The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 6: What…? – Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 6: What...? - Chapter 1

20 minutes later*

The atmosphere in the pine forests is serene, with rays of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy overhead. The air is cool and crisp, scented with the earthy aroma of pine needles. Despite the beauty, dangerous wildlife and other things lurk in these areas.

Daisuke frowned as he read the history of a random pine tree, thanks to the powers of Heaven's Door.

This world is a little strange, but it seems that there are people and animals in this world, just like on Earth. The era of this world appears to be the 19th century.

Interestingly enough, this world is not ordinary, or rather, it's not mundane, as people here have the ability to manipulate the elements themselves. Strangely enough, there seem to be people who can only manipulate one element.

Reading further into the history of the pine tree, Daisuke discovers that the most recent name of the surrounding area, including the pine forest, is called the Earth Kingdom.

Figures that would be the case with him reading about many of these people who could control the earth.

Daisuke rubs his chin, thinking about what he should do in this world other than experience the unexpected plots.

The first thing to do is change his black suit to the fashion of the Earth Kingdom. And from the latest entry from the pine tree he had read. The fashion of the Earth Kingdom is based on various East Asian cultures, including Chinese, Korean, and Tibetan influences. It includes robes, tunics, and pants in earthy colors such as green, brown, and beige. The clothing often features simple geometric designs and motifs.

A ripple in the fabric reality, under the effects of Omnifabrication. Daisuke now wears designed robes and tunics of luxurious silks. Loose-fitting and flowing elegantly dark green and bronze-trimmed robes. His footwear consists of sturdy leather boots decorated with embossed patterns.

Now, he won't look so out of place while walking around.

Honestly, he's surprised that he didn't just go all out and create a sheet of paper that would give him all the important information about this world instead of just relying on Heaven's Door to learn more about this world through Omnifabrication. Still, at least he uses the Stand more now.

An hour later*

A cluster of trees grew on a rocket ledge overlooking the rest of the forest, the river running through the landscape. Mountains could be seen in the distance.

"What the?" Daisuke looks into the distance and sees something that looks like a cross between a bison and a manatee. A massive creature with shaggy fur, large rounded horns, and a broad, flat face. It has six legs, each ending in a large, sturdy hoof.

Shockingly, it's somehow flying without wings or anything that could be used for flying.

Then, all of a sudden, the weird-looking flying bison starts descending, snapping off the tops of several trees.

Another surprise for him is to see two girls not far away on the ground chasing the flying creature, which he notices is carrying two people on its back. As for the two girls on the ground, they are also riding a speedy creature that looks like a cross between a mongoose and a large, green-plumed basilisk lizard.

One of the two girls on the ground swings her arm and fires a volley of stilettos at the people on the flying bison. She almost hits one of them, but they duck in time to avoid the stilettos.

Daisuke watches as the flying bison skims the surface of the river before crashing to the ground on the opposite side. This leads to the two people he registered as a boy and a girl. They celebrate making it to the other side of the river, even hugging each other in pure joy. The celebration is short-lived, however, as the two look at the other side of the river.

To his surprise, he sees the strange-looking lizards being ridden by the two chasing girls, where the strange-looking lizards are paddling fast on the water. This allows them to move across the surface of the river.

The girl on the other side of the river, with the flying bison, steps forward and spins around, sending a wave of water crashing into one of the strange-looking lizards.

A wave of water hits the girl riding the strange-looking lizard. She jumps off the beast just in time and emerges from the water. She lands near the treetops, where she gracefully jumps from trunk to trunk in pursuit of the girl controlling the water.

Daisuke squints his eyes as he slowly makes his way to the river.

The World and Heaven's Door appear behind Daisuke. Time immediately stops under the influence of The World. Then Heaven's Door moves towards the four to learn who they are and what's happening by reading their history. He gets everything he needs in no time, and time starts again.

Ty Lee is the one who moves around as if gravity doesn't affect her. She can't control an element. The girl that does with water is Katara. The other girl is Mai, and the only boy is Sokka. Both groups have missing members among themselves.

Team Avatar, he will need more research on this one, are Katara and Sokka are missing two members; one is the Avatar who could bend the four elements: air, earth, water, and fire once trained. Another is that the Avatar's teacher, in manipulating the earth, supposedly left the group due to an argument, while the other is their leader, who is a girl and the only one in the group who can control an element, fire.

