The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 173 **So Eager to Stab Someone…**

It was then that Matthew was reminded of what he had in his hands, as Naruto jumped on it and started to eat.


Naruto saw that a hand was about to hit him, so he quickly jumped off.

“That…” Lavender widely looked at Naruto, having not really seen him before…

“That’s Naruto. Feed him and he’ll probably like you but…He likes Kin the most at the moment.” Sahara said, moving Kin around.

He’d stopped sucking on her, but she didn’t want him to fall back asleep yet!

“Little man, no sleeping yet!”

Matthew put down the plate of food, Naruto diving towards it moments later, then he took Kin, surprising Sahara, and Kin let out a small noise.

Tapping the small child on the back, Kin then let out a small burb.

Matthew looked at Sahara and smirked, “I’ve noticed that he’s so laid back with you and then when he goes to someone else, he normally wakes him up.”


“Oh.” Sahara said. She hadn’t questioned it, but she probably did notice it…Suppose it’s a good way to keep him awake then, she thought.

Actually, she knew that she used spiritual essence to pat Kin now without even thinking about it…She had done it while Kin was in her womb after all. It’s just…She had a feeling that Kin was actually absorbing the spiritual essence…

But how can that be?

She’ll have to think about this later though, as there were more pressing matters at stake right now!

“Mmm, in that case, I’ll go back into meditation.” Sahara stated, getting out another white pill.

Steven stayed silent, not wanting to be a bother but it seemed like he should just follow Felix, Christian and now Sahara into meditation.

Yet…When Steven looked over at Kin, he wondered if Kin would return to him shortly and then already decided against meditation.

Even if he felt like he was a bit of a burden at the moment, he was going to be ready to take Kin whenever he could!

It was all worth it because…Watching Kin made him feel wanted! The child being in his arms meant that he was needed and most of all, the child was really quite a little thing that he has been adapting to. It has even come to a point that Kin has gotten upset when he has been moved away from Steven and that made Steven feel good.

Matthew went quiet, in which made Lavender quietly say goodbye, before going back with her youngest to Madeline, who has hidden herself a lot all of this time.




After Sahara had finished meditation, Kin was already back with Steven, who seemed to be explaining about using the earth element to Christian.

Christian had been completely astonished at the white pill and had gone as far as talking about it, making Steven feel strangely wanted by his father.

“Using the earth is not a problem, I can do that!” Christian stated.

“I believe it is best to try and empty the earth element inside you just before taking another pill.” Steven stated.

“Right, then I must check this out!” Christian stared in Sahara’s direction and Sahara completely ignored him, while she was talking to Felix.


“Daughter in law!” Christian yelled.

Sahara looked up and saw Christian looking at her intensely.

“My sweet father-in-law, what is it?” Sahara cheekily blinked and happily looked towards Christian.

“White pill!” Christian said. It wasn’t a question…

Biting her lip and then smirking, Sahara got out a white pill and put it in the air.

Christian dived for it and Sahara moved the pill.

It was a bit of a mess actually because Christian dived right into the ‘Emperor’, making it let a strange sound, and Matthew shook his head to his father’s uncaring nature.

But…Watching him trying to catch a flying pill…It really was funny!


“If it isn’t a stab wound, I should still know what is wrong?” Felix asked.

Sahara lost her focus, making Christian able to catch the white pill.

In the distance, Christian used his earth power, shaking the earth while at it and then afterwards he just sat down and meditated…

“Mmm, if you know what a normal body looks like, even if you don’t know what is actually wrong, it looks different when trying to fix someone. That’s why I wanted you to look at two normal bodies before.” Sahara stated, shrugging.

“Can I heal faster?” Felix asked.

Sahara nodded, “Not by much though. Remember that healing is time consuming because you want to do a good and proper job. If you fail, someone could die.”

Felix nodded after a moment and smiled, “Thank you so much!”

In the next second, Felix happily stabbed Gabriella and pulled out the knife. “I’ll heal again now!”


“Wow…So eager to stab someone…” Sahara stated.

“I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing…” Matthew said.

Sahara let out a laugh, because it wasn’t because Felix wanted to stab someone, it was because he wanted to heal…

It was a weird type of predicament…Stabbing someone to learn how to heal…

Sahara took a moment to consider this fact. Perhaps something like this could be seen elsewhere. Perhaps she had already thought of it. Instead of dealing with the army heading towards Green Haven, she was considering taking the ‘good’ people away from Green Haven and letting the army through. Wait…

That doesn’t sound the same…

Maybe, she thought, maybe I’m just stabbing Green Haven too…Nope, doesn’t make any sense.

What would be the best thing to do?

Time…Again, time seemed to be something that they needed, so to think of a strategy.

