The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 12

It was a day like any other... and at the same time, it wasn't. On that day, Saint Sarity celebrated the funeral of its fellow villagers. Many have died as a result of a devious conspiracy. Even though the mastermind was captured, the resentment remained within the hearts of the inhabitants.

It was a sunny day and when the coffins were carried to the place where they would dwell forever, gray and sad clouds gathered over the burial site. The rain came soon after... a drizzle as if Goddess Aphy was mourning those dead.

But those clouds... they weren't just in the sky.

***(Lilith's POV)***

Wack! Bonk! Wack!

These noises were the first thing I heard this morning when I woke up. Scratching my eyes, I looked in the direction of where those sounds were coming from. My husband Graeval was hitting the punching bag. He was shirtless and his strong body was shiny from sweat, a symbol that he had been training for a long time. Every time, my heart skips beats when I see it.

However, despite the view offered to me, my husband's blows concealed insecurity. When I met him I didn't understand much about him and his actions but knowing him, observing him, and eating his dishes, I was able to understand what he was thinking most of the time and to perceive his feelings. Even through his punches, Graeval conveys emotion: they were insecure and seemed randomly pulled as if he wasn't there. Something troubles him...

Covering my body with a robe, I walked up to him and hugged him from behind just before he charged another shot. The smell of his skin reassured me.

“Lilith! Did something happen?" he asked surprised

"Good morning dear." I greeted kissing him on the cheek and leaning on his shoulder I resumed "But, that's the question I wanted to ask you: what upsets you so much to the point of distracting you in this way?"

He turned and looked at me with those gray eyes of his full of affection. He raised his hand to stroke my head and then spoke.

"Now I'm an open book for you, aren't I?"

"Fufufu... I'm your wife after all." I said, giggling

He smiled too... but he was sad, tired... exhausted.

"It's about Ludmilla Westhead, the girl who orchestrated that invasion of Fago." he began "There was something strange in her head."

"Something strange?"

“As you know, thanks to my powers I can immerse myself in the thoughts and feelings of others causing various effects, right? Well, that plot of her and her desire to start a war was voluntary... almost completely."

"What do you mean by almost completely?" when I asked the question he turned to me

"Which is like someone or something has given her the final 'push' to kick off that plan."

"You mean they brainwashed her?"

"It's not like that... it's a bit difficult to explain..." he began rubbing his chin as he tried to find the right words. "The psychic powers, in my homeworld, were divided into various disciplines and there was one that is known as a Telepathic discipline, which specializes in mental attacks or their control. Personally, it is one of the disciplines I prefer to avoid, but when I entered Ludmilla's brain I perceived a fragment of power similar to this."

"You want to tell me there's another psyker in this world besides you?"

"I don't think so. As I said, it was similar but not equal to my powers."

While this answer gave me some peace, it also upset me. More than once, I have witnessed my husband's incredible powers. If only he wanted to, he could obliterate the entire continent effortlessly... even I, the ex-Demon Queen considered the strongest of my race, am nothing compared to him. Thanks to his gentle disposition and the awareness of the burden of owning them, he prefers to hide them and use them only to protect the village and especially me. Learning that someone else might have something similar to him... scares me.

He suddenly took my shoulders and kissed me on the forehead.

“I don't care if he's someone with similar powers to mine. Anyone who intends to harm the village and especially you, I assure you that they will not receive any quick and painless death."

"Thank you." I said smiling at him "It doesn't matter how many times you say that... it's always a source of comfort for me." I finished by kissing him on the lips.

Really... I'm glad this man is my husband.

***(Cordelia's POV)***

We had now been traveling for half a day and since there was no village nearby, we decided to stop by a stream to allow the horses to rest and drink. I was with Sarity and Arryn by the stream, picnicking with the packed lunch Graeval had given us before we left. It was delicious.

Anyway, it was a hell of a day. After the attack, the reconstruction and burial of the dead began. Guardian only showed up to deliver Ludmilla to us and leave as he appeared. Since then there have been many theories including him and the man, or woman, in black armor were angels or avengers sent by the Goddess Aphy to punish the bandits who had dared to attack the Saint's native village. Indeed, they decided to build a statue for each to be placed in front of the church. In my opinion, they are exaggerating.

