The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 42

And as we say in Italy "Con l'epifania, ogni festa vien portata via" (With the epiphany (January 6th) every holiday is taken away). I hope you all had a merry Christmas and a happy new year. But now it’s back to normal.

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***(Bassilla's POV)***

"...... And what did you say to her?"

When Graeval asked that question, he looked at me with a tired expression.

"Uh? I accepted."

"*Sigh*" he sighed heavily grabbing his forehead

“Hey! What is that sigh?" Ishgat asked amused "Are you sad because you will not be able to be together with these two beauties for a long time?"

"It seems that besides the tail the only thing you have inherited from your ancestors is their tiny brains."

"Wha-?! Take it back!" lady Ishgat snapped irritably

"Of course not." he said confidently "If you want me to take it back, tell me why I called you a moron?"

"Now are you saying it without even hiding it?!"

To be honest, I don't understand the reason for his reaction either. I mean, it's still an opportunity to strengthen the ties between the two nations, and given lady Aphy's revelation, I don't see why that has to be bad. Unless...

"They want to find a way to maintain direct contact with you... don't they?"

"Most likely..." he began looking into my eyes "Queen Leomyar will have interpreted your desire to marry me as a way of ensuring that Thirus's royal family can maintain a military advantage over other nations."

"......I see." I said, reflecting on what he just said

“I'm sure lady Leomyar will have noticed your sincere feelings. But before she's a woman, she's a politician, and so, I think her idea is this..."

***(Shael's POV)***

I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"I'm back Vulas."

"Oh! Shael!" exclaimed my husband getting up from the chair of his desk and coming towards me "Did you have a good trip?"

"Tiring, but nothing sensational happened."

"I can imagine." he said giggling "How about you freshen up and tell me about it?"

"As much as I’d like to, there is one thing I’d better discuss now..." I started and then turned my gaze to those present in my husband’s studio "and in private."

Seeing me serious, my husband understood that it was something important and with a wave of his hand he let everyone out.

Once we both sat down, I began to tell him about that night in Cuding, where I witnessed a one-sided confrontation between Guardian and a Mornfiend, the destruction of the royal castle and its reconstruction, the truth revealed to us by the Goddess Aphy and the revelation that the Demon Lord... no, the Demon Queen is actually still alive and at the Guardian's side. My husband has always been serious and listened to me without saying anything but his eyes were doubtful and I too would have those doubts. After all, the story was absurd, to say the least. When I gave him the letter written by king Edward and he read it, he sighed

"*Sigh* Hard to believe it."

“I, too, would be picky about the veracity of this event. But after seeing it with my own eyes, I still wonder if I haven't imagined everything."

“I doubt you and king Edward Calsay Belmont imagined the same thing. Anyway, how is Thirus moving?"

“At the request of the mighty Aphy, they should have already secretly begun to open a diplomatic channel with the Demon Kingdom. Furthermore, the news will likely arrive shortly, but Guardian has received the title of Holy Protector of Thirus, a title supported by an oracle sent by Aphy herself."

"Umu. This way if they are discovered by other nations, they will not be able to move easily against them. However, this mysterious Guardian... I wonder what his intentions are..."

"I can’t answer that, but I know that at the moment he has agreed with the Demon Queen to collaborate with the mighty Aphy to find the true instigator of the recent war and the bad events of recent times."

"The Demon Queen... Lilith... right?"

"Yes... that's her name."

My husband took his chin and began to think. Probably, he will be thinking about how to act in this situation. But most likely, he will be thinking the same thing as me.

"For the time being, I will accept this as a fact." began by addressing me "Now our priority will be to strengthen our ties with Thirus and monitor the situation even within our kingdom. I wouldn’t want this entity to cause trouble for us too."

"I agree. That is why I have taken the liberty of authorizing lord Torkien to share information in our possession with king Belmont about possible events that could connect with this entity."

"You did well." he smiled, "Besides, I think it’s best to find a way to connect us with this Guardian."

As I thought. In recent times, Thirus has given birth and hosted particularly powerful entities such as the Saint, the Hero, and above all Guardian.

"This, however... will be a much harder goal to achieve." I began by shaking my head "Unlike the Hero who mainly listens to his feelings, Guardian observes the situation from both a logical and political point of view. He refused without hesitation the proposal of marriage of her Highness Bassilla Calsay Belmont."

“...... You're not kidding right? Did he refuse the hand of the 'Crystal Wisteria'?!"

"That's right." I began by crossing my arms "He explained very clearly the disadvantages that he would achieve by accepting and affirmed, albeit using different words, that that marriage would hinder his divine assignment."

"It would have been very conspicuous."

"Exactly. However, he did not refuse her request to support him until the mission was completed. Right now, I'm sure the 'Crystal Wisteria' is at Guardian's side as she updates him on possible events."

