The Humble Spare Tire is Set After the Car Rolls Over

Chapter 221

Chapter 225: End (3)

Ten minutes later, the scene has turned into Chao Ci sitting down comfortably against the stone, holding the food the boy gave him—about one-third of the meat cut with a bone knife.

A stinky little devil stood beside him.

He had just made up his mind to ignore this inexplicable person, and even decided that he would drive him away if he acted as a rogue, but he didn’t know why he gave food to the other party in the end.

He looked at the other party’s eyes that seemed to be sleeping with the stars, as if Rou Fenghe suddenly had a thought in his heart, and felt that rejecting the other party might be a sin.

This is an abnormal emotion, but the teenager at this time did not notice it.

He took out the food he had finally hunted, cut it in half with a bone knife, and was about to share it with the other party. But when he was about to hand it to the other party, he took it back, carefully cut about a third of it, and handed the rest of the meat to Chao Ci.

Ceremony: “…”

It can be seen that even if he is bewitched, he still has his own position and can save a point.

Chao Ci took the food and sighed with amusement: “What a stingy child.”

This time, Nie was not happy.

“Give me back.” He stared at Chao Ci and said.

Although the boy is not young, his eyes have the appearance of a top predator, full of warning, threat and aggression.

“Don’t take it so seriously, I’ll just say a word.” Chao Ci pinched the child’s face, still acting like a joke.

The boy’s face became even worse.

Chao Ci felt that if he said one more word, the child might get up and beat him.

When he saw it, he settled down and sat down, and brought some dead wood and hay around.

It’s not that there are no plants in the desert, but most of them are ugly and unusable, and some are even extremely aggressive. However, at this time it is still possible to find some dead branches as combustibles.

Then he sat cross-legged and tried to live.

Almost an hour has passed.

The pile of licorice didn’t even smoke.

On the contrary, the rough wood pricked Chao Ci’s white greasy hand with a lot of wounds.

After thinking about it for a while, Chao Ci gave up, and then looked at the boy who was eating raw meat directly beside him.

Nie: “…”

After being watched for a while, Nie walked over resignedly and helped Chao Ci light a fire.

It’s almost night, and now lighting a fire can expel most of the beasts.

Thinking like this, Nie told himself that the fire is not to help this inexplicable person, but for the night that is coming soon.

At the same time, although he didn’t like talking, he couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

This person’s fire-making skills are really messed up. According to his foolish method, he won’t be able to start a fire until tomorrow morning.

And after Nie got the branch, the smoke rose slowly without fiddling a few times.

“You are amazing.” Chao Ci looked at him with bright eyes.

Nie: “…”

He didn’t speak, but he felt a strange joy in his heart.

“Lend me this knife.” Before Nie could react, Chao Ci took the bone knife from his waist.

By the time the boy reacted, the knife had already been taken in Chao Ci’s hand to cut meat.

The boy who realized this began to feel cold all over his body.

The young man has realized that his indulgence of Chao Ci is not natural. Weapons are the most important thing for a remnant who lives alone in the wild besides food. It is almost equal to his life. If someone else wants to take his weapon, the teenager will definitely fight with him, but this person takes his bone knife. He felt accustomed to it.

He had heard people say that there was a human-headed bird-born creature far away from here, which was good at bewildering people… Maybe this strange man who suddenly appeared also had this ability like that bird.

He was vigilant, but maybe this man’s ability was too powerful, and he couldn’t have the intention to kill him.

In desperation, Nie could only turn his head and ignore him.

Looking at the pile of flames at hand, Nie had no intention of leaving for the time being. Ready to part ways with this man after spending a night here.

The boy took a few more bites of meat casually. The usable part of the black rock beast does not have the smell of blood, or even blood, which also brings great convenience to the remnants of food storage. Otherwise, they must eat a black stone beast that is enough to eat for three days within a year, otherwise the **** smell will attract other beasts to attack.

He glanced at the man sitting next to him roasting meat again, and regretted giving the meat to him.

It used to be enough food for three days, but now I can only eat two days. He had to put hunting on the agenda again.

However, Nie didn’t intend to take back what he had already given, so he simply closed his eyes, unable to see his heart.

He closed his eyes for a while, and the tip of his nose suddenly smelled a strong smell of barbecue. Nie opened his eyes and saw the man’s beautiful and thick face, the curved eyes and the corners of his mouth.

Even if he got this close, Nie couldn’t see any flaws on this man’s face, he was whiter and softer than anything Nie had ever seen.

“Let me share with you, okay?”

Nie looked at the meat handed in front of him, and his heart was a little complicated.

What good, this is obviously given by him.

Nie rolled his eyes silently in his heart, but… it wasn’t bad either.

He had no reason to refuse the food brought to his mouth. He sat up, took the meat from Chao Ci, and finished it in three or two seconds, not afraid of being hot.

It has to be said that the meat of the Black Rock beast is much more delicious when grilled than raw. The survivors are used to eating food as soon as they get it, because no one knows whether the food will be in their hands in the next second.

