The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 595

Chapter 490: : Can You Conjure Candy?

Li Wei claimed to be fighting for world peace, and he was full of the atmosphere of a middle two teenager.

In fact, it’s just an operation to seek identity. Natasha won’t believe it, and Captain America may not believe it, but they are definitely willing to accept help.

What’s more, they need help now!

“Oh… how did you just suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear?” Steve is a straight man, and if he has any doubts, he will say anything.

The arcane blue portal is really like the teleportation special effect of cosmic magic. Steve and the others have only experienced the Avengers battle, and there is still a lot of shadows in their hearts. It is normal to worry.

Unlike what they imagined, Li Wei gave an answer very simply, an answer beyond their imagination.

“I was just pulled over to talk by a mage. That old mage was really annoying. She had to let me help her before she let me out!”

Li Wei caught the two complainers, how could he let go easily, and instantly accused Lao Gu Yi with snot and tears.

Talking about how domineering she is, saying that she has no human rights, and restricting his freedom of life, it’s a lot of barbarism, and Natasha and Steve are dumbfounded.

The expressions of the two were stunned, and what they thought in their minds, they doubted whether it was true.

Mage? magician?

Are there any magicians in this world? !

Natasha raised her hand, interrupted Li Wei’s chatter, and asked, “The mage you’re talking about is a mage? The kind of group that uses magic to create various attacks and effects?”

Steve’s eyes are also full of curiosity for answers!

Then they saw Li Wei nodded seriously, “There may be a little difference from the magician you imagine, but from the definition of various conditions, they are indeed magicians, and they are responsible for guarding the crisis on the other side of the earth.”

“There is still a crisis on the other side of the earth?” Steve was shocked and knew something incredible!

“Yes!” Li Wei went to great lengths to give the two of them direct spoilers and leaks, shaking the Kama Taj of Master Gu Yi upside down!

“In the earth’s Himalayas, there is a place called Kama Taj, the headquarters of that group of mages is there, but they have branches in many parts of the world to monitor and protect the earth from outside the dimension monster invasion.”

This is getting more and more outrageous!

Judging by Natasha’s experience in her ten-year spy career, all these words are nonsense, but it seems that it is not impossible to see and hear things that happened not long ago and just opened the portal again.

Aliens, alien gods, cosmic treasures…

It feels like there is another magician on the earth, and there seems to be no fuss about it, huh?

After she figured it out for herself, she asked affirmatively, “Really? Then why didn’t they show up during the New York war?”

Steve kept nodding too.

Li Wei felt that they had misunderstood something, and after thinking about it, he asked back: “Have you misunderstood something? The dimension I am talking about is not outside the universe, but in another dimension… In fact, your The world is a big world, and there are many identical universes in the parallel planes of the universe, and theoretically there are countless of you.”

A new remark made Natasha and Steve a little confused again.

Steve, who was a bit out of step with the times, failed to understand the concept of parallel universes well. He asked his own question, “Why are there exactly the same universes?”

“Good question!” Li Wei praised, and then said: “I don’t know, but your world is like this. There are countless similar universes in the parallel plane of the universe, some may have a biochemical crisis, some Some may have new humans, some have been destroyed, and some are on the verge of destruction.”

Natasha pretended to inadvertently asked: “Then how did you know this, are you also a magician?”

This time, Li Wei thought about it for a while. Originally, he wanted to face the reunion as a superhuman, but he has already said so much, so there is no problem with adding the title of magician.

Therefore, he said bluntly to Natasha: “Yes, I am also a magician, and I can be regarded as a very powerful magician. Don’t look at how young I look now, in fact, I have lived for 30 years!”


Natasha suddenly burst into a little anger, but this emotion was suppressed by the professional quality of the agent.

As of now, she is already in her thirties. Li Wei said this as if she thought she was old in her thirties!

How good my skin is! How energetic I am! At least ten years in the post!

And Steve said: This is it?

He’s been in the ice for thirty years? It doesn’t seem like much, does it?