"So... he might be seduced in the meantime." he sighed. “We certainly can't send one of our granddaughters to make contact with him. It would make our intentions clear."

If, as my husband said, we had sent one of our female family members under the pretext of working with Guardian to face the global threat, our second reason would also have been revealed: try to tie him to our kingdom through a possible marriage once the threat is eliminated.

"This is why I found a method to make the formation of this bond more natural."

"That is?"

"I proposed to lady Bassilla to attend Isyleon Academy."

"I see."

Since lady Bassilla and Guardian will work closely together, he will not be able to leave the princess to himself, as he will also be responsible for her safety. In this way, he will be forced to accompany her and we can 'support' some of our grandchildren or daughters in a completely natural way.

***(Bassilla's POV)***

"......Or at least, that's what I think she thought."

"*Sigh* You just reminded me why I hated politics." Lilith sighed in exasperation

"Ugh... I'm sorry..." I apologized

"There is no need." Graeval calmly stated. “I can understand your decision. After all, you were locked up in the castle until recently due to that curse."

Even though it was clear that my impulsive action might have caused a nuisance for him, I was still happy that he considered my feelings. I almost instinctively smiled when he justified me.

"Anyway, if you’re going to attend it, I’m not going to stop you. I guess I’ll see you when you finish your course."

"Huh? Aren't you going to accompany me?"

"I have no reason to do it. I have more reasons not to leave than the opposite."

"For example?" Ishgat asked

“I already kept the restaurant closed a few months ago. Closing it again and for such a long time will be detrimental to my business."

“If it's for the restaurant...” Lilith interjected “Just let your assistant cooks handle it. By now they know all the dishes you prepare and you could use this period of absence to see if they can manage a restaurant. Of course, I’ll keep an eye on them. The excuse you used was leaking water everywhere, honey. What is the real reason?"


Graeval hesitated to answer and I could see lady Lilith giving him inquisitive and at the same time amused glances as she watched him look for an excuse. But he finally gave in and after sighing, he took her hand

"Because you will have to stay here and I'm afraid I won't be able to be there the day our child is born."

"Graeval..." she called him smiling

So it's for lady Lilith that he doesn't want to leave. Since it's preng- Wait a moment? She is-

"Pregnant?!" lady Ishgat exclaimed

"That’s right." lady Lilith smiled, "I’m two months pregnant, and since I am, Graeval has been worrying about me."

“What do you want me to do? You are too important to me."

“Fufufufu. You are overprotective."

While Graeval's cheeks were flushed with embarrassment and lady Lilith teased him lovingly, I felt my mind empty. Pregnant... lady Lilith is carrying Graeval's baby... how lucky... I too want to conceive his child.

"Lady Bassilla?!" alarmed lady Ishgat called me “Are you okay?! lady Bassilla!"

Who knows what our son might be like...


The snap of fingers made me come to my senses and I saw that Graeval was who had just snapped them

"It will not happen." he stated looking at me seriously and slightly annoyed “I married Lilith and I have no intention of marrying anyone else. So don't get too immersed in those fantasies... because they won't come true."

"There is nothing absolute." I said seriously “I already told you. I will be able to become your second wife."

"*Sigh* You certainly don't lack determination..." he said with a sigh "however, I remain adamant that I don't want to accompany you."

“I would understand if lady Lilith was in a period when she is close to giving birth, but since she is not she will be fine if she travels with us. Besides, Iselyon is a week away with the carriage."

"The problem is the inhabitants of the destination." he said taking the face. “Like demons, elves are also very good at sensing the mana of other living beings. Do you think they wouldn't notice me or my wife?"

"I don't see the problem..."

“The problem Ishgat is that my wife has a particular type of mana since she is affected by the unconscious ability of the demons. Instead I...."

“... You don't have a single drop of mana. Am I right?"

At that question, Graeval nodded.

The controls at the entrance of the cities are often rigid and most likely the elves also take into account the mana possessed by a person as it can serve to understand the true race of those who enter. After all, the mana changes by race, and apparently, a demon is easily recognizable.

"Well, I see no problems." relaxed lady Ishgat said "In every part of the world, the royal carriage is never stopped for thorough checks."

"Even so, Queen Leomyar met my wife and so I don’t think you can forget so easily her somatic traits and her mana. I’ll remind you that I met her, too, and I’m sure she’d notice a person without a drop of mana."

If I look at lady Lilith who is now under the disguise of her magical powers and Graeval's power, the only thing that changes are the absence of horns, the color of hair and eyes, while the rest remains unchanged. Only those who do not know her true identity would fall for it.

"I would have that problem..." lady Lilith affirmed, sighing "But you not even that much to tell the truth..."


“With your powers, you are more than capable of interfering with other people's perceptions. Hiding among the elves is child's play for you."

