The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 207: You Call This Stealth?

"How can this be!"

Dr. Bell's eyes widened in disbelief.

The fat black man is a Mutant known for his strength and physique, with a punch of at least several tons of strength.

However, in such a pure power struggle, the black fat man lost to Lu Chuang!

Dr. Can Bell vaguely sensed something was wrong, he seemed to have seriously underestimated Lu Chuang's ability...

Different from the frightened humans, the mechanical spiders still kept their instructions firmly in mind. Taking advantage of the gap when Lu Chuang stopped moving, the remaining four loyal mechanical spiders rushed towards the treasury waving their sharp claws.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you."

Lu Chuang realized it later, sideways to avoid the attack of a mechanical spider, grabbed its metal sharp claws as a meteor hammer and swung it in his hand, smashing the two mechanical spiders flying, and smashed another A mechanical spider fell to the ground, then raised its foot and stepped on it vigorously.


The mechanical spider was hit hard, the metal shell shattered under the weight, and the electronic eyes gradually became dim.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chuang grabbed both sides of the mechanical spider in his hand, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and his veins burst like a small snake. With a click, the mechanical spider was torn in half by his bare hands. Parts are scattered all over the place.

The two mechanical spiders that were smashed into the air stood up again, and continued to rush towards Lu Chuang without fear of life or death.


Two broken metal claws whizzed past, and accurately hit two fast-moving mechanical spiders. The sharp metal claws directly penetrated the abdomen of the mechanical spiders and deeply plunged into the ground, nailing them in place and unable to move.

For a while, a needle could be heard in the laboratory.

"Oh, God!"

The surviving Sentry Secret Service agent muttered to himself, looking at Lu Chuang's figure with fear in his eyes.

Known as the Mutant Killer, Sentinel was like a bunch of toys in Lu Chuang's hands, and they didn't know what else could stop this monster.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

At this time, the fat black man broke out of the rock, beating his chest frantically with his arms, as if venting his anger at being thrown by Lu Chuang.

It can be seen that he has transformed very thoroughly, and even his thinking mode has begun to be chimpanzee.

"I remember that Loki seems to have appeared in a King Kong movie. If you get more Aunt May together, the three of you can team up to shoot the sequel to Skull Island. It will definitely sell well at the box office." Lu Chuang said a joke that only he could understand discourse.

The fat black man glared at Lu Chuang viciously, kicked the ground with his feet, and rushed towards Lu Chuang like a mountain top, raising his casserole-sized fists high up, as if to smash Lu Chuang into a pulp with one blow!


Lu Chuang didn't dodge, and stretched out his hands to directly support the thick arms of the black fat man. The powerful impact and huge weight of the black fat man's falling from the sky seemed nothing to him, and his expression was extremely relaxed.

Seeing that his attack was actually blocked, the fat black man roared angrily, wanting to withdraw his arm.

But no matter how hard he tried, Lu Chuang's hands were like iron tongs, tightly clasped his arm, and slowly opened it apart.

Then Lu Chuang jumped up, his left leg and knee slammed into the bridge of the black fat man's nose, the nose bone of the black fat man was broken and blood flowed, and he fell back uncontrollably.

Lu Chuang was so powerful that he swung his palm in mid-air, pressed it on the distorted face of the fat black man, and slammed it to the ground following the inertia.


The huge head slammed on the ground, cracks spread like spider webs, and everyone could feel the ground vibrate visibly. "It is conceivable how powerful Lu Chuang is.

But this is not over yet, in order to prevent the fat black man from standing up again, Lu Chuang is like a pile driver, pressing the fat black man's face and smashing it down to the ground again!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom–

A series of terrifying loud noises came out continuously, and as Lu Chuang pressed down on the fat black man's head and bombarded it like piling, the ground trembled endlessly and gravel flew.

The people on the field couldn't help holding their breath, for fear of disturbing the fierce god in front of them, they would also hit them a few times.

In the end, Shadowcat couldn't help but say: "That...he seems to have changed back."

Hearing this, Lu Chuang stood up. Under his feet, a shallow pit of more than half a meter had been smashed into the ground. The fat black man who had turned back into a human form was lying in the pit like a dead dog, covered in blood, and his life and death were unknown. .

Lu Chuang spread his hands: "Sorry, I didn't notice that you have transformed back. After all, you look the same as you have not transformed."

The black people who heard this were hesitant to speak, if they couldn't beat Lu Chuang, they would rap Lu Chuang a few times.

"Suddenly I understand Hulk's happiness a little bit. The feeling of being crushed by such power is really cool."

