The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 133 Scheming Against The Platchi

Werewolf Territory, Scarlet Banes Kingdom.

King Baralt is sitting on his throne while savoring a raw thigh of an animal, he's currently relaxing under the moonlight.

His body glows under the moonlight, there's a couple of female Werewolves on his side.

The leftover bones scattered around his throne make King Baralt's throne looks more menacing because of the bones.

The bones make a cracking sound as they swayed by the wind when suddenly the door got to his throne got knocked.

King Baralt growls lightly in displeasure, "Don't bother me!", he shouted.

The Werewolf knocking on the door hesitated before he answers, "My deepest apologies King Baralt, a messenger from the Shapeshifter Kingdom wishes to see you. They said its an important message from King Oddity himself"

Hearing King Oddity got brought up, King Baralt waves his hand.

The female werewolves around him started to clean up the scattered bones before leaving, "Bring him in", King Baralt said.

After getting confirmation from King Baralt, the door opened revealing a creature.

The creature's body is pure black astral, he wears a full armor and a black robe, there's a three-headed bull skull helmet on his head, and he held a black sword in his hand.

Seeing the creature, King Baralt grins.

"Isn't it Windago, the most powerful member of the Conversion. For King Oddity to send you here as a messenger, I believe it's an important matter am I correct?", King Baralt said.

Windago approaches King Baralt's throne before stopping ten meters away.

Before he can say anything,

Windago suddenly felt his sword got heavier under King Baralt's gaze, he then let go of the sword before the sword stabbed the ground.

"King Baralt, you're overbearing as they said", Windago said, he knows it's his fault for bringing a sword to the throne.

He wanted to leave the sword in respect of King Baralt but he just didn't trust them.

King Baralt rests his head on his fist lightly before he said, "What brings you here Windago? What message do you bring?"

Hearing that, Windago then takes out a black scroll.

He opens the black scroll before he read its content, "One of the Conversion, Melion that is sent to check on the Werewolf in the human territory just report an interesting news about the said Werewolf"

King Baralt's eyes lit up, his interest got piqued.

"It is said, the Werewolf there has a...King Mark!"


Hearing the last words, King Baralt gripped the edge of his throne in shock.

The edge of his throne got crushed under King Baralt's grip, the news came unexpectedly catching him off guard.

He never believes that the Werewolf in the human territory is a King like himself.


King Baralt's aura exploded as anger suddenly filled his body, thick blue aura oozes out of his body like a waterfall.

Dark Blue markings started to emerge on King Baralt's body as it all connects to a dark blue complete moon mark on his forehead, the devastating aura suppressed anything around him.

The air is trembling, the aura coming out of King Baralt makes the gravity got heavier.

All of the Werewolves in one kilometers radius fall flat to the ground unable to resist King Baralt's aura, even Windago fall to a knee because of this.

"He's a King?! What power does our Origin give him?", King Baralt said with a sinister smile.

Windago struggles to answer,

King Baralt's aura is too much for even him, he struggles to take the black scroll before he continues, "It's the King Mark of the Blood Moon"

Hearing this, King Baralt laughs.

His crazed laughs make Windago trembles, he then hurriedly continues, "Based on Melion, that Werewolf although he has King Mark he's not as powerful as you"

King Baralt didn't say anything as he continues to laugh crazily exposing his sharp fangs.

After a while, King Baralt finally calms down.

Windago is finally able to stand back up, "Tell King Oddity that if that Werewolf ever came, I will kill him myself!", King Baralt said confidently.

He then waves his hand to tell Windago to leave but then suddenly, the door opened again.

A Werewolf appeared, it had a clad of red fur on its head and he came hurriedly while bringing another scroll in his hand.

"Your Highness, there's a report from our scout", the Werewolf said.

He wanted to continue but he saw Windago also looking at him with a curious look, he looks at King Baralt before he signals to continue.

The Werewolf tidied his armor before he said, "King Solomon has been spotted going to the demon kingdom himself, he's there for a couple of hours before he left with a scroll accompanied by Archdemon Lucius"

"It's suspicious enough for King Solomon to go there himself, but something more suspicious happened. Just after King Solomon left, a black creature suddenly came out. The scout said that the black creature instill fear to his entire being and it is certain that it's as strong as King Saruth"

King Baralt frowns, "As strong as King Saruth?! There shouldn't be a Demon as strong as him"

Windago also frowns, he then added, "Perhaps they find a way to create more Demon? It sounds impossible but it's still a possibility"

"I don't like this", King Baralt mumbles before he said to Windago, "Tell King Oddity, the Werewolf will accept to make a temporary allegiance if the Vampire and the Demon tried to do something"

Windago bowed his head before he replied, "King Oddity said yes, we will be spying on the Vampire and the Demon for now"

Hearing this King Baralt nodded his head.

He didn't felt weird when he got an answer from King Oddity this quick, Shapeshifter is known to have Telepathic abilities with any other Shapeshifter.

