The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 129: Dirty Jabs

The fight continued between Kang-Ho and the bat king at the same pace for quite some time, neither party seemed to be lacking in any aspect, so no one managed to get the upper hand. Kang-Ho was trying to play it safe and evaluate his opponent before going all out, he needed to know everything about his enemy before he went for the kill, this step was very important because you never know what opponent might do while you are in a sticky situation, so Kang-Ho needed to scope out all of the possibilities first.

Few minutes in, Kang-Ho changed his attack style from defensive to defensive-offense, unlike before where Kang-Ho was using his right hand to wield the short sword and block each and every attack that the bat king threw at him, while his left hand was supporting the right arm because of the numbness he was feeling from the first exchange they had. Now that the numbness of the arm had vanished completely Kang-Ho changed his attack patten.

While Kang-Ho was defending against the barrage of attacks that the bat king threw at him with his right arm, Kang-Ho was throwing jabs towards the bat king with his left hand which was now without any burden. Kang-Ho’s jabs were so perfectly timed that whenever Kang-Ho’s left arm moved his arm never faced any kind of obstruction, his hit always landed right on spot, the jaw of the bat king.

The first few attacks the bat king didn’t react as much as it seemed as if the bat king was just too focused on killing Kang-Ho. But that changed when Kang-Ho’s punched started to deal heavy damage on the jaw of the bat king, the sharp tooth that the bat king had, some of them broke down because of Kang-Ho’s jabs and some of the tooth that remained caused cuts inside of the mouth because of their sharpness so, soon the bat king started to bleed from the mouth.

“KKKKAAAAA” the bat king cried out in pain, as it opened its mouth to scream Kang-Ho could finally see the inside of its’s mouth the only thing Kang-Ho could see were chunks of meat hanging inside of the mouth and constantly oozing blood which didn’t seem like it would stop any time soon.

Finally, the bat king seemed to be enraged because, you could finally see the changed in the mood of the bat king, Kang-Ho could feel the bat king’s killing intent that intensified.

The temperature of the room suddenly turned a little cold as the killing intent of the bat king intensified. Kang-Ho seeing that his tactics were working, once more launched a jab attack. Like always Kang-Ho had waited for the best moment to strike, this time it seemed in enraged mode the bat king gave more room for Kang-Ho to launch an attack, Kang-Ho was never the one who would let this wonderful opportunity pass by him so without waiting the opportunity Kang-Ho attacked without knowing what was to come.

Just as the jab was going to land on the jaw of the bat king, bat king opened its mouth once again it seemed as if it was going to cry out once more. Kang-Ho without a worry in the world continued his attack, soon enough the bat king would make Kang-Ho regret his decision as something other than a cry came out of the bat king’s mouth.

A beam of light suddenly came out of the bat king’s mouth, the beam glowed with an ominous green light. The green light came raining down on the left hand of Kang-Ho as that was the bat king’s target from the beginning. The light beam wasn’t that big as it seemed like the beam was just about 2 cm in diameter from what it seemed to Kang-Ho. Kang-Ho even with his superior speed wasn’t able to move his hand fast enough because the attack came in at a very difficult moment as Kang-Ho’s hand was right in front of the bat king’s face the beam came. Kang-Ho didn’t have any other option but to face the full brunt of the attack.

Kang-Ho wasn’t able to see the moment that the beam landed on Kang-Ho ‘s fist but, he didn’t need to see to feel what was happening. After the light beam hit Kang-Ho’s back of the fist, he felt a mind-numbing stinging pain throughout his body almost as if he was being attacked by the same poison that the bat had on them but a little more potent, that wasn’t all that Kang-Ho felt as he could clearly feel the light beam was slowly advancing through his fist trying to make a hole through his fist. Although the process was slow but if this continued for 3-4 more seconds Kang-Ho’s fist would have a hole poking through it.

For Kang-Ho this was a very horrifying discovery as he knew that if the bat managed to make a hole next target it would hit would be his head, so Kang-Ho used all of the strength in his body to push the ground with his legs, this caused the already cracked floor to crack some more and suddenly when Kang-Ho leapt, a crater had form where Kang-Ho had stood just a moment before.

“Ahhhhh, FU*k...” Kang-Ho muttered in frustration as he was feeing a stinging pain throughout his body.

With all of the force he could gather while being in extreme pain Kang-Ho had leapt back as far as he could to avoid the line of fire of the beam. As soon as Kang-Ho landed on the ground, he glanced on his fist without any surprise Kang-Ho could see a 4 cm long and 2 cm in diameter hole on his fist on top of that the wound was totally charred as if it was burned, the exposed bones were damaged very badly as well. There was a kind of sticky green liquid inside of the wound, which Kang-Ho figured was the poison as it looked similar to the poison which the bat king had on its claws.

‘I need to be extra careful about that attack while facing the bat, although the attack in itself is not that harmful the thing that makes it potent is that poison effect’ Kang-Ho evaluated the attack of the bat while had some distance between them.

Without wasting a single moment Kang-Ho took out some of the health potion and poison potion because the pain was making his body a little sluggish. Within seconds Kang-Ho had finished doing all of these things when he noticed the bat king moving his head towards him while the beam was still coming out of its mouth.

Kang-Ho started running around the room to avoid being hit by the beam, this continued for about 2 minutes straight, the bat kin were hovering on the air as it moved its head towards where Kang-Ho moved to land the light beam on him. but sadly, for the Bat king the only thing that the light beam hit was the walls of the cave. The placed that the light beam hit melted the wall because of the poison that was in the light beam.

Soon enough the light beam attack stopped, as soon as Kang-Ho realized that the bat king looked a little fatigued, Kang-Ho moved.

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