The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 First invitation

Facing Lan Li’s gratitude, Stanley showed a big smile, “Then the next step, the album?”

Lan Li tilted his head with an expression of helplessness. Stanley knew that he was pressing too hard, so he raised his hands in a surrender gesture, and groaned, “Now young people really don’t know how to be grateful. Some people want to help you release an album and start a business for free, but they even dislike others for nosy.”

Looking at Lan Li’s gentle and humble smile, but he refused to give up and refuse to make any progress, Stanley shook his head and laughed dumbly. He wanted to give up, but he still asked without giving up, “Then what if’ Cliopat Pull’ into the top ten on the bulletin board?”

Lan Li couldn’t help but laughed, “Then I should be able to change to a better house.” If you are among the top ten on the bulletin board, you should earn a lot of royalties, even though it’s just a single.

Such a response made Stanley angry and funny.

“By the way, today is Wednesday…” Lan Li had just spoken, and Neil’s voice came from behind him, “Lan Li, your phone!” Lan Li ignored him and opened his mouth, but Neil didn’t want to. Give up, take the mobile phone that Lan Li put on the bar directly, “It keeps ringing.”

Lan Li took the phone, but didn’t answer it immediately, and looked at Stanley again. Stanley nodded and expressed his understanding, “I know, you can go with ease, and Neil and they will change the schedule at night.”

Lan Li made a gesture of “OK”, looked at the clock on the wall, and noticed that it was half past two, so he turned around and patted Neil’s arm, walked quickly towards the gate, took his coat. Get on the skateboard, say hello to Janice, and then quickly leave the pioneer village.

After stepping on the skateboard, he then remembered the call that hadn’t been picked up just now. After picking it up, he found that the other party had hung up. He didn’t care too much, so he just put the phone in his pocket, unexpectedly, tightly. Then the phone rang again, and this time he directly connected it with the headset, slid across the crosswalk with his eyes on the street lights, and then quickly slid towards the subway station not far away.

“Hello, this is Lan Li.” After the call was connected, Lan Li said simply.

“This is Roy Lockley.” The voice on the other end of the call also appeared crisp and clear, but Lan Li couldn’t help but pause. The name and the image in his mind were a little bit different. The other party seemed to realize this, and then It was added that “the official agent of the Screen Actors Guild of America.”

Lanly suddenly realized that it was the agent who had signed the “Pacific War” contract for him, “Hey, Roy, good afternoon.” The subway in sight just stopped, and Lanly speeded up and sprinted all the way. On the subway, “The missed call just now belonged to you?”

“Yes.” Generally speaking, new actors are flattered when they receive calls from their agents or the Screen Actors Guild of America, because this often means that the job is coming to the door, but Lan Li appears calm and calm, as if this is just a An ordinary phone. Roy is still a little uncomfortable, but at least he is not as surprised as the first time. “The performance of the’Pacific War’ is good. Congratulations.”

Roy’s tone was a bit blunt and polite. On the other end of the phone, I heard Lan Li’s low laugh, “Thank you.” It was generous and concise, “So, what are you looking for me?” He went straight to the subject. .

Any newcomer who has just experienced the attention of the “Pacific War” will inevitably have subtle changes in his mentality, but Lan Li’s calm posture shows a pampered atmosphere and composure. Instead, Roy punched the cotton. , Couldn’t help being a little gaffe, which made Roy twitched his mouth and smiled with self-deprecating smile-after years of self-cultivation, he was more than a twenty-year-old kid.

“I received an audition invitation about you. They couldn’t find the contact information of your agent, so they contacted me.” Roy did not continue to talk nonsense, and resumed his usual vigorous vigor, “You take your agent. The phone number told me, I’ll contact him.” He picked up the notebook and ballpoint pen and prepared to record.

“I don’t have an agent.” Lan Li’s voice was looming amid the roar of the subway.

“What?” Roy felt he hadn’t heard clearly.

“I don’t have an agent.” Lan Li repeated it again, without any hesitation or loss, upright.

Roy heard clearly this time, and the movement in his hand stopped. The “Pacific War” is now so heated, it is estimated that many people are asking about Lanly’s situation. Although Hollywood will never lack newcomers, but those who can show such potential are absolutely sought-after, those agents who are like jackals and tigers. How could it be easily missed—they are not Bole who knows the eye and knows the bead, but the opportunist who insists on killing by mistake and not letting go.

Therefore, the only explanation is that Lan Li has not been dizzy, and is still calmly weighing it.

