The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 597

Chapter 492: : Steal Home

“Jarvis!” Tony’s upbringing is still very good, even if he was startled, he didn’t subconsciously swear.

After shouting Jarvis, he hunched over and fled back to the penthouse in embarrassment. In the process, two more bullets hit the bulletproof glass, scaring Tony into a cold sweat.

As an intelligent housekeeper close to strong artificial intelligence, even if Tony doesn’t need to explain it, he has already activated the pre-set defense program.

The metal baffle on the top floor of the building fell quickly, blocking all spaces except the entrance and exit. Hundreds of drones also quickly took off and flew in the direction of the bullet.

The Batfighter also changed back to the Batmobile. After the door was opened, the four people ran out of it and successfully entered the entrance and exit left by Tony under the cover of Steve’s shield.

After everyone entered, the final entrance was also closed, completely closing off the top floor of the Stark Building.

After that, no bullets hit their defense system, but Tony, who was slumped on the chair and clutching his chest, still had some lingering fears, and hurriedly asked Steve about the specific situation.

Although I learned from the news that Steve suddenly became a wanted criminal, he couldn’t find any clues he wanted to find, and the new flesh on his chest had not fully adapted, so he ignored it.

“The situation is a bit special. Hydra has control of S.H.I.E.L.D., and they want to kill millions of people at once! You may also be on their list!”

Steve said with some lingering fears. If Tony didn’t turn his head just now, the bullet might have been shot from his temple!

Tony was puzzled, “Hydra? Isn’t that an organization from World War II? How are they going to wipe out millions of people at once? Weapons of mass destruction?”

Facing Tony’s doubts, Natasha took a sip of the bourbon on the table and explained to him what happened.

When he learned that the remnants of Hydra had actually infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., and had placed spies all over the world, essentially controlling a huge number of secret services and government officials, Tony was numb!

No one knows whether the diligently working employees around them will be agents of Hydra. !

Tony was so frightened by the situation of the Hydra that he called out Pepper Potts’ name, and then shouted to Jarvis: “Jarvis, protect Pepper!”

“Okay sir!” Jarvis immediately took the order, and the mechanical system hidden under the reinforced concrete began to change rapidly.

Pepper, who was working fine in the president’s office, was suddenly tied to a rolling wheelchair, causing her to scream in fright, and then she was sent into the hidden elevator behind the bookcase.

The elevator went up, and finally came to the top floor of the Stark Building, and was pushed down by the office chair to Tony’s side.

Seeing that Pepper was fine, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and said, “Safe!”

Steve and the others were dumbfounded, only Pepper was still in a state of fright.

Moments later, a loud scream pierced Tony’s eardrums.

“Tony! Are you crazy?! When did you put those things in my office!”

Tony was a little helpless, and comforted him in a good voice for a while, and then Pepper’s pressure was lowered.

Then Pepper showed a kind smile to the other people in the hall, and greeted them all to sit down, which felt very strange.

Li Wei was welcome and sat down directly, but Steve was not in the mood to sit down.

“We don’t have time to rest. Hydra’s insight plan will be implemented in fifteen hours. We have to destroy the navigation modules of the three Tongtian aircraft carriers before they can react!”

They all already knew the full content and details of the Insights program, and Steve was not at ease without first preventing the imminent crisis.

Slow down for one second, and the probability of an accident will increase by one point!

The responsibilities on his shoulders made it hard for him to stop and rest, and the fighter planes were fleeting. At present, they already had the basic conditions to complete the task, and only lacked a suitable bomb.

Tony knew that things were urgent after hearing the words, but he knew better that some things couldn’t be urgent, let alone the mothership of Babel!

“It’s not enough to just destroy the navigation module. I participated in part of the research and development of the Tongtian mothership. It is not a weapon that can be destroyed by simply blowing up a certain part…”

“Then what?” Natasha asked.

