The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 41

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***(Vogludun's POV)***

"Hmm~... I understand." I said after listening to what happened into the human capital, Cuding

I didn't expect all these complications. I never expected us demons to be so important for the survival of all the other races.

"For this reason, I want you to secretly seek to improve diplomatic relations with Thirus."

"I do not doubt you my lady, but..." I began looking at her with concern "how do we know that all this is not a trap?"

“Your question is legitimate, but because of my husband, I have often had to deal with the Goddess Aphy. I assure you it's pretty easy to unmask her when she lies."

"I understand, so it's for-" Wait a minute! "My lady... did you by any chance say that you have a husband?"

When I asked that question, I saw lady Lilith look away and cover her mouth... as if what she had just said about her had accidentally escaped from her mouth. That expression was enough as an affirmative answer.

"My lady... don't tell me he's a human."


"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" I asked raising my voice and then compose myself immediately and lower it again "If it came to be known, it would cause an unprecedented scandal!"

The human race is seen by demons as inferior beings since they cannot compare with us both physically and magically. We also take into account that the recently concluded war has done nothing but add wood to the flames of hatred.

If it turns out that the Demon Queen has married one of them, it could lead to a revolt in the worst case.

"Relax, everything will be fine!" my lady said lightly "After all, I no longer hold the title of Demon Queen."

"You knows very well that you're the only one who can take charge of that title."

"Details details." she said jokingly "Besides, you're doing just fine without me and my husband is no ordinary human."

"What does it mean?"

“I won't go into detail but he's much, much more powerful than even the dreaded Dragonkin. Not to forget that he is also the father of the child I carry in my womb."

“Now you're exag--- Child?! In your womb?!!"

With a beautiful smile and a motherly look, my lady Lilith leaned her hand over her lap and started massaging it gently.

"Fufufu. I am two weeks pregnant. After at least a year of trying, we finally succeeded."

"...... Now I have a headache... as if lord Voxnar wasn't enough already." I said taking my face with both hands.

"You won't have to worry about that idiot anymore." Lady Lilith suddenly stated coldly

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That idiot had the guts to end my honeymoon badly three weeks ago." she began looking at me irritated "And let’s not add the fact that he was trying to kidnap the daughters of the king of Thirus..."

"What was that idiot thinking?!!" I snapped

Kidnap the daughters of the king of Thirus?! Such action is worrying and insane. Doing something like this is like declaring war on Thirus... a war we can’t afford! We have not yet fully recovered from the last one and our numbers are far too small......

"I'm glad my lady stopped him." I started sitting down again "I will make sure he is punished in an exemplary manner."

"No need, because I've already done it."

"......What kind of punishment."

"I killed him... making sure he first suffered the worst known pain in this world." began by making a sadistic smile "But more than for his attempted kidnapping, I was irritated by the fact that that pig dared to interrupt my long-awaited honeymoon after all~"

So she would have killed him anyway... seeing her with that smiling, sadistic expression at the same time made a shiver run down my spine, making me realize that it was better to not put a beak in her married life if I care for my life.

However, even if he deserved to die, the disappearance of the last demon of noble blood is certainly not something that can be easily recovered from. After all, the nobles were all descendants of the founding demons of the Kingdom of Deshatia and chieftains during the pre-unification period.

Simply put, they were phenomenal individuals and unique even among demons.

"About House Voxnar..." my lady began as if she remembered something "Did you know Arzined had a sister?"

“?! Wasn't Arzined Voxnar the only child?!"

“It seems so. Well... how can I tell you..."

From there, my Lady told me that Arzined's younger sister, Heloria Voxnar had become the first piece in his collection, and had been transformed into a soulless puppet. Heloria's ultimate misfortune had been to be chosen for lady Lilith's recovery mission, but it seems that the only positive note was that she was saved by the powers of my lady's husband.

"......I do not know what to say." I sighed leaning back "Poor girl."

"True... and here, I have a personal favor to ask you." she began by looking into my eyes "I would like you to take care and raise Heloria Voxnar as a worthy member of the house to which she belongs."

"... I would have done it even if it wasn't your request though, what do you mean by 'raising her'?"

