The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 44

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***(Graeval's POV)***

"It is huge." I stated looking at the entrance of the academy

"Iselyon Royal Academy is very renowned after all." Bassilla said, putting herself by my side "Among the institutions, Iselyon's is the oldest, and many sons of nobles outside Yedal compete to be able to access it."

"I see."

As I have just said, the building is huge and above all very slender... indeed it would be more correct to define it as a style similar to Gothic as the structure is very light, airy, agile, perforated and above all, it has a very accentuated verticalism. Well... like all the elven structures I've seen so far.

Beyond the entrance gate, there is a garden whose paved road is surrounded by trees and bushes full of flowers and leads to a staircase that leads to the main building, square but at the same time agile and elegant. And that’s probably just part of the entire academy.

As soon as we arrived we were greeted by a member of the school staff who led us to the dormitory. Of course, I received accommodation in the servants' dormitory, while Bassilla and Ishgat will be roommates in the women's dormitory. My accommodation is very small and spartan... a bit like monks' cells, but at least I have my privacy.

By now it was night as we arrived around dinner time and given the... psychological fatigue caused by the trip I had no intention of moving at all. I took some time to sort out my stuff and went to bed exhausted; it took me less than thirty seconds to fall asleep.

Now it is my first day in the kitchen of the academy and thanks to the kindness of the royal family of Yedal, I was entrusted with a post that from that day would be mine. Even though they probably had already done so, I rolled up my sleeves anyway and cleaned my workplace thoroughly, finding that their cleaning standards are not mine but... anyway, It’s not my business.

When I finished cleaning, I made breakfast for Bassilla and Ishgat. A simple breakfast that included an omelet, ham and cheese, a lightly seasoned salad, and a cup of hot milk. Light but tasty.

After declaring my intentions to enter the women’s dormitory, I went to the room entrusted to the two girls and once found knocked... without receiving any answer. I knocked again and this time they opened. Whoever opened the door was an elven maid with dark blond hair and brown eyes. She was most likely assigned to Bassilla or Ishgat.

The nobles cannot bring the servants from home unless there are exceptional cases like mine and, consequently, it is the academy that assumes the servants who despite the pay can also study without having to pay any kind of tuition fee. It can be said that the academy offers a scholarship to those who want to enter the world of aristocratic servitude. I have heard rumors that many sons of nobles once graduated have hired some of these waiters or waitresses.

"I brought my ladies' breakfast."

"Let him in Caeda." Bassilla said from behind the door

Hearing her I entered the room and noticed the clear, albeit correct, difference between the quarters of a nobleman and a servant. The girls' room is very spacious with two large beds and the wardrobes were of high quality, on the walls, there were also candlesticks and a fireplace with a rectangular table positioned in front.

Seated at the table were my current clients wearing the academy uniform which includes a dark blue skirt that reaches just above the knees, a white shirt, and a white jacket with gold edges and a red bow.

Seeing me, Bassilla stood up smiling

"Welcome." she began approaching me with light steps "How do I look?" she asked, blushing and twirling

"It looks good on you." I said surpassing her "Now sit or it will get cold."

The temperature of the room had probably dropped a few degrees and when I put the tray on the table, I heard the front door close and I no longer perceived the presence of the maids.

"For sure it will be cold because of your statement." Ishgat said disappointed

"It's not my job to give compliments."

"Did you wake up in a bad mood?"

"I simply stated the obvious." I began and then turned my gaze to Ishgat "Also, never try to enter my quarters again or I swear I'll lynch you next time."

"*Gulp* I-I don't know what you're talking about." Ishgat said, looking away

This little...! throughout the journey, Ishgat tried more than once to attempt a 'night assault' on me to secure my genes, but each time she failed miserably. And she tried last night too.

"I see you haven't given up... Lady Ishgat." Bassilla also stated with a cold voice "I thought you promised to never do it again."

"That promise was valid only for the journey..."

"Forget it Bassilla." I started looking at Isghat as if I had a lost cause in front of me "The promises of this lizard have always been empty."

“Hey! Now you are exaggerating!" Ishgat said panicked and at the same time angry. “I'm not a lizard! And we dragonkin always keep our promises."

"Doesn't look like it."

“Gaaah! All right!! I swear on my honor that I will never try to sneak into your quarters during the night again!!!"

"It better be."

After that exchange, I served their breakfast and after brushing their teeth they prepared to leave. However, Bassilla's mood wasn't quite the best due to my cold statement. Sigh... holy patience...

"Ishgat." I called her “You wait outside for a moment. Bassilla, sit here." I said pointing to a chair in front of the mirror

"...All right."

with that weak answer, Bassilla sat down on the chair. Her hairstyle was very elaborate, with too many hair clips and braids. After freeing them, I took a hair tie and a brush. I began to comb her hair. After a while...

"Does it take so little to bring you down?" I asked as I continued brushing her hair

"I'm not downcast." she started shaking her head slightly "I could still hear your sincerity despite the tone."

