The Guardian

Chapter 82: Warning

Chapter 82: Warning

Tuesday 21 [7:45 p.m.].

Leslie rubbed her exhausted temple.

Passing near ‘Murchison Falls National Park’ was a challenge, as crocodiles were too frequent.

While Akira, High Priestess Xaali and the adventurers with Vazquez strongly supported the caravan and prevented the giant crocodiles from approaching, she had to help with Clémentine, and it was quite tricky.

After all, the giant crocodiles were weak against magical or psionic attacks like Akira, who controlled the temperature by reducing it.

Clémentine was someone strong, but she had trouble replicating some psionic abilities, and more so when she hadn’t trained such abilities.

Leslie had some enchanted bullets with magical effects, which were pretty good.

“We still have a long way to go.” Commented Leslie to her companion as they rode in the truck.

Clémentine sighed and nodded.

“I’d like to say we’re ‘young’, but... I think that will be an excuse.” Clémentine stated with a half-hearted smile.

She was only eighteen and the age difference with Aurora was two years, and even Akira and Aeko were only four to five years.

“I guess we should get better and keep moving forward. At least that’s what I’ll do.” Leslie announced in a serious tone.

The caravan trip was too exhausting.

It was true that they were completely prepared with different objects and artifacts to reduce the fatigue and discomfort of the trip. However, that did not remove the fact that the trip was heavy.

Traveling for hours sitting in a truck, having to get off every so often to shoot down creatures and then moving on again.

Adding the stress of battles and the feeling of traveling inside the magical forest where on either side, all they could see were countless trees, also brought its weight to the mission.

However, that was physical and mental fatigue that when they rested at night always disappeared.

The difficult thing was not to make a mistake when facing their enemies and try to take them down as quickly as possible to get going again, trying to avoid that. Because of them, the caravan would be delayed.

While it might sound easy, it was not and required them to be extremely vigilant in combat to know when to attack or when to refrain.

Aurora may not have asked for perfection, but on this important mission, the group had to give their best, even if they were exhausted.

So now all they could think about were their shortcomings and how they could cover them.

Learn new styles, add a weapon to the arsenal, and train to get better.

“I think you guys are very capable,” A female militia officer commented with a strange look on her face and seeing that she was being watched, she stated. “If we are talking technically about your experience and teamwork, you guys are already true B Ranks. Some expert skill users.”

The refugees who were listening to their conversation nodded to confirm the militia woman’s comment.

For students who started six months ago as Rank C or, in Clémentine’s case, Rank B, inexperienced and inexperienced, development was fast and excellent.

What they learned from the Hero Academy was reinforced by daily missions and, at the same time, Aurora pushed them to rigorous daily training.

Now, even though they were in the middle of the forest in an environment that was naturally stressful and too heavy for it to be their first mission, the group was coping in the best way.

Both in physical or mental endurance, and following the movements of the experts, as were the other members of the caravan.

Becoming a rank B needed training, and they had made it ... Of course, getting into rank A was a bit more difficult, and they needed some insight or understanding.

While thinking such matters over, Clémentine frowned, looking at her holographic watch, which vibrated.

Although the connection to the satellite network had its flaws within the magical forest because of the density of magical energy, thanks to the command center, it was possible to connect to the network.

This made it possible to send and receive messages and use the Internet.

Leslie had already used it to inform her parents of the situation and that she was fine, as they had requested.

“Remember when my father sent me on a mission and it ended up being a disaster?” Clémentine asked in a half strange tone.

“Yes, I remember. I thought Aurora would be mad at you. What happened?” Leslie asked curiously.

“Apparently, the guy we ‘rescued’ wants to threaten Aurora to get her sentence reduced, and the case dismissed,” Clémentine replied with a shaky expression and then muttered. “My father sent me that information as an apology for sending a mission without reviewing the situation.”

Leslie’s expression changed strangely.

Using force to get the case dismissed was something the rich did, and sometimes it worked.

After all, they acted as witnesses and asking them to give another testimony, claiming that instead of ‘stealing’ the egg, he ‘rescued’ it was possible.

Only there was one big, monumental problem.

The only one who gave a testimony was Aurora, and no one asked for more information to secure her statement.

No matter how much Aurora in the information systems appeared as a young student of the academy, a member of an unknown mercenary group, she was not.

She was someone with power in Zerzura and worse, someone who, despite being in hiding, had contacts in Zerzura’s upper echelons, just as Cardinal Brousseau was.

