The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 5: Seeking Answers – Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 5: Seeking Answers - Chapter 5

The next day*

Daisuke enters the dining room carrying an unconscious form of Sylvia, the first princess of the Royal Family and Lillianne's older sister, as well as the one who gave Lillianne her nickname: Hime.

"Hey, Hime. I rescue your sister." Daisuke drops Sylvia like a sack of potatoes without caring or being gentle. "A vampire tried to kidnap Hiro and would have almost seriously injured Riza if I hadn't been nearby."

"And how did that turn into rescuing my older sister?" Hime stares at Sylvia with a blank expression.

"Well, after doing some serious damage to the vampire, I wanted to eliminate the guy before he could become a bigger problem later. I follow him to his base, which is a castle, and discover that he has been drinking your sister's blood while she is chained to a wall and even has a faucet attached to her left arm for easy access to her blood. He pours it into a wine glass before drinking it as if it were the finest wine". Daisuke pauses to think about what else to say. "So, while he was busy drinking your sister's blood. I simply cut off his head, burned the body, and saw how your sister resembled you in appearance and made me think she was your sister or part of your family, so I took her with me, and here we are."

"Hime-sama! We have to help—Daisuke, you're back already?!" Riza rushed into the dining room, Hiro only a few seconds behind her, and saw that Daisuke was fine.

"Reiri?!" Hiro looks at the female vampire standing near Hime.

"Oh, hello, Hiro. I just came here to warn Hime-sama about a dangerous vampire who's a blood warrior like you, Hiro. But it seems that Daisuke here has already dealt with him." Reiri smiled at him, then stared at Daisuke with interest. "And even brought Hime-sama's sister over as well." She points at Sylvia on the ground, still unconscious.

"Hey, Hime-sama. Do you think this sister of yours is the one-" Riza starts off but is cut off by Hime.

"It's not her, as much as I would like to say otherwise."

Riza clicked her teeth, "I'm going out for a while." She didn't even greet Reiri and left the same way she came in.

"Oh, someone feeling grumble." Reiri smirked as she watched Riza, who just flipped her off without turning her head before she left. "Ah, how vulgar as always."

"Well, is there anything else you need from me, Hime?" Daisuke looks back at Hime after watching Riza leave.

"No. You can leave." Hime's eyes have not once left Sylvia.

Daisuke nods and then walks in the opposite direction as Riza goes. When he had reached the end of the corridor, he stopped. He stopped in his tracks.

He uses the Fifth Magic to remove the 'eyes' of the will of the world from continuing to look at him by erasing all the 'energy' used to create the 'eyes'—something he does more often these days compared to the first week in the world of Princess Resurrection.

Nonetheless, he doesn't have to continue to use the Third Magic to delay his time of leaving this world for another. The Fifth Magic can easily do that instead, preventing the will of the world from doing anything if there are no means to threaten his life or a way to give him a reason to leave.

Now that that's done, it's time for him to check for any other materials because this world is beyond weird, with the messed up parallel timelines and so on.

Daisuke begins by first using Omnifabrication to create the sheet of paper listing today's materials, then using the Fifth Magic to grab them without having to be there to physically obtain them, and transform them into different materials to suit his needs and tossing them into the Gate of Babylon for future use.

A week later*

"This is just crazy." Daisuke swung his sword, and not even a drop of blood stuck to the sword as he killed another monster. "Three princesses of the Royal Family in one place, and this is the result of attracting so many monsters to come and kill you three."

"After a week of being here, many of our siblings are threatening to see us three sisters together without ending up killing each other. I would fear for the worse if I were to find out about this myself." Sylvia looks at Daisuke with a gentle smile. "Have you thought about becoming my blood warrior, Daisuke?"

"No thanks." Daisuke replied as he moved with lightning speed, dodging the attack of a huge fly-like monster and delivering a precise strike to the monster's abdomen. With a quick twist of his wrist, he withdrew his blade and let the fallen enemy crumple to the ground in death.

"Stop trying to steal my servant, Sylvia." Hime said to her elder sister.

"But he isn't a blood warrior of yours. So he is free to join whomever he wants." Sylvia smiles at Hime, causing the latter to frown.

"Hey, shouldn't we do something?!" Sherwood asks the two. "We're being overwhelmed by so many monsters?! I'm starting to think it's a big mistake for me to come here!"

