The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 160 **Leaving Green Haven**

After another half an hour of less important chatter and cuddles, Sahara and Matthew bid farewell to the Empress Dowager, leaving with two little ones.

They were both hungry now and Sahara wanted to eat before Kin was to get hungry himself.

Teleporting back to the General’s estate, it was good timing, as everyone was getting ready to eat at a huge table!

Steven had looked relieved upon finding them once again and Sahara willingly gave Kin back to him.

Seeing such a drastic change come over Steven, where he was becoming like a nanny, Sahara wanted to laugh but held back because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Matthew looked at Steven in a different light though, Sahara had not given Kin to him, but Steven instead…Did he have to state every time when he wanted cuddles with his own son!?

But thoughts got shut down very soon because it was time to eat, and Matthew found himself quickly getting over the small bout of jealously.


Over the feast, many things were stated, and it ended up feeling like ‘the last supper’ in Sahara’s eyes.

They had stated that they were going to leave Green Haven and that she was looking at getting the anti-beast barrier to go from Green Haven to Purple Haven.

The General didn’t care for this potential advantage over the two Haven’s being connected, instead he was sad faced about the fact that he couldn’t come and ‘protect them because of beasts.’

Sahara stated that there shouldn’t be any worries for beasts because they will be protected by the barrier, so the General’s presence wasn’t necessary to accompany them and that he should stay with his pregnant wife!

To a strange degree, Sahara started to feel like she was having dinner with a whole lot of kids!

Finally, she met the General’s son, and he was probably more mature than his own father, but he was still, after all, quite young…

But soon a conversation started from Matthew, and Sahara released a breath in relief as the topic was more mature.


Matthew talked about Robert Plank’s family, asking for them to be employed by the General and the General didn’t seem to care.

A male housekeeper was ordered to come and take this information down and he would ‘deal with it’…

After that, Matthew asked about how many of Prince Liam’s men did the General find and found that it was, at most, half of them…

With that, Matthew stated to the General to keep an eye out for those men, as they will most likely not change their allegiance.

Then, the conversation leaned towards the Band’s, Matthew asking the General to get Joshua to keep an eye on them. The Bands support had to be given to another and Joshua was a good person to get in contact with Prince Felix to start this together, as Matthew was now leaving. Matthew gave a book over to the General, to which the General gave the book to the housekeeper ‘for him to take care of’ and Matthew could only sigh. Quite a number of his assets were in that book to help support the Bands and in there was their numbers and accomplishments…Any other assets had been taken somewhere by Sahara, but apparently, he can get them back whenever he wants them…Even his residence could be used as the Bands residence now…Nothing was left…

And seeing that this book was so carelessly put aside…His good friend has not changed at all!

He just wants to fight!

So…The last thing that Matthew did, before leaving, was to fight his good friend, while Sahara feed the little man.

It was well into night-time when Sahara, Matthew, Band One and Two, Steven, Naruto and little Kin stated their farewells and were teleported away…With the idea of never returning…


Sahara teleported to the wilderness, just outside of Green Haven, and immediately brought out the anti-beast barrier to include them in it.

After that, she built a small hut with her spiritual essence and this process went on for quite some time…




In the time of a month, Sahara had successfully brought the anti-beast barrier halfway towards Purple Haven. The reason why it was taking so long, besides that of taking time to sleep, eat and be with her son, it was because so much spiritual essence was needed, to change into something else.

Sahara didn’t want to use everything she had, which would probably be enough to complete the anti-beast barrier by now, because of a few reasons.

One reason was, she didn’t want to entirely tucker herself out!

Teleporting everyone from Purple Haven to Green Haven might have been an easier job but she had indeed already been ‘fatigued’ and Sahara didn’t want to get that way again now…Now that Kin was born…

If there was any helping it, Sahara did not want to faint to using an excess amount of spiritual essence…

She was scared that if she were to faint and be unable to protect her little man, the nightmare of her daughter, in her last life, will come back two-fold, and she just couldn’t take the chance of not learning from her mistake!


Another reason to take her time, was plainly because Sahara hadn’t known on what to do afterwards just yet, so for the first week, Sahara did not do too much at all!

Where were they to go after they were finished? What were they going to do there?

There was absolutely no rush! Why put in so much effort, only to be bored afterwards?

So, a routine started to develop and by the end of the second week, Sahara had gotten used to only applying so much effort…

A third reason was plainly to border her own horizons with her own cultivation.

