The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 171 **Time passing without a Plan**

Matthew sighed and started to think that perhaps all this might be too much work for his beloved. She never says when she is tired or if she is taking on too much!

What could be the easiest route to take, so that Sahara doesn’t get headaches or faint?

…Matthew really started to wonder if anything could be done, especially when they were so far away from Green Haven.

Why…Why is it that Sahara was doing so much work and he could not do much at all!?

Matthew frowned, looking directly at Sahara and saw her innocently get upset, like she had done something wrong. Could she be reading his mind?

Did he show anger on his face?

Quickly, Matthew smiled gently at her, and said, “My Princess, don’t get upset, I’m not mad at you. I just wish that I could be of more help!”

Sahara closed her eyes, relieved, and then oped her eyes and smiled, “Good!”

With that, Sahara looked down at Kin and got up, “I’ll get Steven to come and eat and I’ll go watch Gabriella…Which reminds me, what are we going to do with her?”


Matthew took his Princess’s hand and gave it a kiss, looking up at her and his little boy.

He still can’t believe how lucky he is!

“She can just stay like that for now, maybe you can find more information out of her?” Matthew said, unsure. He never realized till now, though, how much he did rely on Sahara’s powers…

What if they never had these very unique powers? Wouldn’t the Emperor be dead or dying soon? Because otherwise they wouldn’t have known of this plan…Since finding out that she was needed to help prevent the ‘end of the world’, they had found out about the rebellion on Purple Haven and teleported all their men there right away…And now, able to find knowledge so easily through spiritual essence, how would they even know that something was going on in Green Haven before teleporting there or sending in a star to check it out?

…These powers of hers were like a double-edged sword really…And Matthew somewhat disliked them, even though it could potentially help save lives…

Sahara kissed Matthew on the forehead and disappeared from that spot, leaving Felix behind clenching his hands.

Matthew looked at Felix, upset that his little brother had gotten so scared, “She will return, she has only gone outside.”

Felix looked at Matthew, nodded and went out, in somewhat a rush. If Sahara was looking into his spiritual essence at that moment, she’d know that Felix doesn’t seem to trust anyone here but her at the moment…


Matthew continued to ponder, absentmindedly.

He needed to try and come up with a plan that he knew would work and without exhausting his beloved. Today, she had used her powers with Naruto, who seems to have run out, following Sahara…Or was it to follow Kin?

Sahara had used her powers with Felix and Gabriella, used it for the wall and doing whatever she was doing to find out this plan. With all this in mind, Matthew was sure that her spiritual essence was all but extinguished and didn’t know if even he could do anything, even if he left right now to go to Green Haven. Which…Actually, his presence in Green Haven would be a good thing right? Wouldn’t that help prevent Prince Liam going through with his plans?

Would that be a good idea? The last time that they were there they had killed the empress, and…Well the mess they left behind might not have been liked by the Emperor, but he should understand if he were there to help prevent a rebellion right?

But not depending on Sahara…It would take at least a month or two in traveling there, and by then everything could have already been done!

Wiping his face, Matthew sat back feeling exhausted.

“Is it so important to save the Green Haven Emperor?” Christian asked.

Matthew looked at his father and raised his eyebrows, “For more than one reason, father.”


“Then tell me those reasons and perhaps I can save you the trouble.” Christian easily stated, not really understanding why Matthew or Sahara had to do anything at all.

“If Prince Liam became the Emperor, the people would suffer. He only wants the power and doesn’t think as an Emperor should.” Matthew sighed, knowing that he had to stop Prince Liam from becoming the Emperor.

“Then you should just kill him, and then there wouldn’t there be a reason for all these ‘plans’ to take place?” Christian stated.

Matthew stared at Christian and realized that this probably would work. Well, at least it would stop Prince Liam from becoming the Emperor…

It was indeed a level of thinking that both Christian and Sahara could think on and agree upon. It wasn’t for the same reasons, as Christian just didn’t care but Sahara was more of a basic thinking, yet they still came to the same conclusion.


