The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Obscurity

traversed several streets and quickly entered the range of Madison Avenue. A dark red Victorian-style building appeared in sight, abruptly but wonderfully integrated into the surrounding streets.

As the bridgehead for Europe’s landing in North America, New York has left countless European iron shoes, such as Harlem. The name comes from the Netherlands. This area was Dutch territory back then. The current building was completed in the mid-nineteenth century. It has been a long time since the colonial era, but the designer still followed the exotic style of the nearby neighborhoods, which has achieved a beautiful landscape in front of you.

Lan Li quickly entered the gate, then put the skateboard away, and came to the first floor, “Kelly.” Lan Li said hello to the young lady standing behind the counter, and reached out to hand the skateboard over.

The lady named Kelly took the skateboard and gave a big smile, “Here you are!”

Lan Li responded with a smile, “I’ve been five minutes late. I’ll go up first, and I’ll talk later.” Kelly nodded and said that there was no problem. She put the skateboard under the counter, and then Lan Li ran quickly. To the elevator, before the elevator door closed, he rushed in.

The elevator stopped on the seventh floor, Lan Li walked out of the elevator door, and then saw a little girl about six or seven years old sitting on an orange plastic bench, supporting her chin with both hands, pouting her mouth angrily. The cheeks that rose up looked like a bubble fish, which really made people laugh.

Lan Li stepped forward, squatted down in front of the little girl, and touched her little head, but she stubbornly twisted her eyebrows tangled together, staring at Lan Li with a sullen look. “I’m thinking! Don’t disturb me!” The look of the little adult really made people laugh.

Lan Li also narrowed his smile, and said solemnly, “Is there no bowel movement today?”

The little girl gritted her teeth, waved her chubby right fist, and then slammed it down on her left palm, “Lan Li, I haven’t had a bowel movement for three days! Three days!” Then she hated iron. Gang looked up to the sky and sighed, “Jesus Christ, whether my stomach is full now or not, I think I can’t wash it clean in the bath.”

Lan Li laughed so much that tears were coming out, but she couldn’t laugh out loud, so she clenched her fists to cheer for her, “I believe you! I can do it today!”

The little girl also shook her fists, her face full of unsuccessful and benevolent expressions, “Today, it is today! I decided to go to the bathroom to brew brewing now, so there is no way to accompany you for the time being!”

“Don’t worry, I can stand it alone, and I will never get lost!” Lan Li also said very seriously. The two said “Come on” again, and then Lan Li watched the little girl with a tragic face. Walking in the direction of the bathroom, the appearance of the little adult is really uncontrollable.

This building is actually a hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, one of the best children’s hospitals in New York.

In his previous life, Lan Li spent a third of his life in the hospital. The long years made him feel very mixed about the hospital. Some repelled, some hated, but some nostalgia. He knew better than anyone else. I know that the pain and suffering of a long-term hospitalization are emotions that onlookers cannot experience, and even friends who are also patients cannot experience it, because each patient has his own demons and stories.

Sometimes, the patient will start to get angry inexplicably, irritating at everyone around him, for no reason and no control. As far as family and friends are concerned, they can only stand by and be anxious, want to help but have no way of starting, and keep asking, “What do you want?” As long as the patient speaks, they will do their best to help.

But Lan Li knew that they didn’t really want what they wanted, but… just at a loss. Those cares, those worries, those pains, those tortures, those closeness from family and friends, they know, they all know, but they still can’t change the fact that they are sick, and they can’t change the fact that everyone is helpless. They burst out in their hearts. That kind of anger, kind of jealousy, kind of depression, even they can’t control it. Even if they know that all of this is not the fault of family and friends, they can’t find anyone to vent, can they?

Possibly, they just need someone by their side, they can ignore it as much as they want, but they stay there far away and won’t leave.

They know that this request is excessive, because even their own family members have their own lives, and they cannot stop staying in place forever because of their illness. But what else can they ask for?

In this life, since high school, Lan Li began to volunteer in the hospital every week. When he was 18 years old, he obtained a professional nursing license, hoping to help more people within his own ability. Even if he changed cities, he never interrupted his actions. In the past eight months, except during the time he was filming in the “Pacific War”, he insisted on continuing to serve as a volunteer in a nearby hospital in Australia.

is not kind, nor is it charity, just because of empathy.