Tony suddenly smiled again, with a confident look, “I expected things to develop into what they are now, so I left a backdoor in the design of the Tongtian aircraft carrier. I can connect the virus program to the computer and complete the correct operation. To control the mothership, the premise is that the U disk can be inserted into it!”


Knowing that Tony had a practical solution, Steve and Natasha greatly eased the anxiety in their hearts.

There is a way! As long as they have goals, they can always succeed!

In this case, Steve urged: “Then what are you waiting for, let’s act quickly!”

“Now?” Tony scratched his head, “Can you infiltrate the Bastard?”

Now it was Li Wei’s turn to speak. He raised his hand and said, “Mr. Tony Stark, look this way! Do you know my identity?”

“Oh… I guess you’re a material dealer, tell me, how much does the outer layer of the plane cost outside, and I’m going to buy your technical data!”

After Li Wei spoke, Tony also recognized his voice, raised his left eyebrow, showing the look of a local tyrant who is not bad for money.

He is really interested in Li Wei’s materials, and more interested in his engine design, which can withstand the explosion of rockets without damage. Except for Steve’s shield, he has never seen such strength. s material.

“Tsk tsk tsk!”

Li Wei made a series of tsk-tsk sounds, looking at Tony like a harlequin on the screen, which made Tony very uncomfortable.

It’s really awkward to face such a stinky face of showing off his wealth, but he has never lost before!

Natasha saw Tony’s expression slumped, and she immediately came out with a high emotional intelligence to smooth things out, “He’s Li Wei, a magician, and thanks to his help along the way, we were able to get here.”

“Magician? Can you conjure a flower?”

Tony scoffed when Natasha said that Li Wei was a magician, but Pepper Potts suddenly became interested.

Li Wei waved his hands to save face, and released a series of blindfolds on the top of everyone’s heads. The colorful petals fell, and then turned into dots of light and disappeared. Everyone was amazed.

Even Tony, who was still sneering, widened his eyes and asked Jarvis to play the video he just recorded repeatedly, trying to see Li Wei’s flaws, but unfortunately he didn’t.

In the end, Steve came forward and re-corrected the crooked chat content.

“Okay, we’re discussing the Hydra now, Tony! Li Wei can open the portal…” Steve looked to Li Wei for confirmation, and after the latter nodded, he continued, “We can Sneak into the Bastard through the portal to install the USB stick and destroy it, so our actions won’t be much of a problem!”

Tony is not reliable outside of business, but when it comes to business, he is still very reliable.

With a snap of his fingers, there was a ding in the direction of the elevator, and Tony’s bodyguard, Happy, walked in with a small suitcase in his hand.

The chubby Happy looked low and cold, put down the small suitcase on the table in front of the crowd, opened it, and turned it over to display it in front of the crowd.

Everyone saw that there were three special USB flash drives in the small suitcase.

At this time, Tony said proudly: “While we were talking, I had already asked Jarvis to arrange it, plug it into the console of the Navigation Module of the Babel, and their big toys wouldn’t be able to take off, and the route of action would not be able to take off. It has been calculated, and I still have a copy of the structural diagram of the Tongtian Mothership!”

“Okay, as expected of you!” Steve praised when he heard the words.

Then he looked at Li Wei and asked for his opinion.

Li Wei shrugged and said, “Any time!”

“Okay, let’s go!” Steve immediately said that he would go now!

Tony immediately got up from the sofa, ready to put on the steel suit and go together.

Although Pepper Potts was worried about Tony’s body, she chose to let go in the face of the crisis of millions of lives.

The team expanded to five people. Tony put on a steel battle suit and stood in the center of the hall, with Steve beside him.

After brewing for a while, Li Wei used a piece of virus that fell near the SHIELD headquarters to complete the scan of the terrain. With the support of Tony’s blueprint, the door opened stably and accurately!

Three blue opaque portals appeared, Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Sam, who stepped into one portal respectively, destroyed the Babel.

Tony and Pepper, who saw the portal for the first time, were shocked, but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

After a few people passed through the portal, they immediately saw the navigation module in front of them.