For Leslie, that man just...

“He’s digging his own grave,” Leslie muttered, and Clémentine didn’t hesitate to nod several times.

“In fifteen minutes we arrive at ‘Gulu’. We’ll set up camp and stop traveling for the day.”

Andrés announcement over the truck’s communication system echoed, and the refugees sighed in relief at hearing that news.


Aurora watched as the tents were being set up in a small, recently deforested area.

In the old town of Gulu in northern Uganda, only two or three ruined buildings remained and everything else was a vast forest.

And since when arriving at this place a secondary road was used that was not very busy, everything was covered with trees and brush, which Alice had to take care of removing while the engineer trucks moved them, freeing a small area to set up the camp.

Now the tents were being set up side by side, while they set the toilets up in a separate area.

Some priests brought out the artifacts that had the cleansing spell for those who wanted to use it.

It was impossible to take a bath in this place, but with the cleansing artifacts, it reduced the discomfort of the journey.

Both for the refugees and for them, who ended up sweating after all the battles.

These minor comforts ultimately reduced the stress of the journey by a large amount.

Watching as some healers checked on refugees who had any ailments, Aurora made her way to the command center vehicle.

“Boss, shall we deploy the portals?” Liam asked as he stretched after lowering the command center.

“No, there have been no serious injuries or serious situations, so it’s best not to use them,” Aurora replied in a simple tone.

They could use the emergency teleport center to move some people to Zerzura just like they did in Nakuru, still, she didn’t think it was necessary.

As the leader, she always got reports from the healers and priests checking the situation with the militiamen.

Although some elders were tired, there was not too much concern.

The youth and children quickly adapted to stop from time to time for necessities, while others were encouraged as they found themselves closer and closer to Zerzura.

Using teleportation now to thin the numbers a bit could backfire on the unity of the caravan and the trust the refugees had in them.

It was slightly tiring to control these small circumstances that could lead to something bigger, but Aurora had gotten used to it.

“By the way, read what I sent,” Aurora ordered, sending the document she had received from Clémentine.

Liam’s gaze didn’t change when he read it.

“I’ve been taking care of keeping watch for the ‘Assault’ mission. Don’t pay attention to this,” Liam said with a half sigh, and looking at Aurora, he stated. “I’ll gather information and send it to the proper authorities. These cases are straightforward.”

“Yeah, don’t worry. I was just informing you, so it won’t be too much trouble later.” Aurora replied in a simple tone.

It was just that, ‘troublesome’.

Other times it had happened that important people in some countries entered the magical forest to get some magical beasts that were protected without caring about Zerzura’s rules and since she always acted as the only witness, there were always some who thought of doing something illegal.

She had received bribes and threats, but they always ended badly... For the others.

That she was the only witness was not only to protect the students, but because people seeking to use illegal means realized that she was the only one who could be intimidated.

This was because the public information that could be found and that superficial information portrayed her as someone of little importance.

Adding that Liam, as head of his own information network in Zerzura, was in charge of hiding all her actions and she did not like to make public appearances, leaving only the ‘title’ to be known, she ended up as someone insignificant.

In the end, this was a trap to attract idiots.

“This is a good apology. I have to admit,” Liam commented with a sigh, and looking at Aurora, he asked. “Do you think he figured out the background of the group?”

A mercenary group that, despite being B rank, carried out important missions and was connected with both the army and the church on a personal and work level.

If someone uncovered that background and was smart enough, they would realize that this was not just a nameless mercenary group and with that, as a basis, they could uncover even more relevant material if they looked hard enough.

After all, the information was hidden on the surface and to outsiders who didn’t even know the title it carried or the history of Zerzura, that could be uncovered with a little local research.


“No. I think this was a sincere apology so that there would be no trouble with Clémentine. Her daughter is in the magical forest with us.” Aurora replied calmly.

She had reminded the students to inform their parents or guardians about the mission they were about to go on.

They were adults; it was true, even so, for parents or guardians, their children were young people who entered the world of adults.

Neither parent complained to the academy about the missions and the reason was easy to see when one thought that they had Cardinal Brousseau, who was recognized in the church, and Akira, who was leading a guild on her own.

As if that were not enough, both were official S ranks, which in the eyes of third parties were surely in charge of the mission and protecting everyone.

For Aurora, that apology was a way for Clémentine’s father to show his appreciation for looking after his daughter and taking care of her during this dangerous mission.

That report contained details to accuse and prevent that man who sought to threaten her from getting off easy.