The little girl just now, named Annie-Seliman (Annie-Seliman), lived in Mount Sinai Hospital during the filming of Lan Li. Lan Li once asked the doctor Anne’s condition, and the other party explained a lot of medical terms. Even though Lan Li later read through professional medical techniques, she still had limited understanding. She only knew that Annie had a problem with her metabolic system, and it was difficult for her to pass her own body functions. To complete this basic function, not only defecation, but also perspiration.

If for a period of time, she is still unable to complete the voluntary excretion, it can only be through medical means. After Lan Li returned to New York, she once saw Anne undergoing treatment. Her thin body was lying helplessly on the hospital bed, with tubes all over her body. She lay quietly for three days without being able to do anything, even Can’t speak. The long process was so tormented that bystanders couldn’t bear to watch, let alone Anne who was receiving treatment?

“Lan Li, Lan Li, Lan Li!” Behind him came the whistling sound of a small train. Before Lan Li looked back, a little guy threw on Lan Li’s back, “Plane, plane, fly!”

Lan Li held the little guy’s **** with both hands, stood up and quickly turned around, and then sprinted forward, the little guy on his back cheered happily, “Flying, I’m flying! Anita, Ah! Nita, look, I’m flying!”

Anita-Tunisia, the head nurse at the nurse’s station, laughed blankly, sat up slightly, and cried out dumbfoundedly, “Len Li, don’t be too long, don’t be too intense, Alex’s heart is affected. Not anymore!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Lan Li shouted loudly, and then ran with Alex on his back, asking, “Sir! Please indicate the destination!”

Alex-Reich raised his upper body vigorously, exhausted all his body strength, and shouted, “Normandy!”

I don’t know where the little guy heard about Normandy, but Renly didn’t have time to snicker, because Alex’s voice was so loud that it alarmed the entire floor, and many people ran out—it’s not. Miao, interrupting other patients’ rest was definitely what Qianfu pointed out. So, Lan Li grabbed Alex’s calf with both hands, pushed it up, first landed on the shoulders, and then grabbed the waist with both hands. Over the top of the head, he immediately hugged the little guy in his arms, “Sir, all the enemies are awakened, we must run away!”

There was Alex’s giggling sound in his arms, and Lan Li took him to the family rest area at the end of the corridor, and then curled up on the back chair, like a soldier looking for cover.

Alex covered his mouth with his hands, but he still laughed and laughed, obviously very happy. There was a commotion in the corridor. The nurses gritted their teeth one by one, some parents also came out, and some new parents didn’t understand the situation and thought something happened, so other parents just He explained the situation with a smile.

“Alex-Ricky!” A nurse stood at the end of the bench with her hands on her hips, “You sneaked out before you finished the medicine at noon! What do you think Lanly will do with you? ”

Lan Li’s eyes rounded Looking at the naughty little guy, before Lan Li could say anything, the little guy confessed his mistake, “I’m going to eat, I’ll eat now! Lan Li, I’m sorry. , I didn’t mean it.” The big watery eyes looked at Lan Li pitifully, like a puppy.

Lan Li wrinkled her nose and rubbed Alex’s hair, “Hurry up and take the medicine, and then come to Heather’s ward. I will make kites for you, and I will fly it in the afternoon!”

“Really?” Alex’s eyes lit up involuntarily, and Lan Li pointed to the huge backpack on his shoulder, “Of course!”

Hearing these words, Alex jumped out of Lan Li’s embrace, and ran out without waiting for the nurse, “Hurry up, hurry up, I want to take medicine! I want to take medicine!” The nurse was helpless. The earth followed behind and chased after him, “Alex, slow down, slow down.”

Alex, ten years old this year, has spent two years at Mount Sinai Hospital because of congenital heart disease. In fact, his condition can be recuperated at home. As long as there is no strenuous exercise, his daily life will not have much impact. However, his parents are busy people and are away from home for 350 days a year. They hire private nursing at home. , But was turned upside down by Alex, they simply left the little guy in the hospital-at least there are little friends here.

I stood up again, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and then strode forward, greeted the parents of the children profusely along the way, and finally stopped at the door of the “314” ward. The noise just now was obvious. Without disturbing the tranquility here, Lan Li knocked on the trick to remind him, and then he pushed the door of the room open and said hello with a smile, “Good afternoon, Heather, the sun is pretty good today, isn’t it?”

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