The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 594

Chapter 489: : A Lot Of Ancient 1

The outside world is turbulent, and the mirror space is also inextricable.

Li Wei summoned the little magic assistant, and faced Lao Gu for a while on both the physical and magic levels. As a result, he could only hit a half-dozen, and even fell into a slight disadvantage!

Although the time reset of the time gem can no longer be used, the annoying time stop and slow down make Li Wei fear being dominated by the players.

But Mage Gu Yi was not without a price. Her hood was knocked off, revealing the dark dimension mark on her forehead.

As Li Wei, who has mastered the evil energy, she could have used the evil energy to mobilize the dark power in the ancient one, and let the negative emotions occupy her mind.

But after thinking about the information about whether Gu Yi could fight after the blackening, he finally gave up.

Blackening is three times stronger is no joke!

If you give up the bottom line, you can use a lot of alternative skills. Even Li Wei himself can drive fel energy, climb to a new peak, and attack the ancient master.

It is terrible to just give up the bottom line. In a state of being able to resurrect, it is difficult for him to choose such an approach.

Now he is just competing with Lao Gu to see who can’t last!

A forty-meter-long golden light arrow traverses the sky.

Li Wei threw out the little magic assistant, and the golden female figure stood in front of him, the arcane brilliance of both hands blooming, and when a magical turbulent shot was fired, most of the power of the golden arrow had been dissipated, and was finally blocked by a defensive magic.

Gu Yi also leaned on the Eye of Agamotto on his chest to dodge or dodge, allowing all the attacks from Li Wei’s clone to dissipate.

Just when Li Wei was about to make a move, Master Gu Yi finally said, “You can stop, we really need to have a good talk.”

“You fart! Now you can stop if you want!”

It’s been so long, it’s like a famous saying, it’s up to you when it starts, but it’s not up to you when it ends!

Li Wei can’t easily forget it for so long, he is just stubborn, he just has time to waste, time is on his side!

After being choked, Master Gu Yi did not try to reason or beg for mercy, but opened the Eye of Agamotto.

The bright green light keeps blooming, seemingly illuminating the entire mirrored space.

Everything slowed down, but the ancient one was not affected!

She put her slightly raised hands behind her back, and slowly walked towards Li Wei, who was “freezing”. The look on her face with Zhizhu in her hands was really annoying.

No one likes to be guessed through, that kind of feeling that everything is seen through is very bad.

Li Wei moved with the movement of the ancient one. He felt that the flow of time had been slowed down countless times. The reason why he could perceive it was because he had a clear understanding of the perception of time, and his speed of thinking was not comparable to that of ordinary people. Same.

The body may not be able to respond yet, but the instructions in the mind have been fully conveyed.

Under the normal flow of time, his thinking speed will tend to the level of a normal person under self-regulation, but in this state of time deceleration, his thinking speed begins to lose control, and gradually becomes consistent with the speed of time passing.

The virus’s movement speed is also extremely fast. It may not be possible to move one’s hands and feet in the current state, but his eyes can track Gu Yi’s figure.

Seeing that Li Wei was still staring at him, his body was moving slowly, Master Gu Yi continued to smile and paced in the air in front of Li Wei’s real body.

“Even if I expel you now, there is no way to repair the damage. This is not a static world.”

Li Wei didn’t speak, or he didn’t make any sound, because at such a speed, he didn’t finish a sentence, and Master Gu Yi had already said everything she wanted to say.

Finally, Master Gu Yi stood about five meters in front of Li Wei and said what she wanted to talk about.

“This world has become independent, and I may still die according to willpower, but I have a higher freedom.” The goddess Gu Yi no longer attacked Li Wei, but proposed a deal, “Do you want to Get the Time Gem, which you can trade for your actions, solve Dormammu’s peeps, and I’ll give you this gem! Now, you can talk.”

Gu Yi’s remarks really made Li Wei laugh.

The next moment, the time gem’s limiting ability was lifted, and Li Wei didn’t attack Gu Yi, because it was not easy to start, and the success rate was not high.

