The Guardian

Chapter 83: Preparations

Chapter 83: Preparations

Wau City Outpost, Wednesday 22, [06:15 a.m.].

Soldiers were moving around, checking helicopters and getting ready.

Some soldiers were carrying rifles, others different types of swords, bows, and even wands or wizard staffs.

However, they all wore the military uniform style, even though some armor or combat suits had different capabilities and specialized in different areas.

Not only was their uniform similar, but their strict expressions were.

“Colonel Makeba. The higher-ups have permitted the mission, and General McLean warns you that he doesn’t want any losses,” reported a soldier with a strict expression.

Colonel Makeba, who heard the report, folded his arms with a serious expression and nodded.

His gaze was fixed on the attack helicopters and soldiers who were ready to move.

Right now, they were testing the holographic capabilities of the attack helicopters and the devices to silence flight movement.

The missiles and machine guns with high military capabilities that were capable of smashing Rank-C and Rank-B creatures, wounding Rank-A creatures with concentrated fire, were not pure high-tech products but also included magic in them.

Being expertly enchanted allowing it to enhance offensive capabilities.

Designed by a Military Company subsidiary of the Cosmos Company, with a huge value per unit, this class of helicopters was known for its technological and magical advancement.

Around them were also transport helicopters.

The actuality was not like when the ‘Great Cataclysm’ began, that a shot from a tank could not damage a heavily armored Rank A creature.

Technology and scientific development with the Cosmos Enterprise that was said to have a ‘Sage’ with advanced technological knowledge, made it possible for normal humans to stand up to the monsters... And for the various governments to resist the advancement of the users of abilities that were believed to be superior.

Zerzura City spent hundreds of millions in the defense budget, but it was normal when it was known that they were not only near the magic forest, but also in Africa where some warlords were present.

As the value of the helicopters was shockingly high, Colonel Makeba understood the reason why his superior asked for no fatalities on this mission.

However, Colonel Makeba nodded to herself.

“Inform the superiors that I will be leading the mission personally,” Colonel Makeba ordered in a serious tone.

If they did not wish for losses, their superior would surely agree to that request.

“I understand, Colonel!” replied the soldiers as they made preparations to proceed and depart.

They were about to travel through the magical forest, that was why security, stealth, and concealment checks were a priority and had to be done with caution.

Still, Colonel Makeba looked at the sky, frowning.

He had received Aurora’s report of the sudden circumstance they were in, but, although it was early, they actually had to plan how they would proceed.

That was the cause of the delayed take off along with the worry of traveling at night through the magical forest.

If it were up to him, he would have taken off when he heard that the caravan was heading into an ambush.

Maybe someone like Aurora, who had been working with Zerzura for five years, wouldn’t remember it, but Colonel Makeba had been saved by Aurora more than once.

He had been a refugee-like the same people in the caravan and was saved at that time, taken to a small village in the middle of Africa.

And then he was saved other times during the following waves of creatures approaching the village that was later named Zerzura.

Not to mention the subsequent escort missions to other refugees throughout most of Africa in which Colonel Makeba participated.

Before there was an army, before the Apicius Enterprise or the Church of Time and Space arrived, Aurora was there.

That was the reason why attention was paid to her works and why that young woman had his appreciation.

Unlike him, who had arrived as a militiaman and had become the Colonel of Zerzura’s army, she had arrived as an ordinary person helping without question and remained the same today.

While it was restricted to the media, as they did not like to appear in the public media, the appreciation was still held in most of the city.

And just like now... People flocked to support her.


A huge three-meter-long bird flapped its wings in the sky as it watched a human encampment in the distance.

Apparently, they were resting for lunch but it was hard to tell as they were setting up what humans called tents.

Even so, the great bird did not decide to approach and, after observing the situation, headed north, soaring through the sky.

Its flight was fast, that was because its kind of magical beast was very capable in the air.

With an affinity to the air attribute and its powerful wings, this great bird was known as the Bearded Vulture because of not only its grip that had an enormous strength capable of breaking bones, but it could lift an average human into the sky and drop them.

Considered an extremely dangerous magical beast at first glance, the great vulture ‘Bearded Vulture’ was a born predator and a bird with strong flight capabilities.

Flapping again and again, the bird flew over the area as the trees passed by at great speed.

After a thirty-minute flight, the large bird descended through the trees, sensing the powerful presence of the area.

Landing among the trees, it saw hundreds of cat-like creatures kneeling on the ground, not daring to move despite their great appetite.

