The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 39

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
Finally, it begins the 4th volume! In addition, I take the opportunity to warn you that I have updated and inserted the characters in the glossary, appeared in Volume 2.

Now I’ve taken up too much of your time. Enjoy!

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***(Arryn's POV)***

Ding Dong Dang!

“Today’s lesson is over. Remember that next week there will be a written test and among the questions, there will be what we talked about today. Have a good day."

"""""Thanks for the lesson.""""" We answered in chorus, greeting Professor Balran

It has been about two weeks since my aunt left for Cuding, while I resumed attending the academy to complete my studies.

As I walked through the corridors to the cafeteria, I thought back to how jealous I was of my aunt... she will have a chance to meet Guardian. I wish I could go back to Fago.


"Something wrong lady Lianelis?" Saphielle asked

"No. Everything is alright... I was just worried about one thing. But nothing important."

"...I see."

Since we are in the academy, Saphielle, as well as Thalia and Artin, address me using a more formal tone despite having known each other since childhood.

In itself, the academy is a place dedicated to teaching and socializing among various students regardless of their social status... or at least, that's what officially should happen. Between theory and practice, there has always been an abyss and even this academy is no exception: the most immediate example is the difference between the dormitories used by the nobility, more opulent, large, and luxurious and those used by ordinary citizens who are very spartan. Furthermore, very few noble students allow people of lower rank than their own to speak in an informal tone, others speak in an official manner because they give a lot of importance to the rank and education they have received, still, others are elitists who flaunt their status with arrogance as if it were a normal thing.

I am a member of the second group. I have never cared to have formal behavior due to my rank or to be treated as such by people whose social status is less than mine; however, the education I received has practically become a part of me and apart from my little passion for cooking awakened by Graeval, I have always behaved as befits the daughter of a Duke and royal consort.

"Are you by any chance worried about his Highness Leomyar?" Thalia suddenly asked me

"Uh? Why do you say that?"

"You see, it's because lately..."

"Lady Lianelis!" I heard myself calling

turning towards the origin of that voice, I saw a boy with short brown hair and blue eyes with pointed ears typical of my race.

"Oh! Sir Carmaer." I exclaimed “What a pleasure to see you again. What can I do for you?"

“The pleasure is all mine lady Lianeslis. I have come all the way here to bring you a message of his Highness."

As soon as he made that statement, a shiver ran down my spine as Saphielle, Thalia, and Artin seemed to be holding their breath for some reason.

Filverel Carmaer is an elf of the same age as mine, whose dynasty has served the royal family as personal guards for entire generations, some say they have held that role since the founding of the kingdom and that stability within the royal court is also due to their presence. After all, the Carmaers are the head of an office whose job it is to investigate possible acts of corruption or suspected traitors within the nobility.

"...Tell me."

“Due to a sudden commitment to his role as student council president, he will not be able to join you for lunch. He apologizes and wants your understanding."

"Oh, I see. It's a shame." I answered smiling "So can you keep me company?"

"As much as I would be honored, I have to be at his Highness's side."

"I understand. Thanks for your hard work. Tell his Highness Leomyar that my thoughts are for him."

“I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear that. I wish you a good lunch." after that statement and after making a slight bow, Filverel left.

"It's already the third time this week." Artin said slightly annoyed

“Commitments? I bet she is involved." Saphielle added

Even they smelled the lie as soon as I was told it. I thought with a sigh.

Since that dinner with my uncle at the royal palace, I had noticed that unusual intimacy that had formed between Ehrendil and the person my three friends refer to: Dessielle.

I don’t know much about what happened apart from a few rumors: after my kidnapping occurred about 4 months ago, it seems that his highness Ehrendil seemed depressed and he was suffering because of my disappearance. Looks like, Dessielle played a key role in helping him recover.

If what the rumors are saying is true then Dessielle has my gratitude... although it would be wise for her to take time and place into account when conferring with nobles whose rank is higher than hers, although it is likely that she does not make so many distinctions on the social status. At school, it is still acceptable but in external events... let’s say she should be careful since on more than one occasion she has shown an attitude too much friendly.

"That girl is exaggerating now." Artin began "Interfering with the lunch between Her Highness and lady Lianellis."

"There are no problems Artin." I said turning to her. “After all, I have no reason to blame her. I owe her a little since, according to rumors, she played a role of moral support for his Highness." Besides, ours is an engagement wanted by our parents and now I have no feelings for him. In my opinion, he could go out with whoever he wants.