“Are you joking with me? Dormammu is at least god-level and the absolute master of the dark dimension. I will solve it? I will solve it with my head!”

Master Gu Yi still had a mysterious smile on his face, “Your magic should come from a higher dimension. You can lure Dormammu to that world, so that the crisis on Earth will be lifted naturally.”

“You actually want to bring trouble to the east. I didn’t expect you to be such a person. I really misread you, Gu Yi!”

Knowing that the solution is actually this, Li Wei was so shocked that he didn’t know what to say. Master Gu Yi wanted to throw the blame. What kind of thing is Dormammu, the dark master that devoured multiple dimensions.

In its dimension, Dormammu is an invincible being, powerful enough to almost touch the realm of time.

Throwing such stinky **** into World of Warcraft doesn’t add to the blockage for those aborigines!

What about fried fish!

“That world’s energy level is higher than here, and it is several levels higher than Dormammu’s dark dimension. It can fully withstand the invasion of the dark dimension, and even has a chance to be swallowed up.”

Master Gu Yi said without hesitation: “And we only need to open a small channel in the dark dimension to let Dormammu’s power continue to drain. This shouldn’t be difficult for you. After solving Dormammu, the time gem will be Here it is. If I can’t, I’ll continue on the same trajectory because that’s the optimal solution.”

“Are you begging me!” Li Wei sneered and changed back to his original appearance, with an unruly look on his face.

He scoffed at Lao Guyi’s words, even if she was right, he didn’t want to open up.

Because the MCU universe is an advanced world, it is both complete and incomplete.

The Marvel plane is constructed from countless parallel universes of Marvel. These words of Gu Yi now must be the answer after discussing it with Gu Yi from other parallel universes, because his arrival is definitely a rare event.

He has seen through everything, Gu Yi is fishing!

After all, the dark dimension is still a companion creature of the Marvel parallel universe. Although Dormammu has reached the **** level, it is trapped in the Marvel plane. If it really opens up a hole…

Dormammu, who is not strong enough to complete the advanced world, may be eliminated by the Titans, but what about the hole?

In the end, there will only be one result. On the orders of the dark Titan Sargeras, the Burning Legion invades the dark dimension. The dark dimension without a single creature will soon become a fel factory, producing a steady stream of new monsters.

Then these monsters will smash through the relatively weak barriers of the parallel universe under the action of the giant space magic of the Fel Mage, jump into the Marvel multiverse, and finally produce a world battle.

The war between the endless Burning Legion and the superheroes with the support of the Celestials will begin, unless the Ancient One has something else to do, such as separating the dark dimension that plagues multiple parallel worlds from the Marvel plane!

“As you think, this method is very risky, but the cost is far less than the benefit, but we respect your choice…”

After speaking, various phantoms began to appear next to Master Gu Yi. There were old people wearing thick robes, and white beards with tough bodies. The breath of these people was exactly the same as Gu who was standing in front of Li Wei. !

you fucking…

Li Wei looked at the elderly old men with “kind” smiles and felt a lot of pressure. The advanced world is really dangerous!

These old ancients are also crazy, connecting two different high-level planes, a plane war will break out accidentally, and it may even collide like some two Marvel parallel universes.

By then it will all be over!

Li Wei wants to say that the ghosts are crazy with you, but it is difficult for him to say it in the current situation, because he is surrounded by at least two hundred ancient masters. Although these guys are just projections, they are also capable of using power Instilled in the ancient wizard of the plane.

Give a chance to choose? I’m afraid it’s not to let Li Wei make a choice with a gun to his forehead!

“Are you all stupid, or do you have a way to prevent the two worlds from colliding?” Surrounded by hooligans, Li Wei had no choice but to step back.

The female version of the ancient one said: “We have no way to prevent the collision of the world, but it will only collide with the dark dimension.”

The subtext is, who cares about our shit, it’s Dormammu who’s going to have a headache!

