The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 134 Plebe Trial

Hello readers, Author here!

Many of you guys keep on supporting this book and as the Author, I'm happy and thankful for you guys!

This is the first bonus chapter I posted, and it will certainly not be the last.

Happy reading!


Rex is currently on his way towards the designated location of the SCO meeting, he's using his car that is rotting in the car park all this time.

He drove through the streets leisurely feeling the fresh air.

Rex is still thinking about the day when he talks to Adhara alone about buying more slaves, he remembers that he tried to kiss Adhara again that day.

It came to him out of nowhere, and Adhara didn't budge from her spot and let Rex do his thing.

Thankfully, he manages to stop himself from going further.

Adhara's scent becomes irresistible by the day, and also she becomes more appealing for some reason as if Rex is intoxicated by her.

'System, why did I experience this?', Rex asks in concern.

The system didn't answer, this makes Rex becomes extremely frustrated because it may not be long before Rex is unable to hold in the urge for Adhara.

It's not that Adhara always distracted him but when they're alone, Rex recently felt the urge to do something with her.

Rex shakes his head, he sighs before he focuses back on the road.

The meeting is held at midnight, it's currently 11 pm and he's already close to the place.

While in the car, Rex takes his phone and calls Edward.

The phone rings for a while before Edward picks up the call,

"Yo, What's up dude?", Edward said.

From the loud commotion that sounded behind him, Edward is not inside his usual and quiet university.

Rex then asks, "Where are you? Are you going out?"

"Yeah, I'm meeting with my friends that just got back from a mission. What's up?", he said while moving to a quieter area.

Rex pause for a moment, thinking before he said, "Can I ask you to do me a favor? I just meet a kid and I want you to teach him what we learn at the USR"

"A kid? Bro, use condoms for fuck sake", Edward cursed Rex for not being safe.

Hearing this, Rex was at a loss for words, "You dumbass, I wouldn't be that careless. Besides, if I did get careless why would I ask you to teach a baby about USR?!"

Edward laughs cheekily, "I'm just messing with you, so why would a kid need to know that?"

"Well long story short, he wanted to help me against the Platchi's so I want you to teach him. There are no other people I trust besides you", Rex said.

After telling that, Edward finally agrees to teach Kyran.

Without Rex noticing, finally arrives at the place of the meeting.

He frowns when he saw the place,

The meeting place is a book store that is still opened despite midnight, it's a bit desolate because it's quite far from the other stores.

Rex looks around and found nobody there, he then waits while reading the news.

An interesting piece of news pops on Rex's screen as he instantly opened it.

The news is about the speech from the UWO main branch in Ratmawati City, he's Sebrof Mosk the current president of UWO in Ratmawati City.

In the news, Sebrof said that many cases of low-level cities got abandoned reach their ears.

He already instructed all of the guilds under the UWO to be ready to send help to those cities, he also assured that the Awakened are still the heroes of humanity.

It hasn't changed and will not change in the future.

Rex scoffs before he scrolls a couple more times, time passes by.

It's already nearing 12 pm,

Rex is still looking at the news when suddenly he heard a creaking sound, he senses someone approaching so Rex puts his phone away.

Without even looking at the person, Rex can already tell that it is someone familiar.

"How're you doing Rex?", a guy jumped from Rex's back landing right in front of him, the gold chain around his neck is shining.

The guy is followed by a woman, her glowing dark blue eyes catch Rex's eyes instantly.

Rex smiles as he greets the two, "I'm fine, you two looks different"

The two people in front of him are in fact, Devan and Liliya.

They both are not wearing a black outfit like last time but their normal clothes, now both of them are looking like themselves.

Devan is looking like a clean and rich man, considering he owned a luxurious car it didn't come as a surprise for Rex to see him clad in gold.

Liliya on the other hand, is wearing the same shabby clothes.

She looks haggard as if she didn't have any other clothes besides that, it can't help but make Rex frowns, 'Is she that poor? She's a rank five so that's not possible'

Devan laughs while Liliya is still silent, "Of course, we're not on a mission right?"

"So we're all here, where should we go now?", Rex asks, it's already 12 pm and there's no sign of any other person here.

Hearing this, Devan signals Rex to follow them.

'Now that I think of it, they both have been to the SCO hideout before', Rex thought, he then follows them inside the book store.

The book store is not that impressive, in fact, it looks too old-fashioned.

There's an old man inside the store that is reading a book on the counter, he's oblivious despite Rex and the others entering the shop.

