The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 596

Chapter 491: : The Plot Is Completely Crooked

In the end, Agent Heatwell took his life. He followed Li Wei’s order and went to the back of the cafe.

Almost as soon as he walked into the alley, Steve slammed into Agent Heatwell from behind, and his shiny bald head collided directly with a tin trash can, making a thud.

Steve didn’t give Heatwell a chance to slow down, approached the past, turned around when he mentioned him, and made Heatwell’s front face him.

“Tell me all about the Insights program!”

Although Hitwell was a little dizzy, it was absolutely impossible for him to forget the face of Captain America and the huge chest muscles that dominated his vision.

It was Steve!

He felt a little at ease, even if he was caught, he still sneered, “Don’t even think about it!”

As a soldier who is not good at torturing criminals, Steve just went back and forth a few times, punching Hitwell in the stomach a few times, making him flush red and breathing hard.

Sylvette’s psychological defense line was very low, and he was about to admit defeat after a few punches, but Steve didn’t ask, but loosened his collar and let him curl up on the ground.


A slight footstep sounded from in front of Heatwell, he raised his head with difficulty, saw a figure with his back lighted, and saw the other’s outstretched hands.

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!”


Li Wei finished searching the information in Heatwell’s head, let go of someone who had turned into an idiot, turned around, and nodded to Captain America, “It’s time for us to go!”

“Is it bad?”

Glancing at Hitwell, who was suffocating like a mental retardation on the ground, Steve walked away quickly.

A brown-red-haired Natasha walked out of the cafe at the entrance of the alley. She had sunglasses on her face and a cup of coffee in her hand. She didn’t look like she was standing guard at all, but no one present would doubt her professionalism.

“Tell me in the car!” Li Wei pretended to be serious and spoke with a straight face.

The Batmobile has escaped all traffic police and came to the street, and it has also attracted a lot of onlookers.

Sam has been by the Batmobile for a long time, but he has no idea where to start.

Looking at the bare car door, he scratched his head and kept trying to find where the door handle was. When he got a little closer, his head was almost hit by the suddenly raised car door, which made him scream in fright: “Damn it. !”

The crowd around the cool sports car also exclaimed several times, and they probed and stretched out their mobile phones, wanting to expose the owner of this fully enclosed sports car and let this b become popular on the Internet.

But the four raised doors were empty, and it was an empty car.

“Take it! Let let!”

When the onlookers exclaimed, Li Wei squeezed into the circle, and then naturally sat in the Batmobile under the surprised eyes of the surrounding people.

By the way, Li Wei also patted the dull Sam awake and let him get into the car too.

The low roar of the Batmobile caused cheers and screams from the onlookers, and this low roar made the blood of men the most.

Li Wei also installed it a little, and the outer armor of the Batmobile was opened and closed slightly, which made the fit of the armor smoother and tighter.

This change caused the wailing of envy and jealousy from others.

But what followed was a sound of sirens…

Whoa whoa whoa!

A large number of police cars rushed to the street from all directions, and their goals were very unified, that is, the black Batmobile!

The Batmobile was first blocked by the crowd, and then blocked by the police car. It seemed that there was no way to run, but the next moment, the car’s tires were ejected, and the whole car jumped directly over everyone’s heads. Ka turned into a bat fighter, and the tail jetted flames and flew.

There was more chatter among the onlookers, and more work for the police chasing the car.

On the bat fighter, Li Wei began to explain the insight plan to the three. In short, Dr. Zola made an algorithm, which is used to screen people who are potential threats to Hydra.

They decided to use the several air-to-air carriers under construction and use the algorithm-calculated list to kill all those who might threaten Hydra! Create a world ruled by Hydra.

Li Wei felt that this plan was a bit funny, but Steve and the others were in a cold sweat, because the insight plan would start in 16 hours, and when the Tongtian aircraft carrier went to the sky, they would definitely have difficulty trying to stop it!

