The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 174 **This is my Spot!**

"It is indeed a male. That is why you are here now and so quickly without being informed first." Sahara stated.

The Consort was silent for a moment and then nodded. The only good thing of this situation was, "…His Majesty will be happy."

Sahara rolled her eyes, "You really are forgetting about what's right in front of you, aren't you? Were you really that in love with the First Prince that you will not live anymore?"

The Consort stared then at Sahara with wide eyes and swallowed. "This...This..."

Letting out a chuckle, Sahara continued, "Don't worry, I didn't bring it up to threaten you, all I meant was that you need to stop living in the past and let it go. You have children and a husband, a life...Live it!"

Watching the Consort blink and looking away, Sahara frowned.


The Consort really had dearly loved that man and it seemed like it was fate...Honestly.

Sahara only felt that way because she was sure that in Prince Liam's life, no other would feel this way towards him but...Really, didn't the Emperor know of this at all!?

Sahara was curious and really wanted to search the Emperor’s thoughts upon the relationship between his own Consort and son!

Eager, Sahara suddenly stood and then simply said, "I'll leave you be."

The Consort didn't speak but did bring up the fact that it had been a while since someone was so informal to her, making Sahara turn and smile, "My Lady...No, Your Highness..."

Is that right, Sahara wondered, what is it that she's supposed to call her?

"Don't trouble yourself, Princess. If I am here because you have saved my life then I am in your debt, please continue as you would normally." Consort Light stated. She only said these words to show her gratitude but still wasn't sure if she entirely meant them or not...Perhaps the Princess was right and she should start living for the present, she did have two lovely, little girls after all...

Smiling, Sahara nodded, "No problem! I'll be off then!"

Life was so much easier when you didn't have to worry about titles and such formal manners!

I mean, ultimately, everyone is the same title anyway…Human.


Having walked out, but seeing that her son was still sucking, Sahara directly sat on Matthew's lap and wasn't surprised to feel arms go around her.

"…Your fault! How dare you!"

Sahara closed her eyes and sighed.

It really was a problem...Her father-in-law wasn't happy but what was she to do about it!?

"Well, is this all you have to say!?" He bellowed at her.

Holding the little man with her arms, Sahara leaned her head into Matthew's chest, "Tough!"

"...Tough? Are you saying that I just have to deal with the fact that I'm being overrun here!?" Christian stated.

Sahara finally looked at Christian and narrowed her eyes, "Yes! That's my answer right now! I'm exhausted and will talk to you about it tomorrow!"

"No! I want to talk about it now!" He yelled.


Before Sahara could respond, Christian spoke further, "This is my place, this is my spot! Why in the world has it become...This, in just the short space of one day!? Unbelievable!"

Sahara closed her eyes, and said, "For the time that we had, this was the best idea I could think off!"

"I could think of other ideas!" He spat out in response.

"Oh, then tell me. I can't use my extensive powers for selfish reasons, I would also like to make things harder for the army moving towards Green Haven to even get Green Haven but to do that I needed to save the Emperor because he was going to die upon the child being born. It's not like I could have waited for the army to get there, I had to come up with a plan now, because the plan of the Prince would have happened already!"

"Extensive powers? Army..." Christian had lost his anger, only to go deep in thought. He was also a bit confused to what Sahara had stated...It wasn't like he was in her head after all, and she had just bluntly stated facts whether he knew of them or not.


What was he thinking about!?

Sahara couldn't even remember if she had told Christian about the army, or was he told by someone else?

But really, she was so exhausted! It had been such a long day!

She wanted to know what Christian was feeling, what the Emperor thought of the relationship between his son and his consort, and she wanted to come up with a better plan then this one but...

Matthew's arms around her, his warmth, his comfortable embrace...It was really making it hard to continue to think straight.

She was only human after all, and she already could see herself slowly slipping into sleep.

"What's that got to do with..."

Matthew's voice interrupted Christian's, "Hush, Father!"

"...Wh...Even you are speaking back to me now!"

Matthew glared at his father, as much as he was scared or something of his father, his beloved was much more important to him and...It seemed that she was just about to sleep!

"Be quiet!"


Sahara vaguely heard a grunt and noises that might have meant Christian leaving, she also felt the little man get taken from her arms, but she didn't have the energy to think of who had him now.

She was so...Exhausted...

Matthew had only held onto Kin a short time, when Steven returned and let him take him.

If his beloved wanted to take up his arms and sleep on his lap, he wasn't going to move her!

He will just have to give his son some extra cuddles tomorrow...

The problem was...Matthew was somewhat tired as well and so, all he could do is lean up against Steven, while holding his sleeping woman.