Nie leaned on the stone for a whole night. He didn’t care about the place and conditions of his sleep, and his sleep was very light. Once something approached, he would immediately regain his senses. But Chao Ci humbly found some hay within the range that the firelight could reach, and threw it on the ground as a simple pillow.

Nie became more and more certain that this man should be a nobleman, and his status was not low. If the ordinary survivors were like him, they would not know who ate their bones.

Nie cherishes the time to sleep, because it determines whether he can have enough energy the next day.

But Chao Ci tossed and turned and couldn’t fall asleep. He opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to tug at the boy’s sleeve.

The sudden touch made Nie instantly vigilant. He suddenly opened his eyes to look at Chao Ci, and his eyes were terrifying for a moment.

But Chao Ci didn’t seem to feel it at all, and he was quite happy to see him open his eyes.

“You didn’t sleep either, great!”

Discovering that it was a court speech, Nie’s vigilance was mostly withdrawn, but his face was still not good-looking.

He had already fallen asleep, but was awakened by Chao Ci.

“It’s so boring, kid, can you come and talk to me?”


“My name is Chao Ci, how about you?”


“why do not you talk?”

“…” Nie wanted to turn over and cover his ears, but he was not at ease and handed his back to Chao Ci. He held it back for a long time and said one word, “You are too noisy.”

If he could, he really wanted to slip Chao Ci to feed him to alien beasts now.

“Just say it, it’s just a name, I’ve already told you.” The man in front of him didn’t seem to notice Nie’s rejection at all, and said in a long tone.

“…Nie.” Nie still said his name.

Indeed, the name is not important, it’s just a code name. He hoped that this beautiful but noisy young man would shut up immediately after he said his name.

Facts have proved that such a hateful person will only gain an inch: “Just one word, so cool, why is it called this name?”

Nie really couldn’t help it, he put the bone knife against Chao Ci’s slender and fair neck, and said coldly, “Shut up!”

“If you don’t say it, don’t say it.” Chao Ci puffed up and lay down to sleep again.

It was finally quiet.

Nie breathed a sigh of relief and continued to close his eyes.

However, the next day, this strange and hateful man refused to leave.

No matter which direction Nie went, the man always followed him.

An almost terrifying thought rose in Nie’s heart: This man doesn’t want to support him, right?

This sounds absurd, because this man looks a lot taller than Nie, looks at least twenty years old, but is seeking shelter from a twelve-year-old boy.

But Nie also didn’t think it was surprising, because this man was squeamish and grumpy, and seemed to have no ability to survive.

But in any case, Nie didn’t want to keep a fuel oil bottle that he didn’t know before yesterday.

The survivors can only support their partners and children. In the Great Wilderness, women are the vassals of men and their belongings. It is only natural for men to support their partners.

Maybe Nie will find such a woman when he becomes an adult, but first of all, he is an adult, and… a woman!

No matter how good-looking this person is, he is still a man.

In the end, Nie took out the old one again: his bone knife.

“Stop following me,” he said.

“But if I don’t follow you, I won’t be able to eat.” The young man blinked and said the meal with confidence.


Nie was almost laughing at him. He didn’t want to tolerate this strange person anymore. Repeated indulgences would make this person feel that he was sullen. This is not a good result.

He was about to use force on the bone knife, but the handle of the knife was caught by Chao Ci.

Nie’s hand was holding the handle of the knife, while Chao Ci’s hand was directly attached to his. In an instant, the warm and delicate touch and temperature were quickly transmitted to Nie’s brain through the skin.

This man is so shameless!

A survivor male is only fifteen years old, and Nie is only twelve years old, so this man is shamelessly tempting him.

Nie’s face turned red with anger.

“Don’t be in a hurry to get angry, in fact, I’m really useful.” Chao Ci said, gently stroked his wrist with a bone knife, and bright red blood trickled out.

I don’t know what kind of animal bone this bone knife is made of, it is extremely hard. Even the hard petrified skin of the black stone beast can be cut open, let alone Chao Ci’s wrist.

After this action, Nie’s hand was also driven by Chao Ci. First, his scalp was numb due to the increasingly obvious delicate touch. When Chao Ci showed that he was going to cut his wrist with a bone knife, he jumped in his heart, subconsciously. Withdrawn, but it was too late and the bone knife was too sharp, Chao Ci still made a hole. Fortunately, the mouth is not big, which is exactly the result that Chao Ci wanted.

He put down the bone knife and put his wrist over Nie’s shoulder, letting the blood drip onto it.

Then, the originally **** wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nie looked at Chao Ci in disbelief, and Chao Ci had a smug look on his face: “Right, I’ll just say I’m very good.”

“You take me, you won’t lose!”

Nie did not speak.

The ability of Chao Ci is indeed very powerful and very useful, in this precarious situation.

But Nie is not yet an adult, and it is a miracle among the survivors to be able to support himself alone, let alone bring an adult oil bottle.

If it was another person, he would have refused at this time.

But since seeing Chao Ci, he has had a strange feeling. This feeling made him indulge Chao Ci to do a lot of things, and now he can’t be ruthless to drive him away.

Why don’t you take a look first, if you can’t afford it, then throw him away.

Nie thought.

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