The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 43

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***(Arryn's POV)***

Finally, I was alone and I could think of myself, in front of a cup of tea while reading a novel after diligently devoting myself to the study.

I need it... especially after the last few months. With each passing day, it seems to me that my reputation within the academy is only getting worse and all without me doing anything. But to be honest, I don't care and maybe that's the problem. If I move, I might be able to redeem myself.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache, and the worst thing is that all this has as its center one person: Dese-

*Knock Knock*

"Come in." I said, permitting the other person to enter

"Lady Lianelis, his majesty wishes to meet you and asked me to escort you to the palace."

The person who appeared was one of the knights in my uncle's service.

"I see. I'll get ready right away." I stated

Hearing my answer, the knight made a small bow and closed the door behind him.

With a wave of the hand, the waitress who had taken care of bringing me the tea nodded and immediately went to the closet to find a suitable dress.

At this time I was wearing the school uniform and in normal cases, I could have gone in the presence of my uncle even with these clothes since they are school clothes, but still formal. But since I was summoned through a messenger and he referred to my uncle as "his majesty", then it was an official call and so I have to follow etiquette.

Wearing an elegant bright red dress, I was escorted to the palace, when the chamberlain called me, I entered, and once before the throne, I bowed

"Welcome lady Arryn Lianelis." my uncle greeted me "I'm sorry to have called you on such short notice."

"Don't worry your majesty, as a member of house Lianelis it is my duty to respond promptly to your call."

"Thanks for your loyalty." said my uncle "Raise your head."

"As you wish."

When I raised my face, I saw that at the side of the throne there was also my aunt who looked at me smiling and sweetly, like my uncle.

"We called you because we wanted to give you a task." the queen began

"I'm at your service."

"As you already know, the famous Princess Bassilla Calsay Belmont has recovered from her mysterious illness." began the king "As a gift and to strengthen our bond with Thirus, we have decided to let her highness Belmont attend the Isyelon Academy."

It’s not that weird. Politically and diplomatically, it is a good choice to host members of the royal family of neighboring nations to strengthen ties between nations. An example is the members of the royal house Wolfsky who ruled the beastman's nation to the north, Gaborg Kingdom. They have always sent heirs to the throne to study political and administrative bureaucracy here in Iselyon.

However, in Thirus there is an academy similar to ours where the sons of nobles study. In addition, the "Crystal Wisteria" has always studied privately given her previous physical condition, so it makes no sense to let her enter the academy of Isyelon since she does not know any of the nobles of her kingdom. It would make more sense if she went to the Royal Academy in Thirus. Something tells me there’s something deeper going on.

"As our niece and fiancé of my son, I believe you are the best person to guide and support her highness in the academy. In addition, you have mastered the language of Thirus."

“You flatter me, your majesty. I still have a lot to learn." I humbly stated

"Not at all." said my aunt "The language teacher praises you for the fluency with which you speak the language of that country."

"Thank you."

"Back to us, do you think you can do the task I gave you?"

"Of course." I stated without hesitation

After all, the "Crystal Wisteria" was saved by Graeval. Maybe I can take this opportunity to see if he’s okay.


A month has passed since that convocation and a few days have begun to spread the word of the arrival of a new student despite the school year was already late. Many began to formulate theories about who they might be talking about, and even among my friends, it was a recurring subject. But knowing the truth, I answered vaguely since I did not want to spoil the surprise. And finally, the day arrived.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Bassilla Calsay Bellmont." the princess of Thirus introduced herself “starting today I will attend the academy. I rely on you."

Like my classmates, I was surprised by the girl in front of me: she is beautiful, with navy blue hair typical of the Thirus royal family tied in a long ponytail, the oval face is delicate and her bearing is very feminine and graceful. As you would expect from the famous "Crystal Wisteria".

Lady Bassilla has always been very famous for her poor physical condition but also for the fact that she is the most beautiful girl in the Belmont royal family, earning that nickname. The girl in front of me is healthy yet somehow gives a strange feeling of frailty that urges my protective instinct.

After her presentation, she sat in a place at the back of the class that had been specially prepared for her and the lesson could begin.

When it was time for a break, lady Bassilla was surrounded by her new schoolmates. Seeing her smiling and happy to be welcome in her class, I didn't want to interrupt her attempt to make new friends, so I decided to introduce myself during the lunch break that was scheduled after the next lesson.


