The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 40

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
I take this opportunity to warn you that in Chapter 9 there is a small surprise for all of you.

Enjoy the chapter!

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***(Vogludun's POV)***

“----With this, today's meeting ends. Thanks for your hard work."

"""""Thank you minister.""""" They answered in chorus

With that greeting, everyone in attendance left the meeting room and I headed to my office as I still had some documents to review.

It has been about a month since the lord of this island, Arzined Voxnar, had left on an errand and never returned. If he never comes back, maybe it would be good for all the inhabitants of Bexita... and above all, I wouldn't have a headache anymore.

Entering my office, I closed the door behind me and sat down at my desk which, as usual, was full of documents to review and approve... or not?!

Usually, the stacks of documents that need to be processed are always placed on my left, while the complete ones I always placed on my right. Before today's meeting, I had worked at least half of it but now, the documents were all on the right and as soon as I took one of the ones I thought I still had to read, I discovered that it had been corrected and revised. When I moved my gaze to the signature

"You have always been an excellent subordinate, Vogludun." spoke a female voice that I knew well "Glad to see that time has not affected your efficiency."

Looking up I saw sitting on one of the armchairs, a demon with long white hair and a young face. A face that I would recognize anywhere.

Amid the emotion, I carried myself in front of her and prostrated myself, took her feet, and kissed them as a sign of devotion. Tears began to pour down my cheeks.

"Your Majesty! I am happy to see you healthy!"

"There was no need for all this ceremony, but..." she began approaching me and touching my shoulder "I'm also happy to see that you're okay."

In her other hand, she held a handkerchief which she handed me. Reverently I took it and dried my tears, then I got up and headed to the table where I kept the liquor that was much appreciated by lady Lilith. I poured two glasses and then handed one to my lady... who strangely refused. Although I was slightly sad, I put the glass on the table and then moved a chair to sit in front of her.

“The Akiya brothers told me what happened after my defeat. But I have to admit that you are doing better than I thought. Fufufu" she laughed pleased "Anyway rejoice because I bring important and excellent news."

“Your return is the best news we could have received. With your guide, we can finally- "

"Hold back the enthusiasm, Vogludun." my lady interrupted me "I didn't come here to take on the title of Demon Queen again, and I don't even intend to."

That statement had the same effect as a shower of cold water. I couldn't believe those words.

"Y-you must be kidding-"

"I am not joking." she stated in a relaxed tone "Didn't the Akiya brothers tell you anything?"

"...Only that at the moment you couldn't come back because you had things to do in the human world."

"......It makes sense knowing your reactions." she whispered, sighing and taking her forehead


"Leave it." she said making a simple gesture with his hand "Now let's go back to serious, and above all, important things: the Goddess Aphy, has decreed that the Demon race is necessary for the survival of the world."

***(Graeval's POV)***

Aphy had bowed her head in front of my wife, referring to her as the Demon Queen. When I looked back at the Elves who had recently arrived, I noticed that they were again in a state of shock. I hope they don’t get killed in the third shock.

"......What do you mean by this... Aphy?" Lilith asked with a mixture of surprise and anger at the same time

"... After having witnessed your emotional outburst" she began keeping her head down "I decided to deepen my knowledge about this world and its races...... I will not go round in circles, but with the last war there was a risk of destroying the civilization as we know it."

"You better explain everything..." I began looking at her "what you just said explains absolutely nothing about why you are apologizing."


Aphy usually lengthens the final vowels because she thinks they make her prettier and wittier but when it comes to talking about serious things, her way of speaking also changes. Still, I didn’t think things were that serious.

Aphy began to explain the origins of the world and how the various races were born. To summarize, a meteorite landed on this world and began releasing radiation that began to mutate the human race that was initially the only sentient living being in this world, giving birth to the race of Demons and Elves. These radiations are also the cause of the birth of the Beastmans and Dragonkin apparently, but at the moment it doesn't matter.