The ‘Bearded Vulture’ walked in the direction of the presence and each time he took a step, he lowered his head, diminishing the size of his figure because of the tyrannical aura that dominated him.

When he reached the end, he encountered the three-meter tall, four-meter long feline with powerful muscles.

Even though he was devouring a gazelle, he was still releasing that tyrannical aura that made the strong Rank A creatures around him, watch in submission.

The Smilodon Fatalis, upon seeing that the large bird had approached, raised its gaze and its bracelet on one of its legs emitted a glow.

The ‘Bearded Vulture’, which was a Rank A beast, having the attention, reported,,“ Boss... The humans are camping to the south, they seem to be preparing to rest.”

Emitting magical waves that transformed into human speech through that artifact.

That was one of the reasons why the creature at the front of the bird overpowered a large number of magical beasts, including those without speech capabilities.

“Perhaps in an hour’s travel, they will arrive here for the ambush.” Added the Bearded Vulture quickly as he sensed that his ‘boss’ was not responding.

Every minute that passed under the gaze of that big, fierce feline made the bird feel as if it was plummeting from the sky with no wings to help it fly.

“I understand,” the big cat muttered and before the bird could feel relieved, he announced. “We will march to their camp and raze it to the ground.”

His statement carried a great force that prevented anyone from refusing, although some intelligent magical beasts beside him looked at him blankly at the sudden change of plans.

They were going to carry out an ambush, and that was why they stayed hidden here and then assaulted them on the road, but now everything changed.

The Smilodon Fatalis revealed its teeth and growled in disgust. “Humans have strong scouting capabilities. It’s stupid to think we can ambush it. The best way is to attack them by surprise.”

The Bearded Vulture nodded, understanding his boss’s reasoning.

Unlike the beast in front of him, the large bird was not an expert in understanding the capabilities of humans.

All it knew was that its cries were satisfying when it launched them from high in the sky.

The great herd of over a thousand creatures moved to execute their attack.

Unaware that high in the sky was a scout drone hidden by holograms and enchanted with cloaking magic.


Caravan camp, Wednesday 22 [10:15 a.m.].

In the main tent, the caravan leaders looked at each other with serious expressions as they saw the creatures moving.

The images were satellite and through the long-distance drone that Liam controlled.

“Those creatures are targeting us. This situation is going to be very different than facing a horde of crazed creatures. Their numbers are greater and now we can’t use a ‘bait’ to lure them out and will have to fight with the refugees at our back. However, all is not lost,” Aurora reported with a serious tone and looking at the guest who was present, introduced. “Eposi Alima, one of the leaders of the ‘Orisha Oko’ Guild, will lend us her help in this mission.”

The dark-skinned woman with lovely curves gave a smile to the group as a greeting.

It was known that the leaders of the ‘Orisha Oko’ Guild were all Ranks S and now her presence was very welcome.

The emergency portals not only served to send people but also to bring them in... That was the reason why even though they were facing an imminent attack, the caravan was not afraid.

Although, the number of people brought in was only a few dozen adventurers led by Alima, as they could not risk not having room to send the wounded later.

If they had been ambushed, they might have had a very difficult time dealing with it, but the warning from the Winged Lions was a great help.

They had prepared well for this situation.

“Even though the magical beasts advanced their attack to surprise us, and the military has not arrived. Lutar and his loyal ‘Queen’s Guards’ have decided to lend us their assistance,” Aurora added, looking at the large-winged lion who was listening to the conversation.

Lutar, the leader of the small squad of ‘Queen’s Guards’, nodded calmly.

That was another reason why they didn’t need to be so tense to use all the emergency portal slots.

The Queen’s Guards were powerful Winged Lions and in this squadron, there were about thirty lions, all of them being Rank A.

They had deep combat experience and strong defenses thanks to artifacts.

Still, Aurora did not relax.

“We are facing a creature of Rank S. Although our drones have not been able to identify the type, we did pick up its strong magical energy,” Aurora reported, and looking at the leaders of the caravan, she stated. “For a magical beast of that type to be able to dominate a large number of creatures, it is quite possible that it is one of the Rank S creatures with great strength. We can’t underestimate it.”

The whole group nodded at that statement.

They could guess only what kind of creature it was, but the main point was that it was clear that this creature was very strong and that meant that a single Rank S would not be able to completely take care of it.

“I won’t say too much. Protect your life, take care of your partner, and secure the refugees.” Aurora announced with a strict expression.

There was no need to take any chances, they just had to do their best.

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