The Journey That Changed A World.

53. The Calm Before The Storm.

He watched the woman take a plate full of food to a table with two men, she placed it down as they started harassing her.

But she skillfully got out of there and returned to the back room under the angry gazes of the two men.

A waiter approached Archer and handed him a menu, he looked at it and ordered some curry and minotaur meat.

The waiter nodded and left the table as Archer spotted the dragon-kin woman who was taking more food to a family of five sitting at a table not too far from him.

Now that she got closer he paid more attention to her, she had dark blue hair, and her two horns were a lighter blue color.

'Maybe she's descended from a water dragon?'

He shrugged and continued to wait, not long after the slave went back into the back the man brought Archer his food.

Placing it on the table along with a glass of water.

''How much?''

The waiter thought for a second then gave him the answer.

''2 silver.''

Archer nodded as he gave the man the coins and studied his meal.

As he looked down to eat, he was greeted with the delicious aroma of the yellow curry, which was likely made with a blend of spices and herbs.

The curry was a vibrant yellow color, with chunks of vegetables and possibly even meat mixed in.

As he took a bite, he experienced a burst of flavor, with the spices coming together nicely.

In addition to the curry, he also started to eat the slabs of minotaur meat on his plate.

The meat was quite thick and juicy, with a rich flavor.

As he cut into the meat, he noticed the juices flowed out onto his plate, he went to take a bite until he noticed something happening.

[Dragon-kin slave's P.O.V.]

She was lost in her work, and completely focused on the task at hand.

With diligence and efficiency, she tended to her duties with purpose and grace.

Her practical clothes and neat braid were a reflection of her unassuming nature.

Life had been hard ever since she was sold to the restaurant owner.

Despite being a Dragon-kin, she was not a warrior and had been captured along with her tribe in the Aquarian kingdom in the southeast.

Like many times before, the owner instructed, leaving her exhausted and drained.

Like many times before, the owner instructed her to deliver food to a customer.

As she made her way to the table, two men jeered at her.

But then, she saw a white-haired boy with four dragon horns.

She couldn't help but stare at him, feeling a strange pull deep within her.

As she approached him with determination, one of the men grabbed her.

She quickly protested but didn't stand a chance against the adventurer and that's when he revealed that the owner had agreed to sell her to the two.

The girl panicked and stood frozen as the man tried to drag her along.

He got angry, then slapped her across the face sending her crashing to the floor.

As she held her cheek with tears in her eyes, the man approached her with an evil smile.

But before he could strike the girl again, a claw burst out of the man's chest covered in blood, his loose robes stained red.

The man dropped to the floor, his lifeless eyes staring at her, she looked at the culprit and her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

She looked at the handsome white-haired boy, and couldn't help but be captivated by his unique appearance.

His hair was styled in a sleek ponytail, which added to his overall charm.

The most striking feature of his appearance, however, was the beautiful white scales that adorned his body.

They shimmered in the light, giving him an almost ethereal quality.

His claws were also impressive, with a sharpness that suggested he could cut through metal.

Finally, the four dragon horns that protruded from his head were a testament to his strength and power.

Overall, the woman was in awe of this stunning boy and couldn't help but be drawn to him.

She was staring at him with wide eyes as she remembers the stories her grandfather used to tell her about the last dragon king.

Legend has it that long ago, there was a powerful white dragon king named Bazrosh who had a vision of creating a paradise for all dragon kind.

He believed that dragons should not have to live in fear or isolation, but rather in a place where they could thrive and live in harmony with one another.

With this vision in mind, Bazrosh set out on a quest to find the perfect location for their paradise.

After many years of searching, he finally found a beautiful valley nestled between two mountains.

The valley was lush and green, with crystal clear streams and a warm, gentle breeze that blew through the trees.

Bazrosh knew that this was the perfect place to create his paradise, so he began to work tirelessly to transform the valley into a haven for dragons.

Using his powerful magic to create towering trees, sparkling waterfalls, and fields of vibrant flowers.

He also built caves and tunnels for the dragons to live in, each one customized to suit the needs of its inhabitants.

As word of Bazrosh's paradise spread throughout the dragon community, dragons from all over the world began to flock to the valley.

They were amazed by the beauty and tranquility of the place, and they were grateful to him for creating such a wonderful home for them.

And so, thanks to the vision and hard work of Bazrosh the white dragon, his kind had a new home.

A paradise where they could live in peace and harmony for generations to come.

[Back to Archer]

He held the man's heart in his hand, staring at the dripping blood before storing it away.

Turning to face the woman.

"Do you know where the other Dragon-kin are?"

The woman nodded her head, and he approached her, reaching out for her neck.

Archer used one of his claws to cut the metal slave collar off, causing it to drop to the floor with a loud clank.

Seeing the rest of the people in the restaurant start to panic, he grabbed the woman while opening a portal and pulled her through it.

Moments later they were in a small clearing, and Archer was looking at the woman as she was looking around in shock.

''Where are we?''

''My Domain.''

The woman continued looking around as he asked for her name.

"What's your name?"

She looked up at him with a shocked expression and whispered.

"You're a white dragon?"

Archer heard her whisper and nodded his head.

Shaking her head with a smile before introducing herself.

Dropping to one knee in front of Archer makes him feel awkward.

''I'm Sagana, my king.''

He didn't know what to do or why she was doing it.

''Why are you kneeling? I'm not royalty.''

Sagana looked at him.

''Legends of our tribe say that white dragons are the rulers of the dragon race, and are the rarest type of dragon. They are seen as mere legends and myths, but I guess not. You're standing right here in front of me after all.''

Archer had a pensive look on his face before asking.

''What do you know about white dragons?''

She started to think as she spoke.

''I know they can talk to all kinds of people without a problem, also Grandfather told me they can create things with their mana, that's all I know my king.''

He nodded his head before approaching Sagana with a pouch of white dragon tokens, his eyes shining with excitement at the thought of "helping" the dragon-kin.

He gave them to her.

"Here, take these. Give one to every Dragon-kin you can find."

Sagana looked at the tokens in wonder, admiring their intricate design. She smiled at the boy and replied.

"Thank you, I will do as you say."

He nodded then opened a portal and escorted her out before telling her to wait in the now-empty restaurant.

Summoning his wings he flew over to a large empty plot of land in the north of his domain.

Archer hovered above the area which was the size of a football pitch, closing his eyes as he imagined a tent city taking up half the space.

The tents were well made and could hold up against heavy rain and were white.

He also created a lake off to the side with tons of fish swimming around.

While he was at it he decided to add more lakes, mountains, and rivers.

Seeing his domain stretch into the distance he figures that is enough space for now.

Archer looked around and mumbled to himself.

''It looks better than before, now it's time to deal with the slavers.''

He opened a portal and reentered the restaurant to see Sagana standing in front of a man who stood next to the body of the adventurer he killed.

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