If she could do this with her own spiritual essence and push herself, not only did she think that her headaches will start to get better, but she will continue to not always rely upon the spiritual essence that was originally not hers.

So, the last month had gone by quite smoothly, everyone able to calm down, cultivate and live a stress-free time. Even Naruto runs around outside of the anti-beast barrier, to come back whenever he pleases…Of course, when he does come back, he spends most of that time with Kin…

The funny part was that since he can’t enter the barrier without Sahara’s help, he would whine and pace around, obviously waiting impatiently to return inside the barrier…


Matthew had been a bit bored and took in most of the chores of getting and cooking food, as well as even building another small hut or house for them. Cooking food was of the beasts outside of the barrier and as much as he wanted to use this time to practise his Martial Arts, the beasts weren’t really that hard to obtain…No, what seemed to be harder, was cooking! Matthew, being a Prince, had never spent much time cooking before and this was indeed something that he started to learn practically from the basics! It was quite a situation at first, as the Bands tried to help Matthew but could not offer too much assistance…In the end, it was Steven who knew a lot more and was able to give pointers to Matthew…

Otherwise, Matthew helped take care of Kin, with Steven, and even played with the foxes but, he did get in some cultivation time!


Knowing now that using the earth element, before taking a pill, was very substantial to getting as much as he could get out of the pill, Matthew used this strategy and ranked up to rank ten over this month and was on the verge of learning to fly.

Matthew also learnt, through using the Bands, some extra experience in mind control but still was far from succeeding beyond that of the other golden eyed man.

There was also one extra thing that he did every day, and that was to make sure that he showed his affection towards his most beloved wife.

Even though Sahara had completely fixed herself, from Kin being forcefully taken from her body, Matthew gave her time to get over the unproper birth of their son and showed his affection in other ways…


When Sahara was tired, Matthew would make sure that she ate, even if he demanded her to be on his lap and feed her himself. He lent some of his cultivation to her, whenever she asked, and it really did surprise him that it could indeed work. He’d not really seen such a case before, where someone can offer up their spiritual essence for someone else to use…It was indeed an eye opener for Matthew, and he found that he could not do it himself…It seemed to be some sort of a gift that seemed to be unique for only Sahara to use.

She was such a mystery, such a goddess, that Matthew always had enthusiasm and questions about her power. Nonetheless, he accepted her whole heartedly and never thought that her power was too intimidating, it was only a small measurement that sometimes made him feel that he lacked in power. But Matthew used her power as a marker to become just as strong or stronger and still felt a great want to make sure that she was always safe.


Matthew also found a way to make sure that their son did not take too much of her time and happiness away from him, and that was…Becoming a bit of a maid…

Being able to comb Sahara’s hair, her lovely, fluffy hair, made Matthew feel like not just a bit of a fool but also quite happy. He helped her get dressed and bathed her, which was the best part! He went as far as clipping her nails for her, even her toenails…But he found that he could not complain. Sahara was his all, his life, Kin his joy…So, if there was anything he felt, it was full and happy…Especially when Sahara found the time to do this back to him and look after him in return.

Sahara would suddenly say that she wanted to comb his hair and so he let her, and it was the same with bathing, dressing and whatnot…

To a degree, Sahara didn’t worry too much about cleansing for this month as she gave this ‘job’ to Matthew to do. Whether it was to make him feel better or because she was a bit lazy about it, she wasn’t sure…

Above all, the two married couple were still having time together and Matthew was slowly seeking his way back to being able to be sexually intimate with her…


Sahara found it completely hilarious that Matthew was being so attentive. She liked how much attention he gave her and was already willing for them to sleep together once again but…

Seeing him work so hard to make her happy, made her think that he was not only adorable, but also something that they should probably do once in a while anyway.

A relationship wasn’t all about sex, she knew this, and so as long as Matthew didn’t state anything and just slowly worked his way back into her ‘bed’, she was willingly taking her time too, thinking that they are growing a bigger bond then what they did before.

What she didn’t know, was that the month was nearly up and that was as much time as what Matthew was willing to give to her.

In his knowledge, a month is about how long it takes to get over a birth, so as the time went on, he was getting more and more excited!

To her though, this month was nothing, as Sahara was already back to normal even before leaving Green Haven!

The miscommunication worked out well anyway, because their bond did form to become stronger and there was a lot more beautiful memories that were made!

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