“Based on what my husband said, to protect herself from those abuses, Heloria kind of sealed her personality in a corner of her consciousness. Now, even though she has an adult body, her personality is that of a 5 years old girl."

"So young?" I asked, clenching my fist

"I know. He was disgusting." she said sadly, “My husband and I took care of her the best we could, but we can’t keep her with us. She could get into trouble since our existence is known only to the royal family, the queen, and an ambassador of Yedal."

"Yes... I understand perfectly." If by the typical whims of a child she ended up revealing her identity, not only Heloria but also my lady could… “Leave it to me. I will raise her as if she is the blood of my blood."

"Thank you."


"Aunt Lilith!" a female voice exclaimed

"Oh! Speak of the devil... welcome back Heloria." greeted my lady cheerfully, getting up

turning, I saw that two figures had entered the window: one was a demon dressed simply, with a young and smiling face with features similar to those of the previous head of the Voxnar family, and short black hair.

She must be Heloria Voxnar... but the person beside her...

A tall man covered in a worn and dirty cream cloak, his face covered by a hood and an iron mask. He looked like he was very powerful but the thing I noticed... was that I couldn't feel a single drop of mana from his body.

Heloria embraced Lady Lilith with an innocent smile as she was followed by that figure who stood in front of my lady

"We are back!"

"Welcome back." said my lady softly "How was the walk?"

"It was fun! You must have been there aunt! There were so many little shops with sooo much food..."

As Heloria recounted her visit to the Guagon market with this man, I noticed that she gestured and talked just like a child would the first time it saw something new. I understand... she acts just like a little girl.

"---and since I was good girl, uncle Graeval gave me this bracelet!" she concluded proudly showing a bracelet made from rough quartz stones.

“Oh my, how cute! It looks great on you!"

“Hehe~” laughed Heloria with red cheeks “Ah! Aunt aunt! Close your eyes!"


"Is a surprise! Come on close them!"

"Okay~" said my lady closing her eyes

Smiling, Heloria pulled the cloak of the person who had called Graeval and he from under the cloak gave her something. She went behind lady Lilith and hooked a pendant with an amethyst in it.

"You can open them!"

“Ara~! How wonderful!" exclaimed my lady looking at the pendant "did you choose it?!"

“We chose it together! You are beautiful, aunt!"

“Fufufu! Thanks to both of you *Chu*"

"Hehehe~" Heloria chuckled as she was given a kiss on the cheek

Then lady Lilith approached the man with eyes filled with love, she removed the man's mask revealing the face of a young man with eyes as gray as ice and a loving smile.

Rising on her toes, I saw my lady kiss him on his lips, and in the meantime, I saw Heloria cover her eyes with both her hands, leaving however a small space from which to peek.

"Thanks a lot." she said softly

"It fits you perfectly." Graeval spoke "Or rather, you make that gem even more beautiful." he finished by kissing the back of her hand

"Fufufu... flatterer."

This atmosphere is too sugary.

"*Ahem!*" I cleared my throat bringing them back among those present

“Ara! Sorry, Vogludun." my lady said and then turned to me "Let me introduce you to my husband Graeval."

***(Graeval's POV)***

A couple of months have passed since the battle at Cudding and now spring is upon us.

In itself, nothing sensational has happened in the capital... except perhaps the rumors of the destruction and subsequent one-night reconstruction of the royal castle, which remained on everyone's lips until recently. Given its peculiarity, the king decided to name it 'Phoenix Castle'.

The character of Guardian instead was made public and declared Holy Protector of Thirus both by the Church and the royal family, generating a huge stir within the Kingdom. It was a smart move as now even the anti-thirus alliance would have to think twice before doing anything to the nation.

Why? Quite simply, the title of Holy Protector of Thirus is a very powerful political and religious card as it is as if Thirus had become as important as the State of the Church at the behest of Aphy herself.

Uh? Sarity? No no, the story is completely different. Although Sarity is indeed the Saint of Aphy, this does not mean that Thirus is the only nation that can benefit from her presence, and above all, it is also a title that guarantees a certain authority to the Church.

