The Guardian Chef

Vol. 5 – Chapter 59

Hi guys! Emperor93 Here!

I admit. It has been TOO LONG since I published a chapter of Guardian Chef but the Italian site where I published it closed its doors and I had to spend a lot of time (at least what little I had free) to transfer everything back to the old sites in which I published it.

However, in bad luck there is always a bit of luck: the first is that there are two new illustrations in Chapter 8 and Chapter 45, one more beautiful than the other and I strongly recommend that you go and see them.
The second luck is that taken by a sudden desire to write, I started writing a new story called "Ghost Vanguard", of which I have already written 8 chapters. I'll post it here on Scribble Hub too, but before I do, I'm waiting for the cover of the story I commissioned. Once the publication has started, if you are curious, read it and do not spare yourself in the comments as usual!

That said, thanks for your attention and happy reading!

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***(Dessielle's POV)***

When there was that sudden earthquake in the tomb and I saw Lady Lianelis fall, I instinctively came to her rescue. It seemed like the right thing to do, despite the animosity she has always shown towards me.

Even if I called it animosity, she was not a real hatred towards me, but she began to see me as a nuisance, shortly after the dinner in which I learned of the recovery of the 'Crystal Wisteria'.

At first, I didn't pay much attention to it, believing that it was only a temporary thing given her reputation for being a good-hearted girl. But slowly, I had to start changing my mind.

Shortly after her return to the academy, I began to experience unexpected bullying and scolding from her. Even today I wonder why... I shouldn't have done anything in particular to deserve it.

Could it be because I often frequent Ehrendil? Could it be because we are lovers? No, I do not think so. I mean, our relationship is a secret to everyone and besides, it wouldn't be the first time a member of the royal family has one or more lovers. After all, the royal bloodline doesn't have to go extinct or the country could fall into chaos.

After the arrival of the 'Crystal Wisteria', her highness Bassilla Calsay Belmont, Lady Lianelis began to be more joyful... happy and relaxed. Also, I noticed that Ehrendil has taken an interest in her again... well, it's natural since she is his fiancé, and in my heart, I was hoping that their relationship would go back to being what it used to be. But I was wrong.

After yesterday morning's class, I discovered that Ehrendil had invited Lady Lianelis to a date. I was shivering at the idea that they could reconcile, but when I saw Ehrendil's sad expression, I realized that something had gone wrong

“Why are you so sad Ehrendil? Something wrong?"

"No. Everything is alright."

His answer was not at all sincere and his dejected look did nothing but unmask him. Concerned, I asked Lady Lianelis if anything had happened during their date, hoping to find out what had happened and maybe help them, but her answer

“I understand… I am grateful to you for caring for him however, it is not your job to meddle in the private life of others. If you want to know what happened, I certainly won't be the one to tell you, Lady Torkian."

She left puzzled. I didn't think she would reject me like this... I just wanted to help them, but they won't let me. Why?

After the fall, we tried to find a way to get back up and during that time, the girls did nothing but keep their distance from me. They talked to each other informally and only with me kept a formal tone. I didn't do anything to them... why? Why don't they want to open up to me too? Why don't they let me be friends with them?

In the burial chamber, I was amazed: it looked like a well-tended garden and gave the impression that every day, a gardener came here to look after it since its construction, but as soon as I passed what looked like a barrier



“They are mortal! Let's play~♪! Let's play~♪!"

“She's there too! She is there too!"

I began to hear the joyful voices and surprises of children. I didn't give it so much attention at the beginning thinking that I was imagining them and, at a certain point, I didn't hear these voices anymore... until I saw that fresco

“The Kings of Spirits...? It can't be…” I said incredulously

That fresco, suddenly, made me remember something. A feeling... something old, familiar, happy. I don't know why but when I thought of the rulers of spirits, I felt a sense of nostalgia.

"It’s her! It’s her!"

“She's back~♪! She is back~♪!"

“We have to tell them! We have to tell them~♪!"

I heard those little voices again for a moment, but then they fell silent again after a few short giggles. That was before Lady Lianellis and I began to discuss the existence of the kings of spirits.

I don’t know what was wrong with me. Her rationality was flawless and yet, I felt I had to contradict her denial of their existence, reaching the point that, at any moment, I thought we would also start slapping each other. But only Lady Rember's intervention prevented it and to distract ourselves, we decided to continue looking for a way to return to the surface.

When what seemed like night fell, it began to get cold and we lit a small fire with the few torches we found nearby and went to bed. I don't know how long I managed to sleep but suddenly I heard Lady Belmont raise her voice

"'Don’t look at what might have happened in the past, but what might have happened in the future.' Some time ago, he told me these words. There is never anything sure in front of our life, so it is also possible that I will be able to make him love me!"