Ludmilla was taken into custody by the surviving guards and taken to the capital under armed escort where she will be judged for the plot. Of course, we will have to be there as witnesses and that doesn't appeal me to in the slightest. After all, she was my best friend and despite what she had done, I couldn't forgive her... but I wasn't able to hate her either.

"Hm? What are you reading Arryn?"

"Notes... cooking... written... by Graeval..."

"Oh? Do you like it so much?"

"Yes... very... interesting... Graeval's food... delicious."

Curious, I looked at the contents of Graeval's handwritten sheets and I noticed that in addition to words there were also drawings with directions on how to handle tools and cut various vegetables, as well as some recipes that seem simple to do.

Being related to the royal family of Yedal, we could not leave Arryn in the village of Fago as she could be targeted by other members of noble families and used for political purposes. So, we decided to take her to the capital Cuding, so that she could introduce herself to my father and then leave to return to her family. The problem was convincing her and once again I have to thank Graeval and Lilith for succeeding, but it seemed like they too were sorrowful. And here, is how she got these notes.

I looked up and saw that Sarity was there staring at nothing, without having even touched the meal. her face was somber and thoughtful... mostly worried. I could not blame her, after all, she had to celebrate the funeral of her fellow villagers including acquaintances and childhood friends. Fortunately, her parents managed to come out with some injuries. But even so, it was before we left that she had that expression.

"Sarity..." I called her without receiving an answer "Sarity......... Sarity!" I called her a third time, touching her shoulder

"FUEH!!!" she snapped in fright

"Welcome back among us... aren't you hungry?"

"Eh?... n-no. I was just lost in thought."

"Is something troubling you?"

“Well… we didn't have the opportunity to thank Guardian properly. I feel guilty."

"Guardian... mysterious..." Arryn said, nodding

It's so. To avoid such an attack is worthy of praise and given the importance of the people saved, he would have the right to a prize and perhaps a title. But as soon as Ludmilla was delivered, Guardian turned his heel without listening to us and disappeared. He is truly a mysterious figure.

"Y-yeah... ahahaha." Sarity chuckled and then took a bite of the sandwich.

His laugh is too forced... there is something underneath.

She probably used Guardian's excuse because she didn't want Arryn to listen to her real concern. And if so...

"Arryn. Would you like a sweet? Graeval also gave me those before leaving."

"Yup!" the little girl exclaimed, her eyes shining

“They are in the carriage. Can you go get them?"

"Go... immediately!" she exclaimed running towards the carriage

Once I was sure she was far enough away, I turned back to Sarity

"We have a few minutes." I started looking at her seriously "What are you worried about?"

Putting her lunch on the ground, she turned to me and looked into my eyes. It sounds serious.

"It's nothing special..."

"To be so distracted, it can't be 'nothing special'."

"...... It's about Guardian."

"Ah... him?" I began by becoming more and more interested. “He's certainly someone mysterious. Could she be Aphy's angel?"

At my question, Sarity shook her head. She would have noticed it being the Saint elected by the Goddess.

"So what's troubling you?"

“How can I tell? It's strange..."


“For some reason, I've always felt a certain familiarity with that figure. Almost like I had always known him. But I'm also afraid oh him..."

She's not at all wrong. Given that he is a being with such extraordinary powers, it is impossible to understand if he is friend or foe... or rather he is a friend because he has defined himself as the protector of Fago, but still causes fear... a fear as reverential as it is instinctive. But what do you mean with "familiarity"...?

"Shall we inform your father and the Archbishop of his existence?"

"It's very likely."

"How do you think they will behave?"

".........I see. You are afraid that they may cause problems for Fago and therefore unleash the wrath of Guardian."

"Yes... after all, it was very clear: he will kill anyone who harms Fago."

“Hmm. I don't think it will get to anything extreme." I reassured her. “In such cases, it is customary to investigate whether it can be a threat or not. Most likely, they will try to contact him."

"Thanks... I feel relieved."

It's still early to say... I don't know why, but this exchange left me with a bad feeling.

***(?????'s POV)***

We have been summoned. A rare thing, but when it happens we always have to expect tough assignments to fill the void left by our lady 3 years ago.

It was a blowback then. The war initiated by humans and other races was working in our favor and soon we could have achieved that coveted peace. But it all began to fall apart when the Saint and the Hero appeared. Our forces were decimated and many valiant generals were killed by the Hero and his group; all was lost when they besieged and captured the capital Crashtorn and entered the royal palace. My brother and I were there on the day of the fall. The fires, the massacres, and the genocides... but above all the defeat of our lady before our eyes. When it seemed she was done for and when the Hero was about to give her the final blow, our father protected her and used a forbidden spell that cost him his life, hauling our lady out of there.