"You are too kind, lady Lianellis." Saphielle said to which I replied with a simple smile

"However, I have heard that lady Dessielle has attracted the attention of many students..." Thalia began in a somewhat harsh tone.

"What kind of attention?" I asked slightly alarmed

"Negative." she stated, “Lately, there have been various acts of bullying against her. Nobody knows who the culprit is though... ”Thalia finished looking at me with a worried expression

"...... I understand." I said, walking back to the cafeteria

Most likely, a lot of people are suspecting me because I’m Ehrendil’s fiancé and they might have noticed the feelings I had for him. I just hope things don’t get complicated.

***(King Edward's POV)***

I am looking at something I never thought I could see in my short life. The castle of Cuding... the fortress built by my ancestors... destroyed in one night.

The face of my whole family was petrified. That black sphere that swallowed up almost the entire building made us shudder.

"Ara~..." lady Lilith exclaimed taking her face "Graeval has slightly exaggerated this time."

"""""Slightly?!""""" We exclaimed in chorus, frightening lady Lilith

"Well... he exaggerated."

Accompanied by the sound of something breaking through the air, lord Guardian... no, lord Graeval appeared in front of us landing lightly beside lady Lilith.

"I'm back," he said greeting his wife

"Welcome back." she replied by momentarily removing his mask and kissing him on the cheek

"Did I make you wait too long?"

“Just a little, but I had a nice chat with the royal family after I punished Arzined. Anyway, why did it take you so long?"

"That Mornfiend made me take him slightly seriously." he began by sighing "It seems that a dark spirit had been fused within the beast. Do you happen to know if such a thing is possible?"

When he asked that question, the smile on lady Lilith's face disappeared and she immediately became serious

"This is new to me." she began while rubbing her chin. “The Mornfiend is already incredibly dangerous and even the spirits stay away from him as if he is afflicted. Even if under contract, you can't force a spirit to do what it doesn't like."

"The spirit it was fused with was crazy... literally."

“...... I have never heard of spirits going crazy. If there were precedents, I don’t know any, and then to stay away from a Mornfiend for spirits is more an instinct that doesn’t make common sense. So even if he’s crazy, I doubt he wouldn’t listen to his instinct of self-preservation."

"Hmm... I don't like it."

"I do not like it either." lady Lilith stated "But... for now could you dedicate yourself to removing the paralyzing poison from the body of the royal family?"

"Uh? Oh! Forgive me."

As if he were offering something, a sphere of blue light formed on his hand, and subsequently, it split into many small spears that penetrated my body and that of my family. I didn't feel any change but then I noticed that my wife Calventia and my daughters began to move their limbs slowly, and I too was able to move them more smoothly.

"I have moved much of the paralyzing poison to the organs that specialize in the expulsion of toxins, but it's better if you still take a suitable antidote or something similar."

"Thanks." I stated

"After what I have done to your abode..." he began, turning towards the ruin of the castle "it is the minimum."

That statement left me slightly baffled: I didn't think the destruction caused to the castle would make him feel guilty. In battle, you never think about the collateral damage that the territory suffers, and during an assault on a city or a building, it is natural that there will be damage.

"You saved our lives... that's what matters."

"I don't question it, but I still feel guilty."

Lord Graeval took his chin and then thought for a few minutes. Finally, he opened like a small window next to himself and pulled out a green cloak that he made his wife wear.

"We could get visitors so..." he said lifting the hood

"Do not worry." lady Lilith said taking his hand and smiling at him

That said, lord Graeval turned back to the ruin, creaked his fingers, and took a deep breath

"Fuu. Let's start."

Slightly apart the legs and opening the arms, around us began to blow a strong wind and suddenly, two huge bright ovals opened showing the image of what looked like mountains

"Aren't those the Stonecroft Mountains?!" Atia exclaimed in surprise

The Stonecroft Mountains are a mountain range located in the northwest along the border with the Principality of Kreryn. In itself, it also acts as a natural boundary and there is nothing particular to say about them other than the fact that they are the only ones that have snow-capped peaks all year round.

Suddenly, lord Graeval began to close his hands until he formed a fist. There was a new earthquake and what was left of the palace as well as all the pieces of light-colored stone scattered around the garden were shattered and gathered together, in what appears to be a speck of light dust that moved slightly away. From there, whole blocks of a gray-blue stone began to come out of those ovals and settle on the site where the castle stood.

