The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 181 **Should have kept it in ya Pants!**

“What is she doing!?”

“Please, trust in her…”

“What if she destroys this entire plan!?”

“Are you not her father!? Give her some of your faith…You might be surprised!”

Sahara finally let go of the man and looked from her father, to Matthew.

“I…I will get the head, please…Just wait here…Your Majesty!” In a scurry of words and actions, the man who before was just about to get guards to bring the new arrivals away, now ran off. Whether what he came to see was true or not, he will let it be decided by the head.

…Basically, he was passing the buck!

“What did you tell him!?” The Right Minister asked.

Sahara saw him worry, seeing again that he was a person that preferred to have control. “Don’t worry so much, father…”



The rest watched as the Right Minister chided his own daughter, not believing her nor wanting to think that she had done the right thing.

“How can such a person be a daughter of mine!?”

Sahara frowned at her father, “Then you should have kept it in your pants!”

Kept it…My…How is my own daughter bringing up such…Such an intimate act!?

It has to be about…That!

“How dare you…How dare you…” The Right Minister pointed at his daughter, slightly trembling. “That is not of your decision!”

 “Oh!? Well, because you didn’t, I am here and already grown up to make my own decisions, so shut it!” Sahara stated.

“Unfilial child!” The Right Minister said, glaring at Sahara and showed his anger through heavy breathing.

“Unfilial? Me? You abandoned me remember! I was just an iddy, biddy baby! How can it be my fault!?” Sahara rebutted.

“I’m not talking about then! I’m talking about now and how you are talking back to me!” The Right Minister let out in a huff, thinking that she was being ridiculously behaved!


“I’m talking back to you because you have a problem! If you didn’t have a problem, we wouldn’t be talking like this!” Sahara bluntly stated his non-existent faith in her.

“I have a problem with you! That is my problem!” The Right Minister stated back.

“Or is it that you didn’t want to be brought back from the dead, uh? Is that why your so ‘touchy feely’?” Sahara asked, raising her eyebrows.


Touchy Feely!?

This daughter of his…Perhaps she is not his at all and her so called mother had done the act of adultery!

Yes…Yes that makes perfect sense! She can’t be of my blood! She is too…Strange and not smart enough! She even says strange things…Strange things that make me so terribly angry!

Trembling once again, the Right Minister clenched his hands, telling himself that he shouldn’t hit her, especially in front of the Emperor! Yet, he’d forgotten that his attitude right now was also something that could be seen as rude to the Emperor, but he had been too angry to think of that at the moment! “Are you trying to put words into my mouth, child!?”


Sahara crossed her hands in front of her chest and smirked at him, “I’ll put a boot in there if you want something else!”

“You! You scoundrel!” The Right Minister was at a loss for words!

Sahara let out a laugh and dropped her hands, “Father, you bite easily. To be honest, I don’t care if you don’t trust me but obviously what the Emperor wanted was to try to get permission to stay here, and even Matthew, hadn’t worked, so I tried…That’s all!”

The Right Minister frowned upon seeing her lose what seemed to be her fight and wondered what just happened…

Did she just say ‘bite’? Bite what?

Matthew chuckled to both father and daughter, seeing it to be rather funny. Sahara had played her father, perhaps only because she was bored while waiting and he had just gone mute into silence probably trying figure out what had just happened.

Ah, he loved her so much!


“Excuse me…Your Majesty…This is, this is the head of the Auction House.”

Everyone turned towards the voice and saw someone running behind the man from before, catching up to them.

“Your…Your Majesty!?” They said, breathing heavily.

He hadn’t believed it! His man here had been nearly hysterical when stating that ‘His Majesty’ was here and he had to run after him wildly just because…Well, just because he had made it seem like such a big deal!

It was a big deal! It was really ‘His Majesty’!

“Good, we would like to reside here for now! It also must be kept a secret that This King and his men are here! Do you understand!? If there is absolutely any word of us being here getting out then I will make sure that you will be unable to cultivate!” The Emperor simply declared.

“Yes…Of course, Your Majesty!” The head stated, bowing very low in obedience.


An awkward silence followed as they waited for the head of the Auction house to show them away from where they were…Or was it that they were staying here, in this particular room?

Finally, making people stop questioning, they heard, “Please follow me, Your Majesty and…And, the others too…”

“Good, good!” The Emperor then took the lead after the manager and so they walked, the head showing them a room upon where they could stay.

It must have been why the head had been silent for a while because…A lot of the rooms were full! This place wasn’t an inn after all, it was a place that was holding things to sell! They didn’t open every day, so a lot of the rooms were starting to get filled up to make a good night of it…Whenever that was…

With the head and a few other workers from the Auction house becoming sudden servants all of a sudden for ‘His Majesty’, the Right Minister, the Second Prince, and a few other highly regarded people, the group was finally within territory now that could help them get a step closer to obtaining back the throne!

