The Guardian Chef

Vol. 5 – Chapter 60

Hi Guys.

I wanted to inform you that I have officially started writing and publishing (for some time now) a new story called Ghost Vanguard. If you haven't read it yet and are interested, click on its name.

Also, Guardian Chef will continue to be written smoothly however, at the moment I'm more inspired to write Ghost Vanguard. As a result, I decided to write 2 chapters of Ghost Vanguard first, followed by 1 of Guardian Chef. Let me be clear that it might not necessarily be in that order, in the sense that I might as well do the opposite based on how inspired I feel.

Having said that, happy reading!

***(Shael's POV)***

My order was carried out without a hitch and an hour from the arrival of the news, I left with a retinue for Ila Serine. We traveled relentlessly, with anxiety gripping my heart at the mere thought of the worst.

Once there, the townspeople were surprised to see me there personally directing the operations.

The initial relief efforts had wisely prioritized the stabilization of the ruins before beginning the exploration in search of Lady Belmont or other possible victims. But...

"... We are too slow," I said worried

“With all due respect, your majesty,” one of the site's tutors began, “we are going even faster than normal. Such an operation is- "

"I know. It is as risky as it is dangerous." I stated well aware "But if I think about what could happen to the kingdom..." I continued in a low voice

That thought that continued to haunt me returned. The cold expression of Guardian returned... no, of Lord Graeval as he releases that suffocating thirst for blood. Not only do I hear my heart scream, but it seems to me that tens... hundreds... thousands of voices are screaming. Screams, tinged with pure terror and despair... while a burning heat surrounds me...

"Your Majesty?"

"Uh?! No, nothing "I said recovering myself "You can go now. Do it as quickly as possible."


"...... *SIIIGH*"

Once the tutor came out of the tent, I sat down as heavily as I sighed.

Only the first two floors have been secured... but, the second is still considered unsafe. How the hell am I supposed to find her in just two days?!

Increasing manpower was unfortunately not the answer. The structure, already unsafe, could become even more unstable due to the additional weight.

Anyone who can use the earth magic spirits are working tirelessly, but they are also reaching the limit.

As much as the thought of the worst that could happen if I don't find Lady Bassilla in time instigated me to push people to work faster, the realization that more cannot be done makes me frustrated.

Should we send a messenger and tell him? The idea of ​​alerting Lord Graeval to what happened to hope for his goodwill and that he may help us crossed my mind but The messenger would take too long. But the basic problem is that I don't even know where Lord Graeval lives. Despair is making me forget the basics.

"What to do...?" I asked myself taking my head

"Mother... are you okay?"

Suddenly, I heard my son's voice calling me, I looked up and at the entrance to the tent was Ehrendil looking at me with a worried expression.

"Sincerely? No. I'm not okay at all. *Sigh*" I replied leaning back in my chair

"What is worrying you?"

“… Are you really asking me that? If we-" Ah! It's true. He doesn't know about Guardian “Forget it. The less you know the better..."

"O-okay." he said slightly puzzled "How are the searches going?"

"They are doing it as soon as possible, but the tomb is still very unstable and the spirit magicians who specialize in the use of the earth spirits are reaching the limit."

"Can I help with anything?"

"Waiting." I said looking into his eyes "As much as, like you, I would like to throw myself headlong in there to get them out as soon as possible, there is nothing else we can do."

Ehrendil nodded in agreement, but I noticed that he felt a sense of uselessness as he was firmly squeezing his right fist.

"You instead? What are you worried about besides their safety?"

"...... I'm frustrated, mother." he stated in a low tone of voice "The fact that I'm helpless and I can't do anything to help them... it's frustrating."

Frustrating... huh? A feeling that I share. But, as a mother, I believe it's not just that. After all, mothers know their children better than anyone else.

"It's not just that, right?" I started pointing to the chair in front of me "There is something else... isn't it?"

I saw my son having a shiver... I heard him swallow... As I imagined, there is more.

After this moment of hesitation, he advanced and sat down in front of me, visibly intent on finding the right words, as if he were sure that what he would tell me would make me angry.

"Mother... I'm sorry to be such a... insensitive person."

I said nothing and let him talk. He confessed to me that he also has an affair with Earl Torkian's daughter, Dessielle, which is the real reason he ignored Arryn most of the time. This alone was enough to make me angry.

