The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 220

Chapter 224: End (2)

Countless civilizations have been conceived, developed, prosperous, and eventually flourished and declined… They all have a day of decline.

Civilizations that are too few and too few can prosper forever and never stop. If there is, maybe the civilization where the main **** is located is barely half.

They are the products of the extremely prosperous technological civilization. Their civilization has almost reached the level of god-level civilization. At their peak, their rule may spread over most of the parallel worlds. Their social structure and production are beyond the imagination of ordinary intelligent creatures, but despite their existence, they are still destroyed.

Only the main **** and system were left. They were given the task of maintaining the stability of various worlds by their former owners, and they became the only, no, half, god-level civilization that still existed.

But they are also limited by their former owners. Their bodies are high-dimensional, but their minds are still somewhere between three and four dimensions. They were not like this in the past, but were specially restricted to be like this by the previous owner. Such thinking limits the development of the systems, but at the same time keeps the structure of their civilization stable, perhaps this is what their former owners wanted.

Their civilization is barely lucky, but not every civilization is like that. Except for their civilization, almost all other civilizations either died in the gestation stage, or fell into a dead end in the development stage, or prospered and declined at the peak… In the end, they all went to decline.

The once prosperous land was turned into ruins, with nothing on it, or people lingering on, but whether there are people or not, such a plane is actually dead.

In a sense, systems like the Lord God do not have much emotion, and in some respects, they can be said to be cold.

Maintaining the operation of multiple parallel worlds requires huge amounts of energy. Since these abandoned worlds are no longer possible and necessary to restore, it is better to use waste.

So they extracted the core of these worlds to keep other worlds running.

And these worlds that have lost their cores are directly placed in a remote space-time location by them like throwing waste. There, they don’t interfere with other worlds.

Thus, all the worlds of annihilation were merged by this.

A huge continent full of ruins was formed, which is larger than all known parallel worlds because it is made up of thousands of worlds. In those worlds, there are extremely prosperous scientific and technological civilizations, magnificent magical civilizations, mythological civilizations with epics and songs, and fairy civilizations with burning mountains and seas…

In the end, they all fell into ruins and merged into this continent.

There are some lingering people living in twos and threes on the mainland. Countless years have passed, and these people who originally came from different worlds have gradually merged into one.

No one can remember where they came from, this continent…or what happened to the world that gave birth to them – in fact, there are very few written records of civilizations that have fallen.

All they know is that they and the people living on this continent have a common identity: remnants.

They are the remnants of this vast land that they call “barren”.

It is a person who has no past and no future, and every time the sun and the moon rotate, and the intersection of summer and winter only survives for numbness.

These decaying worlds are already barren, not to mention the fact that the core of the world has been removed by the system, and they have no possibility of development.

The survivors can only turn themselves into walking corpses covered in skins, numbly seeking survival among the ruins and deserts.

A thousand years, ten thousand years… This huge land has not changed except that it has become more and more barren.

Until I don’t know how long ago, I don’t know when, six cities appeared on this land.

Their names are named after the “Seven Deadly Sins” in the Bible mythology, from which it is inferred that they should have been seven cities.

I heard that one day a long time ago, a survivor found a broken map, which recorded the location of Mamen City. He followed the map and found the ruins of Mamen City. He even inherited it. The power of Mammon.

He was overjoyed. And he knew from that map that there should be seven such cities, so he hurriedly set out on the road to find other cities.

But he is not a smart person. Before he got such an adventure, he was only one of the bottom people among the survivors. Such a person is destined to be not smart enough. He couldn’t keep the secret, and the news was soon known to others.

Once the news spread, everyone went crazy. For thousands of years, even if it is as barren as “barren”, many forces have developed on it. After all, as long as there are people, there will be superiors and inferiors, rulers and ruled. These forces have gone to find the other six cities.

After a brutal and long competition, seven more cities were added to the mainland. The city lords possess extraordinary power. They claim to be “remaining gods” and build seven huge cities with their own power, becoming the Garden of Eden that all remnants yearn for.

The city of Asmodeus, which only represented desire, seemed to be suddenly attacked by countless alien beasts one day, and turned into ruins in one day.

As a result, above the wasteland, only six cities remained.

The first time Nie saw the man was on an ordinary day when he was twelve.

He is hunting black rock beasts, which are the most common alien beasts in the wilderness. Most of their bodies are petrified, so as to ensure their survival in the extremely resource-poor wasteland.

Originally, the remnants kept a distance from the black stone beasts. Because of their huge size, the average length of adult black rock beasts can reach more than three meters, but most of the time they are docile, as long as they don’t take the initiative to provoke them, they will not take the initiative to attack.

But I don’t know who suddenly discovered that the heart of the Black Rock beast—it may not be called a heart, it has no shape of a heart at all, maybe it can only be regarded as the driving core of the Black Rock beast—is actually edible!

So the Black Stone Beast was targeted by the remnants.

In such an extremely harsh environment, in order to adapt to the illusion, the remnants have changed a bit. Although most of the survivors were small in stature, but very strong, they survived with them on this continent where plants and animals were not gentle. Correspondingly, it is the lifespan of the remnants, whose average lifespan is only fifty years.