These radiations are still active and the magic beasts are a clear testimony to this fact as they are mutated living creatures and are constantly evolving... and if it were not for the existence of the Demons, Humans and Elves would also be affected by these mutations generated by the presence of this meteor.

“In short, my w- *ahem* the Demon Queen and her fellows act as a wall against these radiations due to their unconscious ability to absorb and neutralize them. Correct?" I asked with a hint of anger

"...Exactly." she stated “Because of my superficiality I was condemning my world to a terrible fate. In the worst-case scenario, to the complete extinction of life."

Aphy hadn't raised her head for a single minute during the explanation. And although my wife remained silent, I could sense in her murderous thirst to continue to grow. I too would be furious at least if I found out about such a thing.

"So... I take advantage of this moment to ask your forgiveness for not having realized before the consequences, that that war would have brought if it had continued."

"...... Do you think... that bowing your head... and apologizing is enough?" Lilith asked with unnatural calm

Aphy did not answer... nor did she move... and this triggered my wife.


Lilith took Aphy and punched her on the cheek so powerful that I could hear the explosion generated by the impact. The Goddess made a flight of a few meters landing on her side. My wife... was crying with rage


Aphy didn't answer. Not because she didn't want to or didn't know how to respond... but simply because she knew nothing would change.


Lilith pounded upon her as she said this, blinded by the anger and hatred suppressed all this time. Aphy let herself be hit... as if it were a way to atone for her sins... She won't atone for anything by just getting hit.

Before anyone else could intervene, I held my wife and threw her at me holding her in my arms and holding her as tightly as I could.


Her eyes had become even redder from tears and dyed with the dark feelings of hatred, anger, and bloodlust, they looked at me furiously, intimating me to leave her if I cared about my life. But I’m not leaving her. Not to stop Aphy from dying, but because I don’t want my wife... my beloved Lilith to be consumed by those feelings... to prevent them from changing her irreparably.

"By doing that you won't bring them back to life." I said looking at her in those hateful eyes "You know this, don't you?"


“AND RISK OF LOSING YOU?! NEVER!!" I raised my voice slightly when I made that statement. As she didn't want to lose me when I was about to kill my childhood friend and her husband, I now don't want to lose her. “Please... Lilith. If it helps to bring you back to being the woman I married and love, then I'm willing to die. But please don't cross that line."

The resistance she put up began to fade and in tears, she cried on my chest. I'm not going to erase those dark feelings of hers, but I'm also not going to stand and watch as she gets lost in them.

As my wife cried on my chest, I carried my hand to Aphy with her face swollen, and just this once, I decided to ease her pain as a reward for maturing.

"I see you are beginning to understand what it means to 'suffer the consequences of your actions'."

"......I'm immature." Aphy stated looking at me “I am a child in the body of an adult. Isn't it?"

I was surprised. Her eyes weren't the lighthearted, playful ones I was used to. These were serious and determined. The typical eyes of someone who has understood her mistake and does not want to make another one.

"If you know, then you know what to do."

As I held my tearful wife close to vent her anger, Aphy got up, straightened up, and stood in front of the incredulous rulers. Clearing her throat, she spoke again.

“…What I have just told you is the pure truth. As Goddess, I ask and order you to protect the Demon race."

"I understand and accept your request, mighty Aphy." king Edward spoke "But I'd like to ask you a question if I'm allowed."

"Ask away."

"Why did you want to start that war?"

...Sorry, what?! At that question, I instinctively turned to the King and then to Aphy. Immediately, I felt instinctive to release my bloodlust. I saw Aphy trembling, perceiving that this was directed toward her

"...... I'd like to know too." I began with an icy tone "Where did this brilliant idea of ​​starting that war come from?"

"W-wait a moment Guardian!" suddenly snapped Aphy frightened "I've never given an order like that!"