I don't know how we managed to get out of that hell. I only remember that my brother was at my side while we were in a chariot headed for the last stronghold of our race: Guagon, located on the southern island and the only place where humans have never managed to land.

In these 3 years, our race began to recover and the few remaining council members, noble and not, did everything to prevent society from collapsing and giving way to anarchy. We have rebuilt the daily lives of refugees and our military strength has recovered even if it is only a shadow of what it was. But everyone knew one thing: our lady was alive. Even though we had no concrete proof, every demon instinctively could sense it. Everyone prayed for her return to guide them again.

"The Demon Queen... is alive?" I asked surprised and full of excitement

"Umu. There are no doubts." stated the current head of the council. "We received a report from one of our infiltrators that her mana was sensed in a northwest border village from here."

It was the best news of these tough times. For real.

"Your task, Akiya siblings, is to find her and bring her back here to guide us towards a new golden age."

""Yessir!"" My brother and I answered together

Our father's sacrifice was not in vain... Your Majesty wait for us! We will be at your side immediately!!

***(Daneas's POV)***

What the hell... am I looking at?

"He loves me... he doesn't love me... he loves me... he doesn't love me..."

Right now, I'm watching my sister Aphy tear off the petals of a flower as people in love usually do to find out if their loved one loves them or not. Although it is something children usually do, she does these things when... "she gets bad news" so to speak

Now I understand why her worried subordinates asked me to reach her quickly.

"What happened to you to end up in this state?"

"......Big Sister Daneas." her gaze was a mixture of blank and worried "Would you like to listen to me?"

I nodded. I have a bad feeling.

"You know that woman who got married to Graeval?"


"She's... the deceased Demon Lord... no Demon Queen."

“...... Huh? But hadn't your Hero killed her?"

At that question, Aphy dropped the flower without petals and took her face


Uwaaa... here she starts again with her whims


And I was worried for nothing. I don't understand what all this grind is for, but she should know the solution well. After all, she summoned, regardless of the consequences, that Hero on purpose to kill her. I don't understand where the problem lies......... *brrr* I just felt a shiver running down my spine …

"Just out of curiosity, why don't you tell the Hero through your Saint to finish the job?"

"*Gulp*..." Am I wrong or did she just swallow? "The point is... it could backfire."

"......What do you mean?"

Raising her hand, Aphy created a screen where I could see the clash between Graeval and the bandits who had attacked his hometown, the rescue of his friend, all the speeches and statements he made. It was clear that he released his murderous thirst because they tried to destroy his native village. It is pure and simple self-defense. But I don't understand where she wants to- ......Ah, now I understand. If he was such a fury just because they attacked the village, and since he is madly in love with his wife (and she reciprocates the sentiment), I don't think he would hold back as he did with these conspirators.

"Jack's sincere nature would lead him to tell him that I was the one who informed him." Aphy resumed dragging herself to my feet and then clinging to my skirt "He'd end up hating me and might go as far as finding a way to claim my head!"

"Now you are exaggerating..."

“You more than anyone know how powerful he is!! And for some reason, he became even more so. He might be able to fight on par with me without any problems!"

I couldn't deny it. Having originally been born on my world, he was without a doubt the most powerful psyker ever born on that planet... but that once he reincarnated his powers would become stronger... Possible that it has to do with the fact that he has kept some of the memories of his previous life?

“I don't want him to hate me! I want him to love me!! I WANT HIM TO MARRY ME!!!" How much are you in love for making such statements?!! “UWAAAA! WHAT CAN I DO SISTER??!!!"

She's crying... she's crying rivers of tears. The Goddess of Beauty as well as my sister Aphy is crying tears of despair for the first time since we were born.

In the past, she played with the hearts of many gods thanks to her obvious divine beauty and somehow, she always managed to get out of it. Come to think of it, she's also turned down a lot of marriage requests... but this is the first time she's this serious. Really, what does she find in that mortal?

"Haaah..." I sighed as I stroked her head.

Despite being capricious and sometimes acting childish, she is still my beloved little sister. As different as we are and despite some quarrels, we always get along. I certainly can't leave her now, can I?

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