The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 13

***(Cordelia's POV)***

"...and this is all."

I was in the royal court. In front of me was Ludmilla, on her knees, while she was being watched by two members of the royal guard. At my side, there was my father, my mother, and my brother who, expressionless, had listened to everything I had said.

In the court, there were also many members of the nobility, with the role of acting as witnesses of this one-way process. My husband Jack and my other bride companions were also present.

"Disappointing... especially if a member of the Westhead household does it."

My father's statement had a tone of disappointment in his voice and Ludmilla seemed to have a thrill... but it could also have been just my impression.

"Do you have anything to add, accused?"

“This conspiracy is mine alone. My family knew nothing of this. I just ask that they not be prosecuted for something they knew nothing about."

She raised her head when she said it, staring my father in the eye. Those eyes were sincere. It was all her doing. The law required that those accused of crimes against the crown or a member of the royal family should be sentenced to death. Of course, the king always had the last word.

Knowing my feelings my father looked at me and noticing him, I nodded slightly in agreement to accept her last words. He sighed and finally stood up

“Here is my decision. Ludmilla Westhead, daughter of Margrave Alphonse Westhead, I deprive you of every privilege and title you have received so far and I declare that you are executed for your crimes against a member of the royal family." he later turned to Alphonse Westhead. “As per your daughter's request and the victim's consent, you will not be persecuted in any way. However, be aware that you will have to regain our trust."

"Yes. I am aware of that, your majesty." Alphonse stated, bowing.

Even though he looked polished, I could see that he was clenched his fists. Probably out of frustration... after all, his daughter has just been sentenced to death. He was not only famous for his work as a noble, but also his love for his sons and daughters. He lost his second child in an attack whose killer is still unknown and now he has also lost his first child due to her stupidity.

Today I lost the only real woman that I could call my best friend.

“The court adjourns. Apart from the Hero and his wives, you can all go."

Little by little, all the nobles present left the room and just before they made her get up, I saw one last time Ludmilla's eyes. There was no remorse, but gratitude... perhaps, for not putting her family in the middle of all this.


Left alone in the reception room, my father took off the crown and placed it on a red pillow nearby, and rubbed his wrinkled forehead

"Really... what's going on lately?" he asked with a sigh "First the nobles who split into factions, then the anti-Thirus alliance, and now this?"

My mother looked at him worriedly and put her hand on his shoulder as if to say "I know how you feel." I also feel like he and my brother is equally worried.

During his reign, my father proved to be particularly unfortunate. He is an honest and capable man, he has done a lot for the kingdom and still does; but the war against the demons he did not want was the culmination of such misfortunes. And these are the misfortunes at work. Originally, we were 2 brothers and 3 sisters; my younger brother died of illness and my younger sister also suffers from an unknown disease. She is alive, but it is not yet known for how long, causing concern for the whole family. Even Sarity's healing magic is powerless in the face of that disease.

"These are hard times for all of us father." my brother said

“I can't disagree. However, I have more to report."

"While it is true that you have asked me to detain us in private... please, I have enough of bad news."

"I understand father, but it is important... even if I can't tell you if they are good or bad."

My father was visibly tired. His years not only made themselves felt, but his mental fatigue was also on the limit. Despite this, he nodded and I began to tell him the details of Guardian that I had been able to see in person or that had been reported to me by the guards.

"......A wizard, who doesn't use mana or spells?" Ridel asked surprised

"It makes no sense." said my brother also surprised

"And yet, both the Saint and I have witnessed this power." I said pointing to Sarity as well

"Is that so?" my father asked looking at her

“Your majesty, your daughter tells the truth. This Guardian is the benefactor of my hometown and it is no exaggeration to say that we owe our lives to him."

Everyone present was silent. Everyone was certainly wondering who he was but above all, if he could bring harm. After all, we didn't know if the spells he displayed could be just those. As I had anticipated, it was a sensitive but important subject.