They pressed the button, pulled down the processor not protected in the drum, then inserted the USB stick into the data interface of the control panel, and then restored the navigation module, the process did not take more than a minute.

And the smooth operation made them feel incredible. They may have been discovered by surveillance, but in such a short time, the Snake Shield has no way to stop it.

The moment the USB flash drive was inserted, the control of the three Babel ships was transferred to Jarvis. After Tony returned to the portal, he immediately took over the three Babel ships and unloaded all the modules. weapons, and stopped the antigravity engine that was already warming up.

The portal is closed, and the Snake Shield Bureau has not responded!

This is really unexpected, and the time is too short, there is no sign of realization!

Steve was still under their surveillance, but the next moment their home was stolen!

When Alexander Pierce learned that the Babel had been hacked and could not complete the liftoff as planned, everyone was stupid.

He has invited the people of the Union to share the plan, using the power of the Union to complete the implementation of the only global defense project since the Great War of New York.

As long as the combined five people press a button, the Babel mothership can travel around the world, and the insight plan can be implemented without hindrance!

What a perfect thing, Alexander Pierce also sent the precious Winter Soldier to hunt down Steve, so that Steve had no way to stop the insight plan.

But in the end, the accident happened!

Furious, Alexander Pierce called on the computer experts and told them to quickly fix the theft of control.

But how could the computer experts of Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. be the opponent of Tony, a genius of Marvel, even if they were sweating profusely, they could not solve the problem of the Babel in the end.

There was really no other way, Pierce slapped the table angrily, and the engineering department came directly to a disconnection operation, completely disconnecting all the networks and facilities of the Tongtian aircraft carrier, and the system restarted.

But the delay of just a few minutes has already caused Tony to block the operating system of the Tongtian aircraft carrier, tampered with the satellite operating system by the way, and directly cut off all thoughts of Alexander Pierce.

The Tongtian aircraft carrier is abolished, but not completely.

The Snake Shield’s expert team chose the most simple and rude method, replacing the data storage device and processor of the Babel Mothership.

Fortunately, these accessories have a lot of spare parts, and the update can be completed in three days at the latest.

The problem of the Bastard is easy to solve, but the satellites that have been hacked are really helpless.

The cost of construction and launch of a satellite is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars. Even if the money is in place, it does not mean that it will be available. If you want to solve it, it will take up to two months at the earliest.

Alexander Pierce became angrier the more he thought about it, looking at the sassy steel battle suit, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Such an ability, it is estimated that only Tony Stark, a recognized genius, can do it!

He immediately contacted other Hydra executives and asked them to make Tony Stark a wanted criminal.

But his request was rejected because Tony, unlike other superheroes, is a rich man!

That is to say, the elites of the upper class in the United States. The elites cannot kill the elites. This will break the internal rules, and it is difficult to do so.

Tony’s second greatest superpower is money. His money can solve 98% of the world’s problems. Those MPs who don’t belong to Hydra would never agree to such a stupid proposal.

If it was obvious that they couldn’t come, they came quietly. Anyway, it was not the first time Tony had been revenge by his enemies. He asked a few mentally ill shooters to go there.

Tony didn’t know that he was being targeted by the “neuropathy”, and he was still showing off his computer skills.

“Have you seen it, part of the problem is easily solved! This kind of kung fu won’t bother me at all, so I just need to find out the members of Hydra!”

Steve finally sat on the His expression relaxed a lot, his body was less tense, and his pectoralis major muscles were much smaller.

Next, they just need to think of a way to find out the remnants of the Hydra!

While they were at ease, another encrypted call came in.

“Sir, another call.”

Tony was in a good mood at this time, and he picked it up without thinking, and then they heard a familiar voice.

“Stark… is the captain there?”

It’s Nick Fury!

Both Natasha and Steve’s eyes widened, expressions of disbelief on their faces, wondering if what they heard was real.

Because they saw Nick Fury’s body being dissected…

Could this be… is the bait of Hydra pretending to be? !

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