Isn’t that sad, that someone being murdered would just solve the whole problem…


Probably not thinking of this because Prince Liam was his…Half-brother, well…He used to think of him as a half-brother, Matthew felt slightly enlightened.

It was true though, why would they continue on with their plans if there was no longer a master behind it.

If Prince Liam were to die, then the ministers would have to change their loyalty back to where it belonged, and Prince Liam’s men would have to do that same.

Yet…Something about this still felt…Like it wouldn’t work…

Frowning, Matthew wondered why this plan wouldn’t work…Even if they got away with killing someone, it still felt like leaving all those loyal to Prince Liam in the unknown would still pose a problem…Was that it? Or was there something else?



Outside, Steven had taken Kin from Sahara and placed the baby carrier back on, letting Kin sleep against his stomach. Naruto had tried to get into the carrier as well but ended up on Steven’s shoulder, trying to also have a nap.

Having been told to go and eat, Steven refused, feeling more comfortable in Sahara’s presence, so Sahara could only produce some food for him from her storage space.

While Steven ate, Felix sat next to him, silent as ever and Sahara had let him be so far.

Now that she had eaten and quickly checked on Consort Light, she also checked on Felix, feeling his worries.

“Felix.” Sahara said, seeing him flinch but look up to her.


Making a pat on the ground next to her, she watched as the down casted Felix came to sit beside her and stayed silent.

Sahara could only think of getting his mind doing something else, so that he can get over his problem either at a later date or find out later that perhaps it’s ok and that it wasn’t as bad as he thought.

“You know how to zoom in now, right?” Sahara asked him.

Felix nodded. At first he hadn’t understood what ‘zoom in’ meant, but they had been practicing now for a while and he was getting used to her strange type of speech…

“Then, take a good look at two bodies. Look at how the skin tissue and muscle tissue is, and the blood cells.”

Felix looked at Sahara and slowly nodded, getting into a more comfortable position and touching Gabriella. If he had the courage at the moment, he might have had another type of response, especially when he already had an idea that this could lead him to understand how to heal wounds…But he didn’t…


Sahara watched Felix for a moment, seeing him concentrating, and then looked at Steven, “You’re earth techniques are getting better! One would think that you had always been using the earth element!”

Steven smiled, ever so happily, “I have you to thank for that, Sahara.”

Smiling back at him, Sahara looked at the sleeping Kin and then took a deep breath in. “I guess it’s now or never, to see if there’s anything else to find out.”

Putting a hand herself on Gabriella, Sahara connected to her spiritual essence and found her recent memories quite easily.

Accessing someone’s memories isn’t that hard but the memories that are old seem to be seen easier if one travels backwards from the recent ones, instead of that of just looking for them directly. It wasn’t like Sahara could just find out whatever she wanted straight away. It was a book, a book of Gabriella’s life and to read it or understand it you had to flip through and skim and hope you don’t miss anything you might need to know. It sort of reminded her of an anime and how they had gone through people’s ‘heads’. The name of it was something she hadn’t forgotten, like she has forgotten some other earthly things, but simply she remembered the name of the anime because her pet is the name of the anime!


Getting back to business, Sahara saw Miss Haves having been set free by Gabriella, but it had happened right before she had been teleported here, there was no way in telling what Miss Haves would be up to now.

It was a quick memory and Sahara was finished in no time.

Opening her eyes, Sahara sighed. She hadn’t gotten much out of it besides the obvious impatience of Miss Haves.

Gabriella had smirked a few times but didn’t say much and it was a wonder if Miss Haves had any part of Prince Liam’s plan at all.

They had been heading towards a certain direction and the spiritual essence had shown her a place that didn’t look familiar to her and showed only that of where Prince Liam’s men met up, slept and ate at.

It still might be worth trying to see if Miss Haves played a part, but it might be best to try someone else’s memories, someone who knew more…

Their biggest problem was time and…If she were to waste too much time, they might not be able to make a plan at all!





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