"It's okay." Daisuke said to Sherwood while he was killing other monsters. "Besides, we're not alone." He points out when he sees Reiri shredding many monsters by herself. Reiri kills many more with precision than with brute force, as Riza does. The three maid androids quickly kill everything around them. The blood warrior panda of Sherwood smashes monsters to death with little regard for injury, and Hiro does the same, but with less smashing and just tanking attacks for others.

With fluid grace, he launched into motion, each movement a deadly dance choreographed by years of training and honed instincts gained through the help of Third Magic to replicate many lifetimes of swordsmen. Then, merging them into his own through Omnifabrication.

The monsters lunged forward, their claws slicing through the air with deadly intent. But Daisuke was like a whirlwind, parrying their attacks effortlessly and striking back with precision and power. His strikes were swift and decisive, easily cutting through flesh and bone, moving in different directions simultaneously through the Second Magic.

The monsters fell before him one by one, their screams echoing through the land. Yet, he showed no mercy, his focus unyielding as he pressed on, his determination unshakable.

With the last monster dead at his feet, he sheathed his blade.

Daisuke's eyes are on everyone, but his attention is not entirely on everyone as he has something on his mind.

He starts to think about his past actions and sees the results of how everything is changing. Especially how Hime and Sylvia should be at each other's throats, yet there they are, standing together with Sherwood and forming an alliance, unlike in the canon timeline where it's just Hime and Sherwood.

While everyone was talking, he noticed Sylvia staring at him. She was undoubtedly thinking of more sweet, honeyed words to persuade him to become her blood warrior or simply planning his death to force him to become a blood warrior under her command.

The moment Sylvia blinks, Daisuke disappears with the help of The World to freeze time while he goes to the mansion to think more about the things he's done since he came to this world, especially why he decided to become a bodyguard when he could have just paid Hime almost infinite money and everything he creates to allow him to stay at her mansion.

Better yet, why did he have to choose Hime's mansion, of all places? Couldn't he just find his own place while exploring the world, as he had been doing for some time while waiting for the next chapter/episode of the series?

His life is not in danger compared to the previous worlds he's been to. So what made him want to do this, other than following the many future routes to help him survive, which have now been completed?

In the beginning, Daisuke could say that he is going with the flow and having a great time. Then, slowly, he returns to a state of motion where he just follows what he is told by the paper filled with the best future routes for his survival. It's only thanks to Esdeath and later Scathach that his stoic life takes another turn.

For the better or worse, he has no clues on that.

He had almost forgotten that his true calling was to travel and gather materials to make whatever he wanted. However, there must be more to it than that, he realized now. In fact, if he looks back carefully, his first desire after looking at the list of future routes is not to collect materials but to meet the main characters. He wants to meet the so-called main characters and see how much he can slowly change things without being too forceful.

Daisuke looks out of the window, where he can see the three maid androids cleaning up all the monster corpses while everyone else is now inside the mansion. Whatever they are doing on their own, whenever there is nothing else to do at the time before something would make everyone gather in one place to fight something or figure out how to get out alive from whatever is the cause of their potential death.

After further consideration, he finds it pointless to stay in this world now that he has gathered all the materials and seen the results of changing many things in the setting, making many future canon events non-existent, except most of those shown in parallel realities.

So, in no time, he gathered all his things and left a note that he was leaving for no other reason than that he had stayed long enough before continuing his journey and that he hoped everyone would not reveal his existence to the world or, hopefully, not too much. Not that it would matter since he wouldn't be part of this world anymore. Uh, the word: universe would be the best term to use for the Princess Resurrection series.

Once that's done, D4C appears behind him and with him walking out the door, sending him to another world and appearing on one of the thick tree branches that barely hold his weight.

This is new and unexpected.

Thanks to D4C, Daisuke lands on the ground without much trouble before disappearing. Now that he doesn't have to worry about people seeing him standing so high up, it's a good thing that it's night when he arrives in this world.

Same as before, whenever he enters a new world. A sheet of paper appears in his hand, but this time, it will not contain any future routes or materials to grab, just the name of the world and the date of the next canon event where that will happen before he does anything.

"What the hell is Avatar: The Last Airbender?" Daisuke looks very confused about what kind of anime/manga this is.

He really wants to check out the future routes in this world more than ever, but he is more curious to find out what kind of world it is more personally than to read it off a paper.

Well, it's not like he can't find out about the future routes later. He just chose not to do it now, that's all.

There is one question on his mind, though. What is an airbender?

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