Rao is that they are strong, but hunting a black stone beast also requires at least two adult men.

But Nie didn’t need it, he was only twelve years old, and he could hunt the black stone beast alone – although it wasn’t easy.

But he had no other choice.

On this day, he laboriously killed a black rock beast, and his arm was accidentally swept by the black rock beast’s tail in the middle of the hunt, revealing a deep scar that could be seen in the bone.

His left hand hangs down unnaturally, but he seems accustomed to such scars. With the other intact hand and feet, he pushed and kicked, turning the black stone beast over completely. Then use the bone knife to pierce the heart of the black rock beast.

Just before he could take out his rations for the past two or three days, he suddenly heard a voice.


When he heard this voice, Nie’s first reaction was vigilance.

After he slaughtered all his efforts to hunt the Black Rock beast, any human that appeared could become his enemy and **** his food.

And his injury will not heal within three days, that is to say, he will not be able to hunt another black stone beast in the next three days.

Then his life is in danger when he is injured and has no food.

Therefore, at this time, he is most alert to the appearance of humans.

And his second reaction was a little strange and surprised.

Because this voice was so beautiful, he had never heard such a beautiful voice before.

The voices of the survivors are mostly poor, and even if there are some who are born with good voices occasionally, they are not as good as one ten thousandth of this person.

Nie didn’t have any education, he didn’t know how to describe such a voice, it was like the Cong Liquan that existed in his imagination, and it was like wine – he didn’t know what wine was, but he heard that the nobles in the six cities liked it the most. Something called wine, it’s intoxicating, like this sound.

Living alone in the wilderness for many years gave Nie a very keen sense of five senses. He quickly pinpointed the source of the sound, which was behind a huge rock.

Except for the six cities, most of the wasteland is barren and hard soil and scattered rocks of various sizes.

“Come out.” Nie’s voice was also dry and hoarse.

Sure enough, a person walked out from behind the stone.

He looks a lot taller than the twelve-year-old Nie, and he is taller than any adult men Nie has ever met. At the same time, he is also very thin, but not the scrawny skinny of those who can’t afford to eat. It is slender and well-proportioned. It’s hard for Nie to describe this wonderful feeling. This is the first time he has felt “beauty” in this barren and barren world, even though he didn’t have the concept at this time.

The man was dressed in a dark robe and covered his face with the same black hood. This robe is very worn, with some small holes on it, the hem and cuffs are also uneven, and even some threads have been pulled out. This is very normal among the survivors. As long as they can have a piece of clothing to avoid their bodies, they can be regarded as the survivors who can live well.

But what is abnormal is that even though the robe is worn out, one can still vaguely see its complicated workmanship. The cuffs are embroidered with silver and red threads in the shape of flowers that Nie has never seen before. It still hangs up.

The person who came was tightly wrapped in black robes, except for the fingertips that were inadvertently exposed between the sleeves when he walked towards him – so white that it was almost dazzling.

The first time Nie saw such a person, he knew that such a person was by no means an ordinary remnant, perhaps an aristocrat who escaped from a certain city.

Aristocrats are so… good-looking?

“Good-looking”, he had a vague sense of the concept for the first time in his twelfth year of life.

He even looks good when he walks, not the vulgar good-looking that the remnant women show when they beg for the protection of powerful men, but with an indescribable taste.

He walked up to Nie, lowered his head, and reached out to take off his hood.

The hood naturally fell to his shoulders, above the barren, and the always dazzling sunlight instantly illuminated his face.

For a moment, Nie’s breathing stopped a little.

When a twelve-year-old boy had no concept of beauty or ugliness, he suddenly saw the ultimate beauty.

His appearance was nothing special. Nie heard that the nobles in the six cities are proud of their light eye color and hair color, but the hair and eyes of this person are black. His long hair was like a crow’s feather, and every strand of it shone brightly in the sunlight.

He had eyes that Nie had never seen before. They were very large, dark, and pointed upwards, as if a group of charismatic stars were sleeping in them.

His lips are very red, and the lips of the survivors are mostly pale, but his lips are extremely gorgeous red, as if all the colors are gathered in this softest place.

“Hello.” He rolled his eyes and smiled at Nie.

Nie’s thoughts were interrupted by this sentence, he pursed his lips, still vigilant: “What are you doing here?”

“I want… something to eat?” The man blinked.


Nie was silent for a while, then said, “Go away.”

He has such a good attitude. On the top of the famine, every bite of food needs to be fought with life. Except for their own children and partners, if others show a tendency to invade their food, it is almost a deadly vengeance. Even if it is a child, after turning ten years old, it is necessary to live alone by itself.

If it was someone else, even if Nie was injured, he would have to compare his life and death with others. This was the survival rule of the survivors.

He only said a “go away” in this way to mean expulsion, which can be considered extremely gentle.

The man didn’t appreciate it at all. He lowered his head and pulled the corner of the boy’s clothes almost like a rogue, and lengthened the voice that Nie thought was like spring and wine: “Don’t, don’t.”

“I’m really hungry, I haven’t eaten for two days.”

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