The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 206: A Shooter With Full Strength

"Not good! The ability of the Hound weapon is invalid!"

The leading Agent Turner's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Fire! Fire all!"

The surrounding agents and guards reacted one after another. Without saying a word, they raised their guns and pulled the trigger on Lu Chuang!

Da! Da! Da! Da

Flames spewed out in an instant, muzzles roared dully, and more than twenty firearms fired concentratedly, instantly forming an impenetrable metal barrage that enveloped Lu Chuang's position.

Lu Chuang reacted quickly, surging mana spewed out of his body, and immediately covered his whole body to form an invisible protective film. The dense bullets hit him and splashed bursts of sparks, but did not cause the slightest damage, even the hem of his clothes None were hurt.

"How did a good sneak become like this?"

Lu Chuang couldn't figure it out, he could only blame bad luck, it definitely wasn't a problem with his stealth method!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lu Chuang stood in the hail of bullets, took out his two guns and fired continuously, and the four of them fell to the ground in response, with "seven to fifty" bloody holes in their foreheads at the same time.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned pale, and hurriedly found a cover to hide.

But Lu Chuang's bullets seem to be on automatic navigation. No matter how well they hide, the bullets can always come out from a strange angle, quickly harvesting the lives of teammates around them.

"Strange, monster!"

"God, who will save us!"

Of course, no matter how good the psychological quality of the guards and agents is, it is difficult to conceal the fear in their hearts at this moment.

It's not that they haven't fought against Mutant before, but those battles are not completely crushed like they are now, their attacks have no effect on Lu Chuang at all, but Lu Chuang can easily kill them.

This is not a battle, it is clearly a unilateral massacre!

Seeing the number of people on his side decrease one by one, Agent Turner yelled, "Release Sentinel!"

"Yes, how much do you want to release?" A detective asked stupidly.


Hearing Agent Turner's hoarse roar, the agent hurriedly took out a tablet and started to operate it.

It didn't take long before I heard a creepy sound of insects crawling, and densely packed mechanical spiders appeared in front of everyone. There were about thirty of them, and the intensive phobia patients felt their scalps go numb.

The electronic eyes of the mechanical spider flickered red, quickly scanning the surrounding environment.

The next moment, they locked on to their target and rushed like mad dogs towards Lu Chuang...the Shadowcat at his side!

Agent Turner:

Lu Chuang:

It just so happened that Shadowcat woke up from a coma. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a large group of mechanical spiders rushing towards him, and his mental state collapsed.

Why me again!

Do it right!

Fortunately, the agent responded in a timely manner and manually changed the locking target of the mechanical spiders through the tablet. The mechanical spiders running towards Shadowcat immediately turned around and rushed towards Lu Chuang collectively, waving their metal claws.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In just an instant, six magic bullets with mysterious runes escaped from their chambers, and their super destructive power directly pierced through the mechanical spider that rushed in front of them.

But the rest of the mechanical spiders still managed to rush in front of Lu Chuang, jumped up and flew towards Lu Chuang, their sharp metal claws shone coldly under the light!

bullet time!

Lu Chuang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the movements of all the mechanical spiders instantly became extremely slow in his eyes. He easily avoided the swarm of mechanical spiders, and then raised his pistol to shoot quickly

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

In the laboratory, the sound of firing the modified pistol kept ringing. Lu Chuang walked among the mechanical spiders, his arms seemed to swing randomly, and every time the gun was fired, a mechanical spider fell down.

After all, it wasn't the future-reversing Sentinel. No matter how many such mechanical spiders there were, it would be difficult to pose a threat to Lu Chuang. At most, it would be troublesome to solve.

Under Lu Chuang's non-stop attack, the mechanical spiders are continuously decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than two minutes, there were only a few scattered mechanical spiders still fighting.

At this moment, Dr. Ken Bell appeared on the edge of the battlefield, and there were several strange figures standing beside him.

These people's eyes are dull, with thick dark circles under their eyes, and their state is very similar to the man just now. They are obviously the hound weapons of the Essex laboratory.

One of them had a golden light in his eyes, which made Shadowcat feel very uncomfortable. His instinctive Ability seemed to have completely disappeared, and he couldn't use it no matter what.

"Be careful, he is interfering with my Ability!"

Shadowcat hurriedly reminded Lu Chuang.

Lu Chuang glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and immediately recognized that the other party was John's good friend Impulse, the phantom god of civil war among Mutants, all Mutant Abilities within the range of Impulse Abilities will be contained, and almost all Mutants are invincible.

Definitely, as Lu Chuang is a human being, the pulse ability has no effect on him at all.

Lu Chuang shouted: "Pulse, it's still too late to clean up, the door of the organization is always open for you."

The pulse did not respond, and Dr. Bell sneered: "It's useless, now he will only obey my orders, but you don't need to worry, because you will soon become the most loyal and obedient hound just like him ."

For this kind of standard villain's remarks, Lu Chuang was too lazy to force him, and just raised his hand to shoot.


An accident happened, and there was a jamming sound from the gun.

Naturally, Lu Chuang would not make such a low-level mistake as counting the wrong bullets. He seemed to be aware of it and looked over. A strange-looking hound weapon stretched out its hands towards this side. Without thinking, he knew that the other party must be playing tricks...

Dr. Bell was taken aback by Lu Chuang's action, and then laughed: "I admit that your marksmanship is really good, but unfortunately, in front of my hound weapon, all conventional thermal weapons will be useless, I advise you to still Give up resistance as soon as possible, at least this way you can suffer less torture."

At this moment, Dr. Bell had a look of complete control on his face.

In Dr. Bell's view, Lu Chuang is just a sharpshooter with sharp marksmanship. As long as Lu Chuang can't use guns, he can't pose any threat

Facing Dr. Bell's complacency, Lu Chuang put away his misfired pistol and made an international gesture towards him.


"... Very good, I hope you can still be so arrogant later."

Dr. Bell's eyes turned cold, and he patted a fat black man beside him: "King Kong, catch him here.


The fat black man nodded, and then let out a beast-like growl. The hair on his body began to grow densely, sharp teeth and claws emerged, blood vessels and veins surged crazily under the skin, and his muscles swelled up like balloons. In the blink of an eye, he became two Mido tall muscular chimpanzee.

Not to mention, apart from the different body shape, the appearance is indeed very similar to the King Kong who was flying in the Empire State Building.

Sure enough, there were only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

Boom boom boom—!

The fat black man who transformed into a low-profile version of King Kong lowered his head and flew forward. His huge body was like a small tank, leaving footprints on the ground, and suddenly spanned a distance of several meters. The black and hard iron fist brought a fierce howling airflow, Falling asleep on the face of the unarmed Lu Chuang!

Silence and a soldier sticking to the face, replaced by an ordinary shooter, after this set, you can go back to the spring and wait for resurrection.

But Lu Chuang is not an ordinary shooter.

Seeing that the fat black man's fist was about to smash down, Lu Chuang snorted coldly, and made a fist with his left hand to meet him directly!


The two fists collided, and huge amounts of childlike voices erupted between the two.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the black fat man's body flew upside down like a cannonball, and hit the wall behind him heavily, knocking him out of a big hole, and his whole body was buried by gravel.

Lu Chuang stood motionless on the spot, grinning and said: "I'm sorry, my strength has increased recently, and I didn't control my strength well."

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

They thought that Lu Chuang was a highly agile shooter, but they didn't expect that Lu Chuang dropped both guns and punched the fat black man flying!

I'm afraid this shooter focuses all his attributes on strength!?.

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