"Um... can I talk?" my husband asked

"You are welcome."

"I don't know much about magic, but that power to levitate and fly swords reminded me of an urban legend from my world."

"What do you mean?"

“There would be human beings who could use the power of the mind to move objects or bend spoons. But it's just a simple legend and those few who do, use tricks to entertain the audience."

"So for simple entertainment?"

"That's right, but... I don't know how useful it can be since he used powers that I don't know how to explain except as magic."

"I understand..." my brother said rubbing his chin

"We will have to investigate and understand if he is our ally or our enemy." finally affirmed my father, just as I thought

"Who do you want to entrust the investigation, father?" I asked

"It's not that easy." he began. “Given the peculiarity of this Guardian, we must also take into account a possible divine involvement. Logically, it would be up to the church but we too cannot afford to leave this investigation entirely to them."

"Sire, why not send Lord Lingxin along with the Saint?" Emylin asked

“The wisest choice would be to send your entire group. But I think the Archbishop would not agree very much."

"Why do you think so?" Jack asked

“Your wife Sarity not only has duties as a Saint, but she has also recently returned from Fago and surely the Templars will have reported what happened to her Excellency. Besides the fact that she might be too involved, I think he doesn't want to let a figure like her risk her life again."

"So, you believe he will refuse for her safety."

"I think that-"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the closed door, bringing our attention towards it. Opening slightly, one of the guards entered the room and then bowed a few meters from us.

"I thought I said we didn't want to be disturbed." my father calmly said

“Forgive my insolence your majesty, but Archbishop Tarquin Virral has just arrived with Lady Isghat Diaraiz Rember. He asks to have an audience with you."

This was a piece of news that stunned us all. As my father had said, most likely the Templars will have told the Archbishop what happened and he had certainly come here to get more information about it. But to think that even THAT Isghat has come...

“Have them sit in a room and entertain them. At the moment I cannot receive them."

"He said it is of utmost urgency."

"As I said-"

"Forgive the insolence Majesty, but it is as your guard says."

looking towards the entrance I saw an old man and a very young girl enter. A wrinkled face and a white beard that reached his chest, he was almost bald but the few remaining hairs are white; he wears a light robe and walked leaning on a very simple wooden stick where on the tip was Aphy's rose carved.

What immediately catches the eye of the girl are the horns curled upwards, the tail, and red dragon wings, the same color as her hair reaching the base of her neck, while her eyes are dark green. Her body is slender and the armor she wears is very elaborate.

“As I have already said...” my father began looking at the Archbishop “we are talking about a very delicate subject. You can't swoop in here and- "

"Hey young man, it's about Guardian."

As soon as the girl said that name, my father fell silent. He looked at the guard and with a simple gesture dismissed him. Once the guard left, Jack made a small bow and greeted the newly entered people

"Your Excellency, it is a pleasure to see you healthy."

"The same for you valiant Hero."

"I haven't seen her for a long time, teacher."

“You're right, boy. Will it be from your marriage with your wives, so 3 years?"

Isghat Diaraiz Rember is a Dragonkin from Kreryn Principality and is the twin sister of the Archduchess, not to mention that she was Jack's instructor when he arrived in this world. Although she looks like a twelve-year-old, she has several centuries on her shoulders and although no one knows exactly how many, it seems she joined the Templars 236 years ago. Usually, those of her race do not care about religion or politics, and based on the color of their draconic parts, they define the predominant quality of the individual. In Ishgat's case, that of being a battle junkie. It appears that she entered the service of the Church because she believed she would find... "something interesting" according to what she said. At the moment, she is head of the 5th Thirnian Templar Corps and three times in a row, the appointed bodyguard of the Archbishop of Thirus.

“You're right. By the way, when will you invite me to your wedding?"

“Puh... hahahaha! I don't think it will happen, young man. After all, you still can't beat me."

“Wa...!! No, I didn't mean that." Jack said agitated at the statement

“Relax, relax. There is no one stronger than me so I will never get married. Ahahahah!"