In conclusion, giving to Guardian that title is as if it were declaring to the world: "Try to cause trouble to Thirus and you will answer directly to Aphy (in the form of Guardian)". Since everyone knows of Aphy's existence, at this moment plotting against Thirus can lead to terrible consequences since it is believed that the Goddess sees and hears everything... which is false, but others don't need to know. Consequently, even if it will be conducted in absolute secrecy, it can also act as a shield in case it becomes known of the improvement of diplomatic relations between the remains of Deshatia and Thirus.

Personally speaking, I find that title stupid as it only serves to attract unnecessary attention to me and now my fellow citizens have started to worship me too, which bothers me since I am neither a saint nor a god. Besides, the nobles of the kingdom are looking in every way for a method to try to contact me... I’m not gonna let them know.

However, the mysterious and most of all reserved nature of Guardian has begun to spread a rumor that it seems that I am nothing more than a fabrication created by the Church at the request of the royal family. To be honest, I sincerely hope this rumor will catch on quickly, but if I have to take into account the current very delicate situation... I don't know how good that can be.

Heloria has returned home, and both my wife and I have entrusted her to the care of the Prime Minister of Deshatia, Vogludun Or'goth, who will raise her so that she becomes a demon worthy of her house. An elder demon filled with praise from Lilith, more than deserved as within the island Bexita is seen as a point of reference by many demons. The only fault with him is that he is far too loyal and devoted to my wife, but luckily he is a reasonable person and has accepted, albeit reluctantly, our relationship.


It's a day like any other here at the Moonlight. I am always behind the counter while Lilith serves customers happier than ever.

However, although it is quiet inside the restaurant, it is raining heavily outside and consequently, there were fewer people than usual, and in the end, they became less and less to the point that due to bad weather even my employees had to flee for home.

Yeah... it was a downpour full of lightning, thunder, and a strong wind whistling outside as the rain beat violently on the windows. My wife was sitting in front of one of the windows with her face resting on the table as she looked out. I, on the other hand, was in the kitchen while I was preparing something hot given the humidity and cold. So, what can be better than a vegetable and legume soup?

Having prepared two plates, I placed them on a tray and took them to the table where my wife was sitting, and at the same time I took up a cotton blanket. Once beside her, I placed the blanket on her shoulders

"Thanks, but there was no need."

"You know it’s no use hiding it from me." I said serving one of the two plates in front of her "Your body is not capable of lying to me." I ended by leaning my hand on her

"Fufufu. It's the same for you too, isn't it?"

When she asked me that question she shook my hand and turned to me with a loving expression and eager eyes. When she looks at me like that, I always instinctively kiss her.

"You are greedy, you know~♥?"

"Said the woman that keeps draining me at night."

Well, our nocturnal activities continued even after she found out she was pregnant. The day she told me, I was over the moon and the first thing I did was to announce it to the whole village. A stupid act I do not deny, but it was since we got married that we tried to have a child so, what did you expect?

However, her carnal desire has increased slightly. Now, it's okay that I have forbidden her to drink alcohol, but the fact that she is compensating for that little pleasure with "nocturnal physical activity"......... I have to resist. It is for the sake of our child.

Uh? Don't you know? Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause deformities or complications for the baby once it is born, while the night activities help to face better labor. How do I know? Well, let's say that conceiving a child with the woman I love is a desire that I have since my previous life and I have informed myself to the best of my abilities.

Although I wanted to let myself go. I gave her one last kiss and sat down opposite her with the bowl of soup in hand and we began to eat. With each bite, my body warmed up and the slightly salty flavor of the legumes whetted my appetite.

"Delicious as always, Graeval."

"Thanks." I said chewing another bite "However, the fact that despite all this mess we somehow managed to restore our old everyday life makes me happy."

"Yeah... I'd like it to continue like this until we see our great-grandchildren."

"It would be nice." I said a little disconsolately

"It will happen. I'm sure of it." Lilith reassured me smiling at me "When you’ve kicked the bastard who’s been up to all this trouble, I’m sure we can."


"Tell me."

"Why did you consent to Bassilla's request to join me?"

"Why are you worried about it?"

"More like, I didn’t see it coming." I said, "Considering how you reacted when Aphy came out..."

