The Guardian Chef

Vol. 4 – Chapter 45

Hi guys! Emperor 93 here!
I apologize if it took all this time for the publication but due to problems... we can say "technological" and of "satisfaction", I was only able to publish the chapter today. Now we should go back to the usual release time. Otherwise, I will promptly notify you by writing either on my scribble hub page or in the comments section at the bottom of the chapter.

Futhemore I thank YXXREM for the beautiful illustration he designed for this chapter and above all I thank Element1990 for having contributed in its creation

Thank you for your patience and I wish you a good reading!

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***(Ishgat's POV)***

"Thank you for your kind invitation." Bassilla stated making a courtesy bow "It is a real pleasure to have the opportunity to meet the members of the Lianelis family."

"The pleasure is our lady Belmnot." Arryn's father said "When our daughter told us you had moved here, we decided to take this opportunity to pay our respects and welcome you."

"I am honored." she began by raising her head

"Please. Act like you’re at home."

The day after Bassilla and I began attending the academy, we received an invitation from the parents of Graeval's acquaintance, Arryn, for a tea party that they usually held on weekends with some close friends... but, they have quite a few friends since we are at least twenty. After the Duke welcomed us together with his wife Enania and daughter, together with the other men he moved to a nearby table to talk about business and politics since we women are not inclined to support such complex speeches... at least, this applies to me.

A few centuries ago I left my home because I was sick of court politics and its subterfuges, initially embarking on a life of mercenary since I am only good in combat. It was no coincidence that I was often told that I looked like my father.

"Is tea to your liking, Lady Rember?" Enania asked

"It's not bad..."

Enania Trismyar Lianelis. Sister of the current King of Yedal, wife of Duke Dyffros Xilrel Lianelis and mother of Arryn, and despite being a person with some influence within the royal court, her true fame lies in being an elegant and always fashionable woman, to the point that some of the fashions that have characterized the last few years have been launched by herself. She is wearing an elegant purple dress, despite her advanced age she seems to be in her thirties and her platinum blonde hair is tied in an elegant but complex braid.

Officially, the tea party was organized to welcome us, but unofficially it was aimed at thanking Graeval for the hospitality shown to Arryn when she was rescued by bandits. The tea party was prepared under her directives and I must say that it reflects a lot the character of Lady Enania: it is very elaborate and luxurious, to the point that if they told me that it is a real party I would believe it. The orchestra plays cheerful music and some nobles dance to the rhythm dictated by the music.

"...The atmosphere is certainly pleasantly cheerful." I said sipping some more tea

"Maah, you flatter me, Lady Rember." Enania affirmed smiling “After all, it is something prepared at the last moment. Had I known of your arrival in time, I would have received you better."

If you call this last-minute... I don't dare to think what you would have done if we had warned you in time.

"Anyway, I'm glad I finally got to know the person who kindly sheltered my daughter after she was rescued." she stated as she looked at Arryn that was beside her "Arryn talked about him with her eyes shining."

"Mother!" the girl shot blushing slightly "What are you saying all of a sudden?!"

"Huh? Why are you embarrassed?" she asked curiously "Every time you talked about the dishes he prepared for you, your eyes shone."

"With all due respect Lady Enania..." Bassilla interjected slightly embarrassed "how you formulated your statement was a bit..."

"A bit...? Oh! Indeed, it can be misunderstood. Fufufu. I apologize."

"I did not expect this strange choice of words from your ladyship."


While we were still embarrassed, Graeval made that statement by making us all turn around.

When we arrived at the Duke's residence, he had put on an elegant suit including trousers, a shirt, and a black jacket. But now he was without his jacket and was wearing a white apron, that he had surely borrowed, and in his hands, he held a long ceramic plate and a silver tray in the other with a teapot.

"It's ready?"

"How come I feel a note of disappointment in your question?" he asked me looking at me exasperated "I certainly can't afford to do things too complicated, otherwise I would miss the tea party in honor of Lady Belmont, don't you think?"


I don't know how to argue. Whenever I make a comment aimed at instigating him, he always responds with cold and reasoned logic, always dampening my mood. I don't mind it, but at the same time... it bothers me because he seems to treat me like a child. As expected of the man who defeated me in battle, but I wouldn't mind if he decides to lie with me. I have to guarantee the continuation of my species.