“Okay, you are also true, I agreed to this deal!”

Since they don’t care, Li Wei doesn’t care, anyway, he will definitely run away after taking the things, this ghost place is like a time bomb, it will explode if you are not careful!

But even if he agreed, he still had a few conditions that he had to say, “But I explained in advance that I have to open the door when I’m about to leave, don’t stop my actions, and I won’t be responsible if something goes wrong. , After I open the door, the time gem must be given to me, otherwise I will open a few more.”

Gu Yi nodded with a smile, and other versions of Gu Yi phantom nodded slightly, and even put a smile on his face, as if he was not going to “defuse the bomb”, but to have a party.

After the terms were implemented, Li Wei was finally kicked out of the mirror space, and the viruses trapped by space magic were also kindly sent by Gu Yi.

Li Wei was still swearing, while racing part of his body back into his body.

There is a clear warning in Cronos’ knowledge base that if two unrelated worlds build a channel for a long time, the risk will continue to rise.

It’s not that everything is bad. The two worlds have a probability of overlapping, a probability of collision, or even a probability of stabilizing, bringing a great war and opportunity to the people of the two worlds.

But in general, risk is higher than profit. Master Gu Yi and others say that the profit is higher than the risk, because the Marvel world is different. It is a special world that is superimposed by countless parallel universes. It has high anti-risk ability and can be used when necessary. Part of the parallel universe can also be discarded.

It is the same as the multiverse of DC next door, which does not have a center and is composed of multiple planes with one or more connection points between them. Some special groups can penetrate the multiverse barriers and parallel the other. contact with the world.

If Gu Yi and the others are not careful, countless lives and vibrant parallel universes will die.

But they insisted on playing, and Li Wei couldn’t say anything. After all, whatever happened was the result of their actions. It had nothing to do with him, he was the victim!


After driving for more than three hours, the Batmobile stopped beside an interstate highway near Peanut Tun.

Natasha and Steve were lying in the quiet car. After the two stopped the car, their spirits in light sleep recovered a little.

Completely sober, still with the help of a heavy metal rock music that sounded suddenly.

“Stop!” Natasha shouted, the music stopped, and after rubbing her eyes a little, she saw the striking sign in front of the car window: Peanut Village welcomes you!

“We’re here.” Steve also stretched his body and slowly entered the state, ready to fight at any time.

Next, they have to face the search of the ubiquitous Snake Shield Bureau. While hiding themselves, they have to find a high-level Hydra and interrogate the entire content of the insight plan!

And both Steve and Natasha already have goals. Next, they need to find a way to make an appointment to talk about the goals individually.

They also need a safe house to clean up their mess and put on a disguise.

And the safe house location, Steve already has it!

“Get out of the car, then we have to walk over, this car is too conspicuous…” Steve moved his **** to the door, trying to find the handle to open the door, but couldn’t find it.

Natasha already knew that the car was voice-controlled and was about to order the car to open the door.


A rustling sound of electric light and flint sounded, and Natasha and Steve were surprised to see that a blue curved light door suddenly appeared in the co-pilot position!

next moment,

Completely sober, or with the help of a heavy metal rock music that suddenly sounded stop! ” Natasha shouted, the music stopped, and after rubbing her eyes a little, she saw the striking sign in front of the window: Peanut Tunnel welcomes you!

“We’re here.” Steve also stretched his body and slowly entered the state, ready to fight at any time.

Next, they have to face the search of the ubiquitous Snake Shield Bureau. While hiding themselves, they have to find a high-level Hydra and interrogate the entire content of the insight plan!

And both Steve and Natasha already have goals. Next, they need to find a way to make an appointment to talk about the goals individually.

They also need a safe house to clean up their mess and put on a new camouflage.

“We’re here.” Steve also stretched his body and slowly entered the state, ready to fight at any time.

Next, they have to face the search of the ubiquitous Snake Shield Bureau. While hiding themselves, they have to find a high-level Hydra and interrogate the entire content of the insight plan!

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