The Journey That Changed A World.

54. Your Stash.

Sagana rushed to Archer's side as the adventurer looked up at him and spoke with venom in his voice.

"Did you do this, lizard?"

Archer bristled at the insult.

"What are you accusing me of?"

The man pointed at his heartless partner.

"He's dead, and you're the only one here. Don't play dumb with me."

Archer's eyes narrowed.

"His heart was juicy and his blood was so beautiful that its image will stay with me for the rest of my days."

With a sudden burst of energy, Archer used Thunder Step to appear in front of the man.


All his Draconic features reappeared except for his wings, which he had already out when he exited the Domain.

He turned to Sagana.

"Go free as many as you can. It won't be safe here for you shortly."

Sagana nodded and began to leave, but before she could, she saw something that amazed her.

The adventurer didn't just stand there he charged at him, unsheathing his sword and swinging it at his neck.

The blade connected with a loud clang as it hit Archer's white scales, sending sparks flying in all directions.

He smiled up at the adventurer, his eyes gleaming with amusement and a hint of danger.

The adventurer stumbled back, momentarily stunned by the force of the impact.

Archer let out a low growl as the adventurer lunged at him with a sword.

The man hesitated for a moment before swinging his sword again.

He stepped forward with lightning-fast reflexes and plunged his tail into the man's head.

The adventurer fell to the ground, lifeless.

Flicking his tail to get the filthy blood off, his tail swaying behind him as if nothing had happened.

He turned to Sagana and asked.

"Where are the barracks or forts for the city?"

She looked puzzled but answered anyway.

"There are three barracks inside the city. You'll recognize the buildings when you see them. And there are two forts—one guarding the eastern river crossing that takes you to the Zenia Empire, and the southern pass that leads to the Aquarian Kingdom."

Archer nodded.

''Tell people to imbue mana into the token and they will be transported to my Domain, see you soon.''

As the boy walked out of the restaurant he stored away the second heart he looted, he stretched his arms and let out a contented sigh.

Suddenly, he stretched out his dragons so they were spread wide and catching the wind.

With a running start, he leaped into the air and soared upwards, the wind rushing past him as he gained altitude.

Archer flew over the city, and as he did he spotted a military-looking building in the North.

Without hesitation, he angled his wings and flew towards it, the rush of air in his ears drowning out all other sounds.

He approached the fort, and Archer slowed down and circled it, taking in its imposing structure.

Archer hovers in the air with his wings, he gazes down at the small Kagianian fort below.

From his vantage point, he can see the intricate details of the fort's architecture.

The fort is made of sand-colored stone, with a low wall surrounding it and small turrets at each corner.

The entrance is a large wooden gate, with metal studs and a latch that looks like it has been there for centuries.

He can see the small courtyard inside the fort, with a central fountain surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers.

The sound of the water trickling from the fountain reaches his ears even from this height.

From above, Archer can see the intricate carvings and patterns etched into the fort's walls.

The designs are so detailed that they almost seem to come to life as he hovers closer.

As he got closer,  Archer can see the small windows that let in just enough light to see by.

He can also see the tapestries and rugs adorning the walls, adding to the cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Overall, the small Arabian-like fort looks even more enchanting from above, with its intricate details and peaceful courtyard creating a sense of calm and tranquility.

Archer saw a large balcony with loads of soft-looking sofas, he flew over to it and saw a few guards walking below him.

He quickly checked the office and didn't see anyone so he went to sit down, as he did he pulled out some chocolate and watched the beautiful sunset.

A golden glow illuminates the sky around him and casts long shadows across the Kagianian cityscape.

Archer notices the sun looks like a fiery orb, slowly descending towards the horizon, while the sky above it transitions from shades of orange and pink to deepening blues and purples.

The city itself might be bustling with soldiers, slaves, and merchants with towering minarets, domed roofs, and intricate mosaics that catch the light and shimmer in the fading sunlight.

As the sun sets, the city might come alive with the sounds of prayer, music, and laughter, creating a vibrant and enchanting atmosphere.

He sat there as he ate his chocolate waiting for nighttime to cause some mayhem.

An hour passed as the moon and stars lit up the city alongside the city's beautiful oil lamps making the city look beautiful.

Archer stood up and walked towards the balcony door. He tried the handle and it opened.

As he stepped into the office and looked around, he noticed how well-decorated it was as he started looting the room.

Placing anything good into his Item Box.

"Seems like a waste of coin."

He muttered to himself.

"It's not a waste if it impresses those who visit."

A voice said from behind him.

"Then why do you spend so much coin on pointless things?"

Archer asked, gesturing to the lavish decorations.

"It's not pointless if it serves a purpose."

He walked over to the desk and started searching through the unlocked drawers.

"What are you looking for boy?"

"Your stash."

Archer replied, his eyes scanning the contents of the desk.

The commander raised an eyebrow as he heard the boy.

"And what makes you think I have one?"

Archer shrugged.

"Everyone has a stash. It's just a matter of finding it."

It was then he realized who he's been talking to as he looked up to see a massive bear of a man standing about 10 ft from him grinning ear to ear.

''You're a little dragon ain't you boy?''

He stared at the man before replying.

''So what, who're you, old man?''

The man burst into a loud laugh, calmed down, and focused on the boy again.

''General Emir Mitri of the Kagia Kingdom, personally chosen by the king to defend this city.''

Archer stood still, his eyes blazing with determination as he cast the spell Cosmic Enhancement upon himself.

He felt a surge of cosmic energy course through his body, making him feel even more powerful than before.

With a fierce cry, Archer Thunder Stepped to get behind the commander, his body moving with lightning speed.

As he closed in on his target, he slashed at him with his claws.

Emir was caught off guard by his sudden burst of power, and he stumbled back, he cast a Scorch Shield blocking the claws that nearly slashed his chest.

Archer jumped back as his attack got blocked, he got an idea and decided to test something and closed his eyes as he imagined his white claws lit on fire with a violet flame.

Not long after he opened his eyes, violet flames danced up and down his claws.

Archer locked eyes with the man before he vanished from the spot.

Emir anticipated the attack and quickly cast another Scorch Shield to block the claw slashes.

He launched loads of Scorch balls at the boy, but they were shrugged off with ease by the boy's wings.

Archer weaved around the spells, dodging them effortlessly.

He skidded to a stop and began firing Eldritch Blasts at Emir, who blocked the attacks with his Scorch Shield.

It was a bright orange flame that looked like it could burn skin straight off the bone.

Archer had an idea and started spamming Elemental Bolts made of water at the shield.

Eventually, the shield died down, and Archer fired an Eldritch Blast straight at Emir, catching him off guard.

The blast slammed into his chest, sending him crashing through the adobe wall of the office.

He took a deep breath and quickly searched the rest of the office until he found a hiding spot.

Archer's heart raced as he knelt down and used his claws to slash open the wooden planks, tearing them open with ease.

It was then a large wooden chest could be seen, he pulled it up and ripped off the lock as he opened the lid.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he saw a large stash of gold coins filling the space, glinting in the dim light of the room.

The coins were stacked high, almost overflowing from the wooden chest that contained them.

Archer's mouth fell open in wonder as he realized that there were thousands of coins and beautiful gems in the stash, more than he had ever seen in his life.

He felt a rush of excitement and anticipation as he imagined the possibilities that this newfound wealth could bring.

The room was silent except for the sound of his heavy breathing as he reached out to touch the coins, feeling their weight and coolness in his hand.

He knew that he had stumbled upon a treasure trove, and he couldn't wait to discover more.

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