The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 128: Berserk Mode


A skin numbing sound reverberated throughout the room, the sound of the noise became more horrifying because of the fact that they were inside the cave the sound was being echoed, Kang-Ho suddenly felt as if he was inside a horror movie. As Kang-Ho’s focus was all over the room, he was trying not to leave any gaps on his guard from where the bat king could get a chance of sneak attack. Kang-Ho was suddenly taken aback from what he had suddenly seen.

Suddenly from above the room from a darkness something came out. Upon taking a careful look it turned out that it was a claw, the arm resembled the claw of bat king but for some reason it was 3 times the side of the Bat King’s claw that Kang-Ho had seen. Kang-Ho got confused and took a step back to asses the situation clearly, soon enough the body of that thing came out of the darkness as well.

“It changed? Did it use some kind of skill?” Kang-Ho muttered to himself as he wondered what had happened to the Bat King. Kang-Ho figured that this was caused due to use of some kind of skill.

If Kang-Ho could describe in words what he was seeing he would describe the bat king as a bodybuilder, the muscles on its body were bulging similar to the body of a body builder. The Bat King looked 3 times the size that it had previously. The most horrifying fact was that the claws of the bat king was totally wet with poison, from faraway Kang-Ho could see that the poison on its claws were dripping on the ground as it hovered in mid-air.

The poison that was dripping on the ground was causing to smoke and fumes to come out, the fumes were very nauseating but Kang-Ho wasn’t affected by it that much. But the thing that mad Kang-Ho worry was that the poison that the bat king had on it was more potent which the bats previously used, which was very troublesome because the pain Kang-Ho had to suffer because of the poison of the bat was bad enough, but now Kang-Ho couldn’t even fathom how much of a pain he would have to go through if he was hit by the poisonous claw of the bat king.


The wind blew softly through the sealed room softly, as the bat king ripped through the air inside the room as it flew towards Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho laid his eyes on the eyed of the bat king and he could only see a glowing red eyes as if the eyes of the bat king was filled with blood. Bat king looked ominous with its new look, you could clearly see that the bat king was very enraged from its aura and the way it acted.

“sigh..” Kang-Ho audibly sighed as if he was relieved, Kang-Ho came to realize that the bat king was slowed down considerably, it seemed that the size of its body had affected its agility. The speed of the bat king’s movement was slowed down by a little not by a considerable amount but Kang-Ho was very satisfied either way. The only thing which made Kang-Ho conserved about the bat king was its speed not its power and having it been slowed down a little gave Kang-Ho a little bit of breathing room.

“KRRAAAA” screamed the bat king as if it was giving off its battle cries before the fight. for some reason Kang-Ho felt pumped up too as he heard the shout of the bat, it reminded him of the past when he used to risk his life every day. Following the bat King Kang-Ho too shouted with all his might as he enjoyed the feeling of the battle.

“COME AT ME WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT….” Kang-Ho screamed on top of his lungs, Kang-Ho enjoyed this moment very much so the battle cry that came out of his mouth was straight from his heart. Although Kang-Ho didn’t show it that much he loved the battles, battling with his life on the line gave Kang-Ho excitement.


With the sound of metal colliding, the short sword and the claw of bat king collided. The impact of the collision was so big that, the ground beneath Kang-Ho’s feet cracked under the immense pressure. Kang-Ho’s arm on which he wielded the short sword was a little numb as the impact of the attack was too powerful for the arm to handle.

‘Its attack power has increased dramatically; I couldn’t have imagined it would increase by so much. This is out of my expectation; I need to be more careful from now on, if I didn’t support my right arm with my left arm while I defended that attack my arm would have been damaged pretty badly. Let’s just probe for a bit the extent of power it has.’ Kang-Ho thought to himself as he was trying to formulate a plan on how to deal with the bat king.

After having a potentially fatal first exchange with the bat king Kang-Ho was now more cautious than ever. As Kang-Ho was thinking about what he was going to do after this Knag-Ho had moved back 2 steps away form the bat king hoping to get a little window of time in which he could examine his right arm which was still numb after the impact.

But it seemed that the bat wouldn’t give him the chance to do anything in the middle of the battle, because as soon as Kang-HO took steps back the bat immediately flapped its wings in the air and flew straight towards Kang-Ho once more. This time Kang-Ho didn’t repeat his same mistake again, as Kang-Ho too moved towards the incoming bat king.

Knag-Ho in the shortest amount of time possible had reached in front of the Bat king which was gaining momentum as it flapped its wings. This time by moving closer to the bat king Kang-Ho had successfully managed to slow down the speed of the bat and he had effectively reduced the power of the bat’s attack. although the attack power was still very powerful, but it wasn’t so impactful as last time. This time Kang-Ho didn’t feel his arm go numb. This was a relief for Kang-Ho and he had now decided that he couldn’t let the bat king gain and distance between them of else it would be fatal during this fight.

Kang-Ho and the bat king both didn’t move back and started to one by one attacking each other with the heaviest attack that they would muster. The sounds of metal clashing started to reverberate all around the room, it sounded as if 100s of black smiths were hammering metal to make at the same time inside a same room. If a normal person were to come and see the fight between Kang-Ho and the bat king, they would wonder how was the sparks and the sounds were being produced, because if a normal person would have seen this, they wouldn’t be able to follow the movements of neither the bat nor Kang-Ho’s. Only the hunters who were above level 50 or so would have been able to see a little of their movements because after having a class change a human truly in a sense change in terms of perception.

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