At that question, my wife put down her spoon and leaned back on the backrest. Her gaze was serious, but I could also read a little annoyance.

"I do not deny it. I am irritated that another woman who is infatuated with you, turns around you." she said crossing her arms, "But I noticed it in her eyes."


"The determination of a woman in love." she said, sighing and looking out the window. "I’m sure that even if you refused her, she wouldn’t have given up. I’m sure she thought 'polygamy is allowed, so I have nothing to fear'."

"You know very well that I am against that thing." As pleasant as they are, harems are just a nuisance "When I married you, I did it with the intent that only you are my wife."

"I know it very well. And this has always been a source of happiness for me." she replied looking at me fondly “But you shouldn't underestimate the determination of a woman in love. She can be very devious at times."

"Now you're scaring me."

"Fufufu. You should be." she began by getting up and standing by my side "You would have less trouble facing an army of Mornfiend."

“When the time comes, I'll try to deal with it. For now..." I began stroking her belly that had grown "I prefer to think of you and our child."

"Fufufu" taking my hand, Lilith led it to her breast "How about assisting me with some physical activity~♥?" she asked with eyes full of desire

"...... Can't you wait?"

At that question, Lilith bent down and touched my friend who immediately woke up.

“I can't~♥” she stated kissing me

*Clack!* *Dlin dling!*

The sound of the door opening made us come to our senses from our desire and immediately we right ourselves.

With their cloaks soaked, two figures appeared in front of us, one of whom is nearly as tall as a child. Seeing them, I began to have a bad feeling.

"Finally I see you again... Graeval"

Bassilla, the owner of that voice, uncovered her face, letting her long navy blue hair fall out.

Sigh... here it begins.

"Welcome." I greeted her getting up "I thought you were coming last month."

"When we separated that night, I also thought I would depart immediately, but there were some unexpected events."


“Hey hey! Look, we're both soaked and you want to talk about serious things right now?!"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked annoyed

Recognizing his voice and turning my gaze to the lower figure, Ishgat uncovered her face as she looked at me with a reproachful expression.

“I'm lady Bassilla's bodyguard. Do you have problems with that?"

"I wouldn’t know where to start if I had to say it." I said taking my forehead “But I'll start with: aren't you a Templar? What the hell are you doing as a bodyguard of a member of the royal family?"

“I left the order and placed myself in the service of the royal family of Thirus. Simple isn't it?"

*Sigh* Holy patience... "There’s a bathroom in the back. Take a hot bath and then we’ll talk." I told them and then I went to Lilith, "Forgive me Lilith, but could you bring them some towels and some dry clothes while I warm something up?"

"Of course." she said smiling at me "Follow me," she said heading towards the back

She left the Templars and she expects there will be no problems? That reckless one. As I thought that, I expanded my perception looking for people outside Fago who were moving in strange ways or were lurking just outside the village... *Sigh* There they are.

It was to be expected. Although I understood Ishgat’s capricious and fickle character, it was obvious that she would not go unnoticed. And it was also obvious that the Church had harbored suspicions when their best bodyguard had resigned out of the blue and immediately put herself at the service of the royal family. They must have thought something was up.

However, not wanting to run into further problems, I warned my wife that I was leaving and I 'convinced' the pursuers that they had lost sight of their target to a town on the western border of Thirus. That way, when they returned to report, they could instigate the hypothesis that Ishgat simply wanted to go home...... which I want her to do.

The simplest and quickest method would have been to kill them, but their death would still have made room for suspicion and therefore the dispatch of more agents. Either way, this matter is resolved.

"Where did you go?" Ishgat asked me as she saw me return

"To take a cold shower." I answered sarcastically

My wife handed me a warm towel which I immediately used to quickly dry my head and hands. Once that was done, I invited Bassilla and Isghat to sit down and served them a bowl of soup. While they were eating it, Lilith and I sat across from them.

Once their stomach was full, I looked into their eyes and asked

"Then? What are these unexpected events?"

"Well..." Bassilla began timidly "after your departure, her Majesty Leomyar made me a proposal."

"Proposal?" I have a bad feeling about it...

"Shee invited me to attend the Elven Academy in Isyelon."

......That witch!!!

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