The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 161 **The new Anti-beast Barrier Bridge**

The little man was not a hindrance to Sahara’s and Matthew’s relationship, if anything, he was just another side of their relationship. Kin was something that they could coo over and smile about. Nearly everything about Kin was now told as either a part of ‘Sahara’ or part of ‘Matthew’ now and there wasn’t much left but to wait for his personality to shine.

Kin’s eyes, which rarely opened properly or for long in their company, were of Matthew’s, probably going golden like his father’s and Steven when he turns sixteen. Kin’s mouth was Sahara’s, and he also had her ears. His hair was looking to be like Sahara’s, but he was losing his hair. Sahara saw her daughter had the same thing, so they will have to wait and see in the future if his hair stays like hers or may even become more like Matthew’s. There was one thing that Kin had that wasn’t like either Sahara and Matthew, and that was bigger feet…Which Matthew seems to state that was from his father’s side.

It wasn’t like Kin’s feet really stood out, but his feet were indeed something that was different and in that, made his arms a bit longer.

And…All this time, Kin had remained healthy, due to regular checks from Sahara. Now he was a normal sized baby, almost like being born at full term, and he now opened his eyes and still sometimes could not sleep without that special, spiritual touch from his mother.


Steven was the nanny and now that it had been a while, Sahara has started to tease him about it.

On the other hand, the Bands were more bored than Matthew, even though they cultivated, they felt like they’d become useless!

They were guards, yet there was nothing here to guard. They were men, big men that fought, yet here they were cooking breakfast’s and dinner’s! This was…Not their usual routine at all and it was too strange for them to get used to it!

Band Two didn’t have it as bad as Band One, because of his quiet infatuation with Band One, but Band One was starting to complain…

The group started to really shine after this, as personalities were able to come out once again after such hard work and being away from each other for so long.

Now that Band One had emerged from prison and was completely accepted by his master, it was strange to think that he was in fact a complainer but…Sahara is certain that since Band One is feeling a lot less stressed out and was free, he was getting a chance to see what he was like underneath the ‘Band One’ exterior…


Moreover, in this last month, the Green Haven Emperor had been teleported three times to where they were.

He had been really curious the first time, looking around observantly and asking if they were safe often, but the second and third time, the wilderness outside of the anti-beast barrier did nothing to him anymore.

Matthew updated him upon where they were up to and on the Second visit the Purple Haven Emperor had also been teleported, to speak personally to the Green Haven Emperor himself.

A trade route was now already becoming known and a quarter down towards Purple Haven, from Green Haven, a post had already been started, but was yet to finish. There was also going to be a ‘fence line’, as the anti-beast barrier was hard to see. It was talked about, that Purple Haven was to supply the ‘fence line’, to help this new way of travel, and that non-traders were not to leave the Haven’s until the ‘fence line’ was completed.


The Green Haven Emperor told the Purple Haven Emperor that he must met him halfway, by building posts closer on his half of the anti-beast barrier. Emperor Seth thought that it was best to do so and complied, stating that he would get contracted builders and supplies ready for when he returned and for when Sahara was finished. Before the Green Haven Emperor let the Purple Haven Emperor go though, the past was brought up and that a tribute should be given for the help that the Green Haven had supplied for Purple Haven.

Emperor Seth complied once again, as it had already been spoken of before, but this time it was directly towards the Green Haven Emperor.

The Green Haven Emperor did not make the Purple Haven Emperor bow, but he did speak very formally, as though the Purple Haven not only owed him but were beneath him…


In the end, both Emperors were happy with this new trade idea and wished Sahara to completely finish this sooner!

Sahara was not one to be ordered around though and simply stated for them to be patient!

From the knowledge that she could get out of Emperor Seth, Purple Haven has been busy all this time. A few people had been called upon to make as the new ministers, or whatever they were, but there were still unhappy people as a whole and…It seems that food supplies were still a problem…

Sahara stated to Emperor Seth that she will send over some food from then on, to help with the shortage, but she wasn’t going to cook for them!

When the trades finally start, Sahara was sure that things would be better for Purple Haven, so, for a short time, she will give a lending hand and it gave Band One and Band Two something to do! They now had a job to do once a week and it was to round up several beasts and slaughter them. Sahara then would teleport the carcasses to the ‘football’ ground, and they would be handled then by Purple Haven from then on…


But, even with the Emperor’s impatience for her to finish, Sahara was not going to use all of her ultimate spiritual essence, even though it wasn’t entirely selfish. All she could think of, is why the rush? It wasn’t like she wasn’t working at all, so they really had no reason to complain!