Everyone present, including the Elves, were left with their mouths open at that statement and since she is not good at lying, I doubt she would be able to do it now because she knows full well it would end with a hole in her chest.

"Are you serious mighty Aphy?!" this time it was Shael who asked, "The Papessa said she had received a divine message from you stating that the extermination of the Demons was necessary."


"Are you saying it's all a church invention?!" King Edward asked in amazement

"*Sigh*" Aphy exhaled "In itself, war is not bad as it is one of those events necessary for the advancement of technology, civil morality, and, even if it is bad to say, to stabilize an excessive demographic growth. Not surprisingly, one of our duties as a deity is to instigate conflicts, but only if necessary. The complete extermination of a race could lead to the destruction of the world balance.
Although this conflict was in any case within the limits of what was acceptable for reasons better not to mention, I thought that after a certain number of battles and deaths it would stop."

"Then why lie about you ordering it?"

“I don't know what to answer, it's an anomaly that I can't explain. No... now that I think about it, it is not the only one."

"What it means?" Jack asked

"You faced another one a while ago... Guardian."

"The crazy spirit fused within the Mornfiend, huh?"

"Exactly." she stated, noting some concern in her words. “When I started investigating the war, I also found an external influence on the spirits. Furthermore, taming a Mornfiend is an impossible feat even for a Demon."

That statement is truly troubling. Concern that reminded me of what I had discovered when I entered Ludmilla Westhead's mind. That and this external influence cannot be mere coincidences. Here, someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes... but their current goal is virtually impossible to comprehend. Moreover, it is not certain that there can be only one external influence, but there could be many.

“Other than those present here, no one else should know about these facts. However, keep your guard up. I don't know when this external influence could strike again and where."

""You have our word, mighty Aphy." King Edward and Queen Shael said together

"Guardian." Aphy began addressing me "I still don’t know who’s behind this, but I have a request: I would like you to work with me to prevent the plans created by this unknown entity."

"I decline!" or at least that's what I wanted to say.

This is already the second time that I have unwittingly interfered with the plans of this entity... and if he is watching us from somewhere, I doubt he would ignore me. If I add the fact that he has organized all of these plots, he is not at all the kind of person, or beast, who takes matters into his own hands when things don't go as they should.

"I’ll cooperate as far as I can."

"...The same goes for me."

"Lilith?!" Aphy exclaimed in surprise

"If behind that war... if there is someone behind all this, I certainly have no intention of staying on the sidelines." she said with red eyes because of tears, but determined "That being owes me a lot of blood."

"......I appreciate it." Aphy once again bowed her head

My wife is undoubtedly furious... but now all her anger seems to be focused on the real culprit of all this absurd mess. A peaceful life... huh? The more I try to avoid them, the more trouble I get. *sigh*

"Lord Guardian!" Bassilla called me "I have a request too."

"Hm? What does Lady Bassilla Calsay Belmont want?"

"I wish you would take me as your bride."


***(Bassilla's POV)***

Everyone looked at me with eyes wide open by surprise... to the point that right now I feel the need to hide somewhere. After all, it’s like I just confessed to Graeval. I saw my father tremble slightly and then he asked

"... Maybe I understand why, but I'll ask it anyway: why are you offering yourself to lord Guardian?"

“The mighty Aphy is asking Lord Guardian for help to prevent this… entity from further undermining the survival of the entire world. As a member of the royal family, at the very least we must share his burden."

"And tell me, what advantages would bring to my hus-ahem, to Guardian marrying you?"

"It could grant him access to the kingdom's intelligence and intelligence network, as well as all possible economic and military support." I said looking at my father "I think you’d do the same, father."

"I would have proposed it even without you having married lord Guardian." my father said slightly restless

"The same goes for us at Yedal." Queen Shael said "If this threat affects the whole world, we can't stand aside either."

"Bassilla." my sister Cordelia called me “Your general point of view is clear. But as our father said, there is no need for you to marry him. What is your real reason?"