"Lady Belmont." I called her putting myself next to her once the professor was out “It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Arryn Xilrel Lianelis u'Yedal. His majesty asked me to help you in case you needed a hand and also to show you the academy." I stated with a slight bow

"I am grateful to you, Lady Lianelis." she said standing up and answering the bow "Then I’ll take advantage of your kindness and I’d be grateful if you could lead me to the academy cafeteria."

"Of course."

As soon as I left the classroom with lady Bassilla, I noticed that in front of us was a small, red-haired girl, with physical traits typical of the Dragonkin race such as a dragon's tail and a pair of horns on her head; I've never seen her before. She was also wearing the academy uniform, leaning against the wall while yawning waiting for something or someone. When she saw us, she came toward us

"How long did you want to make me wait, young lady?"

"Forgive me, lady Ishgat. Have you been waiting long?"

“In the end, no. But if I think about the lunch he has prepared, it seems like an eternity."

"Fufu. I see." she said with a chuckle, “Let me introduce you to Arryn Xilrel Lianelis u'Yedal. She offered to guide me in the academy."

"It's my pleasure. I am Isghat Diaraiz Rember, Lady Bassilla's bodyguard."

The "Red Templar"? The same Ishgat who trained the hero when he came to this world?!

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Rember." I replied bowing

"Forget the formalities girl." she said while stopping me “I have never put up with them. You can call me by name."

"The same goes for me." affirmed lady Bassilla "At least, in private I ask you to put aside the formalities."

"I-I understand." I said slightly bewildered "If so, then please do the same with me."

After that quick exchange, I went with the lady--- I meant, Bassilla and Ishgat to the cafeteria while I showed them some of the most important classrooms when we passed by. Anyway, I was going to give her a tour of the academy after lunch, but given the size of the building I don't think it is a bad idea to show them part of it already, also because they would have points of reference in case they went alone in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is a large common room divided into two floors, giving another sign of that veiled maintenance of the division of status despite the school policy: the upper floor is more luxurious and you can see the entire lower floor, with tables, tablecloths, cutlery, and services of superior quality compared to those used in the other part. Of course, even low-class people can access the floor that has been prepared for nobles, but these are very special cases since you have to be invited or have a rather substantial dowry. The only thing that doesn't differ is the menu.

Entering the cafeteria, some of the people near the front door noticed us and although some boys were embarrassed at the sight of Bassilla, many bowed and offered their greetings, to which the princess responded with a simple smile or a nod of the hand, and exchanging a few words.

The attention that Bassilla attracted was not small and the thing began to create discomfort, as well as for me since I had to be at her side given my role and since she had also invited me to lunch as a thank you.

Eventually, we managed to find a seat at a table on the second floor. When I was about to begin explaining how to order the lunch, Bassilla gestured to a nearby waiter

"Can you tell my chef that we are 3 people?"

"As you wish, milady."

"I am surprised." I said, "I didn't think you brought a cook from your homeland."

"Fufu. He is a special cook."

When she made that statement, she made a beautiful and affectionate smile, but at the same time also sad.... on the contrary, Ishgat had a proud expression.

While we were waiting for lunch, we talked about the least and I explained some of the rules and policies that we "should" keep within the structure. Although she seemed fascinated by what she learned about students, Bassilla turned to the center of the hall looking at all those of humble birth

"As they say: between saying and doing, there is the sea in between..." she sighed with a pained expression

"Unfortunately, few people think like you." I started turning myself towards the lower floor "This policy is quite recent as more and more commoners are getting rich and the king, in his wisdom, has ordered the implementation of this change starting from the academy."

"But it is hard to get rid of the social difference within the academy from what I see."

"That's right Ishgat." I said nodding "Even if there are students who quietly follow these guidelines, others continue to give importance to their social status."

"Which of the two groups do you belong to?"

"I consider myself a moderate, Ishgat." I said turning to her "I have no problem interacting and treating commoners as equals, however, I still tend to keep a formal tone."

"Forgive the wait." the waiter apologized bringing a tray with three dishes "As a first course, the chef has prepared a pumpkin and sausage risotto."

"Risotto?" I asked as soon as I heard the name

"Fufu. It will be a new dish probably." Bassilla chuckled "In his work, he is the best, but he tends to experiment a little too much."