Finally, he told me about his date with Arryn the day before yesterday. In itself he hadn't gone badly from how he told it, but when it came to the discussion that took place between them before they parted... I felt outraged.

".....You're an idiot." I said calmly

he didn't answer, his eyes low and dark

"I have many things to ask you, but I will limit only to this for the moment: with what courage could you ask her such a thing?"

"I was sincere when I asked her that question-"


When I threw that slap at him, I could hear the sound of the blow echoing inside the tent. I threw it at him without even thinking about it. Simple instinct as a woman.

“You are the worst! With what kind of courage do you make such a statement to me? Both as a mother and as a woman I am disgusted by your tactlessness."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't know what to do with your apologies." I said, composing myself "So, did you just tell me all this to clear your conscience?"

"No mother. I feel lost and I would like to ask you for advice."

"If I weren't your mother, I would have kicked you out right now."

Never once in my maternal life had one of my sons or daughters made me go this far. No one had ever made me so angry. None of them.

"So, what do you want to ask me?"

“I am aware of my mistake, but I don't want to lose Arryn. I still love her and I would like to rebuild what I destroyed- "

"The damage you have done is irreparable." I stated bluntly and cold "Not taking into account her feelings, especially after that time you practically spent ignoring her, you did nothing but make her understand that your feelings for her have disappeared... that your invitation was only a means to make her believe that you still care about her."

"It’s not like that!"

“For her, on the other hand, that's how it is. You said it yourself, didn't you?"

To that question, he did not answer. A tacit consent. That silence that is always worth a thousand words was dominating inside the tent. His fists clenched.

“It wasn't what I wanted. I wanted her to smile again for me. I wanted that smile back for me."

"By now it's too late for this but... what do you mean?"

“...... She fell in love with someone else.” he began trembling. “I saw her smile sweetly at someone other than me. I couldn't stand it, I still can't stand it."

"...... Eh?" she was blown away "Wh-what-"

“For the first time, I understood what it means to be jealous. And always driven by this jealousy, I tried to get closer to her. With the date of the day before yesterday, I thought I had succeeded."

"No! Wait a moment- "

"And after I screwed it up, do you know what she told me before she left in tears?"


“She told me she used me. Of trying to love me again to forget about the other person. Instead, all I did was push her towards his arms!" Tears began to form in his eyes. “I wish she’d come back alive. I want her to smile for me again. What can I do to bring it back to what it used to be... mom?"

He began to cry. The only time he called me 'mom' was when he was still a child oblivious of the world. To be called that again... seemed strange.

I got up and walked over to him and then hugged him. Although I want to help him, it is no longer possible.

***(Arryn's POV)***

A pleasant wind that smelled of flowers caressed my face. I felt at peace, I felt happy, to the point that I was unconsciously humming.

I felt a tap in my stomach and then I noticed it. I had a big belly... I was pregnant with a baby. Who is the father? I wondered in fear, but although my mind was in complete chaos from this revelation, my body and expression were not. My hand moved, stroking the belly and these words came out of my mouth

"Don't worry. Your dad will be here shortly."

Who the hell is the father?! I screamed in my head. Another gust of wind blew up behind me and my face turned but my eyes narrowed from too much wind. I saw only a figure and then the weight of a cloak on my shoulders

"You'll end up getting sick, Arryn." spoke a male voice familiar to me

"I know you won't allow it..." my body began to speak as it looked up "my love."

The man had dark blue hair and his frozen eyes looked at me with tenderness. UH?! GRAEVAL?!! I screamed in my head and my heart started beating so hard that I was sure it would burst at any moment. Wait up! What happened?! When we have- I didn’t have time to finish the thought that a strong light blinded me.


"What is going on?! What is this light?!" Ishgat yelled

I wake up with a jolt because of the light flooding the place. But despite that, my first thought was Wh-what did I just dream?!

"I do not know!" Bassilla exclaimed that I noticed she was covering her eyes

although late, I also covered my eyes because of that strong light.

I don't know how long it lasted, but when the light dissipated, we all turned to where it originated.

"What the hell......?!" Ishgat wondered

Seated on a marble throne was Dessielle with a solemn yet happy expression, surrounded by six colored male figures. These figures were straight and solemn, all with a sculpted physique and elegantly dressed but above all, they were beautiful and all had a crown on their heads.

I was petrified with fear. They emanated an absurd magical force... never felt before.

"I told you Lady Lianelis." Dessielle said composedly "The Spirit Kings exist."

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