The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 632

Chapter 524: : Fierce Battle

Thanos has never been weaker than others in his life. When everyone’s attention was affected by the fluctuations coming from the Rainbow Bridge not far away, he didn’t make a sneak attack, just said blankly: “Interesting.”

“Ahhhh!!!” Thor held a storm axe, his eyes and body flashed white electric lights, and he immediately ran.

Create a magic soldier and return in March, with a roar and a thousand troops for revenge, the Avengers welcomes Thor!


Li Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, scolding himself for having no conscience, and thinking about those strange things at such a time.

The war is not over yet!

Thanos didn’t panic at all, and even clenched his fists, not showing weakness without a weapon.


Suddenly a general was added, and Steve rekindled hope again, yelled, and attacked Thanos one after another.

Vibrant purple light flickered on the Infinity Gloves. In the face of the returning Thor, Thanos didn’t care too much. He pushed the power of the Power Gem to the extreme. He stretched out his left hand, ignoring the attacks of the rest of the Avengers, and turned purple. The amount of violent violence poured out on Thor as much as possible.

The furious Tuoer did not lose his mind. He suddenly jumped up to a height of seven or eight meters, causing the thunder of the animation sky to pour into him, and the tomahawk of the storm was raised above his head, slashing towards Thanos who was already close at hand.

Seeing this opportunity, the people of Fulian quickly stepped forward!

Wanda exerted all his strength, and the scarlet magic light enveloped Thanos’ entire body.

Tony and Roddy hugged Thanos’s leg each, Steve wrapped his arms around Thanos’ neck, and Peter Parker cooperated very well, and together with T’Challa, hugged one of Thanos’s arms.

But even so, before Thor’s storm axe fell, Thanos’ ability to use the space gem disappeared and reappeared not far away.

The re-emerged Thanos waved his fist, and the purple-red light wave intertwined by the power gem and the reality gem instantly hit the members of the Avengers who got together.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, the terrifying energy shock just flew them away, and the ability to modify reality was continuing to work, amplifying the injuries of the members of the Avengers. Those without armor protection and strong physique protection were seriously injured and could no longer be revived.

Quicksilver ran away with Wanda before the attack, and when the aftermath dissipated, he came to Li Wei’s side.

Thor, the **** of thunder, fell to the ground. Seeing that his partner was seriously injured by a blow, he immediately recognized the storm axe with anger.

Facing the swirling Storm Axe, Thanos’ expression was very calm, he directly opened a portal with the space gem, and sent the Storm Battle Axe to another galaxy…

“The power of the Infinity Stones is very powerful, and I have learned to use it.” Thanos seemed to be mocking and saying that he was invincible.

The strongest weapons were lost, Thor was in a hurry and reached out to the sky, wanting to summon the Storm Axe back.

Steve climbed up from the ground with difficulty, his body was injured by the power of the combination of strength and the Reality Gem, and it was difficult to fight again.

Tony and Rhodey stood up reluctantly, and faced with the almost invincible Thanos who possessed the Infinity Stones, their hearts were a little desperate.

But behind them is the earth, and there are thousands of innocent civilians. This battle cannot be retreated!


It should have been thought long ago, Li Wei looked at Thanos with an invincible posture, the original treasure of the universe, the Infinity Stone that controls time and space, and can directly rewrite the universe. How could the performance be like in the movie.

The battle of Thanos can’t be called releasing the water, it should be called releasing the sea!

In the Guardians of the Galaxy, the gods can smash an entire planet with a single power gem with a single hammer. Thanos has collected so many gems, how can it be impossible to pull his hips so much that he can’t even blast through a mountain? !

It’s not a day or two for Marvel to eat the setting. Li Wei is used to it anyway. After that, he may not be able to keep his hands, and he must do everything he can, otherwise the earth will really be ruined by him.

Master Gu Yi hasn’t appeared yet, what is she waiting for!

Li Wei scratched his head and looked at Strange, who looked a little embarrassed. He is also a supreme mage now. Gu Yi can shock Xiao Xiao in the universe, and the magic he uses is also the power of other dimension demon gods.

Aware of his gaze, Strange cast a suspicious look at him.

Li Wei asked directly, “Is there any way you can restrict that purple potato from using space gems?”

Strange nodded, then shook his head again.

“Will it work?”

Li Wei was speechless.

“Be careful!”

Before Strange could explain in detail, Thanos had already moved!

He didn’t use the power gems, but wanted to fight them hand-to-hand!

The use of Infinity Stones is not without conditions. Some people with poor physical fitness are courting death just by touching the stones. In addition to physical fitness, the use of Infinity Stones also has high requirements on the user’s mental ability.

Thanos has the powerful physique of the Titans, and has fought and fought for many years, with a firm mind.

He can use the infinite gem ability multiple times in a short period of time, but it will still put some pressure on the body, so he will not use the gem ability without using it.

Thanos’ body is like a land tank, using reality gems to modify reality, further enhancing his speed and strength.

In the blink of an eye, Thanos appeared in Tony’s original position, and Tony, who was wearing the armor, was knocked out in an instant.

“Ahhh!” Thor lost his axe, but he was still brutally tested by stellar energy and gained a terrifying power close to his father’s.

Between the two palms flying, terrifying thunderbolts fell from the sky, electrifying Thanos to the point of tingling and tingling.

Suddenly, more than a dozen infected bodies flew from the horizon. They wailed and waved their fists. Under the advancement of the atomic energy sprayed from the soles of their feet, they turned into meteors and smashed towards Thanos.

Although Thor didn’t recognize what those biochemical soldiers were, he still increased the output of Thunder and bound Thanos in place.

The biochemical soldiers attacked from left to right, up and down, and all hit Thanos at the same time, smashing him into a muffled groan.


The power of the power gem was activated again, and Thanos blasted all the infected bodies around him.

Before he could react, the next moment, his big purple face was hit by a fist flashing with electricity.

In an instant, Thanos’ body flew out dozens of meters and smashed into a row of containers.

Bang bang bang!

Colonel Roddy, who was flying in the sky, didn’t know when he had a big gun. This is the latest electromagnetic sniper has just been sent from the mobile arsenal, and it is suitable to use at this time.

A magazine was lit, and after confirming that all hits were correct, he reported the incident on the channel.

The next moment, the four containers floating in the sky were smashed by Wanda under the control of Wanda, and the dust fluttered.

“Is it resolved?” Tony, who was almost knocked over by a punch, flew back and asked nervously.

“Damn it!”

The next moment, when the purple potato essence came out of the dust almost intact, everyone in Fulian took a deep breath.

It was at this moment that Li Wei took Strange aside to discuss the solution in detail. He just stopped talking, there should be a way to solve the difficult Thanos.


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