"...Do I have to say it out loud...?"

“Ara! Ufufufu!"

My sister looked at me surprised and immediately after with a tender and loving look. My cheeks felt warm and I'm sure my face is as red as a tomato right now... Sister... you're a fool.

Looking around, I saw that many of those present were looking at me with sweet and sympathetic eyes as they understood that I had very strong feelings towards Graeval (or Guardian concerning queen Shael and Ambassador Torkian), my father instead was reluctant to the idea, lady Lilith and lady Aphy was both annoyed and surprised. Only Graeval I could not understand what expression he was making because of the mask.

"I refuse."

At that answer, my heart sank. As if the world around me was collapsing.

I thought I had given enough reasons for him to agree to marry me. I know he's already married to lady Lilith, but polygamy is allowed so I can't understand why he doesn't want to accept.

"Never once are you delicate when a woman confesses her feelings to you." I heard Lady Sarity whisper behind me

"As I told you once, lady Sarity..." he began turning to the interested woman "Better to suffer one day rather than for the whole life."

"Tsk." clicked her tongue lady Sarity "Could you at least tell us the reasons why you refused?"

"I'm curious too." Queen Shael broke in "Leaving aside the fact that lady Bassilla has a crush on you, the benefits you would get are still excellent."

“Apart from the fact that the main reason is another. The advantages you talk about, as you herself said, I would have obtained anyway. But the problem lies in politics." he began looking at queen Shael. “I highly doubt that the marriage of a member of the royal family will go unnoticed, particularly if it is the marriage of the famous 'Crystal Wisteria'.
Moreover, marrying her would be equivalent to being obliged to accept a noble title, which would entail my entry into court politics and the renunciation of any kind of confidentiality or concentration towards the mission I have just accepted. Even if I remain a ghost, lady Bassilla would have to stay behind and face a ruthless court politic of which she is not at all prepared and accustomed... not that I have the right to talk about it."

"Y-you're not completely wrong..." my sister Cordelia interjected, "but if you accepted my sister's hand, she would be able to communicate directly with our father thanks to the Traveler's Journal."

Great assist sister!

“If it comes to communicating directly, I just need to open a portal and come here whenever I like. Also after this night, since my existence will certainly be exposed at least to neighboring nations, do you believe that these would keep quiet?" he asked looking at the hero Jack "Did you forget what happened shortly after the marriage between the hero and her Highness Cordelia?"


My sister Cordelia's expression darkened while her Majesty Shael remained expressionless, but I could see some disturbance in her eyes... and I too could understand why. Indulging in their greed, thirst for power... or simply love, many ends up accepting positions of power without thinking about the consequences. A clear example is precisely the marriage between Jack and my sister which brought an enormous advantage from the political and military point of view to the kingdom, but a terrible decline in relations with other nations.

Queen Shael thought that Guardian was not so different, but in the end, her expectations were betrayed by the fact that he refused by taking into account the consequences that he would suffer, as well as I, and the world politics.

"Couldn't using the Traveler's Journal be a good idea though?" my sister Atia asked

"You mentioned it before, but what is it?"

"Put simply, it is a magical tool that allows the owner to communicate with another person."

"Hooo~!" Graeval answered interested "So why not just give it to me?"

"The problem lies precisely in the use." Lady Ridel stated, "There have already been attempts, but apparently it cannot be used by people outside the royalty of Thirus."

"...I see." he said thoughtfully

What Lady Ridel said is true. The Traveler's Journal is a magical tome entrusted to the royal family at the founding of the kingdom and is believed to be a relic of ancient times. No one has ever been able to use it, apart from the royal family of Thirus and his descendants.

While this may be counted as an advantage, apparently it doesn't quite convince Guardian. I didn’t want to play this card, but...

"Also, if you agree to marry me, you can use me as a hostage and insurance to ensure my family's loyalty."