“When is the next auction being held?” Matthew asked the head worker.

“It is scheduled for a week from tomorrow, Your Highness!” Came the immediate response.

“That gives us a week to get things finalized!” The Right Minister stated.

“Very well, let us get to work then!” The Emperor stated, not quite happy that he couldn’t do things right now!




Within the next week, more loyal people were found and had errands to run.

The Auction House was doing something different this time, yet it was a secret. Obviously, they were going to get everyone to know that His Majesty was still alive in the next auction. They were also going to release the decree that had been made the week before.

With the audience being so large and an escape route found, just in case, Matthew was getting slightly insecure as the days had passed. The reason why he felt this way was unknown but…For some reason, he felt like what they were doing might all come to nothing…

He got his Bands to continue to discretely find out about rumors and found out just a day ago that the people were in an uproar as more and more rumors were flooding the streets.

Not only had they let out their own rumors, stating the Emperor’s decree that is still unread, but also that of Prince Liam forcing himself onto the throne through unjust means.


Other rumors had made the people conflicted though, like that of Prince Liam stating that his father and he had indeed got their differences in mind sets but he had a valid reason why he was taking over as Emperor and that was…That he was going to help bring back The Golden Bridge!

Once that rumor came out, several others did too, with story tellers.

Not only were story tellers stating stories about this Golden Bridge, and why it was so important, but that of the Emperor, Prince Liam’s father, was completely against it, wanting power and not wanting to change to a more advanced way of living.

Then, within all just a few hours of discussion these new rumors, a message was sent out into all the areas of Green Haven, to reveal the news that they had been waiting for…

Prince Liam was going to be crowned the day following after the auction!

The Emperor, ministers and Second Prince went into discussion, again wanting to utilize their time wisely and as best as possible now.

They knew they were on a time limit but now it was more of a dire circumstance then before, just because a date was now set for Prince Liam to attempt to be crowned!

It was happening, and the time of His Majesty’s return to his throne was coming closer and closer…They had no choice but to be ready!




Sahara had it both easy and hard.

She did bring back the other Minister, that had died along with the Right Minister, and she also brought back a few others that she had no idea upon who they were, but it seemed one or two of them were going to come ‘in handy’.

Otherwise, Sahara spent time with Kin, Naruto and Steven, leaving all the hard stuff to the men.

This type of thing was beyond her…

She wasn’t someone that planned awesome fights and such…

It didn’t matter though, as she was somewhat left out, because she felt like what they were doing was really very taxing and the lazy side of her was completely against it anyway.

Being able to help in the way of food and keeping an eye on things, Sahara still got quite a bit of free time on her hands!


A few times, in this week, she had teleported away with Kin, Naruto and Steven, back to the Golden Haven and hung out there for a while.

It was called for though, as there were still people there that didn’t know what to do and how to spend their time. The Emperor was in no need of eunuchs and maids right now, so Sahara stated that they were on a short holiday but…They still constantly fretted, as though they were only living for one purpose only.

Nonetheless, they had to eat and be told something and since she was the one that knew the most, it was her doing all this owl work!

It helped that Prince Felix was there, as they did have someone to serve, it just wasn’t…At a familiar place, with a familiar person…

During one trip, she brought Felix back with her, so that he was also there and ready to show his ‘alive’ face to Prince Liam, for whenever they were to ‘fight’ back.

Other times though, Sahara would spend time building up a bit more of Golden Haven and teaching Felix, who still used Gabriella as a steppingstone for his meditation.

She also had a bit of confrontation with her father-in-law, but it wasn’t something that she couldn’t handle!


There was a time where she ‘borrowed’ Band One and Band Two to do their usual weekly slaughter for Purple Haven, and there was even some time that she got away and did more of the anti-beast barrier that went from Green Haven to Purple Haven.

It wasn’t to just keep herself busy, it was because there was way too many things that she had left undone and really did want to finish something!

In the end she still did not quite finish the barrier, so she had to try and remember to come back…Even though it took her all this time to remember all about it!

But when it came to what was happening in Green Haven, she was more like the teleporter and that was it! She teleported people from place to place but strangely, the biggest thing that she teleported…Was food…

…Actually, in all this, Sahara didn’t play much of a role at all!

It was all the men that were planning, and she had no idea upon what those plans were!

Well…She didn’t particularly care either. This was something she was happy to stay out of!

Even though this week was still rather busy, she felt like it was almost some time off for her to relax, perhaps even go fishing with her father!

*When Sahara says ‘fishing with her father’, it means to see if he’ll ‘bite’ and fight with her again*



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