This battle maniac... that's the real reason she joined the Templars. The Templars are elite forces in the service of Aphy's church and are often at the forefront when it comes to religious wars or in the defense of places of worship, and as a result, they act across the continent. The "interesting thing" of this Dragonkin is to find a man or woman strong enough to defeat her and then marry him or her... she has always fought on the front line even in the war against the demons but she never found that someone.

“Ahem! Returning to serious matters..." the Archbishop began, clearing his throat "we cannot ignore this elusive Guardian."

“We know perfectly well. We were just talking about it just before you arrived and since we're at it, I'd like to ask for your cooperation."

"Of course. After all, that's why I came here." the Archbishop said satisfied "What did you intend to do?"

“Since we don't know his intentions or how strong he is, I had considered sending the Hero Lingxin and the same group that defeated the Demon Lord to investigate. What do you think, Your Excellency?"

"Given the situation, it is the wisest choice..." he stated, rubbing his white beard

Even though he accepted my father's reasoning and understood how he had come to that conclusion, his face showed some reserve. Most likely, it was as my father had foreseen. Sending the Saint back to Fago, her hometown, to investigate such a delicate matter may not be the best idea.

"Excellency." Sarity came forward. “I understand your concerns as it is my hometown. But it is above all for this reason that I should go."

"But... your holiness, it could be dangerous... or painful..."

“… As I have already told you, I understand that. You have all my gratitude for how you care about me. But it is still my duty as Aphy's chosen Saint to purify the evils of this world."

Nice play... even if the Archbishop has questioned Sarity's personal feelings, she objected using the duty that entails her position as Saint. If she puts it that way, despite being reluctant to give his consent, his Excellency cannot argue.

"Besides, I will be with her" said Jack taking her shoulders "I won't let anyone hurt her."

"............Alright." in the end he gave in "However, Ishgat will have to follow you..." he said turning to the question "your task is to ensure that the Hero Lingxin and her holiness return safe and sound."

"Yessir," Ishgat said and then licked her lips.

***(Graeval's POV)***

It's been a month since Sarity and Cordelia left. Life in the village has somehow returned to normal and together with it, we have entered the middle of autumn so that means the beginning of hot dishes and dishes based on chestnuts, tubers, and games.

My wife and I were walking back together from the forest. We had gone there to gather wild herbs and especially chestnuts... no, no hunting. I'll leave that to the hunters. In any case, the world around us was colored with autumn, the farmer plowed the land given the sowing of wheat that would take place within a maximum of one month, the merchants had arrived to purchase typical seasonal products such as skins or dairy products and the children played with the piles of leaves.

As we entered the village, we heard the continuous tapping of a chisel. The reason for that tapping is that my fellow villagers decided, without thinking twice, to carve a Guardian sculpture and place it in the center of the village as a symbol of gratitude and reverence.

"It looks like your statue will be ready soon." Lilith whispered in my ear

"Please don't make me think about it..."


It gave me a headache. I had no reason to stop them from creating the statue, but I also didn't have many reasons to stop them from continuing to sculpt it. Until they start worshiping me I might be able to take it... I think …

Arriving at the Moonlight, I noticed a hooded figure leaning next to the front door. It is of medium height but its face was completely covered. I couldn't make out the features, but for some reason just seeing it sent a shiver down my spine... as if my instincts were warning me that something unpleasant was about to happen.

"Forgive me but are you expecting someone?" my wife asked, noticing the figure

"Now no longer." the figure stated, turning to us

Uh... this voice where... when she spoke, her voice belonged to that of a woman. Yet that voice was familiar to me.

When she detached itself from the wall, she came towards us and as if it had not seen Lilith, the figure jumped on me, hugging me strongly.


"WHAT?!" Lilith exclaimed, displaced

"I can finally hug you Graeval!" the figure said in a contented voice

"Wait! You are...!"

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