"Bassilla!!" my father exclaimed in surprise while all my other family members looked at me petrified

Graeval snapped when I said that. Despite the mask, I could feel his surprise.

“...... Are you willing to go that far? Even if you know you could suffer from it?"

"I do not regret this choice."

He remained silent and turning to the side of Lilith, he took his chin. Lady Lilith looked at me for a second, almost as if she were gazing into my soul... and she seemed to smile ironically as her eyes expressed respect. Though imperceptible, I saw her nodding with her head.

“Foolishness and courage are often two sides of the same coin. Whether your choice turns out to be brave or just foolish, time will tell." he began looking back at me. “I agree to have you by my side however, my refusal to marry you remains. I'm not going to marry a woman I don't love."

At that statement, I felt my heartbeat wildly. I was happy because he agreed to allow me to be by his side, but at the same time sad because he declared that he did not love me. I know... now you don't love me... but I'll do anything...

"I’ll do everything I can to make you fall in love with me, and when it will happen, I hope you’ll agree to make me your wife."

"Hou~!" exclaimed amused Lady Lilith, "I look forward to your seduction techniques."

It was a clear challenge on her part. Graeval's wife was inviting me to try where not even the mighty Aphy, a Goddess, seems to have succeeded in the feat... She’s certain I’ll fail too. My determination will certainly not falter before Lady Lilith. He is my first love and deep down I am sure he is also the only one. I will not back down for any reason.

"*Sigh* Make sure you don't overdo it." Graeval stated, taking his forehead and bringing his hand to his side. “The Hero and his wives know how to contact me. When you are ready, follow their instructions and join me."

At his statement, I nodded, and at the same time, he opened a portal next to him.

“With that, I believe the discussion has come to an end. I take my partner home and then I go home too. For what it's worth, I wish you a good continuation of the night."

Once through the portal, it closed. Leaving us in an atmosphere that has grown slightly strange, the mighty Aphy began to levitate

“As Guardian said, I finished my errands~. By the way~, just to be on the safe side don't trust any member of the church~. Having said that, I bid you farewell~. Bye bye~!" and disappeared

Now it was just us and feeling heavy I collapsed to the ground.

""Bassilla?!"" my mother and Cordelia called me worried

“I-I'm fine. Only, I think my legs gave out at the same moment I relaxed." I said, breathing heavily

"You were reckless, Bassilla!" my father said worriedly “Those were dangerous statements! What if he only accepted because you offered yourself as a hostage? You want to make me die of worry."

"Don’t worry, your Majesty." Lady Sarity said, "It’s not in his character."


Although my father was not entirely convinced, Lady Sarity's statement reassured him a little.

"Ahem!" queen Shael cleared her throat "You seem to know him well... lady Sarity."

"...... It's not that I don't know him... it's that I'm good at reading people's hearts."

"Hmm~... maybe..."

Queen Shael did not completely believe the half-truth that Lady Sarity had told, but it does not seem that she intends to investigate further.

"Anyway, it looks like we'll have to roll up our sleeves as soon as we get back home." she stated, turning to Lord Torkian

“It as you say, Your Majesty. We will have to inform his Majesty your husband of the incident and improve the communication systems with his Majesty Edward Calsay Belmont."

"I really appreciate it." my father stated turning to them "I will also prepare a letter for your husband Vulas Trismyar Leomyar u'Yedal so that I can support you when you have to tell him the events of this night."

“It will be really useful to me. Thanks."

"Anyway, I think we all agree to keep the revelations the lady Aphy made this night a secret, right?"

We all nodded. We know very well that it concerns not only national but also world security. And at the moment, we cannot make such statements even to the high echelons of other nations, because it could reach the ears of the culprit of all these bad events.

"So we agree. Ah! Before I forget!" her Majesty Shael exclaimed turning towards me "At the banquet, I did not have the opportunity to confer with you in private, but I have a proposal for you, Lady Bassilla."

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