The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: : What Is Flight Form? 2 Big Wings!

After getting into the plane, Li Wei closed the cabin door, and then greeted several people with different expressions in the plane warmly.

“Hey, how are you guys, my name is Li Wei, I’m from another world, and I just saw you when I fell from the atmosphere. You said it was a coincidence~!”

Jackson pulled the tie of his suit, glanced nervously at Kate and his two children, and responded to Li Wei, “Uh, hello, LiWei, I’m Jackson Crew… my ex-wife Kate , Gordon is flying the plane, these are my two children, Noah, Lily…Welcome to Earth.”

Facing Li Wei, who might be a visitor from outside the sky, Jackson seemed a little trembling. After thinking for a moment, he introduced the other people in the plane.

It is necessary to show the friendly attitude of earthlings as much as possible, at least now they can communicate, right?

Anyway, the end of the world is coming, what else is impossible…

Kate and the two children also said softly: Welcome to Earth!

As a red flag youth who grew up in a friendly country, Li Wei naturally chose to forgive in the face of misunderstanding.

“Wow, hello Jackson, and Miss Kate, I didn’t expect you to get along so harmoniously after getting divorced, hey! Little man, your parents must be giving you a headache, does the little angel feel it’s difficult? Is Mr. Gordon the catcher?”

“Yes… oh, no.” Gordon’s face darkened and he opened his mouth to hesitate, but no matter how he answered this question, Jackson would be embarrassed, and in the end he simply closed his mouth.

Jackson and Kate also looked away with swollen faces and didn’t look at each other again.

These words directly mocked all of them one by one!

The little boy Noah was very curious about Li Wei. He nodded in agreement, and then asked, “Are you an alien?”

Li Wei shook his head in denial, “I’m a human, maybe a little bit impure now, but I’m still human. I came from another earth, you can understand it as the front and back of a mirror, a parallel universe.”

Noah’s unauthorized speech made Jackson nervous and wanted to reprimand, but he didn’t dare to speak in person.

God knows if this alien will kill someone if they disagree!

It was only after Livy responded to Noah that Jackson, as a novelist, possessed infinite imagination and knowledge reserves, captured the key words in this discourse.

“Really? A parallel world?”

“Cool!” Noah’s child said he was awesome, and the timid Lily didn’t dare to speak, but she still looked at the handsome Li Wei with curious eyes.

Gordon turned his head and interjected: “Is it the kind of parallel universe I understand?”

“I think so.”

Kate was the only one present who had never heard of the theory of parallel universes, so she asked reservedly and embarrassedly, “What is a parallel universe?”

In an instant, Jackson, who turned from awe to curiosity, explained to Kate what a parallel universe is, and then asked Livy for information about another parallel universe with great interest, which was meant to prove the authenticity.

Li Wei also wanted to learn about the disaster in this world through a few people, but was interrupted by Gordon when he wanted to speak.

“Everyone…Although I also really want to know about the parallel universe, what we need to consider now is how to live and where are we going?”

“Oh oh oh!” Jackson remembered the need to evacuate at this time, took out the map from his pocket, opened it and glanced at it, his expression changed, “I think we need to change to a bigger plane, the destination is China country!”

“Where are the big planes?” Gordon is a half-baked pilot with dark eyes. He doesn’t know where to fly?

Jackson pondered for a moment and said, “Go to Peanuttun International Airport, there are planes there!”

After listening to the conversation between the two, Li Wei asked, “Can you tell me what happened in this world?”

The people in the plane were quiet for a while. They remembered all the things they had encountered during this period of time, and their mood fell into depression again.

It was still Jackson who spoke. He rubbed his temples and explained the origin of the disaster to Li Wei, “The Mayan prophecy of doomsday has come true, and the earth will come to an end in December 2012, as you can see…”

“Wait…” Li Wei interrupted Jackson’s words aloud, and repeated with a strange expression: “Mayan prophecy of the end?”

The Mayan doomsday prophecy once also caught fire on Livy’s earth for a while, but after they passed 2012 safely, this proved false doomsday prophecy was soon thrown into the garbage heap of history.

Unexpectedly, the doomsday prophecy in this world has come true. Wait…

This plot seems to be a disaster movie about a Mayan prophecy, right? What is the name of the movie?

It’s been so long, I’ve forgotten.

I can’t remember, Li Wei didn’t continue to struggle, it’s still the most important thing to know how to survive.

As long as there is a place to stay and give him three days, he can survive underwater, and he can also create a flying form.

After Li Wei no longer cared about the doomsday disaster, Jackson continued to talk a lot, until he found his gaffe, smiled apologetically at him, and asked the question about the parallel universe again.

“Parallel worlds are amazing. There are many strange things in UU reading The disasters there are not comparable to this world. Compared with the current disasters, that world is too lucky…”

The journey was boring. While guiding the black light to evolve in the direction of the wings, Li Wei told several people in the plane about the massacre of the prototype world.

Speaking of which, several people in the plane shivered and covered their noses with cloth, and kept moving to the side, for fear of inhaling the virus and becoming an infectious agent in Li Wei’s mouth.

“Hahaha!” Li Wei started sneering, and after enjoying the terrifying fun, he explained kindly: “I am the mother of the virus and the absolute controller of the virus, unless I voluntarily release it or drink mine. Blood, otherwise there is no risk of infection, it doesn’t matter if you are infected, I can turn you into individuals like me.”

Despite what he said, except for Noah, several people were still trembling with fear, and they dared not get too close to him.

Li Wei simply began to close his eyes, and actively guided the virus to evolve into a flight mode.

If you want to get the flight mode, you must have a pair of huge wings that can carry the human body, as well as strong enough muscles and endurance.

There is no need to worry about strength, the wings can fly with a general shape. After dozens of evolutions, the first version of the flight mode has been constructed.

Like a big bat, it uses the power of its arms to incite the bat wings to fly, and it needs to refer to the armor mode to improve and transform the muscles in all directions.

What is flight form? Just add two big wings!

The theory and simulation have been calculated, and Li Wei can now go out and try it out.

But he didn’t do that. Instead, he stayed with Jackson and the others, preparing to go to those “big boats” for refuge.

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