “Avatar” and reached the top of North American film history. The box office champion, the much-anticipated change of dynasty has finally arrived.

Champion of North American Film History!

From “Titanic” to “Avatar” to “Jurassic World”, the title that had belonged to James Cameron since 1997 finally gave way and was transferred to the top of Colin Trevoro— -But the media is more willing to call it, Lanly Hall officially crowned the first person in film history.

coming! finally come!

Since the “Pacific War” officially debuted, Lanly has left too many traces on the history of the film industry. From any aspect, it is a well-deserved top star, with a strong appeal and far-reaching influence. No one can reach the corners of real life.

Among them, in 2013 and 2014, they won the North American and global box office champions for two consecutive years. In 2014, they won the first and second places in the North American box office. The unparalleled dominance is enough to make any film company afraid. No one can ignore the blue Li, this also spawned more discussions:

Can “Renley Universe” fight against “Marvel Universe” and “DC Universe”? Can Renly break the fixed pattern of commercial films? Can Renly change the North American market constrained by two tights? Will Renly be able to reach the top of North American film history by his own ability? Can Renly bring the golden age to the Hollywood film industry? Can Renly use his own power to shake the wheel of the entire era? How much can Renly change?

More and more superhero movies are dominating the big screen, and the North American movie box office rankings are also being washed out. Although the championship and runner-up positions are still firmly held by original movies, the top ten and top twenty seats are in Earthshaking, the living space of other types of movies is being sharply compressed. So, what can Renly do? Can the strength of Lan Li alone change the pattern of the market and the times?

Then they waited for the “Jurassic World”.

It is true that this is a “sequel movie”; this is a “copyright movie”; this is a “Hollywood assembly line movie”… Such attributions cannot be ignored, but the core reason for the real miracle of the movie is still blue. Li-Without blue gifts, maybe this movie can still create good results, but it is far from reaching the current height:

Movie history champion!

From 1997 to 2015, eighteen years later, the North American champion transposed “again” from James Cameron to the top of Lanly Hall. The crown was inherited and transferred!

This is the second time this year!

At the Oscars awards ceremony at the beginning of the year, “Burst Drummer” went up to the top of the best film, which really proved that the independent film of the sword can still win attention. Although wearing the tights of the statuette, it still uses itself **** and brutal. His posture changed the shape of the tights.

At this time in the summer, “Jurassic World” topped the box office champion of North American film history. It also found different possibilities within the range of superhero tights, proving once again that movies of different types and styles still have a large market. “It shouldn’t be the whole film industry.

The two changes and the two transfers are all closely related to the blue ceremony. This is the real historical moment!

For every filmmaker and every film company, this is an important revelation. Of course, it’s not that Disney and Warner Bros. In addition, they should open up more possibilities and maintain market vitality.

This also means that directors such as David Fincher, David Lynch, and the Coen brothers will regain more opportunities.

This is the “revelation” moment that truly changes the entire market!

Twentieth Century Fox and the “Avatar” crew immediately released congratulatory posters to celebrate the “Jurassic World” being crowned the champion of film history!

James Cameron also generously sent his blessings, did not hesitate to praise his words, and once again expressed his congratulations to the “Jurassic World”.

Beyond the “Avengers”, beyond the “Titanic”, beyond “Avatar”, the box office journey of “Jurassic World” step by step, exceptionally solid, but now is still not the time to stop, 700 million After 62 million, there is a higher goal next!

From July to August, the entire summer file has calmed down. Even “Mission Impossible 5” failed to explode enough energy in the praise of word of mouth. Instead, the music film “Out of Compton” became To counterattack the dark horse, it perfectly replicates the miraculous journey of “Perfect Pitch 2”.

It is foreseeable that music movies and song and dance movies may be revived next.

The overall summer file is slightly deserted and calm. All the energy is concentrated on the “Jurassic World”. I swayed through September and continued through October. This June movie was released at the box office. In the case of the outbreak, it still persisted until the fourth week of November to go offline.

The entire screening cycle is as long as twenty-five weeks!

It’s really scary! It can also be seen that “Jurassic World” not only has explosive power, but also has endurance capabilities. The strong stamina escorts the film and continues to maintain competitiveness on the road of making history. Then, the historical record is so natural and natural. The earth was born!

Eight hundred and thirteen million dollars!

“Jurassic World” officially went down after Thanksgiving, and the cumulative box office in North America eventually reached an incredible 813 million! Undoubtedly, it became the first film in the history of the film to break through 800 million US dollars in a single country market, dominating the summer with absolute superiority and absolute strength, and firmly took over the title of North American film history box office champion from “Avatar”, and Raised the record by 50 million in one go.

Although the historical record-level decline was handed over in the week after the movie was released professionals have already boldly and bravely predicted the follow-up development curve, “800 million US dollars” is not a groundbreaking result, more It is the logical ending after the shock; but when history is truly created, the kind of exclamation and surprise is still difficult to describe-prediction is one thing, and actual occurrence is another, which is completely different.

The rise and sweep of the “Jurassic World” dropped a blockbuster across North America, and the ferocious aftermath will be difficult to dissipate in the short term.

The “New York Times” reported in the most concise, direct and at the same time the most shocking headline:

“Eight hundred million is here!”

This is the power of “Jurassic World” in the entire North American market, and it is also the power of Renly in the global film market, which has truly reached the height of unmatched. No words, no repetition, or even description, just a set of numbers can achieve a thrilling and thrilling effect——

Eight hundred million dollars!

How shocking it was when “Avatar” created a new record in movie history, and how sensational is the feeling of “Jurassic World” breaking the record now!

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