It wasn't the first time that they would be sleeping out in the open like this, nor would it be the last...




It was early the next morning and Sahara still felt tired upon finding everyone so...Awake, so quickly...

She felt like she'd only been sleeping an hour or two, not really thinking too much for a bit, making Matthew tease her to her slow wittedness.

Christian had disappeared but the maids and eunuchs were all in hysterics, not knowing what to do.

They were the hardest to deal with, as even though they might be here, there really wasn't much for them to do.

They couldn't go to the kitchen to get made food for a King and a Consort, they couldn't get clothes for the masters to dress in...They didn't even know where to go to do their...Personal...

And seeing enough of this, so quickly in the morning, finally made Sahara think...

The problem...This problem.

What was she going to do? Bring everyone here?

If she did that, wouldn't everyone be going crazy, like these maid and eunuch idiots?

Was this going to be home now for people?

What was she supposed to do!?

After having fed the little man, she was just sitting there in a daze, looking at the earth-built home and honestly stuck upon what should happen. Really though, the only one helping her with this madhouse crisis was Felix, who kept quiet as he sat next to her.


She had saved the Emperor, had saved a woman and child, perhaps more people that probably would have died...Felix of course was a big one too! She hadn’t actually thought about it before now, but he was indeed a big piece! If Prince Liam had gotten to Felix…


This probably wasn't enough though...Wouldn't there be more that dies?

Wouldn't Prince Liam make sure to get rid of everyone that was loyal to the Emperor?

Did that really mean that she really had to get everyone here?

But, letting him have Green Haven, wasn't that just...Making it too easy for the bad guy?

This was always such an annoying feat about the good and bad.

Good always wanted to keep their friends alive, to stop killing, to prevent it...

The good side were sentimental and did have restrictions and that was why the bad side did have some triumphs.


How could it be selfish to just eliminate the army?

Hang on, is that why she hadn't before?

Then why had she thought it selfish...No...It wasn't because she thought it was selfish, it was because the people in the army had not attacked yet and she was giving them a chance to turn back. So, she was just being sentimental about the idea of all those people dying…It wasn’t just about those potential deaths either, it was about their families at home that will have to spend the rest of their lives without them…It was a stone going into the water, forever changing the river!

Perhaps, perhaps instead she should confront the army instead of waiting.

If she were to wait, people could die, but if she were to at least attempt to talk them out of what they were doing...

Shaking her head, Sahara felt conflicted.

She was sure that the army would not turn around...

Just like she had been sure that when the unborn baby inside of Consort Light was known to be a boy, that Prince Liam would start his plan of taking over Green Haven...She was sure...


Then...Does that mean that everyone in the army must die?

But isn't that why she wants to talk to them?


Sahara put her hands to her head and let out an annoyed sound.

What to do!?

She didn't want to inflict herself pain, but she also didn't want good people to die.

What about using the spiritual essence to decide?

What about...The bad people get turned into beasts and...And...


That's right, she suddenly remembered, she wanted to try something!


"Sahara, here, you must eat something!" Matthew demanded, handing over a bowl of food.

Food...Wasn't food a problem already? Dam, why did they choose here? Shouldn't they had gone to some awesomely rich Haven with all these people? At least then we wouldn't have to work so hard...It was really Purple Haven all over...

Suddenly stopping, Sahara was lost in her thoughts.

That's right...Purple Haven...The army, the army won't stop at Green Haven, no! If the army was going to bring death to each haven, just so that one person can become the Golden Emperor...

Sahara just couldn't see any other solution but to stop the army!

If she let the army continue on with its plan, every other Haven would be in its path, and they would only leave when someone is devoted to that Golden eyed person!

Well, she chuckled, unless she brought everyone here!

Stupid! This place wasn't even built and...No way! That would be way too much work!

Besides, she always preferred the shorter, easier list of things to do...Which was just to somehow deal with the army...

"...Acting strange, my dear."

Matthew's voice and his face in front of hers brought Sahara back to the present. "Oh, sorry. I just...I was thinking..."

His gentle gaze made her stop and just stare back at him.

Really, he was so handsome!


Matthew smiled, to seeing his beloved so besotted with him and then kissed her.

Really, he wanted to get away right now!

To be with her and only her!

Deepening the kiss to his thoughts, Matthew heard her small moan and got lost to her lips.

Sahara didn't need any more unspoken thoughts to see what both of them wanted and willingly teleported them to the cliff that she had spent so much time at not all that long ago.

Actually, she hadn’t even realized that at one stage in her deep thoughts Kin had been taken from her. Nonetheless, if Kin had come along as well, she would have just made a little bed for him…

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