“... Now I'm sure. Lilith." Graeval called her "Why do you seem so willing to let me go?"

"Because you have no reason to refuse."

"As I said, you are my-"

"You just need to open a portal inside our house to reach me at any time." she affirmed, placing her finger on his lips. "Also, it could be a good opportunity for you to experiment with new dishes using typical Elven products... also because I think that would be your cover, isn't it lady Bassilla?"

"...Yes. My father told me you could accompany me as my cook. You would even get paid."

"See?" she said smiling looking at him

"Okay, but..."

“You can also take the opportunity to tour the country of Yedal and find some romantic place to accompany me and maybe invite me for a stroll through the streets of Iselyon once in a while. Besides, it could also be an occasion to say hi to little Arryn. Even though I know she is safe, I don't deny that I miss that little elf."

“But if you were gelo- Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

"Did you say something?" lady Lilith asked making a pinch on the back of his hand, to which he replied by shaking his head "Having said that, my husband is happy to accompany you~."

When Lady Lilith said such a thing, I saw Graeval looking at her with eyes full of surprise and concern. Most likely, he’s probably asking himself the same question I do. Why is she pushing him to leave?

***(Lilith's POV)***

"Now, can you tell me why you want me to go?"

When Ishgat and Bassilla were gone, my husband and I were left alone in the restaurant, and given the storm that continues to rage, we decided to close the day and go home. Time to pass the door, that he asked me that question

"Because I’ve always wanted to visit the Elven kingdom and since Princess Bassilla is offering you a wonderful opportunity to enter. I don’t see why not take advantage of it." I said smiling

"Lilith... please..."

"*Sigh*... It is now clear that the figure of Guardian and its mission will heavily influence the policies of many kingdoms. Even if you are not directly involved, your character will be..." I sighed thinking about the recent events "starting to become familiar with elf politics could help you in the future."

"I understand... but, it seems to me that that's not all."

"Fufufu. You never miss anything right?" I laughed looking at him lovingly. “Lady Bassilla has an influence that is far too strong given her fame as 'Crystal Wisteria'. I wouldn't find it strange that someone would want to try to get close to her for their benefit."

“That is the world of the nobility. It shouldn't cause you much worry... unless you fear that someone related to the unknown entity is approaching her."

At that statement, I nodded with a worried expression

"As you know, that girl is not yet ready to face the ruthless political games of the nobles and above all, is not very good at immediately understanding what the other side wants unless she thinks carefully...... and those are games in which you must react promptly and with caution."

"And since Ishgat is all brawn and no brain..."

If Ishgat, besides being a mighty warrior, was also able to use her head, then I would have no real reason to send my husband away. Honestly, the fewer the women who are infatuated with Graeval, the better I feel, but I’m not so ruthless as to leave by herself a little girl who doesn’t know how the aristocracy world works.

But... that's not the only reason why I want him to leave... ever since Aphy informed us of the existence of an entity that has been pulling strings from behind the scenes all along, I have begun to feed particular suspicions: what if this entity was an elf?

Now, I have no concrete proof and mine are all assumptions, but this suspicion arose when Graeval told me about that mad spirit fused with the Mornfiend. Although it was certainly impossible to understand the element of belonging, the fact remains that the elves are experts in the spirits and magic that concerns them... even more than us demons.

The mere fact that the Queen of Yedal, the most powerful spirit sorceress in the world, was present at the party makes me think. The complete recovery of a member of the royal family is not such an important event as to bother a member of the royal family of another country to attend. However, knowing that she had also tried to 'heal' Bassilla, she may have come to know who had succeeded in the feat since she felt hurt in pride. But if I combine her presence with the attack, I find it difficult that the motivation previously made has any value. In short, I suspect of the Elven royal family.

I’m not going to tell him because he may end up asking uncomfortable questions and may even impersonate the character of Guardian to impose them. Besides, Graeval can use his head, and I’m sure he’s got a hunch... I hope.

I felt Graeval hug me from behind and he rested his head on my shoulder kissing me on the neck

"You’ve been softening up a lot lately... and I'll admit I don't dislike it."

"Honey..." I called him softly and then stroked his cheek "I've always been sweet."

Smiling at me, he kissed me intensely.

"Anyway... I don’t know if I can last a week without you." he said in a sorry tone

I chuckled at that statement of him. Releasing myself from his embrace, I took a few steps and then turned to face him. I undressed, letting him see my naked body. I took his hand

"So, we'll have to make this night worth a whole week."

"Tell me..." he began smiling "now who is greedy between the two?"

"Who knows~♥"

That hot night lasted until dawn. On that night, we gave vent to our lust and our desire to remain together as never before. If I wasn’t already pregnant, I’m sure I would have been tonight.

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