Roy couldn’t help feeling that this young guy is really an interesting character. His thoughts went round in his mind, “Well then…” Roy looked at his schedule, “When are you free tonight? ?”

“I will be in the Pioneer Village after six o’clock, and I will take it there until the early morning.” Lan Li replied simply.

“Okay, I will go to Pioneer Village to see you in the evening, and we will have an interview.” Roy recorded it on his schedule. The two of them hung up the phone without greeting, and the whole process took less than a minute. Time is not sloppy. Although this is Roy’s style of acting, Lanly cooperates very well, but he is a little uncomfortable-such a newcomer is really too different.

Looking at the full schedule, Roy couldn’t help scratching his head. The American Screen Actors Guild’s public agent is a thankless job. He is very busy, but the income is only one-tenth of those top agents. , Almost tantamount to doing charity.

Generally speaking, Roy will not meet with actors in private because he is not a full-time agent of a certain actor. In a situation like Lan Li, it is basically whoever meets him. In other words , This time it was Roy, the union will send another agent next time, so they are purely a one-time working relationship, there is no need to establish personal relationships.

This time, the situation was obviously very special. The other party thought Roy was Renly’s agent, so he called.

Thinking of this, Roy didn’t think about it any more, just as another job. Anyway, he wants to have dinner anyway, just as the dinner for business meetings.

Audition invitation? Lan Li couldn’t help but get a little excited. I don’t know what kind of project audition will be this time. Considering that the other party watched the “Pacific War” and then issued an audition invitation. It is very likely that he is the same as Eugene in terms of temperament and style Is it another character with a delicate heart and rich emotions?

If the characters are in the same line, will they repeat themselves? If possible, he will still be more inclined to challenge roles with completely different performance styles. He knows that the selection of works that actors have just started is very important. After playing too many similar roles at the beginning, people’s images of actors are easy to fix. It will be extremely difficult to get rid of it later. The most typical are the three leading actors of “Harry Potter”. After the series of film performances, the three have been working hard to get rid of the fixed impression of the audience.

However, Lan Li also knew that he was totally thinking too much. Because for most newcomers, they have no choice. After a role has made a name, a similar role will inevitably come to the door. If you refuse, it will be difficult to find a job later. This is a dilemma.

I don’t know what role this invitation is.

While thinking about it, the subway arrived at the station again. Reflexively looking up, Lan Li noticed that this was the stop where he was going to get off the train. He quickly picked up the skateboard and rushed out of the subway door to get all his thoughts away. They are all temporarily left behind, anyway, the mystery can be revealed tonight.

When you step out of the subway station, you can see the distinctive-style steeple church and colorful graffiti. The Latin guy with explosive hair and the black guy with dirty braids dangling in front of the convenience store across the street, staring at the subway exit. , Seems to be plotting wrongdoing all the time, the restlessness suppressed under the busy traffic seems to be in danger of breaking out at all times, and even the air becomes even drier.

Ironically, looking toward the southwest, just three blocks away, New York’s famous Upper East Side has a panoramic view.

Manhattan Island is a palm-sized place that extends from north to south and is divided into Upper/Downtown, Mid/Downtown and Lower/Downtown. Although Lower/Downtown has the world-famous Wall Street, it is basically poorer and more messy as you go south , The further north, the richer and safer. The area near Central Park in Upper/Downtown is known as the Upper East Side. This is where the most powerful class in Manhattan lives. The story of the American drama “Gossip Girl” takes place here.

But after the Upper East Side continues to extend north, after passing through an area, you can come to the most notorious Bronx in New York. The buffer zone in the middle is where Lanly is now, Harlem.

Different from the Bronx area occupied by blacks, Harlem is mixed with dragons and snakes. Italian black/hand/party, China/National/Fuqing Gang, Latin America/drug/traffickers all gathered here. It was once the center of crime and poverty. , But also gave birth to a rich culture of street hip-hop, swing dance, and improved jazz dance.

The theater and ballroom culture here are not inferior to the Greenwich Village located in the lower/city area, but for safety reasons, tourists are more inclined to go to Greenwich Village instead of the alarming Harlem area.

Seeing the black man on the other side of the street who was eager to move, Lan Li didn’t worry at all. He threw the skateboard to the ground freely, stepped on it lightly, and walked in the desired direction. The familiar and relaxed posture fell into the eyes of the gangsters, and after an exchange of sights, everyone calmed down again and focused on the subway exit again.

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