"*Shhh* Keep your voice down!"

Although I woke up, I decided not to move and listen... to discover that both Lady Belmont and Lady Lianelis are in love with the same person... curiosity began to grip me. Who is he? Is he his highness Ehrendil? No... after all, he hasn't conceived a child yet... no no no no, we're too young!! I thought embarrassed. However, now I think I begin to understand why the relationship between Ehrendil and Lady Lianelis does not seem to improve. Lady Lianelis loves someone-

“By the way, it seems to me that you and Lady Torkian were ready to jump to your throat this afternoon. And this afternoon's event, it wasn't the only one."

That sentence blocked my thinking, catching me off guard and... scaring me slightly. What?!

We had indeed discussed earlier, but as far as I can remember it was mostly nonsense, but I admit that only today I almost felt the need to 'impose' myself on the subject.

After a long silence, I heard the answer

"Aside from today, I think your statement is exaggerated." she began “But yes. Sometimes I feel the need to slap her."


"After all, you've seen it too." she resumed after a pause. “She is not very polite and many of her actions are reckless if not deviating from the etiquette that usually should be kept. She is so undisciplined that she annoys me very often, particularly when she meddles in business that does not concern her, believing that she has the right to meddle."

"There is also another reason isn't it?"

When she asked that question, there was a long pause and in that heavy pause, I began to wonder if there was something else.

“At first I was grateful to her for being close to Ehrendil while I was in that horrible situation, helping him recover. But now... the very thought that it is because of her that it has come to this point... not to mention those absurd rumors about me..." I began to hear Lady Lianellis sigh heavily "*SIIIIGH!*I'm tired. Tired of this cruel society. A society that elevates Dessielle to be the heroine in danger of who knows what romantic story, while I am the evil witch. Sometimes, I honestly think 'If only she didn't exist'."

When she finished... I seemed to go deaf... to have isolated myself. I could not understand... how much Lady Lianelis hated me... how much she would like me to disappear from this world. Suddenly, a thought gripped my heart What if... what if she meant to make me disappear? What if she was going to kill me?!

I felt the anxiety build up knowing that thanks to her family status, she would be able to. I may have misunderstood though... I didn't want to believe she meant it, but the possibility remains, and that scares me. To think that my death could be caused by an act of jealousy... I don't want to... I'm not guilty... I didn't do anything.

She is scared! She is scared!"

"Scary Elf!!"

"Let's reassure her~♪!"

"Help! We have to tell them! Let us warn them!"

I heard those innocent little voices again. Those voices of those who seem like children, but hearing them I felt reassured, and the anxiety of a little while ago subsided, leaving room for tiredness... and dreams.



I was sitting on a white cloud. I could feel the wind pass through my hair and other clouds around me were traveling lazily. Suddenly I fell, finding myself in a flower garden full of country flowers of various colors.

Still, in awe, a strong gust of wind forced me to close my eyes and when I opened them again, there was a person in front of me... a very familiar elf smiling at me. I was confused, but strangely, I was not afraid of her, and looking closer, I noticed that it was the elf buried in the crypt we are in.

He moved his lips, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. She seemed to want to tell me something, but the sound of her words did not reach me. Gently, she raised her right hand and an object appeared that I could not define its outline from how bright it was. The light grew stronger, blinding me.

"I still love them."

Uttered a female voice before I suddenly woke up.


"*Gasp*!" I jumped suddenly

Looking around, I noticed that shades of red and purple had been generated in the burial chamber, slowly replacing the darkness of what seemed like night. It's dawn?

Last night's hearth is extinct and the girls were sleeping soundly

"*Ronf* *Ronf*"

Well... Ishgat for sure, by the way, she’s snoring.

“She woke up! She woke up~♪!"

"Lead her!"

“They are waiting for you! They are waiting for you~♪!"

I heard these happy little voices again and when I looked around I noticed many lights, almost like fireflies, of various colors such as blue, yellow, green, black, red and white. They grew more and more and suddenly, I felt like a push.

I get up, this push and the lights surrounding me led me to the other end of the room where there was what looked like a throne. Was always there this throne?

When we entered here yesterday, we plumbed every single inch of the burial chamber, and there was no such thing. Suddenly, six luminous pillars of the same colors as the fireflies that surrounded me, were generated on the sides of the throne, subsequently giving space to six humanoid figures, three males and three females.

The red, green, and white figures were male and respectively had the appearance of a dragonkin, an elf, and a human, while the remaining figures, blue, jade, and black, had the appearance of an elf, beastkin, and demon.

I could feel huge mana coming from all six figures and I should be scared of it, but strangely, I felt reassured, as if I had known them for a long time.

“Welcome back Maelyrra. We finally meet again." spoke the white figure in an ethereal voice

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