The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 633

Chapter 525: : Lady With Big Face Plate

After enduring a round of intensive blows, Thanos was all over his body, only the armor on his body was punched with a few small holes by the electromagnetic sniper rifle, and there were several metal warheads inlaid on his forehead.

These bullets broke Thanos’ defense exactly as Li Wei expected, but they didn’t penetrate his muscles, causing him fatal damage.

“That’s all?”

Ridiculous, but also a group ridicule!

Thanos’ remarks quickly ignited the anger of the Avengers. They readjusted their momentum and fought with Thanos again in the way of Thor’s main attack and others’ containment.

Li Wei has been observing for a while. He feels that it is not difficult to defeat Thanos. What is difficult is how to control him not to use the Infinity Gems, especially the Space Gems!

If Thanos wants to run, with the space gem, Li Wei can’t catch up with him.

As for the abilities of the space department, his little magic assistant did not know much about it, and Kama Taj was an expert in this area.

Strange, who has inherited from the ancient one, should have a way to limit it. After all, magic is the ability closest to the original treasure of the universe.

Wanda’s chaotic magic originated from the demon king Xitong, which is a power equal to the original power of the universe. Now Wanda has systematically learned the theoretical basis of magic given by Li Wei, and the chaotic magic has become more handy.

At least it won’t be limited to a few inefficient uses of control, magic bullets, compressed magic bullets, super doubled magic bullets, and super doubled compressed magic bullets.

Now Wanda and Thanos are fighting back and forth, and under a complete outbreak, even Thanos will continue to use infinite gems to resist.

Now the battlefield between them can’t be inserted at all. The bigger the bigger the more exaggerated, the countless containers in New York Harbor have been ruthlessly destroyed, and the impact of energy has hit the flat New York Harbor one after another “crater” !

“Is there any way to limit the use of space gems by the purple sweet potato essence? If I can do it, I am sure to solve him!” Li Wei asked Strange, who was also paddling.

Strange used special magic like heart transmission to tell Li Wei why he nodded and shook his head before.

“We can pull him into the mirror space, and most of the space there is under my control, but the ability of the space gem is very strong, I can’t last long…”

The soul gem on Thanos’ gloves is always flashing. He is using the ability of the soul gem to spy on their spirits. Strange can feel it, so he can only discuss plans with Li Wei in this way.

Except for Thor and Wanda, the souls of others are too fragile to resist the prying eyes of the Soul Stone.

“How long?” Strange’s voice sounded in his mind for a while, and Li Wei understood what he meant and spoke in a similar way.

Strange looked at Thanos who had already pressed the unarmed Thor and Wanda, and hesitantly said: “Maybe… 5 seconds?”

If it was someone else, they would definitely say that five seconds can be of any use, but Li Wei won’t, because five seconds is definitely enough.

He was about to let Strange act when another golden-colored figure flew from the horizon and suddenly joined the battlefield.

The speed was fast, and it flew over a distance of several kilometers in the blink of an eye, smashing the tyrant who looked up in surprise.

The next moment, Thanos fell to the ground as if hit by a bull, and the ground seemed to be hit by a space-based weapon, cracking layer by layer.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

Natasha and Bucky, who already knew their own positioning, had come a long way. Steve put on a long-range electromagnetic sniper rifle and retreated at least 500 meters.

But with this shock, the blasting shock wave spread for at least a kilometer!


Thanos groaned in the smoke, followed by an unusual screeching sound.

Strange circled his hands and used a wind spell to blow all the dust away.

When his vision was restored, what appeared in front of him was a blond woman with a big face in a blue-red-gold tights.

At this time, she was riding on Thanos’ body, raising her fists high, and falling down.

Behind Thanos is a straight gully. Thanos has just suffered inhuman drag, and his face and the earth have been intimately rubbed.


The blue space gem light lit up, Thanos disappeared instantly, and the next moment he appeared behind the big-faced woman and kicked it out.

The big-faced woman didn’t seem to expect Thanos to disappear suddenly. She couldn’t escape, she was kicked, and the purple energy rippling, her body shot straight like a cannonball, and flew to the edge of Li Wei and Sturt who were watching the play. ranch.

Strange turned his face aside, slapped his hands twice, and a golden circular magic circle unfolded, trying to resist the attack.

Thanos definitely did it on purpose!

The big-faced woman also seemed to sense that she might bump into someone, and quickly burst out the energy in her body. Her whole body was wrapped in golden light, trying to turn around.

But the power gem’s increase was so great that even she could hardly control her body.


The magic shield shattered, and when Strange was about to be hit, Li Wei stretched out his hand and caught the lady with a big face.

The contact between the palm and the shoulder, the impact effect can be called a meteorite hitting the earth, and the impact of the eruption directly sent Strange flying out.

“Hey!” Carol gasped, rubbed her aching shoulders, glanced at Li Wei in amazement, thanked him, pointed to Thanos, and invited, “Aren’t we together?”

God **** together!

Li Wei waved his hand and said, “You go first, I’ll come back later.”

“This is the closest I have come to success. I will never allow failure. If I fail, the universe will be lost!”

After the arrival of one after another of powerful enemies, Thanos finally became dignified. Thor and Wanda, who made good use of chaotic magic, were already extremely threatening. Now there is another powerful Earth woman, and he was finally moved.

Carroll’s invitation fails and turns back to Thanos.

She had just flown back from the universe, had seen Nick Fury, and hurried to help.

She was so confident that she was almost kicked out of confidence. Facing Thanos’ nonsense, Carroll responded with an iron fist.


The colorful golden energy fists Countless fist shadows smashed towards Thanos.

Thanos directly used the space gem to teleport to another place, not giving Carol a chance to hit him at all.

Seeing this, Li Wei also hurriedly contacted Strange and asked him to cooperate with him and control Thanos to use the Infinity Stones, so he took the opportunity to kill him.

Just as Strange was about to prepare and wait for the attack, another person flew from the sky…

Banner fell from the sky, his right hand condensed into a broad-edged sword, and he slashed at full speed, slashing Thanos flying in an instant.

Thanos’ figure rolled several times in a row, and when he got up, apart from a shallow knife mark on his head, only the armor was dented.

Banner, who has just become a special infected body, is still a little more tender, not as heavy as Li Weina’s mountain meteorite.

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