What? I'm in love with him? Ahahaha! Figures. I didn't fall in love in the true sense of the word, I don't even know how it feels when you're in love. When I left my home to look for a stronger man than myself, it was to find out if our race remained undefeated despite the centuries of wanted isolation and in case I found someone who was, Like Graeval, I certainly wouldn’t back down to ensure our combative supremacy. The only flaw is that Graeval categorically rejects my advances. I wonder why...? Hm?

When I had that thought, my eye fell on Bassilla's and Arryn's breasts which are quite large, and now that I can think of it, the Demon Queen's breasts are no less, maybe slightly larger. But I... I understand now! Graeval likes them bi-


"Ouch!" I exclaimed feeling that something hit my forehead

I saw what looks like a copper coin fall not far from me and when I looked up, I saw that Graeval was looking at me annoyed. I knew immediately that it was he who had thrown it

"Why did you hit me?!"

“I beg your pardon, Lady Rember. I thought I saw an insect fly and you were accidentally on the trajectory."

"Try again to label me with fetishes I don't have and I swear I'll make sure you can't have kids for the rest of your days!"

"I-I understand."

Ruthless!!! And for some reason, instinct tells me he will seriously do it if I'm not careful.

"Ah- ahaha!" giggled slightly embarrassed lady Enania "Now that you are here, I'm really curious to know what you have prepared?"

Now you are wondering 'If he is one of the guests at that party, why is he cooking?'. Well, the answer is very simple: a commoner who is invited to such an event would be very conspicuous and therefore, even if he came here as Bassilla's date, he borrowed the kitchen of the house to be able to prepare something as thanks for having invited him despite his humble origins.

"Something simple but suitable for the tea party."

Having made that statement, Graeval set down the long ceramic plate, showing a soft-looking, cylindrical-shaped dish covered in a white powder and with mounds of the same color.

"What is that?" Arryn asked curiously

"Try it first..." Graeval began smiling, cutting the dish and then placing it on a plate "then I'll tell you what it's called."

Starting with Lady Eniana, he served the dish to each of us and I could notice the internal shape, which seems to be a whole cake, noting that it is formed by two spirals, one red while the other is the color of the dough.

"Please, taste."

"With great pleasure~." Lady Eniana said, taking her fork

I followed her and the first thing I noticed was the simplicity with which I cut the cake and when I put it in my mouth... Sweet! it had been my first thought. It is very sweet and I could feel a note of acidity certainly due to the component of the red sauce with which it was stuffed. From the taste, it seems to be-


"Exactly lady Lianelis." Graeval stated “This is a raspberry roll. Quick and easy to prepare and above all very appreciated by those who love sweets. But this is not the only peculiarity of this dessert."

"What do you mean?" Arryn asked curiously

"This is a dessert that tastes better when eaten the next day."

"Even better?"

“As you may have noticed, its sweetness is very marked due to the raspberry jam. But if you let it rest and enjoy it the next day, it fades just enough to be very pleasant." he stated and then took the teapot "but since time was not a factor in my favor, I think this brew can compensate."

He poured the contents into the cups, we all took a sip of that infusion, discovering that it was the opposite of the roll. It was pleasantly bitter and seemed to cleanse the palate of the sugary flavor of the raspberry. A winning couple to say the least.

***(Bassilla's POV)***

Thanks to the dessert that Graeval had prepared to thank the Lianelis family for the invitation, everyone was pleasantly satisfied and in a good mood. Intrigued, many people showed up at our table to taste the raspberry roll which was quite successful as not everyone liked sweet things, but on Graeval's face there was a satisfied and thoughtful expression at the same time

"Is something troubling you?" asked Lady Eniana curiously

"Nothing in particular..." he said taking off the apron "I was just thinking about how to modify or improve this recipe."

"If I had to give my opinion, I think this raspberry roll is already very tasty." I stated

"Thank you lady Belmont." he began by addressing me. “However, it is still incomplete and an example is that it is too sweet and needs a bitter drink to compensate. This is something that I have to make up for in some way so that it is even more appreciable."

“Hou! Although it is praised by Lady Bassilla Belmont, a member of the royal family of your home country, you still want to perfect your work."

"I believe that those who are satisfied with perfection end up stagnating, Lady Lianelis." he began by addressing Arryn's mother "I seek infinity in my dishes, I seek to continue to challenge my limits to overcome them."

"Admirable." said amused lady Lianelis "How about working for us?"