“Humph!” Li Wei couldn’t quite remember his age, but after so long, he was at least thirty.

Although he was only thirty, he was sure that 99% of the people on earth had less experience than him.

“Besides the magician, I am also a warrior, a very powerful warrior! With my help, you will be able to thwart the conspiracy of all the bad guys. To sum up, I am very powerful!”

Only then did Natasha and Steve wake up, they still have business to do!

Although I don’t know how capable Li Wei is, the hand he just transmitted and this car have helped them a lot.

The two, who are now unavailable, naturally invited Li Wei to participate in the anti-Hydra party and foiled the sinister conspiracy of the capitalists!

Of course, Li Wei agreed, and said that he could open the door directly to go where they wanted to go, which was very convenient!

“That’s great, we need to go to King’s Road…” Steve reported an address and asked Livy to open the door.

Without asking the reason, Li Wei got out of the car and used a blinding method to create the illusion that he was casting a spell. He rubbed the spiral pill at random, and pushed it forward, and a blue opaque portal was formed.

Although Steve and Natasha couldn’t understand it, they were shocked. Is this magic! So convenient!

In fact, there are more convenient magic, but the two do not know.

The Batmobile was abandoned on a suburban road, no one could pull it away, and if necessary, it could drive over to carry people.

The three passed through the azure blue portal and appeared in the living room of a house, teleporting very precisely.

This is strictly magically calculated to ensure that there are no potholes in the foothold and no tripping.

“Beep beep!”

The three stood silently in the dark living room. There were lights in the room, and a man’s humming came from the direction of the bathroom.

Just as Steve was about to speak, a full-fruited black man suddenly rushed out of the bathroom, and in the hallway by the door posed a posture of leaning over and singing, holding a toothbrush in his hand, and sang, “I believe in Fei Fei… ah Ahhhh!”

The black man’s scream cut through the pitch-black house. Sam saw the three people standing in the living room and was so frightened that he almost had a cardiac arrest. After realizing his current state, he hurried back to the bathroom.

Natasha wanted to laugh, but she couldn’t because Steve didn’t.

Li Wei wanted to laugh so much, he laughed, and he was very unscrupulous.

Looking back at Li Wei who was laughing, Steve held his forehead and sighed, walked to the closed bathroom door and said, “Sam! It’s me, Steve, I want to ask you for help!”

“I’ve called the police… wait, Steve? Captain?”

“Don’t call the police!”

“Don’t call the police, the police will beat you to death!” Li Wei played a bad joke, leaving Natasha quite speechless.

After some identification exchanges, Sam pulled the bathroom door open, and after seeing Steve’s face and the iconic frowning expression, he relaxed and said, “Please, can’t you knock on the door? !”

Steve feels that he is also very innocent, this is an accident, no one can think of it!

It’s only four o’clock in the morning, and Sam is already up for a morning run…

“Sorry, but we really need help!”

Seeing the serious face of the captain, the embarrassment in Sam’s heart eased a lot, nodded, and said seriously: “Okay captain, but can you turn around, my clothes are in the room.”

Steve turns away, making Sam less embarrassed.

After that, Sam rushed out of the bathroom clutching his important parts, walked into the room and put on his clothes, but when he saw that there were women among the three, he was so embarrassed that he was about to suffocate.

All the lights in the living room were turned on, and Steve gave Sam a brief account of their predicament, hoping that Sam could help them a little.

Li Wei would like to say, in fact, as long as he pushes over and beats up the high-level people who know the insight plan, but that is too violent, and the friendship obtained too easily is not strong, he may need to cooperate with Steve and the others .

“Magician?” Sam stared at Li Wei, then asked excitedly, “Can you make candy?! God, I dreamed of magic that could make candy when I was a kid!”

Li Wei, an outsider, rubbed his hands together, conjured up a dough bun, and handed it to Sam, “Let’s make do with it, it’s still sweet if you chew it more.”