He feels that this Team Avatar could be the good guys and the important characters in this world. While Ty Lee and Mai seem to be the villains, it's hard to say if they are minor or even extra characters.

Technically, he has sided with the good guys in the previous worlds he has visited. Maybe it's time to switch to the bad guys and see how it goes.

Daisuke concentrated on the fight in front of his eyes, and just in time, he saw how the sky bison swept Ty Lee and Mai off their feet with a strong gust of wind that was conjured up by the sky bison's tail. They somersaulted into the air and landed in the water a few feet away. Oddly enough, they had landed close to where he was, and now they stared at him in surprise, seeing him out here in the middle of nowhere.

"Hello." Daisuke greeted the two, causing them to look at each other.

"Mai, careful. His aura is... dark. Like darker than I have ever seen in my life." Ty Lee warns Mai.

"Darker than Azula?" Mai asks in a dull voice.

"As much as I hate being mean, I must say this. Azula can only wish she could be a tenth of the guy before us." Ty Lee replied.

That was all Mai needed to know before springing into action with fluid precision. With a quick flick of her wrist, she hurls throwing knives with deadly accuracy, each blade finding its mark with uncanny precision. Her movements are swift and calculated, her attacks relentless as she charges forward with Ty Lee.

The World appears behind Daisuke; time stops, and the Stand effectively manipulates the trajectory of the throwing knives in mid-air, deflecting them with minimal effort before time resumes.

"Okay... he just stood there and did nothing, and yet this happened." Mai stops in her tracks, as does Ty Lee.

"His aura has become even darker than it was before; I don't know how that's possible...!" Ty Lee's breath came in short, ragged gasps as she struggled to maintain her composure. "W-We need to leave. Like right now."

Daisuke raised an eyebrow when he heard this, making him curious if Ty Lee could sense The World or maybe it was due to the burst of inner spiritual energy whenever he manifested a Stand.

"I'd love to, but I just attacked him, and I don't think he's willing to let us go after that." Mai said dryly, showing nothing on her face, but everyone could see that she twitched slightly to show how scared she was right now.

Daisuke hadn't even said anything yet; however, that didn't change the fact that he was very amused by these two. In fact, he is curious to see this Azula that strikes fear into these two into becoming her friends/servants.

"And you be correct." Daisuke finally spoke. Then time stops again as The World floats over to pick up the two by the backs of their collars and return them to the ground but on their knees, after which time continues.

Ty Lee and Mai became very stiff. They stared at Daisuke in absolute horror.

"How about we talk about why it's not a good idea to attack a random stranger out of the blue?" Daisuke spoke slowly, staring at them with a hint of annoyance. "Anyway, I'm not going to kill you two."

When Ty Lee and Mai heard Daisuke's casual talk about killing, their faces turned even paler.

"Apart from that, you two will work for me now." Daisuke could actually just let them go, but how else would he play his role as a villain in this world if he wasn't part of the villainous side? Nevertheless, he will see how it goes, and if necessary, he can summon any of the Servants from the Holy Grail to deal with anyone, including the heroes of this world.

"Better than being dead. Right, Mai? Hahaha..." Ty Lee looks like she is about to burst into tears.

"Yeah..." Mai sighs deeply, with a look on her face that says she is just done with life itself.

"Alright, now that we have come to an understanding." Daisuke trails off, thinking about what to say next. "Is it just the two of you, or is there someone else? And why were you chasing those two with that strange flying creature?"

Ty Lee and Mai looked at each other, which was an answer in itself.

"Oh, there is someone." Daisuke answered his own question, a little confused by the shocked look on their faces when they didn't really hide the fact that they were having a silent conversation.

Daisuke turned his back on them and started walking in the direction they had come from. According to the memories he had read from Ty Lee and Mai, there was a higher chance of finding Azula at the crossroads where they had split up.

"Follow me, and if I don't see you two behind me in the next few seconds. There will be punishment." Daisuke said with a cold voice. Then he heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind him and grinned slightly. "Good."

"This is my life now..." Mai mumbles to herself; unfortunately, she is heard by Daisuke.

"Tell me about your... friend we're going to meet, and why are you chasing those two with the flying creature?" Daisuke orders Ty Lee and Mai, while he also considers summoning Scathach to spend time with him in this world or to awaken Esdeath.

Maybe he can summon someone new instead. Maybe get Artoria out while trying to figure out why she likes being a maid so much without relying on omnifabrication to find the answers. Something he is surprised he has been able to keep up to this point.

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