Unlike other Supernatural who can only send a telepathic message to certain others or even can't do telepathy at all.

"If they tried anything funny, or even hide something from us. We'll talk to the other forces and cornered them to surrender it"


The time for the SCO meeting has come,

In the last days, Rex already went to the house he got in sector 3C.

Arriving at the house he got, Rex immediately found the slave kid chained to an iron stick, and the chain is imbued with an Enhancement Rune.

He's lying on the ground weakly, he opened his eyes slowly hearing the door opened.

Rex, Adhara, and Kyran got in the house while looking at the kid,

Adhara and Kyran are quite shocked by the kid's appearance, they both immediately went to the kid and help him lean on the wall.

The kid is weak, it seems he hasn't eaten anything yet.

"Rex! Why is there a slave here? Where did you get him from!", Adhara shouted, she doesn't understand why Rex would do such a thing.

Kyran also glares at Rex, he thought Rex is not that kind of a person.

Seeing both Kyran and Adhara are angry, Rex can only raise his hand helplessly, "Well there are two reasons I bought him, so don't judge me first"

After saying that, Rex explained to both of them.

Kyran is a new member so Rex explains to Kyran about the circumstances with the Platchi Family, he then recalled that he manages to infiltrate one of their illegal business.

Adhara also didn't know about what Rex did, so he confesses to her too excluding the killing of Chris part.

"If I don't buy anything from them and just take their money, They will certainly not be happy about that. The second is that I need more members, and a slave is a good option. Just think of it as me saving him from getting sold to some assholes", Rex said trying to convince the other.

Although Adhara and Kyran are still not convinced, they both then finally let it go.

Adhara is shocked by what Rex did without her knowing, she felt that there's no more secret amongst them but Rex proves that there's more he did that she didn't know.

'I need to be more open, Rex is still hesitant to tell me everything', she thought.

Rex then whispers to Adhara, "Adhara from now on, every time I negotiate your job is to tell me their emotion aura"

Adhara nodded her head, she already expected Rex will ask her about that at some point.

She then went out to buy a snack and water for the slave kid, he's weak and hadn't eaten or drink anything.

Rex wanted to ask him some questions, and he will do it after he's better.

After Adhara feeds the slave kid some food and water, the kid is finally able to open his eyes properly and see Rex and the others.

He blinks a couple of times trying to adjust to his surrounding.

The slave kid's eyes widened for a second before it turns cold, he looks at Rex and the others as if he didn't care what Rex and the others will do to him.

"What's your name?", Rex asks.

It's the most general question but it's the most important, Rex wanted to deduce if the slave kid will answer his question honestly.

The slave kid opened his mouth a little, "Alma...Ryze", he answers with a hoarse voice.

His voice is hoarse is mainly due to not drinking anything, it makes his voice hoarse and a little bit deeper.

Hearing this, Rex smiles.

"How did you get captured and sold at the Market?", Rex asks.

Ryze thinks for a moment with a frown, he's trying to recall back before he answers, "We are taken by a group of people, they said if we follow them, they can help snuggle us into Ratmawati City for just $20,000"

Rex tells Kyran to buy a map, after he came back Rex resumes his interrogation.

"What city are you from?", Rex asks while signaling Adhara to mark the city they're from.

Ryze pause for a moment before he replies, "Level four, Eimsey City"

Adhara immediately marks the city based on Rex's order, it's a faraway city just like Wedron City they visited before.

All of Ryze answer is already scans by Adhara, and she tells Rex that all of them are true.

After talking for a while, Rex finally stops.

"You're fine here, you can live in this place with Kyran. I won't force you into anything", Rex said before he too told Kyran to stay here.

He can't bring both of them to the university, that's what this place is for.

Rex doesn't want to force Ryze into anything,

Although it seems like that, his true intention is to make Ryze feel indebted to him before he finally turns him into a Werewolf.

His gift is combat-based, so Rex wanted to train him.

Kyran then started to talk with Ryze, they both look like they have a connection as if they're already a best friend.

Leaving them alone, Rex grabs Adhara and went to the other room.

"I'm thinking of going back to buy other slaves", Rex said to Adhara bluntly.

Adhara looks at Rex disbelievingly before she immediately denies it, "Why? You know that it's wrong to buy slaves right?"

"Look, we can track down how the Platchi's is taking slaves for their illegal market. If we manage to do that, we can save many other people from slavery", Rex said trying to convince Adhara.

He wanted to mark down where the Platchi is taking their slaves.

It's a big loophole the Platchi's did that Rex realizes.

There's no item that can erase people's memory, they will need to do a very rigorous mind conditioning if they want to erase the slave's memory which they don't have the time to do.

By getting more slaves, they will earn more information about the place they conduct business.

Adhara was perplexed, she went silent for a moment while biting her nails.

She looks troubled by Rex's proposition but she knows that it's for the better, the Platchi is an immediate threat for Rex and they're doing bad business.

"Fine, let's do it"

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