Lu Chuang sighed, turned his head to look at Dr. Bell whose expression gradually became stiff, grinned, and strode over.

Sensing the strong malice emanating from Lu Chuang, Dr. Bell swallowed, he didn't expect that things would develop like this, which was completely beyond his control.

"Stop him!"

A thin man stood up, staring at Lu Chuang with both eyes. Lu Chuang, who was walking, suddenly felt a strong dizziness in his head, accompanied by nausea and headache.

Nausea and other negative symptoms emerged one after another.

But these negative states didn't last long, and they were instantly cleared away by Lu Chuang's magical power with the holy light attribute in his body.

Lu Chuang walked in front of him without hindrance: "What are you looking at?"

Skinny man: "..."

Lu Chuang grabbed the emaciated man, and flew out together with the Mutant that disabled the thermal weapon. The two were not fat black men, and their bodies who had been taking drugs for a long time were not even as good as ordinary people, so they passed out neatly.

Seeing the hound weapons he brought fall down one after another, Dr. Can Bell finally couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, backed away again and again, and shouted at the only Pulse that didn't fall down: "Stop him!"

Pulse nodded, carrying out the order with a blank face, even though he knew that he was no match for Lu Chuang at all.

The next moment, Pulse rushed towards Lu Chuang without fear, clenching his fists with both hands in a fighting posture.

Then... swung the bastard fist!

Dr. Cam Bell:

Lu Chuang: "..."

Before joining the Mutant underground organization, Impulse was an ordinary citizen, and it was a bit embarrassing for him to roll up his sleeves and fight with others.


Lu Chuang directly slapped Impulse Fan unconscious, he was afraid that he would not be able to help laughing out loud after watching it.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

When Lu Chuang came to Dr. Kan Bell, his eyes flickered, and his whole body exuded a terrifying sense of oppression. He looked more like a villain boss than Dr. Kan Bell.

"help me!"

Dr. Bell shouted for help regardless of his image, but the others seemed to be unable to hear them, hiding in the corner silently, even the guards in the laboratory did not respond, and bowed their heads to count the bullet casings on the ground, wages or lives, which one is more important They can't tell the difference.

"You guys!"

Dr. Bell was completely desperate, and looked at Lu Chuang and shouted: "Don't come here!"

Lu Chuang didn't talk nonsense, stepped forward and punched him unconscious, and stacked him and Pulse on his shoulders.

Then yelled at Shadowcat: "Go!"

Without the impact of the pulse, Shadowcat's ability finally recovered. She looked at the scene of incomparable tragedy, and now she seems to be unnecessary.

Shadowcat immediately followed Lu Chuang's footsteps, and whispered: "The situation here should have been spread long ago. If we go out like this, it will be easy to be tracked."

Shadowcat has a lot of experience, and she is very aware of the modes of operation of these organizations.

Even if they escape from here, the matter is not over, because they still have to get rid of the reinforcements who heard the news, maybe those people will arrange helicopters to track and lock at high altitude, and then they want to escape completely It is not an easy task.

In this regard, Lu Chuang said not to worry.

"Relax, I have an absolutely safe escape route."

According to the plan, members of the Mutant underground organization have been hiding in the woods outside the laboratory and are responsible for picking up Lu Chuang who sneaked into the laboratory alone.

Due to the complex internal structure of the laboratory, Clarice cannot directly open the portal, so John and the others can only wait for news from Lu Chuang outside the laboratory. As long as Lu Chuang comes out of the laboratory, Clarice will bring him Let everyone teleport away from here.

But they waited here for a long time but did not see Lu Chuang's figure. Clarice was so bored that she began to study the ant nest at her feet, picking up a branch and poking around there.

While waiting, they suddenly noticed movement from the guards patrolling outside the laboratory. It seemed that something major had happened in the laboratory. Most of the guards hurried back to the laboratory, leaving only a small number of guards standing guard outside the lab.

John's hearing is excellent, he vaguely heard gunshots and screams in the laboratory, and then stopped abruptly.

John's eyelids twitched: "My friends, I suddenly have an ominous premonition..."


Before John could finish speaking, there was a sudden violent explosion in the distance.

Everyone looked, and saw a big hole in the wall of the laboratory, billowing thick smoke coming out of it, with Superman's vision, John clearly saw two figures standing at the hole, one of them was sneaking into the laboratory Lu Chuang didn't come out of the room for a long time.

Lu Chuang also noticed John and the others in the distance, and happily waved his arms towards them, not paying any attention to the patrolling guards who stood underneath and stared at him dumbfounded.

"John, my stealth plan succeeded, let Clarice open the portal!"

John: "???"

You f**king call that stealth!?.

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