"Then it’s how I told you that you’re so down."

"I still felt hurt... I admit it." she affirmed with a wry smile "Anyway, I wouldn't have expected you to comb my hair."

"Do you find it strange?"

"Fufu. A bit." she giggled "It's not the first time is it?"

"I used to do Lilith’s hair when she was still convalescing, and I still do it now and then."

"You love her very much... don't you?" she asked me to continue in her thoughts, "If Graeval had come to my aid before he found Lilith, could I be the recipient of these feelings?"

"With 'if' and 'maybe' you don’t get anything Bassilla." I affirmed by taking the hairband "Don’t look at what might have happened in the past, but what might have happened in the future."

I pulled her hair up into a ponytail and tied it around the base of her neck. Once done, I put the brush down

"I'll keep that in mind... and thank you." she stated with a small smile

She took the briefcase and headed for the door exit. I sighed.

"Bassilla." I called her again and she turned around “The uniform looks good on you. But the hairstyle from before weakened your feminine appeal. If you now integrate everything with a smile, you can be sure that you will make slaughter of hearts."


Smiling embarrassed, she scratched her cheek and timidly asked me

"Even yours?"

"Who knows. At your free interpretation." I said turning around and going to the table where the dirty dishes were

“Pout! You are unfair."

"It’s to practice learning to read between the lines. After all, you’ll need it because of where you are."

"I know. But at least for these little things, you can tell me the truth without hiding your true thoughts."

“*Sigh*. Absolutely no...... Anyway, I feel generous and I can tell you that the part of the uniform, the fact that it fits you, is pure truth." I said and then turned to her "Now it's better if you hurry or you'll be late."

"All right!" she exclaimed smiling "See you at lunch."

"Of course. Good day."


When I was told that Bassilla and Ishgat were having lunch with another person, I never expected it to be Arryn.

Although I wanted to say hello, I could always do it after I served them lunch... and it was here that I came up with an idea: to serve Arryn the first dish she ever cooked. It didn't take me long to gather the ingredients as they are easy to find, but I had to delay the second course slightly.

After cleaning and tidying everything up, I went out to meet Bassilla, Ishgat, and Arryn asking the waiter who served them directions. When I arrived on the floor I had a surprise.

The Arryn I remember was a girl with an age equivalent to 6, but the one sitting at the table looked at least 16, with a slender and well-proportioned body, her face has graceful and delicate features, her blond hair remained very long, loose, and with two braids that start from above the ears and join in a single tail, while her blue eyes were now bursting with life and... concern.

After I spoke to her telepathically and stopped stroking her head, I turned to Bassilla and Ishgat

"Lady Belmont, Lady Rember, was lunch to your liking?"

"Delicious as always Graeval." Bassilla said softly "As usual, you managed to satisfy both the palate and the eyes."

"I'm flattered."

"Anyway Graeval..." Bassilla resumed looking at me smiling but with eyes that did not reflect that smile at all "it seems that you have taken too much liberty with lady Lianelis."

"I agree." intervened the elf who was sitting at the table with them "You have a remarkable courage to touch the daughter of a Duke and niece of the king."

The elf has short platinum blonde hair, green eyes, a face with delicate and soft features, and physiognomy that could easily be mistaken for a girl. Given his demeanor, he is very likely a noble

"Well, after all, she was my guest for a whole week at least." I stated and then turned to Arryn “The last time I saw her was when she left for Cuding and she was tall like this. *Sigh* I still remember how she didn't want to break away from my le- "

“OK! STOP!!" Arryn snapped red covering my mouth "N-now you're exaggerating with the reenactments of the past!"

“Ahaha! Your very expressive being hasn't changed at all."

“Pout! Please stop." she said pouting

As we made that exchange, those present were looking at us with uncertain expressions. The prince was the first of those present to recover.

"I see. So you were the one who helped my finacé when she was rescued." making that statement, the prince stood up and held out his hand "In my name and that of my parents, we are grateful for the hospitality shown."

"It was a pleasure," I said, holding it. "I would not have expected to receive a thank you from the prince himself. You must care a lot about lady... Lianelis right?"

"Of course. After all, she is my cousin and my fiancé. It seems natural to me."


Suddenly, I heard some noise next to me and I could notice that there were a large number of elves approaching. Most likely, they were the sons of nobles who wanted to pay their regards to Bassilla and Ishgat

"It seems that soon I'll be in the way." I began and then looked again at Bassilla "Lady Belmont, lady Ishgat, lady Lianelis, forgive me if I interrupted your meal because of my selfishness."

"No. It's not a problem Graeval."

"Thank you for your kind words, Lady Belmont." I said making a bow "With your permission, I would take my leave."

"Of course."

When she said those words, I got up and when I was about to leave "*Sigh* I wish you would have stayed a little longer." I sensed Arryn's thought and instinctively smiled.