Devan walk to the old man's back and move closer to the wall, Liliya also did this making Rex followed them.

Rex is a little bit confused, the old man is still reading books.

After the three of them snuggle against the wall, Devan touches a part of the wall before it makes a clicking sound.


Just after Devan did that, the insides of the store changed.

Turns out that the book store and the old man are just a hologram, the place turned into a metallic room with a camera on the corner of the room.

There's a man wearing a mask looking at them, there's a black crow badge on his chest.

Beside him is a door,

The door is thought to be the entrance of the SCO hideout, or at least that is what Rex thought.

Devan and Liliya approach the man before they both showed their black crow tattoo.

The man confirmed the black tattoo using a special method, the man's hand glow with a black light aiming at the black crow tattoo of Devan and Liliya.

The tattoo glows with a green hue before both energy dissipated.

After nodding his head, Devan and Liliya enter the door beside the man.

The man then glances at Rex, his eyes are covered by the mask but Rex can feel the man's eyes looking at him coldly.

Rex does the exact same thing as Devan and Liliya.

The man paused for a moment, he looks at Rex intently before he too does the same thing and lets Rex in.

Upon entering the door, it is completely black.

Rex's vision is swallowed in darkness,

His vision is good at night but this darkness is different, Rex can't see anything despite his night vision abilities.

Before he can do anything, the place suddenly moves.

Rex stretches his arm trying to hold onto something, he can feel that this place turns out to be a cramped room that even he can't straighten his arms to the side.

The place moves chaotically up and down for a while before it stopped.

Rex felt dizzy, the food he just ate a couple of hours ago got shaken making him nauseous.


The wall behind Rex suddenly opened making the light shot right onto Rex's eyes, he blinks his eyes a couple of times before he widened his eyes in shock.

In front of him lies an underground city that Rex has never seen before.

The underground city is a rocky place with uneven roads, there are many houses lit in yellow lights that are scattered from left and right, up and down.

Rex looks up and saw the moonlight penetrating in, he doesn't understand how considering the underground city is made under Ratmawati City.

In the center of the city lies a huge castle that takes a huge chunk of the land here.

Rex deduces that is where the main branch of SCO is located, there's no other explanation besides that.

Devan and Liliya are waiting for Rex, they both are sitting on the edge of a cliff.

Rex approaches them and said, "So this is the SCO hideout? I thought it will be in outside of Ratmawati City, turns out it is under it"

"I'm surprised at first too, how bold of them to make their hideout here", Devan said with a smile.

SCO put front the saying that sometimes the best hiding place is the one that's in plain sight, they're directly under the territory of the UWO.

After looking at the place, the three of them went towards the castle.

Devan and Liliya already wear their green robe making Rex felt left out, they said that he will get one after they arrive at the castle.

They both are also wearing a mask, it's not the signature crow mask but a regular animal mask.

Inside the castle is contrasting with what Rex expected,

The castle's insides are filled with golden color, it's really unmatching with the urban tone the underground city has.

"So that's what I look like when I first enter this castle", Devan said while rubbing his chin.

He's looking at Rex's surprised look as if he's analyzing Rex, "Shut up, It's my first time here", Rex rebutted.

Devan chuckles before they went to the west side of the castle.

Just after entering the west side of the castle,

Rex saw many big doors with different colors, there's one of each color making Rex got curious about these doors.

There're not many people aside from a couple of robed people in front of each door.

Many shouts and screams can be heard from each door, the scream makes Rex and the others got startled because of how loud they are.

"Is this normal when you first got here?", Rex asks.

Hearing this, Devan and Liliya shake their heads.

They both too didn't understand what's going on, they're as confused as Rex.

"The Green Messenger said that today is the Swear of Loyalty and Secret Promise for the recruits, I don't know what he means but it seems we will be tested", Liliya said while glancing around.

Rex frowns, 'Swear of Loyalty? Secret Promise? We're getting tested alright'

They then arrive at a big green door with a 'Green Recruit' sign on top of it.

Below the door oozes with green gas that looks toxic, it makes the three of them hesitate to open the door but they have to.

Rex stretches out his hand to open the door,

But before he can even try to open the door, the door opened by itself revealing the green messenger waiting patiently inside the room.

Inside the room, there are three empty seats in the middle.

Green messenger opened his eyes slowly, the crow mask on his face turns towards them as green gas ooze from it.

He then stands up slowly before he said, "Welcome to the wicked Plebe Trial"

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