The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 130: Shocking Discovery (1)

As soon as the light beam attack stopped, Kang-Ho made his move towards the fatigued bat king. Kang-Ho could tell just by the looks of the bat king that it was already out of juice and Kang-Ho figured that it would need some time to use that skill again. Knowing the risk of his decision well enough, Kang-Ho still leaped towards the bat king.

Kang-Ho used all of the force he could muster on his upper body to swing his short sword while leaping towards the bat king. A crisp sound of metal clashing with each other came as Kang-Ho’s short sword was met with the claws of the bat king, even after being in a bad shape the bat king still managed to block the attack. Although Kang-Ho didn’t manage to hit the bat king’s body, he was successful in disorienting the bat king.

Although the bat king had managed to block the ruthless attack from Kang-Ho, the bat king was flung backwards from the impact of the attack, bat king started to flap it’s wings to stabilize itself mid-air avoiding hitting the ground. As the situation was progressing Kang-Ho knew that bat king would need a few seconds to restabilize itself mid-air, Kang-Ho knew that this was an extremely lucky opportunity and he couldn’t miss this for anything so he once more without wasting any time leapt.

With a ruthless grin on his face Kang-Ho started to launch sword attacks on the bat king without a pause. One after another Kang-Ho swung his sword on the bat king, who with all its might tried to block every single attack of Kang-Ho. Some of the attacks the bat king was successful in blocking with great difficulty, but all of the attacks of Kang-Ho had carried all of his power into it, so even though the bat king managed to block some of the attacks of Kang-Ho, blocking the attacks didn’t help it that much though because with every single attack the bat king became more unstable and full of openings which Kang-Ho took full advantage of.

“KKKRRRIIIIIIII” Bat king screeched with all its might as it was deeply wounded in many places including the wings. While Kang-Ho was attacking the bat king Kang-Ho had mainly targeted the wings of the huge bird as, if the bat king decided to fly away and launch a sneak attack from the shadows Kang-Ho would be unable to defend against the crazy impact that the bat king would inflict after gaining momentum. But by injuring its wings Kang-Ho was successful in getting rid of one of the major threats he was facing while facing the bat king.

Kang-Ho knew that if the bat king was limited to just ground attack it wouldn’t be able to amount to too much as the only reason bat king was able to damage his right arm a little was because of its momentum. Sure enough, after Kang-Ho had inflicted the damage upon its wings the bat king rolled mid-air and landed on the ground far away from Kang-Ho so that it could get some distance between them.

“KIIIIII” a sharp screech escaped from the bat king as it started to move its wings a little trying to fly once more. The bat king after few seconds came to a sudden realization that it was too painful to move its wings and even though it tried to move its wings it was unable to move it the way it wanted. Kang-Ho had mainly targeted his attacks towards the muscles of the wings while he attacked the wings of the bird, while Kang-Ho was attacking the bat king previously he was mainly aiming for the heart and the neck of the bird, but it seemed like the bird was defending against those attacks with all it had got and it was very hard for Kang-Ho to land a successful hit on it, so after discovering gaps on its defences Kang-Ho did the next best thing that he could have done at that moment and he started raining the attacks on the muscles of the wing.

You could clearly see the fear in the eyes of the bat king as it finally came to the realization that it couldn’t fly anymore. The bat king was dazed for few seconds and it looked like the bat king didn’t have any idea what to do next as it stared off into the wall in front of it, this was uncharacteristic of the bat especially when his opponent was right in front of it.

Kang-Ho on the other hand saw this as an opportunity, he leaped towards the dazed bat king without wasting a single moment as Kang-Ho knew he must take full advantage of this kind of situation as this kind of situation only comes once in a while. But to Kang-Ho’s disappointment the bat king quickly snapped out of its trance as soon as it heard the sound Kang-Ho made as he leapt forward. This didn’t stop Kang-Ho’s attack as he knew either way, he had to continue with his attacks anyway, so Kang-Ho gripped his short sword more tightly as he moved closer to the bat king.

Bat king which was out of focus just a moment ago, on the other hand was extremely enraged as soon as it saw Kang-Ho’s silhouette.

Even though the bat king could no longer fly but even still the bat king used all of the energy on its leg and launched towards the direction of Kang-Ho. One would be already be able to see the difference in the attacks of the bat king if they compared them with before and after, right now the bat king without the ability to fly was very slow. One of the most threatening factors of the bat king was its speed and loosing one of them had proven fatal for the bird, as when the attack landed on kang-Ho he had managed to successfully block the attack, not just that Kang-Ho had launched a counter attack on the bat king right after that.

Kang-Ho’s attack came crashing down at the bat king when it was mid air falling down towards the ground, without the help of its wings, which helped it to manoeuvre in the sky that bat king was equivalent to a sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered. The attack was very close to the bat king so it tried to roll mid-air and catch the sword with its claw but was only able to roll a little as to perform the manoeuvre the bat king needed the help of its wings. The only thing that was left for the bat king to do was just to watch in despair as the sword slowly inched closer to it.

The sword with all its force had landed beside the neck of the bat king which was still mid-air, the sword had penetrated the shoulder of the bat king and was successful in destroying a few bones in process, the sword didn’t stop mid-air, it followed the bat king as it fell to the ground.

“Kiiiiii” you could hear soft cries f despair as Kang-Ho started pounding the bat king to the ground with his attacks non-stop.


Kang-Ho only stopped his attacks on the bat king after hearing the sweet sound of levelling up.

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