…This was something that had never been done before!

Having an anti-beast barrier from one Haven to another, was obviously something new and something that would help them! The nerve to bully her to hurry up! There was absolutely no way that she was going to completely tire herself out!

On the other hand, not much else was said about the politics going on in Green Haven. Sahara did not ask how things went with the Empress dying and Matthew did not want to think about it…

The Emperor did state once about the harem, over one of his consorts, but both Matthew and Sahara did not continue the conversation beyond that…It was almost like it was a whole different planet or Haven, and who would want to bother themselves with thinking of the Emperor and his women anyway!


Another that had been teleported, was that of The Empress Dowager.

At first, she had still been angry, even though she had given her consent to be teleported, but on the third visit, she had lost a lot of her anger and seemed to accept this ‘improper way of treating an elder’.

Sahara could see that she accepted the fact that she was getting old and that she didn’t want to be angry anymore, so Sahara made sure that her short stay in the wilderness was very comfortable and she stayed as long as she liked…Which sometimes was quite a few hours!

More often than not, the Empress Dowager talked to Matthew, not really paying much attention to Sahara, but Sahara didn’t mind because it looked like the Empress Dowager was still not going to punish her…Actually, out of all the people on this planet, Sahara found that the one that she was the most afraid of…Was the Empress Dowager, who was now and will always be…Her Grandmother through marriage…So, Sahara wanted to try and be good to her but still had troubles!


The General and Joshua had come once, on Matthew’s sweet question to Sahara, and they were able to catch up…

With the rare chance to fight someone, Matthew didn’t take much encouragement to fight the General outside of the barrier, taking the Bands with them.

The beasts played as distractions that they had to be overcome, and the General fought until he was sweating like a pig.

Joshua, on the other hand, was with Sahara and Steven, questioning about how long it would take for her to finish.

If there was one woman in this world that completely went against tradition and originality, it was Sahara, and so not only did he ask her a couple of questions, but he watched as Sahara accomplished her task and could only shake his head to the madness of such a thing happening!

Of course, after the General came back with Matthew and the Bands, there was a big meal and a small chat, before they were teleported back to Green Haven again.


Then…Prince Felix was the only one that had been teleported six times.

The Crowned Prince not only had more time to be informed and be able to report back to his father, but he was also learning from Sahara about the Bending Space Meditation and so…Sahara did stop to teach him what she knows, even though there were many times that Prince Felix could not understand her…

But there was also a rare chance that Sahara took Felix to specific places…

Felix had rarely left the palace and it came known to her that he might become one of those King’s, or Emperor in this case, that will go outside of the palace, undercover.

She took him to the most dirtiest place in Green Haven, wanting to show him the ‘slumps’. She wanted him to know of the people who needed his help and perhaps get him to start thinking about how he was going to look after ‘all’ of his people, and not just the people he saw in the palace.

Sahara finally took Felix to the Auction house too, and there they finally saw what it was like to buy and sell something.

They hadn’t bought anything, but Felix had a smile on his face nonetheless!

It was a secret though, about these outside adventures, because if His Majesty the Emperor found out that Felix was wondering around on the streets, he’d probably get pretty mad at Sahara. Not only mad because she had taken Felix to such a dirty place, but because she had lied and come back to Green Haven when she said she wouldn’t!

To her though, she didn’t ‘come back’, and so she told Felix every time that their outings must be kept a secret!

Felix found it easy, to keep this secret, simply because she held the possibility of it happening. If it wasn’t for Sahara, he would not be learning to teleport himself to see all this and to also give him the courage to do this, even if she weren’t here. His future was simply so full of possibilities now that Felix had troubles sometimes keeping up with it!


There was also one more thing that Sahara was watching, and it was what looked like an army that was coming closer to Green Haven. Being able to see memories from the spiritual essence, Sahara could see that Matthew was a target and did not know how to deal with this. It was obvious that two of them were very eager to kill her man and…Should she tell him this?

It wasn’t like she can just intervene, as nothing had happened yet, but this reminded her sometimes of what police were like back on Earth.

They are there to protect, yet they can’t do anything until something has happened…

Just like her, she could only watch from afar and hope that they change their minds at some stage and go back…Otherwise, at least then she’d be able to intervene to save lives.

Ideas on how to help Green Haven from afar, had come to her when thinking about this predicament, but the army was still far away, and it seemed that they were going to stop in at Blue Haven in about two weeks’ time…

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