The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 634

Chapter 526: : The Villain Is By My Side!

Wherever the battle was so intense, Thanos simply let go of the ability to use the Infinity Gems, the Power Gems would assist and increase power, the Reality Gems would enhance their all-round qualities, the Soul Gems would infect the opponent’s spirit, and the Space Gems would be used to avoid damage.

Earth-shaking, the aftermath of the battle is comparable to small nuclear bombs and rockets ploughing the ground.

The super-spec battle attracted the attention of the Union. When they learned from Nick Fury that it was the leader of the Invader Legion, the universe overlord Thanos, who was fighting the heroes on the battlefield, they fired a nuclear bomb and ended. Mind of war.

But as the war continued, their naive idea disappeared. Thanos’ defense ability was very exaggerated, and he also had space teleportation ability, which could easily avoid the damage of nuclear bombs. In his opinion, their big killer may only be just A nice looking firework.

Li Wei’s eyes flickered, and he ducked further from Strange.

The battle between Thanos and Thor is actually nothing to him. If their power does not explode, I am afraid that it will not even be half of Godzilla.

Godzilla is a terrifying existence that can easily penetrate the planet with its single strength!

But Thanos…

Even with the increase of the power gem, he is still just an ordinary life, and the power can only destroy life on the surface at most, and it is impossible to destroy the planet.

The gods of the Marvel universe can reach that level. In his opinion, Thanos only acquired the superficial ability of the Infinity Stones, like playing with knives with little kids, and is a great threat to people of the same age and younger. Any grown-up can knock him over with one kick.

Unfortunately, Li Wei is that adult.

Dr. Strange followed the battle situation, and sent a voice transmission to Li Wei, “Didn’t you say there is a way, hurry up now, how do you need me to cooperate?”

“If Thanos comes to beat you later, you will limit his spatial ability.”

Li Wei observed that a small number of cracks have appeared in the Infinity Gauntlet with the fierce battle. If Thanos notices this, he will definitely give priority to capturing gems and will not play with Thor and the others.

as predicted!

In the next moment, Thanos’ ability to use space gems disappeared, and he did not appear on this battlefield again.

“Where are you! Come out!” He didn’t see Thanos appearing for a long time, and the furious Thor turned around in circles, constantly incompetent and furious.


The next moment, an axe flew from the sky and was caught by him firmly.

Pulled by the summoning of divine power, the exiled Storm Axe finally crossed the distance of countless light-years and returned to Thor’s hands.

Taking back the weapon again, Thor’s arrogance is even more arrogant and arrogant, and he wants to seek revenge for the killing of his brother by Thanos.

Captain Marvel, Carroll and Banner, were also looking for Thanos. They flew to the sky and wanted to find Thanos, but they looked around and couldn’t find any trace of Thanos at all.

“Not good! Thanos wants to grab the Infinity Stones!” Tony suddenly turned pale, Jarvis reported to him that the laboratory where the Mind Stones were stored was stolen!

The monitoring screen switched, and they saw Thanos suddenly appear, smashed the experimental instrument with the power of the power gem blessing, and removed the golden mind gem from it.

The purpose of Thanos is the Infinity Stones!

Suddenly, everyone looked at Strange, who had the last Infinity Stone.

The next moment, Strange seemed to notice something, turned his head suddenly, waved his hands quickly, used a lot of magic, and wanted to release defensive spells.

Just when the warlock was about to take shape, he suddenly thought that there was a person standing beside him, the movements of his hands changed, and the Eye of Agamotto on his chest also spread out, emitting a bright green light.

A blue light flashed ahead, and Thanos suddenly appeared.

After the battle with the shock team, Thanos was no longer as calm and decent as before. His armor was damaged in many places, there were a lot of bruises on his body, and he had a fierce expression on his face.

The five Infinity Stones flashed on his body, and his big hand suddenly grabbed Strange’s chest.

If caught, Thanos will get the last Infinity Stone, and finally complete his ideal of living the whole universe.

No one wants to see this scene, and the people of the Avengers have resorted to their own means to prevent this from happening. Gu birthday

The world is in a slow motion state at this moment. This is not an illusion, but the power of the Eye of Agamotto. The world is really slowing down.

The speed is slow, but the thinking is not affected!

Strange looked at Li Wei next to him with hope, his eyes seemed to say: What means do you have, use them quickly!

Li Wei grinned, and his arm turned into a scarlet squirming thing in a slow release posture and shot out. In the horrified eyes of everyone, including Thanos, he suddenly smashed into the face of Thanos.


In slow motion, Thanos’ head was smashed into the neck by a large lump of sticky objects shot by Li Wei, and then Li Wei’s right hand turned into a strange thing again, wrapping the forearm of Thanos with infinity gloves.

The next moment, a shocking picture appeared. Li Wei turned into a black humanoid creature. A tentacle grew from the side of his ribs. The hot white light was compressed and excited many times.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, he cut off Thanos’ arm directly.

The four-second time that was slowed down by five times ended, the light of the Eye of Agamotto converged again, and the world returned to its normal speed again.


Thanos’ body flew out in an instant, leaving only a right arm that was cut off by Li Wei.

After the rest of Fulian watched this scene, their minds were still dazed, and they suddenly regained their speed, suddenly unable to stop the car, and plunged into the container.

“This… is this resolved?” Colonel Roddy looked at the broken arm in Li Wei’s hands after climbing out of the container, rather incredulous.

It was extremely difficult to play just now, how could it be gone in the blink of an eye?

“Ness!!!” Seeing his teammates hit Thanos badly, the happiest one was Thor. He didn’t even care about the Infinity Gloves, and rushed towards the direction where Thanos flew upside down with an axe.

Captain Marvel and Banner are the same. The enemy’s biggest killer move is gone. At this time, if you don’t beat the underdogs, when will you fight?

Strange, who was still uneasy at first, saw that Li Wei had really succeeded, and he couldn’t help breathing a sigh of relief. He fell down on the ground and said, “It’s really exciting, but I won’t do it next time.”

“Indeed!” Li Wei laughed, his arm returned to human shape, and then assimilated Thanos’ severed arm, his hand was inserted into the infinite glove, swelling and filling.

When his hands were completely covered by the Infinity Gloves, the energy of the Infinity Stones poured into his body through the glove as a medium, causing colorful lights to appear on his body.

“Eh? What are you doing?” Strange was surprised when he saw that Li Wei was actually wearing the Infinity Gloves, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

“What? Hehehe…hehehe, hahaha!”

Li Wei took two steps back, turning into a three-meter-tall black giant with a disturbing and terrifying appearance, accompanied by a series of nervous laughter.

Strange, who was in the spot, instantly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. He wanted to hear from Li Wei, “We are a gang!”, but Li Wei’s current performance is really hard not to misunderstand!

The nervous laughter suddenly stopped, and without warning, Li Wei suddenly shot and took the Eye of Agamotto off Strange’s neck.

When you squeeze it, the metal shell on the outside is The green gem lies quietly in the palm of your hand.

Before Strange could react, the Time Stone was put into the Infinity Gauntlet by Livy.

With the six gems gathered together, the power is far more powerful than a single Infinity Gem, and even the Infinity Gloves have a tendency to be unbearable.

Six-color colored light surged up Li Wei’s dark arm, and circles of invisible energy swayed away, causing him to let out a groan of relief.


Strange, who was slumped on the ground, saw that Li Wei actually pinched the Eye of Agamotto and stole the gem, and his brain exploded.

I didn’t expect the villain to be by my side!


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