Sahara knew though, well what she preferred, was to probably just defeat the incoming army…That would probably be the best way but, she could only intervene when the army is doing something wrong, otherwise it would be a selfish act, well not completely selfish but…

It sucked because Sahara could see the future yet couldn’t stop them because of freedom of choice. Where was the line though, upon when someone can interfere!? There were future problems and even deaths…Yet nothing can be done until a crime is committed…This circumstance reminded her of a particular movie that was about this precise thing…Yet, in the end, the process of stopping the crime before being committed still came to an end…

Was that it? I can’t really remember…

Nonetheless, was there another way to go about this?

The army still had time to change their minds and not attack, even though Sahara was sure that they probably wouldn’t.

But…Wasn’t bringing all the ‘good’ people here a selfish act too?

Wouldn’t she get a huge headache and whatnot because of it?


Sighing, Sahara frowned and wished that she knew what to do. The cycle that seemed to be everlasting was really irritating her and she didn’t know what to do that wouldn’t hurt her but would bring a better ending then that of just continuing the cycle!

It sucked!

All she knew was that saving the Emperor, and his Consort, was not a selfish act and at least that could be done…

…Hang on, why is it not selfish? How does she feel like it isn’t? Oh right, it was because the people are better off with the current Emperor and letting a child and mother stay safe, instead of the child having no chance otherwise…

“Get a place ready for a pregnant consort…I’ll get her here first.”

Matthew suddenly found himself in a pickle, “There really isn’t any place here for a pregnant Consort, my dear…”

Sahara sighed and then looked around. Putting her hand down on the ground and focusing, she made a small earth building with what looked like a bed inside it.

Frowning, Sahara said, “We can do better later. The sooner we get them here, the better. It’s going to take a lot of work and if I don’t start now, good people are going to die.”


Matthew gently took Sahara’s face into his hands and kissed her.

“Don’t work too hard, my dear.” Getting up, Matthew went into the earth house and wondered what he could do to make it more comfortable for a pregnant person…But he really didn’t have much of a clue…

There was only one thing to do...And that was to go find his mother and ask her of what he could do with the newly built building...

Sahara only took a few more moments before a lifeless body on the ground disappeared and a real one appeared, along with her silent apprentice.

“What…What is going on!?”

Sahara didn’t even think of how they would react! “Steven, calm her down!”

Believing in Steven and Matthew, Sahara continued and went to do the same thing to the Emperor, where a lifeless body was traded with a real, living one.


Sahara opened her eyes to see the Emperor and smiled. “Father, it seems that I have saved your life once again!”


"What's the meaning of this!?" The Green Emperor bellowed out.

He had been on his way towards what he heard of his Consort having been found unresponsive...To here...

At least this didn't happen right in front of his ministers!

Sahara sighed and stated to Matthew, who just got back with his mother, to deal with him, while she got to work to get a few more loyal people to the Emperor here as well.

It wouldn't be long before her own essence would be gone and she would have to meditate again but...The main issue was already complete, and she had saved the Consort, her unborn child and the Emperor.

Now to get the other children and possibly some helpers that the Emperor would need to feel more at home.



While Sahara was busy, Matthew had to explain to his Imperial father upon why this was happening and where they were.

It was already dark when Matthew finished explaining and Sahara had teleported Emperor's children and the loyal eunuch's and maids.

There really wasn't much room left for anyone and Sahara was wondering if she could use the spiritual essence that wasn't really hers to build a place for these people.

It wouldn't be called a selfish act, would it?

Even if it weren't though, she was sure that she would obtain some type of headache...



With the most basic type of living arrangements to have for one night, Sahara attached a small extra part to the earth-built home, so that at least people had shelter, but it was obviously going to be cramped.

Seeing the Consort surprised to see not only the Emperor being stuck here, just like her, but now even her other children were here, she started to feel less stressed and held in any type reason to speak out about what was going on. She was just a consort after all...

It wasn't like she wasn't curious, everyone was, especially if it were true that their lives may have been in danger but, she knew that it wasn't her place to know everything just to make her feel better...


Sahara felt the thoughts of what was inside of Consort Light and sighed. After using extra spiritual essence that wasn't hers, Sahara felt a small headache but it least it was tolerable. Sadly though, this was all she could do for now and the idea of the Consort's thoughts gave Sahara a chance to think of something else for a change. "There's is no point in worrying about what you can't change, so just take it easy. I'll try and make your living arrangements are better tomorrow."

At that time, Steven came in, giving Kin to Sahara for a feed and Sahara immediately tended to the little man.

"You have a son?" The Consort asked.

Sahara let out a noise and then looked up at her, "Kin, his name..."

The Consort smiled, looking at the baby, "Yes, Kin, His Majesty has spoken of him. So, this is the Second Prince's child?"

The Consort looked at the child, her thoughts scattering off, only a small speck went to Prince Liam, yet the rest of her thoughts leading to having a little boy.

She had been glad that she had not had a male child because she had not wanted the attention. She was always worried endlessly upon becoming pregnant and only sighed in relief upon finding the child would be female and now...

Touching her swollen stomach, the Consort worried once again.

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