The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: : Doomsday Earth

“What a beautiful ball, not white, but she is very watery!”

Seeing the outline of the earth in the blink of an eye, Li Wei was shocked for a moment, and then he expressed his sincere admiration for the unparalleled beauty that 99.999% of people could not directly appreciate.

At this moment, he burst into poetry, and after three seconds of emotional brewing, he opened his mouth and shouted, “It’s really blue!”

Then his body was caught by the earth’s gravity and began to fall slowly downwards.

After a little sensing, Li Wei found that the virus ability in his body could still be used. He bent his body to expel the gas compressed by the cells in his body, and adjusted his facing direction outside the atmosphere, wanting to take a look at the real universe.

He didn’t see the moon, but he saw the sun. The sun was like an orange he had eaten. It was reddish-orange and looked very watery, but he didn’t know why it kept spraying out.

There was not enough time to admire the stars. In three seconds, Li Wei saw the energy of the key beside the corner of his eye rising.

It rose from 0.1% to 1.3%, and after a few seconds, the number rose to 2.1%.

Seeing that the key was still there, Li Wei felt that something was wrong. He didn’t take out the key. Could it be that this is still not his original world?

He didn’t need to breathe, and he didn’t need to worry about being smashed into meat sauce when he fell, so he had plenty of time to turn around again and observe everything about Blue Star from an altitude of about 1,000 kilometers.

Then he saw a red dot appear in an abrupt area on the earth…

Li Wei is a road idiot, let alone a map, but he can still tell from the vague outline of the land and the partial memory of killing some people in the world that it is Yellowstone Park.

Yellowstone National Park is one of the largest volcanic craters in the world. The red light in that area can only be a volcanic eruption.


A circle of dark red flesh on Li Wei’s body rolled, transformed into an armored form, and flew towards Yellowstone Park in the United States.

As Li Wei passed through the thermal layer and entered the middle layer, his field of vision became smaller, and at the same time, he saw some less wonderful things.

The sea is rolling, and in broad daylight, there is no clear sky. Instead, many ‘small” cracks are constantly spreading across the earth.

Li Wei put away the gliding mode, fell vertically with his head down for a certain distance, and entered the stratosphere.

This time he could see more sights. The boundless tsunami that hit the edge of the city made people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts and feel small.

The waves overturned the buildings like ants, and the smaller humans were constantly fleeing in the opposite direction of the tsunami, but Li Wei couldn’t see those who escaped clearly.

With his limbs open, he also flew towards the return direction of the tsunami.

The speed of descent dropped sharply, and under the full force of his ability, Li Wei was expected to fly four or five hundred kilometers.

But his heart was cold, and he even wanted to shout: What kind of **** world is this tm!

Compared with the picture he sees now, the infected body frenzy in the prototype world is nothing!

The tsunami of thousands of meters swept the earth, and the gorgeous buildings of the past were easily toppled, whether people, animals, cars or houses were all submerged under the wave.

He thought he could go home, but the key gave him a big surprise!

Li Wei’s flight speed was not fast. It didn’t take long for the land directly below him to be swallowed up by the waves. If it fell into the sea like this, the most likely situation would be that it would be washed away by the sea so that not even the **** was left.

The black light virus has not yet evolved the ability to survive on the seabed. Elizabeth Green has been locked in the room. If the black light wants to gain the ability to adapt to the sea, it must contact the sea.

It is impossible for anyone to understand what cannot be observed.

Evolution depends on needs. Organs that have always lived on land do not have the need to live in the deep sea, so it is impossible to have corresponding organs.

Suddenly encountering this stall, Li Wei was also very aggrieved, so he could only adjust his direction and glide toward Yellowstone Park, where the terrain is high, and the tsunami could not reach that far.

As the height decreased, Li Wei, relying on his excellent eyesight, saw the people below who were running like a background board.

The frightened people are like giant ants sprayed with water, running wildly in panic, but in the face of the real horror, no matter where they escape, they will be submerged by water.


The roar sounded like the snoring of a giant, the earth turned over, the tsunami was accompanied by an earthquake, and a scene like a fierce prison came into Li Wei’s field of vision.

Small human beings are so fragile under the mighty power of nature, and Li Weijing, who was originally a little swollen because of his own strength, is chilling.

My heart is as cold as ice.

As he continued to go deeper into the American continent, Li Wei finally reached the troposphere. Below him was no longer sea water mixed with countless floating objects, but a piece of land that was still well-preserved.

It’s just that the flames and thick smoke from the eruption of the Yellowstone Park volcano ahead are a bit unpleasant…

Suddenly, Li Wei, who was gliding, saw a small white plane rushing out of the thick fog of the volcano in front of him. He was overjoyed and immediately adjusted the flight direction so that he and the small plane were in the same flight direction.

He has fallen to the ground now. If he cannot develop wings before the disaster, he may end up in this earth that is experiencing the real doomsday.

Even if wings do appear, biomass is not infinite. If he keeps flying without a goal, he may get lost in the sea.

Taking a look at the energy of the key, the energy has reached 34.67% just after coming to this earth. Now the increase may be because the sun is blocked by thick smoke, it is as slow as a snail!

On the plane, the life-and-death test that the five people just experienced…

Among the five, there were two boys and one girl, as well as a little boy and a little girl.

They just escaped from the volcanic eruption and ground fissure disaster in Yellowstone Park, and found a map to the Ark. They were going to find a plane big enough to go to China and live on the Ark of Doom.

Looking down at the terrifying scene of landslides and fissures from the small window of the plane, they had exhausted their energy and just watched the bottom in silence, reaching out to wipe away the tears on their faces due to tension.

In my heart, I prayed silently for the human community, and also for myself.

After wiping the tears from her daughter’s face, Kate looked at her ex-husband Jackson, who was still panting in the back seat, and asked softly, “Should we go next…?”


“Ahhhh! Mommy, look!”

Before she could finish her sentence, Lily, the little girl who was like a frightened bird, let out a terrified scream and pointed to the front of the plane.

“My God! What is this!”

Gordon, who was the pilot of the plane, also exclaimed like hell. His tone was full of disbelief and fear.

Jackson and Kate looked at each other and cried out in shock.


“What the **** is this!”

A black humanoid fell from the sky and landed on the head of their plane. The angular body was full of power, and the face without facial features looked at them. The feeling of being watched by a beast made the hearts of the five people in the plane speed up instantly.

what is this?


The alien in their eyes grabbed the top of the plane, knocked on the small window of the side window of the driver’s seat, and during this series of actions, the flesh shrank and swelled, returning to Li Wei’s original appearance.

“My God!” When Gordon saw this scene, he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel, and the plane was bumped, causing several people in the plane to exclaim.

Li Wei was still tapping lightly on the small window on the side, and motioned Gordon to open the door with a smile on his face.

Gordon looked back nervously. After seeing several people nodding in unison, he opened the small window on the side.

“Can I take a downwind?” Li Wei shouted kindly to Gordon inside.

Gordon swallowed and turned around again…

Kate and Jackson looked at each other, with entanglement and struggle in their eyes, and their heads shook slightly.

Then they saw the “forty-meter” broadsword conjured from Li Wei’s left hand, and they nodded desperately with a cold sweat on their faces, making Gordon bewildered.

He looked back and saw that Li Wei had put away the “forty meter” sword and showed a gentle smile.

Two children: dare not speak.jpg

In the end, Li Wei climbed along the roof of the plane to the side of the cabin door. Jackson opened the door of the plane for him and let him get in.

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