The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

VOLUME 10, CHAPTER 172 **It’s alright, They aren’t Real…**

There was just too much to do!

Saving a woman, saving a baby, saving an Emperor, get to a eunuch and a midwife, seeing if any ministers…

That’s right!

Sahara checked on Felix, seeing that he was still looking at the zoomed in body of Gabriella, having not moved to a second person yet. Whether that second person was going to be herself or Steven, it didn’t matter to Sahara, but as long as Felix could start to understand the ‘normal’ bodily look and understand it a bit more, that was all she wanted him to do at the moment.

Oh, it was probably time too…Nope, it’s late…

They hadn’t done their new tradition of helping supply food for Purple Haven yet this week. They were several hours late!

Before doing anything else, Sahara got Band One and Two to grab some beasts and teleport them to Purple Haven, feeling better afterwards. She knew that it was not something that she absolutely had to do, but what mattered was that it helped. Those people will have more variety in their food and hopefully it’ll be enough for all of them. If she can prevent them from slaughtering their cattle for a little longer, then they will be better off in the long run.


Getting out a star, now that that job was out of the way, Sahara sent it out to Green Haven and tried to remember any faces that she may have seen in Prince Liam’s memories.

It took a while, but there was!

There was a minister that was there, waiting in the dark for Prince Liam to ‘return’…

So, there was at least one minister that was a part of the plan, Sahara just hadn’t known who he was…

Quickly checking on Consort Light once again, Sahara then opened her eyes, back in the ruins of Golden Haven and sighed.

“My dear, did you find out anything else?”

Matthew then sat down on the other side of her, looking at her with questions in his eyes.

Nodding, Sahara said, “There is at least one minister that knows of this plan and willingly wanting it to happen.”

Seeing Matthew slouch in a bit of defeat, Sahara let out a chuckle, “What’s wrong?”

Looking at his beloved, Matthew smirked, “Father came up with an interesting theory of killing Prince Liam.”

Sahara let out a small laugh, and said, “Yeah, but death isn’t always the answer. What about all the people that are following him? What would they do? Would they want revenge? If Prince Liam wasn’t someone that could make his men do such things, it might not be a problem. There might even be a future that might not have a Green Haven Emperor at all because Prince Liam’s men still might accomplish their ‘late’ master’s plan.”


Sahara wouldn’t be surprised, as she has seen a few people upset that the Empress has now perished…


“That is what I thought. Knowing now that even a minister is part of the plan, I think it is probably something we shouldn’t do.”

Indeed Matthew had thought of that, but that wasn’t what had made him slouch just before in a bit of defeat, it was more so how his father thought. It almost felt like they were from different times! How was he supposed to connect properly with that old man of his!?

Matthew looked at the ground in thought, but Sahara suddenly wondered about something ridiculous…

Sahara just thought of the army heading there and that it would be so much easier if she didn’t have to worry about them!

And that…Lead to this…

“What if we let them take Green Haven for now.”

Matthew looked at her in astonishment, “You want Imperial father to die?”


“To…Die…” Sahara sounded those words out and then widened her eyes, “I’ll do what I did after my father died and we can also keep Consort Light safe.”

Dammit! How could I forget that I could do something like this! Such an idiot! If time was something that we were short of, let’s try to gain some more of it!

“You…You want to bring them here?” Matthew asked, taking a second to look in his father’s direction.

“Why not? And over time, bring the rest!” Sahara stated. “It’s far away and we could make this our place too. Instead of it being Green Haven though, it’ll be Golden Haven.”

“…Even you want to stay here now?” Matthew asked, even more bewildered. It was a joke, wasn’t it? That everyone just come here and let Prince Liam become the Emperor of…Nothing? An empty haven? It had to be a joke!

Sahara shrugged, “We can help build it back up in our spare time and well…They are your family Matthew, and Steven’s too. Why would it be a bad plan?”

Sahara could already feel excited at leaving all the bad ones behind and bringing here all the people that are loyal to the Green Haven Emperor…Then, the army can just do whatever they wanted to Green Haven!

It was almost funny!

Scrap that! It’s hilarious!

Matthew bit his lip, wondering if Sahara knew how much it would be a bad plan in his father’s eyes! It would make him so…So angry!


“Ha! Don’t worry about your father, if he wants to say something, he can say it to me!” Sahara stated, nearly laughing still but seeing Matthew anxiously looking in his father’s direction every now and again.

Sadly though, she was holding back from the bubbles of hysteria wanting to come out from her previous thoughts still! Oh, how funny it would be, she thought, when bad guys met only bad guys!

What will they do then! Haha! Would they fight each other?

Matthew just stared at the strange, unique and loveable wife he had.

He really was…So lucky!

Watching her turn her head to Steven, asking if he minded living here, Matthew couldn’t help but feel relaxed. She always seemed to have this talent about her! She really did make ‘home’ anywhere!


“Then it’s settled! I’ll get my spiritual essence back and then make some duds and bring the real ones here.” Sahara stated, getting out a white pill.

Matthew took her into his arms, placing her in between his legs and asked, “What’s going on with Felix?”

Sahara stopped from putting the pill into her mouth, and said, “He’s learning the human body. He felt useless so I’m going to teach him how to heal.”

“…How are you going to do that?” Matthew asked. He hoped that she wasn’t going to hurt herself just for this very reason!

Sahara turned her head, looking at most of Matthew’s face and smiled, “There’s someone here that needs to be punished.”