"Absolutely not!" I snapped instinctively, raising my voice slightly

My reaction drew the gazes of those present on me, all doubtful and surprised, while Graeval chuckled amused covering his mouth. At that moment, I wanted to slap the me of a second ago...

Expressing one's feelings freely in aristocratic society is not recommended as one can grasp possible weaknesses and give voice to new rumors. As far as I realize, I'm not very good at hiding my emotions... especially if Graeval or my family are involved.

“Ah! Forgive me." I apologized by bowing my head and sitting down

“Come on, you have nothing to be forgiven for. I wanted to pass it off as an innocent joke~” said Lady Enania amused

"Uuh" How embarrassing!

“Even if you were serious milady...” Graeval began, moving to my side “I am already satisfied with my current contractor. Lady Belmont."

Calling me, I turned to him and he held out his hand and bowed slightly.

"May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

“...?! C-certainly." I said surprised and happy at the same time

Under normal circumstances, Graeval would not be allowed to do such a thing since he is a servant. Only if the owner allows it is it possible to do so, but it is more unique than a rare event, as it can be interpreted in many ways. In my case, the first dance of a party I can only give to my fiancé, and in the case of someone who is not, it is synonymous with a possible candidate for that role. In case I asked Graeval, as my servant, it meant that I had not found anyone suitable for my role as a companion or possible candidate as a fiancé and therefore I preferred to dance with someone I trusted.

However, this is an exceptional case. First of all, today he is here as my date and therefore he could afford to make that request, furthermore having previously stated that he was "satisfied with the current contractor" it could also be seen as a sign of loyalty to me who is the person who hired him.

Accepting his hand and getting up from the chair, we both headed for the dance floor. The new piece had started very recently. Arriving at the center of the dance floor that was free, Graeval released my hand and stood in front of me making an elegant bow to which I responded by slightly lifting the hem of the skirt and bowing in my turn, as a sign that I definitively accepted his invitation to dance. Placing my hand on his shoulder and feeling his gentle touch on my side, we began to dance.

“You are too stiff. Take it easy."

"F-forgive me."

Due to the curse, I was not taught dancing despite it being one of the things expected in my education as a member of the royal family. The reason was that either I was in bed, or we didn't know when I might faint. So it was obvious I wasn't that good... in fact, sometimes I think I stepped on Graeval's toes. You are incredible... you are a mighty warrior, an excellent cook, a wise man, and even an accomplished dancer. I have only a good look compared to you. If only I was like you-

"You are not me." he spoke to me after surely hearing my thought "And I wish you with all my heart not to be."

"Graeval?" I called him doubtful after he made me do a pirouette

"What I am now is a consequence of my life experience." he began looking me in the eyes with sadness "And I assure you, it is a life I wish for no one."

"I'm sorry."

"Do not worry." he stated

After that exchange, silence fell again. While we weren't the only ones dancing, I felt all eyes were on me and when I looked away I saw we were the only ones on the dance floor. My heart began to beat to the point that I feared it would explode soon and I felt my face warm.

"*Sigh!* Holy patience." sighed Graeval "You’re embarrassed rather quickly."

"I-I mean, I've never danced before and I caused you problems even a moment ago." I said in a slightly panicked voice. “You too laughed when I snapped earlier. I'm sure you found me embarrassing."

"How many problems do you have?"


When he asked me that question, he made a quick and determined move by making a casquet. His face was so close that I could feel his warm breath and I'm sure our noses brushed

"Here I say it and here I deny it." he began "but I laughed because I found that reaction of yours lovely."

"Uh?! L-lovely?!"

Getting up from that position he made me do a pirouette back to the starting dance position.

"You are not an embarrassment." he resumed “You're just a girl who has to recover 10 years of life and experience. So don't be afraid to make a mistake and when you do, be wise and improve by learning from that mistake."

Graeval looked at me seriously when he said it. Nobody ever told me those words, not even my etiquette teacher who did nothing but scold me when I was wrong, often ending up in bed because of my condition.

"...Thanks Graeval." I thanked him with a smile. “But, I think it's time to end this dance. I'm not a suitable partner yet."

"What do you say instead of closing in beauty?"

“?! How?"

"Keep your eyes glued to mine." he began, “It's just you and me in this greenhouse. Grant me your body, let me guide you in these last steps and I will assure you that you will shine to the point that all the dance mistakes you have made up to now, will be forgotten."