In the dish that was brought to me, there was a mound of rice with large orange grains mixed with many small pieces of meat; on top, the pumpkin is cut into thin slices, formed a flower whose pistil is a piece of what looks like minced meat. The orange color seemed to glow slightly from the light and I could feel the sweet smell of the pumpkin rising. As much as the rose gives it a touch of class, it seems very simple as a dish...

"So, bon appetit." Ishgat said taking a fork and starting to eat

Following their example, I broke the flower and lightly mixed the rice. I took some of it with a fork and brought it to my mouth.

The grain was al dente and seemed to be coated with a cream whose sweet pumpkin flavor had blended perfectly with the strong flavor of the sausage, the fat gave it that touch of salty that completed the dish. My tongue danced so as not to lose a single fragment of that gentle... and nostalgic flavor.

“Mmmmh! He never denies himself!" Ishgat said ecstatically as she pounced on the plate

"Really..." Bassilla agreed, taking her face and blushing

Like them, I too was captivated by this risotto, but strangely I also felt a strange sense of nostalgia as I ate it. It was indeed a dish I was eating for the first time, but I still had this strange sensation. When I put down the cutlery, the waiter came to get the empty plates

"Soon we will serve you the second..." he began "only, the chef asks Lady Lianelis to wait a few more minutes because he is preparing something special for her."

"Uh? For me?"

“Ara! This is a surprise." Bassilla was slightly surprised

When the waiter left, we heard a slight stir coming from the lower floor, and turning around I understood why. Ehrendil, my fiancé, had arrived, accompanied by his escort Filverel Carmaer... and by a girl with emerald green hair who has been at the center of many rumors lately. Yeah, I'm talking about Dessielle Torkian.

Waving his hand in response to the various greetings, Ehrendil came to our table, and out of respect, we all stood up and bowed slightly.

"Lady Belmont, welcome!" the boy began gently “I introduce myself, I am Ehrendil Trismyar Leomyar u'Yedal. I am happy to see you completely cured of your illness."

"For me, it is a pleasure to meet your Highness." Bassilla began raising her face "Yes now I'm much better, thank you very much for your thoughts."

"It's the least. I welcome you too, Lady Rember."

"I'm grateful."

"No, no, I must be the one to thank you." he said looking at the guests "The fame of the 'Crystal Wisteria' and the 'Red Templar' precedes you. It is an honor and a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to welcome you."

"You are exaggerating." Bassilla said, taking her cheek "I can understand lady Ishgat, but I didn't do anything for-"

"How can you be so humble?!" Desielle interrupted her brutally "The princes of Thirus beautiful as a flower and fragile as a crystal. You were at the center of many rumors during your illness, some said that anyone who managed to heal you, could marry you."

“Ohy! Who taught you good manners, little girl?!" Ishgat interjected annoyed "Don't interrupt someone while it talks, especially if it's a member of the royal family!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Dessielle exclaimed in fright and bowing

"Holy patience, that’s why the younglings of this time are-"

“Come on Lady Rember. It is useless to make a drama out of it." Bassilla stopped her "I am convinced that the lady here present had no intention of being rude."

"...... It can be. Anyway you are too soft my lady."

"Ah- haha." Bassilla chuckled embarrassedly Even though I haven't known her for long, hearing her talk about her like that sounds… weird, for some reason. "However, that rumor that I could marry the one who would cure me is false. I don’t think my father would allow it." she said giggling while she had a sorry expression "Anyway. You are...?"

"Oh! Forgive me for my late introduction. I am Dessielle Torkian. It is a real pleasure to meet you."

"My pleasure."

Even if according to the initiatives promoted by the academy, she did nothing wrong, her interruption was still rude. Here, we are not talking about simple social status but common sense and education. Unfortunately, her behavior is nothing new and she has often caused problems because she always does it when she is in Ehrendil's company. No one’s ever bothered to point out her rudeness... except for me. Which, most likely, I should never have done.

The sound of a moving trolley was heard behind his highness Ehrendil and when we turned around, we noticed that the waiter had returned with the second course.

"At long last! It took you a long time!" Ishgat exclaimed as if her upbringing a moment ago was a lie

"F-forgive me, milady, but seeing that you were conferring with his highness-"

"Forget it and bring it to the table!" she exclaimed shaking her tail and sitting down

"R-right away."