You may have grown up with the body, but you remain the usual capricious.

***(Arryn's POV)***

"Bassilla, Ishgat, I hope you had a good first day at the academy."

“Sure Arryn. It was very informative and enjoyable. But it was a nice surprise to know that you were Graeval's guest."

“Well… the surprise for me was seeing him here at your service. His fame as a cook has reached your family."

"Y-yes... that's right." Bassilla stated with a tense expression "Anyway, you seemed very close..."

"Close.. huh?" Not as much as I would like "Graeval is a person I admire, but I can't call myself very close... probably, could I call him an older brother?"

"Don't ask us if you don't even know..."

"Ishgat!" Bassila called her back "I'm sorry."

"Fufu. No problem... however, what I said is not wrong." I said with a chuckle and then stopped in front of the dormitory entrance “Here we are. Have a nice evening."

"Same to you. I'll rely on you again tomorrow."

After that simple exchange, I saw the girls enter the dorm as I turned and sighed heavily before walking towards the gates, where a carriage was waiting for me to take me back to the mansion my family owns here in Iselyon.

"Are you leaving without saying goodbye?"

Turning towards the source of the voice I know well, I saw him leaning against one of the trees that decorate the street to the women's dormitory. I smiled instinctively

"If you weren't so shy, don't you think I would have come to greet you already?"

“Ahahah! True."

After that, he headed in the direction of the garden which is usually frequented by students during breaks, but now it was empty. Following him, we stopped at a point that could still be described as secluded. He turned to me

“Let's start again. Arryn, it's good to see you again."

"Yeah. I'm happy to see you again Graeval... no, Guardian." when I said that, I dropped the briefcase and hugged him "I missed you so much."

When I hugged him, I felt a slight surprise coming from him but after hearing his sigh, he gently girded my shoulders. I felt relieved as if every weight I carried on my heart until recently had disappeared. The feelings for him that I had been trying to suppress for so long had resurfaced. Suddenly, I felt something warm running down my cheeks

"Really... *Sob* I missed you... *Hic* so much... *Sob*"

"*Sigh* I see you haven't changed, crybaby."

"Who do you think... *Sob* is the blame?"

Moving me gently, he took my chin and gently lifted my face. His gray eyes were the same as those of a father looking pityingly at her daughter. With a handkerchief, he wiped away my tears, but they didn't want to stop.

"It seems you had to endure a lot since you got back." he asserted and then squeezed me again “Here we are just the two of us. Just let it out."

"*Sigh* *Sob* Graevaaaaaaal... uwaaaaah!"

I have my original body again, but that little girl he had saved from those bandits had surfaced. I felt my legs give way and noticing it Graeval accompanied me until he was on his knees, while he sighed at me with phrases like "It's okay" or "I'm with you." I love him... I have no doubts about these feelings of mine. But when he does that, he seems like a loving father to me.

After some time, I finally calmed down. Graeval and I were sitting on the ground under a red sun because of the sunset, in silence, with the wind gently moving the branches of the trees

"Sorry if I made you watch such a scene."

"Don’t worry. But..." he started looking at me worried "for letting go like that, something must have happened. Do you want to talk about it?"

“… I'd tell you it's not that important. But I bet you've already investigated or heard rumors."

"I don't know what you're talking about." he said, looking away

"You are not very credible if you look away."


When he made that noise that he was guilty of, I giggled amused. Given his powers, most likely he will have done some research inside the school to better understand the atmosphere that reigns and how he should behave with certain people. He can not have stumbled upon those rumors... Even though I don’t know who put them out there, there are rumors about some of my misconduct, about how I abuse my title to do what I want with someone who has a status lower than mine and how I started to pursue Desielle out of jealousy. But none of this is true.

"How much do you know?"

"...A little." he answered me with a low tone

"You believe it?"

"......Now, I can't claim to know you well." he began by looking up at the sky. “But I know quite well the little girl I saved from the bandits some time ago. I don't think you're capable of something like that."

"What if I was?"

"You are not capable." he began by gently stroking my head. “After what happened just now, I doubt you’re an actress good enough to fake real frustrating tears. Also... high society gossip is just cruel games aimed at undermining someone's honor."

I turned to him and saw him smile affectionately at me

“Let them talk. Some people can see beyond the veil of lies built to hurt you."

"Thanks, Graeval." I thanked him relieved "I'm glad you're one of those people."

At that, Graeval smiled and stood up, wiped the dirt off his pants, and then held out his hand. When I accepted it, he helped me to get up and after I got myself back together, I remembered that summon from my uncle.

"By the way, did something happen at Thirus?"

"Uh? Why do you ask?"

“My uncle… King Vulas Trismyar Leomyar u'Yedal, had asked me to guide lady Bassilla. However, it doesn’t feel right."

"......*Sigh* As I supposed..."

When I saw him sigh and make that tired expression, it was enough to make me realize that something annoying had happened.

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