"!" even if taken aback by the statement, I smiled "Didn’t it take you long to ask me to trust you?"

"I had to put in some drama right?" he asked with a grin

***(?????'s POV)***

Lady Bassilla Calsay Belmont was not a dancer. It was clear to everyone present, but they expected it knowing what she had been through for the last 10 years and many laughed at how awkward and rigid she was. Furthermore, those sneering giggles and malicious comments that went around that greenhouse were not audible to the person concerned. The aristocracy has never been a place where the unwary can escape unscathed. Every action must be weighed or it can lead to dire consequences.

However, the ridicule of those nobles was aimed at the dance partner of her highness: a cook from a rural village who came in as a guest only because Lady Belmont, in her kindness (or despair for most people), did not want to participate without a knight. But he was a person she shared a table with until recently, so one might believe she took him instead of a date because she has feelings for him, thereby making her pitiful. A nobleman and a commoner can never be together.

None of those present could have known that that cook is the equivalent of a God in mortal guise who can read everyone's thoughts. By attacking him and his protege like that, it meant inviting him to shut their mouth.

What came after the casquet destroyed all the mockery and malignant comments that had been circulating up until that moment: the atmosphere around the dancing couple had completely changed... relaxed... as if there was no one in that place. Lady Belmont's steps and stiff posture became flowing, elegant, and magnetic, her dress did not seem to shift due to the movement, but that itself had come to life and was following the moves of its mistress. The cook, on the other hand, was guiding her with extreme precision and simplicity, and when it seemed that Lady Belmont was about to miss her step, in reality, it was he who was guiding that simple change.

Everyone fell silent. Nobody wanted to look away, everyone refused to do it. Even the orchestra was enchanted and seemed to be trying in every way to play the current composition even better than they had done so far, aware that the couple was "dressing" with the music they were playing and that they were making that composition spectacular.

The beautiful girl as fragile as crystal and her cook. At the time, not even Graeval could have imagined that from those last dance steps performed together with Bassilla, songs, compositions, and love stories would be born. Stories, which would have changed the vision of the elves towards the pyramid society that has always dominated their nation.

***(Graeval's POV)***

When the music stopped, I went slightly away, and bowing I kissed the back of Bassilla’s hand. A gesture that only knights perform when they make a vow of loyalty to their princess. With a sweet and innocent smile, and with slightly red cheeks, Bassilla lifted the edges of her skirt slightly and made an elegant bow.

The silence was total and when I looked around, I saw that everything was still... everything was frozen: not a fly flew, the birds that could be heard singing in the cages had become silent, the servants did not move, the noblemen were watching Bassilla kidnapped, while the noblewomen stared at me with red cheeks.

…................................ Clap!...... Clap!... Clap! Clap! Clap!

Arryn, who was the first to recover, began to applaud and from there, the whole greenhouse rang with a roar of applause. The nobles, the servants, the members of the orchestra, and the conductor all applauded us as if they were fervent.

I offered my hand to Bassilla, who accepted it, and we made light bows together in thanks for the applause.

Still flooded with applause, I accompanied Bassilla to the table where Ishgat, Arryn, and Lady Enania were... noting that there were also other people including the Duke and father of Arryn Dyffros Xilrel Lianelis and three other elves.

"Wonderful! Spectacular!" lord Dyffros exulted "I've never seen anything like that!"

"Thank you Lord Dyffros." Bassilla stated

"I don't deserve such words." I began humbly "I owe this success only to the skill of my lady."

At that comment, Bassilla turned abruptly to me in amazement. She seemed to want to say something but I winked at her and put my index finger in front of my mouth. Seeing that gesture, Bassilla pouted slightly.

"I see." affirmed lady Enania getting up and approaching me "So it's all thanks to Lady Bassilla... huh?"

"That's right."

“... Fufufu. I see I see."

"Forgive me if I interrupt." Bassilla began and then looked at the three people behind the Duke, "But I would be delighted if you could introduce me to the royal family, Lord Dyffros."

"Oh! How could I have forgotten!" he stated and then moved on "Your Highness Bassilla Calsay Belmont, allow me to introduce you to Vulas Trismyar Leomyar u'Yedal, King of our nation, his wife Queen Shael Qilana Leomyar u'Yedal, and the second prince Ehrendil Trismyar Leomyar u'Yedal."

"Tsk!" There's also the bastard, I thought, clicking my tongue.

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