“You can still make bread?” Natasha was surprised and praised the magic of magic, “This is amazing!”

Although Sam was a little disappointed that he couldn’t make candy, he was very curious about the bread in his hand, so he took a bite and chewed it carefully.

“How does it taste?” Curious Steve wanted to know the answer.

It is the dream of many soldiers to be able to make bread at any time!

Li Wei rubbed out two more noodle bags and handed them to Natasha and Steve respectively, “If you want to know the taste, just try it yourself.”

After tasting it, the three of them unanimously gave a medium-to-bad review, because the bread doesn’t have much flavor, it’s pure starch compound, and there is no egg yolk seasoning.

But it is undeniable that this is a powerful survival skill. If it can be promoted, it will greatly improve the soldier’s combat endurance.

Of course this is impossible…

The discussion that was distorted in the style of the painting quickly returned to the right track. The four ate bread smeared with jam, discussing how to capture the senior management of Hydra, and forced to ask for details of the insight plan.

Steve had a goal long ago. Agent Heatwell, Alexander Pierce’s little assistant, didn’t seem like a person who could keep secrets, and he was the most suitable choice.

Originally, Steve just wanted Sam to drive them, plus show up, and then contribute later.

But which Sam gave him a surprise, he is actually a retired pilot of a special flight unit in the United States. He uses a high-tech jetpack to fly, with high mobility and flexibility. In layman’s terms, it is a flying unit.

A brilliant idea popped into Steve’s mind…

A day later, Steve and them found the perfect opportunity, set everything up and all in place!

Li Wei was fortunate enough to be involved, and as the first kidnapping operation in his life, he was very calm.

Steve’s plan was simple, use Alexander Pierce’s phone call to force Heatwell to answer, and then trick him with a laser pointer to point him at him and get him to a quiet place to negotiate terms with them.

This quiet place was chosen in the alley. Originally, the US team was going to choose it on the rooftop, so there were not so many ground agents who would pay attention.

But under Li Wei’s self-recommendation, the torture location was chosen in a small alley, because he could use magic to torture him to find out the answer!

The identity of the magician is obviously more recognized by Steve and Natasha than the identity of the warrior, because the magic ability has been shown many times, and they have confirmed the identity of the magician of Li Wei.

The world is amazing, no matter how amazing it is…

As guessed, Agent Heatwell and Congressman Stern walked out of the hotel.

Interestingly, Stern Hospital is the senator who openly asked Tony for the steel Even if he has many stains, he still stays in the position of the senator in the end, after all, America is an elite It doesn’t matter if there is a taint in the federation that governs the country, anyway, it is not the people at the bottom of the American who are in charge.

After the bald agent Sylvester had a friendly exchange and posting with Stern Hospital, the plan also began to be implemented.

The first is that Livy, who was shot alive, called Agent Sylvette, dick!

The bespectacled bald agent, Sylveet, doesn’t look like the word agent. Even if it is explained by a civilian, such a physique and posture are not suitable for entering the SHIELD work.

He noticed the phone ringing in his pocket, took it out and saw that the caller was Alexander Pierce, his old boss.

“You go drive first!”

Seeing that it was Big Brother calling him, Agent Sylveter threw away the bodyguard and answered the phone.


“Agent Hilvert, the way you and Senator Stern hugged really look like a gay. I have a photo of him here. If you want, go to the back of Pete’s Cafe to pick it up.” Li Wei could hold himself down. His voice spoke **** in an extremely serious tone.

Although it was a very busy life, the information that needed to be conveyed had already been conveyed.

Agent Sylvette lived up to expectations, and looked around nervously, trying to find out who was watching him.

“Where are you!”

“Are you in such a hurry? Can’t you resist licking the photo of Senator Stern from me? Don’t worry, look at your crotch!”

Sam, who was sitting in front of Livy, picked up the coffee and drank it too hard to lift his head.

The frightened Agent Sylvette looked at his crotch, only to find a red dot on his tie.


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