I don't know how long it was, but we all watched that show. Gradually, the walls and the shape of what would be a castle began to become more and more defined. The previous castle of Cuding was very traditional and with square shapes, but this was much more elegant, with rounded shapes, decorations, and reliefs that gradually formed giving a solemn air to the building, while the light-colored dust obtained from the remains of the previous castle was deposited in many points of the walls and seemed to merge with it.

"Wh-what's going on?!"

When the construction was more or less in the middle, I heard this exclamation on my right and saw that my brother-in-law, his wives, Yedal’s Queen and ambassador, had just arrived... and I think in a hurry because of their wheezing breath.

"Jack!" exclaimed my daughter jumping into her husband's arms "Thank goodness you're fine."

“Cordelia! Thank goodness..." Jack exhaled hugging my daughter and then turns to lady Lilith "Thank you for keeping her safe."

“Don't worry Hero. I had an unfinished business with the bastard behind all this mess."

"Your Majesty! You owe me a lot of explanations!" Shael interjected pointing to lord Graeval "How long have you been hiding him?"

"... I’ve never hidden him I discovered it recently."

“Are you kidding me? A... 'talent' like that is not something that comes out of nowhere at any moment! You couldn't have been unaware of it!"

“I'm serious lady Shael. We learned of his existence only a few months ago and the confirmation of his existence was provided to us by the Hero only last month."

"It can not be-"



What looked like a ball of water fell over Shael's head, wetting her head and clothes. As time had stopped momentarily, we turned to the culprit who held her hand open to lady Shael.

"Just calm down." Lilith began by lowering her arm "Guardian must concentrate."

Turning my gaze back to lord Graeval, I noticed that he was breathing heavily and seemed to be slowly giving in as if he had some weight on his shoulders.

All of a sudden, he snapped and put his hands in front of him. Besides the earth that was already trembling, I felt as if the skies were vibrating and many small suns were created over the already complete castle. The huge portals before left room for other smaller ones with always different images. Like a river in flood, I saw coming out from a portal what seemed like sand going to settle in all the suns, and from the others, different sands were carried in one of each sun. From there, huge colored and transparent windows magically appeared, which were placed in various areas of the building.

When the suns disappeared and those portals closed, lord Graeval sat down heavily on the ground promptly supported by lady Lilith.

"*Huff* *huff* What... *huff*... fatigue."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Hard... to say the least, *fuuu*... it's the first time I've... tried something like this."

Although my ears heard that argument, my gaze was fixed on the new castle. It was majestic, enormous, and solemn. Its rounded shapes and numerous decorations made up of statues, festoons, reliefs, and stained glass windows gave it grace and elegance, the white walls reflected the moonlight like mirrors and the high towers were slender and seemed to touch the sky. A small lake had been created on the place where before there were the greenhouses and three circular buildings were built, whose dome was made of crystalline glass, connected to the main wing by bridges that seemed to be supported by giants. The garden was still a desolate expanse but had been completely cleared of debris.

The impression the old castle gave when you looked at it was a sense of strength and awe. But this also expressed feelings of elegance, majesty, welcome, and safety.

In one night... lord Graeval had destroyed an entire fortress, and create a castle worthy not of a King, but an Emperor.

"...... First the Mornfiend, now this castle... with you common sense must be throw away."

"I must take it as a compliment... lady Sarity?"

"Take it as you want."

"Well, we're talking about my beloved Guardian after all~"

This last statement came along with a white light that was created in front of us... and the Goddess Aphy in all her beauty showed herself.

We all bowed to her, except Graeval, Lilith, Yedal's Queen and ambassador since they don't know her true identity.

"Uh? Why do you bow?" asked lady Shael noting our reaction

"Your Majesty... she is the divine Aphy herself." replied lady Ishgat

Doubtful, lady Shael and lord Torkian turned to the Goddess who introduced herself with a slight smile

"Hello~ I am Aphy, the patron goddess of this world~"

““.........EH?! EEEEEEEEH?!""

"I understand your surprise, but now I have come here in an official capacity and I have some issues to resolve~." she began by looking at all of us, "Let it be clear that whatever happens right now, no one else can know~."

"""As you wish.""" We answered automatically while the elves were still recovering from the shock

“Good children~. Now, Demon Queen Lilith Stilno..." she began using a gust of wind to pull lady Lilith's hood down "I'm here mainly for you."

"......What do you want from me?"

“I owe you an apology. Forgive my incompetence as patron Goddess."

As soon as she made that statement, Aphy lowered her head in front of lady Lilith offering a sincere apology not to Lilith, but the former Demon Queen. Huh? What is happening?!

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