Seeing Ishgat's childish behavior, Ehrendil was surprised by the Dragonkin's sudden change. I mean, she looked like a puppy when she's waiting for food to be served.

"Fufufu. Forgive her, but we were in the middle of lunch when you arrived. If it doesn't bother you too much, why don't you sit with us?" Bassilla asked

"I see. Then I'm sorry for interrupting you and we gladly accept your invitation." Ehrendil said with a smile "Filverel, could you tell the waiters to bring our lunch here?"

"Immediately your highness." said Lord Filverel as he headed downstairs

As we sat down, I noticed that Ehrendil was helping Dessielle to sit up by moving her chair slightly... a kind gesture that he usually always did to me too. But now...

The waiter set the three plates covered by a metal lid in front of me, Bassilla and Ishgat. He started to uncover them but Bassilla stopped him.

"We'll wait for his highness's lunch to arrive, so we can finish the meal together."

"As you wish."

"Oh, come on!" Ishgat exclaimed

We instinctively chuckled at Ishgat's reaction, but since Bassilla had practically invited the prince to have lunch with us, we couldn't start eating without him. She could have asked him to take his leave but, it could be misinterpreted as this visit was intended to welcome Bassilla and Ishgat. Had it been for other reasons, it would have been different.

Along with Filverel, other waiters also arrived and served Ehrendil and Dessielle's meal: roast quail, with a side of salad and forest mushroom. A meal much appreciated by the nobles even if it is not something I would eat at lunch as this quail is covered with melted butter, that cover the delicate and sweet taste of the bird. It's not bad but it's not good either and most of all I can't digest it very well.

With a nod from Bassilla, the waiter opened the plates in front of her and Ishgat. In the dish, there were slices of thick meat of a beautiful golden brown color and the center was pinkish, arranged as a mound, surrounded by a brown sauce, and laid on a bed of fresh mushrooms. It looks delicious I thought looking into their plate.

"For Lady Rember and Lady Belmont, the chef prepared a filet mignon of beef."

Even if I was impatient, I waited for him to also open my plate, and when he did... there was a thick hamburger with a slice of cheese on top and a fried egg with a side of potatoes cut fine and golden. A hamburger?! Don’t tell me...!

"Uh? What is it?" Bassilla asked

I didn't give the waiter time to answer that I immediately took the cutlery, cut a piece of hamburger and brought it to my mouth... I felt like I was back there, the same day that Graeval had started teaching me to cook. The same enveloping flavor, the same dance between the juice of minced meat and cheese... the warmth of an embrace. Graeval...

"Lady Lianelis!" I was called by Bassilla "Why are you crying?"

"Uh?" I'm crying? I felt something warm running down my cheek

"I see you haven't changed that much."

That voice. The voice of a man who is very familiar to me made me turn towards his origin and there I saw him approaching: his dark blue hair as the night and his gray eyes as the ice but affectionate, wearing a white shirt, black pants, and an apron.

"Graeval...?" I called him incredulous

Coming up with a handkerchief in his hand, he wiped away my tear. With a smile and an affectionate expression he spoke again

"Yeah. It's been a while, Arryn."

"Stupid. I no longer have the body of a child.” I said, looking away

“Hahaha. I can see it well." he chuckled and then patted me on the head and lowered to my height "Forgive the delay but, happy to see you back in shape Arryn."


Ahhhh! Stupid! Why did you have to appear right now?! And why are you stroking my head?! I thought slightly panicked as I tried not to point out my joy Well... I don't dislike it, but since when did you lose the ability to read the atmosphere?!

"I wanted to see how you’d react, no?"


Hearing Graeval's voice inside my head, I immediately looked up at him who winked and said

"Fufufu. Okay, I'll stop..."

Maybe I just imagined it. Despite everything, this is a pleasant surprise for me. I am so happy that I would like to jump on him but I have to keep calm. Right now I'm sharing the table with the princess of Thirus and my fiancé is there too. If I did such a thing I could arouse suspicion... not to mention, I don’t know how to justify myself since Guardian officially rescued me while Graeval just hosted me and prepare my meals. I would end up exposing his identity as Guardian. When I made that thought I sighed.

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