Seeing her turn and look towards Gabriella, Matthew felt relieved. If it was her, the one that had made his beloved’s heart ache…Then it didn’t matter.

“If he is finished looking at two separate bodies, stab Gabriella and make him heal her. Tell him that it is what I told him about changing the spiritual essence.”


Matthew suddenly felt jealous of this brother of his!

Letting out an annoyed hum, he felt his beloved move and then saw her put her hands down and go still.

Holding her to him, yet leaving her in her own position, Matthew stared at Felix and started to wonder if it were easy to learn the Bending Space meditation.

He had so many to still finish learning, but he started to think that perhaps…If he could learn this Bending Space meditation, he would be of better use for his beloved…

As much as Matthew thought this, in the future it is Felix that is of use in this department!




Three hours had passed and now there was two lifeless bodies in front of Sahara.

They were better than her last, having organs and what not!

If anything, though, they weren’t exact replica’s…She had tried hard to do them as close as possible to their originals, but Sahara didn’t really have time to look over certain moles and freckles. She didn’t want to go into detail about private areas too…She just did what she could to make them as close as possible.

“Why did you make her look still pregnant, my dear?” Matthew asked.

He could have only watched as his dearest person used up so much of her spiritual essence, even looking completely exhausted and sweating now, much like Felix who was trying to heal a stab wound in Gabriella.

Circumstances hadn’t really changed, as changing spiritual essence was a lot more taxing then nearly anything else!


Sahara let out a loud breath and laid down on the ground.

She was on fumes!

These two bodies, being more in-depth then her last, had taken all of her own spiritual essence.

They came out of nowhere, impressing Christian, whom had been watching from a far.

Muscle, bones, skin, it all seemed to become materialized out of nowhere!

What was it that the girl knew to be able to do such things!?

And…What did he need to do to get one of those white pills!?

A soft cry and then a short, small growl was heard, and everyone looked in Steven’s direction.

Naruto jumped to Sahara and nudged at her, even giving her a small bite.


Sitting up, after swiping at the little beast, Sahara smiled, “Pass him to me.”

Steven unhooked himself from the baby carrier and gently got Kin free from it, passing him to Matthew, then Matthew passed Kin, after a kiss to the forehead, to Sahara.

In no time at all, Kin was no longer letting out small, puny cries and was sucking onto Sahara’s breast.

It was such a sight to Matthew that he was only staring, even Steven and Christian were starting to think that Matthew was a real pervert!

Naruto, on the other hand, had calmed down and started to clean himself.


Felix’s voice broke the strange atmosphere and they all looked at the smiling boy.

“Fixed?” Sahara asked, yet everyone was more thinking that healing a person shouldn’t be called ‘fixing’.

“Yes! But…I am…”

Sahara interrupted, “No spiritual essence?”

Felix nodded, “I understand now, changing spiritual essence is very taxing.”

Sahara nodded, “Very good.”

Taking out a white pill, Sahara threw it towards Felix…Only for it to be intercepted by Christian, who immediately put it into his mouth and sat down…



Seeing Christian go into meditation, nearly everyone was gabbing at him in shock!

Utterly shameless!

Letting out a defeated laugh, Sahara got another white pill out and threw it to Felix.

If she kept giving them out like this, she was bound to run out soon!

“Thank you, master!”

“Uh?” Sahara was not used to being called master!

But it was really cool!

Matthew shook his head, his father…

He should apologize for him!

“No need, I knew he wanted one.” Sahara stated, grabbing onto Matthew’s hand, “I’m just surprised that he’d prefer to steal it then ask for it!”


Seeing his beloved laugh it off, Matthew tightened his grip on her hand and looked at Kin, who was still slowly sucking…

Touching his son’s cheek, Matthew looked at Sahara and still couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

He felt so full that he felt like he could explode!

Sahara looked at Matthew and laughed again, “I think we’ll have to set apart some time for us before you explode, you silly man!”

Matthew blinked and looked at Sahara in confusion, “Excuse me?”

Sahara put her hand higher up on his thigh then, and smirked, looking at him cheekily.

Matthew took a deep breath and grabbed her hand, looking away…

Clearing his throat, Matthew mumbled something about talking about such things in front of others, making Sahara laugh.


“Oh! What…He doesn’t normally meditate until later…”

“Mother.” Matthew stated, getting up and letting go of Sahara’s hand.

“He’s been strange ever since you’ve arrived!”

Lavender looked at Matthew, “Take this.”

After giving over a tray of food over to Matthew, she held the child in her arms better and then said, “It is just leftovers, none of you seemed to be coming back undercover but Madeline is…Well she is shy.”

“Understood, we don’t mean to spend time away from you in insult mother.” Matthew stated.

“Oh, you. Don’t be so formal!”

Sahara looked up at Lavender then, “Actually, I’d like to ask if you don’t mind that we stay here to live for a while?”


Lavender looked at Sahara and smiled, “Of course! That would be nice! We could see Kin more often too! Isn’t that right…”

Christian didn’t say anything, but they were all sure that he was frowning in his meditating state…

“Oh…Who…Who are they? Is the lady alright?”

Lavender went over and slowed down as she got closer.

“It’s alright, they aren’t real.” Sahara stated, seeing Lavender start to panic.

“Oh…Well…” Lavender looked at Sahara, then back to the two lifeless bodies, clearly shocked. Then, she looked over Gabriella and pointed, “This one, this one’s still alive!”

“Yes, that one is real.” Sahara stated, showing no happiness.

Lavender looked around, confused and purely not understanding, “Oh…”

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