Fortunately, Steve is not worried about the time issue, because they now have advanced cars and super foreign aid. Given a little time, they can single-handedly enter the Tongtian aircraft carrier and complete the lore!

And without further ado, they came up with the most convenient solution. They entered the Tongtian aircraft carrier and installed a bomb at the position of the navigation module. After the detonation, the Tongtian aircraft carrier’s positioning system and a lot of complex and sophisticated instruments could not be used.

In this way, they have completed the initial blocking of the insight plan, and the cleanup operation of Hydra’s remnant will be a long struggle.

Both Steve and Natasha are ready for a long-term battle. The Hydra used to be monitoring their every move in the dark. Although it has not been reversed now, the positions of the two sides are already equal.

They hide in the dark and know the existence of Hydra.

Hydra knew that they were hiding, that they would come and make trouble at any time.

Such a difference in information has reached a state of equivalence, and the difference in combat power is not too much. They have magicians who can be elusive, and when necessary, they can go to Tony, to Banner, and to find all the combat resources that can be used!

Tony Stark, as the former president of a former military giant, must have a lot of good things under his hands. With the support of Stark Industries, the action against Hydra will be smoother, and the victory will ultimately belong to them!

“It’s not too late, let’s prepare the bomb first!” Sam shouted excitedly, and proposed several ways to obtain the bomb.

But these were all rejected by Steve, he said with a serious face, “Let’s go to Tony!”

Natasha expressed no opinion. Li Wei felt that the plot had deviated a lot from the original track, so he also agreed.

The bat fighter travels at super high speed, but their bright supersonic fighter has been targeted by the US military supersonic fighter before it flew out of Peanut Tunnel.

At a speed of only Mach 1, three supersonic fighters had chased after their **** and issued them a serious warning.

Steve feels that this kind of blatant flying is not very good now, but for the overall situation, he still resolutely shouted “accelerate”!

Li Wei immediately controlled the bat fighter to accelerate, and soon reached Mach 3, leaving the supersonic fighter behind him.

In addition to Li Wei, the remaining three people in the plane are all professionally trained, and the current speed is still within their tolerable range, so there is no need to worry at all.

But it didn’t take long for the three drones to approach the Bat fighter at a higher speed.

Seeing that it was a drone through the rear projection, Steve proposed to shoot them down. Anyway, there is a large forest below, so don’t worry about hitting people.

However, Li Wei said “unfortunately” that the Bat fighter does not have any weapon system, and its defensive power is absolutely exaggerated.

Steve heard the words, nodded, and didn’t bother about the drone anymore. Li Wei was a magician, so he couldn’t really be killed by a missile, right?

He has seen the defensive capabilities of the Batmobile. The machine guns of the armed helicopters are difficult to shake, and it should not be a problem to block the rockets.

Magicians don’t panic, and they don’t need to panic. They believe that teammates are the most basic elements of a team!

Natasha took out a special mobile phone and was about to call Tony and ask him to use the military’s relationship to release their plane, otherwise they would soon be shot down as an unidentified flying unit.

The shape of the bat fighter is too sci-fi, and the Federation that has just experienced the New York War may make some extreme defensive behaviors!


New York, the top floor of the rebuilt Stark Building, Tony is recovering very well, he can do some less intense exercise, thanks to the Cradle of Life technology, and the scientist who invented this technology, Dr. Helen!

Now that he’s an employee of Stark Industries, this technology can definitely play a pivotal role when necessary.

At this moment, he is already researching a special virus obtained from a villain who suddenly appeared not long ago, and many new ideas popped up in his mind, although he just blew up the whole family barrel of his steel suit, But he did not give up his plan to continue to use the steel battle suit.

The steel suit is not only an important means to maintain world peace and stability, but also an important prop for him to reflect the value of life.

“Sir, you have a call. It’s an encrypted number.”

Just when he was observing the change in the nature of the Extremis virus, Jarvis sent a reminder that a secret phone call came in, and it was a call from Tony’s second private number.

Tony was unmoved, his eyes continued to stare at the image under the electron microscope, and he just said in his mouth, “Come in.”