It was likely to take a long time to arrive because it was all so detailed.

“Never mind. Just take care of delivering everything. I’m not in the mood to face an attack and more so these days, we’re going to be busy,” Aurora stated in a serious and tired tone.

There were about ten days left for the students to finish the practices, but Aurora, before going back to the academy, needed to finish with all her work, and she didn’t need minor annoyances.

Liam nodded without giving it too much thought, and Aurora withdrew.

Looking over who was going to take the watch tonight and what the changing schedules were, Aurora nodded as she saw the names.

Unlike ‘Jinja’, they had finished wiping out a horde and the Zhar-Ptitsa had passed getting many creatures to flee, here it was possible that monsters or creatures would approach during the night.

That was why they had to be careful at night where large numbers of nocturnal predators were on the move.


Wednesday 22 [05:24 a.m.].

“Two Rank C monsters lost to the north.” Reported Liam over the comm system.

Erica and Nicole looked at each other for a moment and then...

“Finally,” Nicole muttered.

Drinking a concoction that allowed her to temporarily gain night vision.

Although Érica smiled at Nicole’s comment, she secretly agreed with her as she also drank the same concoction.

Night vision was quite useful when they were in the magical forest where the moonlight did not pierce the treetops.

Since the duo was a small patrol group, they moved solo while accompanied by two of Liam’s scout drones.

Both activated their barriers in case of emergency and with Nicole in the lead, they moved through the magical forest.

The trees were slightly tall, but there were many of them and undergrowth was growing at their base, which made it difficult to walk straight through.

That was why Nicole generated platforms while Érica floated.

After walking a few dozen meters north, following Liam’s instructions, they encountered two canine-type monsters.

Those creatures hadn’t gotten to the point of having mutated and were only affected by Chaos.


Still, they lost their minds and as soon as they noticed the duo; they growled to attack.

Nicole reinforced her body with magical energy and hit one canine, breaking its jaw by its strength after the blow. As for the other one, an ice arrow pierced the abdomen and didn’t allow it to attack.

However, these Chaos-affected creatures did not give up so easily and stood up, even though one had a broken jaw and the other was bleeding to death.

“This is it,” Érica muttered, firing two ice arrows at each creature, piercing their heads and knocking them down immediately.

The forest fell silent again as the creatures died.

“This was too easy. It’s a shame.” Nicole commented disappointed.

She knew it was bad if the creatures came near the camp, but she wanted to fight to improve her fighting techniques and her chances in the night watch were slim because they weren’t the only ones on guard.

Unlike psionics or mages who could meditate and train to increase their magical or psionic energy, a fighter like her needed combat practice.

Érica, who was about to joke that the ‘desire’ for combat that Nicole was awakening, stopped when rapid footsteps coming from the north were heard.

“Do you hear that?” Érica asked and the next moment Liam’s voice rang in her ears.

“Identified ten high magical energy creatures arriving from the north. Ranks A. I have no further information,“ Liam reported on the security channel.





At the quick acceptance, space distorted, and Liam appeared, deploying five drones that surrounded him.

At his back came, wearing the bracelet, the four members who were on duty tonight.

Captain Sadiya, Oscar, Santiago, and Shao Ya as the group’s healer.

“I have already sent the warning message to the others to prepare,” Liam said as one drone began to change, taking the shape of a shield, generating a large barrier that covered the group.

Two other drones changed into melee mode, revealing sharp blades.

All this while observing the points of high magical density in the projection of its holographic clock.

Some other scout drones moved at high speed to verify the identity of those creatures, but Liam’s expression changed when he could see the figures.

“Are those Winged Lions?” Captain Sadiya asked with a frown.

The winged lions moved even faster when they noticed the drones, and their direction was straight for the group’s position.

They were not flying, but had attached their wings to their bodies and were running through the forest, reducing their presence with some artifacts.

In less than half a minute, the ‘Queen’s Guards’ appeared in front of them.

“I come to warn the Protector of Zerzura,” declared the larger winged lion wearing a helmet.

There was a moment of silence and before Liam could, answering Aurora descended from the sky wearing her battle suit.

She didn’t have a bracelet to teleport, but she had used the movement ability of her combat suit.

The Winged Lion’s expression relaxed as he recognized Aurora, and without hesitation, he reported. “Your group is headed into an ambush by a powerful enemy.”

The students were completely stunned by the revelation, and Aurora’s gaze immediately deepened.

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