On the surface, he looks like he doesn’t care. In fact, he is already a frightened bird. If the content of the call is slightly wrong, he will put on the spare armor and come forward.

Fortunately, there was a familiar voice on the other end of the phone.

“Tony, we need your help!” Natasha’s voice appeared in the hidden speaker, and the voice seemed a little anxious.

Knowing that the caller was Natasha, Tony put down his work, walked outside the laboratory, and said in a helpless tone like an old father: “Okay, I know I can’t do it without it, talk about it!”

“Three military drones are chasing us, please help to contact them to stop the pursuit, and we are on the way to Stark Building.” On the other end of the phone, Natasha explained the situation succinctly.

“Drone?” Tony raised his eyebrows and said to the artificial intelligence Jarvis: “Check where the drone is.”

In Tony’s words, the artificial intelligence Jarvis will spend a lot of computing power to complete the instructions, and he is forcing the machine to work!

The local tyrant satellite began to work, searched the entire American sky, compared various data, and finally locked the position of the drone after excluding multiple targets.

In addition, he also saw the armor of his good friend Colonel Roddy, and he was also chasing the black fighter that looked good.

“Where did you get the plane, it looks pretty good, but the thickness of the outer armor seems to be a bit high, the engine is estimated…”

“Okay Tony, we’re in big trouble now!”

Tony also wanted to comment on the Batfighter’s design, but was interrupted by Steve’s urging.

Knowing that it was a big trouble, Tony finally put aside his curiosity about the bat fighter engine, immediately turned his face, contacted his good friend Roddy, and explained the situation to him.

He didn’t embarrass Colonel Roddy, didn’t tell Steve, but said that the plane was his and was about to dock on the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building.

Roddy, who received Tony’s communication, was also very straightforward, and returned directly to the mecha war machine that Tony gave as a friendly gift.

However, the plane has been registered, and the three drones are still in pursuit of the Bat Fighter, and will soon enter New York State.

Just when Tony wondered, the missile mounted on the drone fired!

Through the holographic screen, Tony watched helplessly as several rockets hit the tail of the black bat fighter, accompanied by a large group of fire, and a sense of suffocation.

Steve, Natasha…they died right in front of his eyes?

The New York War didn’t take them away, and they just died in front of him? !

“Jarvis! Activate Mark immediately…” After suffocation, Tony felt a sense of absurdity. He was unwilling to accept such a result, and he was unwilling to let go of those who control the drone!

But before Jarvis responded to the command, the picture on the holographic screen changed again. A black fighter jet broke through the fire and flew out. It didn’t look damaged at all, and the nozzle of the plane that was hit was not at all. stop working!


“We’re fine!” Steve’s voice came from the phone again, and there didn’t seem to be any surprises about the situation.

This made Tony feel very incredible. He calmed down the emotional ups and downs caused by many reversals, and asked inexplicably, “Did you guys get attacked just now?”


“Aren’t you surprised? And where did your plane come from and what materials did you use? I want to order a batch!”

At this time, Li Wei interjected, “Mr. Stark, my materials are very precious!”

Stark doesn’t remember hearing this voice, but when he said that, he was not convinced!

“You said ‘precious’ in front of Tony Stark, the richest man in the world? Are you sure?”

Steve’s helpless voice came out Well, we’ll discuss other things when we arrive, Tony, can we solve the drone? ”

Tony’s mouth twitched, showing a contemptuous expression, “It’s resolved!”

As soon as the voice fell, the three drones turned around on their own and stopped chasing the Bat fighter.

While they were talking, Tony had used cutting-edge computer technology to take control of the drones and deliver them to the golf course of some real estate businessman.

After solving the drone, the bat fighter quickly came to the tarmac on the top floor of the Stark Building, and Tony had walked to the edge to meet him.

Just after the plane stopped, Tony suddenly felt a sense of horror that his hair was standing on end. He looked back and found nothing, but his cheeks were aching hot in the next moment!

A bullet flew past his face!

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