The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 182 **Skirmish in the Auction House**

Then, finally, the day of the auction came and…It become something deadly serious, more serious than the men originally thought!

During the auction, the Emperor himself came out and went on stage, with his sons in tow.

Together they stated their side of the story, showing that of the decree and the crowd went all silent.

Very few had met the Emperor, so they weren’t sure if he was real or not but…The Second Prince was a lot more known and half of the people did believe what was said by them easier than the other half.

And so…Sahara finally had something to do!

With the ‘skeptical’ people, she used the spiritual essence to show in their heads, that ‘His Majesty’ was indeed the one on stage and also showed the death of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor writing the decree with her blood to show that the decree was real…

Of course, this plan was not fool proof!

One problem was the Right Minister who had been put up on the palace gates. They had to tell the people that not only was that not him, but the head was there not for the crime of ‘treason’, but instead the crime for ‘impersonation’.


Actually, having to come up with a story that made sense to why they were not only still alive but instead convicted for a crime when they were innocent, was a problem. Prince Liam placed the heads there for any that wished to go against him but had not actually made a big deal about it, so that was the only thing that could be used to help them tell their lies.

They had to find something that not only worked but worked in their favor…But it’s not easy to put everything together as…Even Sahara had to be careful upon what she had to do towards the people and showing history. There was indeed some memories that could not be shown, as they had the Right Minister being killed…Or others that wouldn’t fit into their false truths.

They had gotten quite a number on their side already but…They weren’t everywhere all the time, unable to prevent those on the other side from making it harder for them!

After about an hour or so of speaking and trying to get the people to believe in their story and who they were, it was then that another voice cut across from them…And it was Prince Liam himself!


At first, as Prince Liam had been their earlier, he could not believe it!

He had seen the dead body of his father himself, with his own eyes! And…The Right Minister…What…

Seeing Felix did not surprise him as much, because he never saw him dead, but…His father…

How could he be here!?

Could it be an imposter?

Whatever the case, his father was here and fighting against him, with a decree!

The people here now saw all this and…He had to make the most of it! But would it be wise to let himself be known or fight this another way?

Thoughts though were hard to process, simply because of his shock!

The Right Minister and the other Minister, he saw them die!

Perhaps they aren’t real?

Whatever the case, they just need to die a second time!

Quickly, Prince Liam turned to one of his men, saying, “Half of you are to make sure that none of those on stage survives!”

As he waited for half of his men to disappear into the crowds, Prince Liam desperately tried to keep calm but looking over the people…It made him lose more and more focus upon his plan, as more and more people were cheering for the Emperor, instead of himself!

So quickly!

So quickly, he had lost these people back to his father!

His time was now! If he was ever to become Emperor, it was now!


…Perhaps because of such an outcome over the crowd, or that Prince Liam was still upset that there really was still a fight for the throne, he did finally come out and speak…

“I am only doing what I feel is right for Green Haven, why should I be condemned for that?” Prince Liam stated, slowly walking towards the stage ahead of him.

The Emperor, Matthew and Felix looked at Prince Liam and silence entered the large area.

“I had never stated an opinion upon this so called ‘Golden Bridge’, for that you have made a fool of yourself!” The Emperor stated.

Prince Liam narrowed his eyes, “You told me that if the bridge came to be true, then you will lose power, so you are not interested!”

“Lies, boy! How dirty your mouth has become!” The Emperor said angrily.

“…Lies? Well, it seems it is only our mouths that can be used against each other!” Prince Liam said, looking everywhere, trying to show that even though he might say something, but his father was only doing the same thing.

Sahara stood up from her place, from up high in the stand, and laughed, “Oh, Prince, you have much to learn!”

With that, Sahara, now having found a great memory from Prince Liam himself, now showed this particular memory to everyone in their heads there at that current moment, including that of Prince Liam’s.


‘…Then…If Felix, or any other enemies are still alive, then I will use another reason to keep my place!’ Prince Liam had stated.

‘What could be used, Your Highness? The people won’t just let you get away with sitting on the throne for nothing! Especially when you are still supposed to be in the Cold Palace!  There could be riots, attempted assassinations…’

Prince Liam looked at his Minister, ‘Do you remember the reason before…Upon why I wanted to be the Emperor?’

The Minister narrowed his eyes momentarily, ‘You stated something about a Golden man and wanting him to build a bridge…Among other reasons...’

‘Indeed, my good Minister. I will use that old reason and make it brand new!’ Prince Liam then laughed, ‘How convenient! My original reason becomes the new reason! I would say that this will be enough!’

‘…What if it is said otherwise?’ The Minister asked after a moment.

Prince Liam turned away from the Minister and shrugged, ‘Who can state that I never have or will talk about it to the late Emperor and…Who can state that the Emperor wasn’t against it? It’ll all just be hearsay! Nonetheless, we will only use this if there is indeed another party out there! Hopefully everything will just fall into place and the throne will become mine without any kind of retaliation!’


As soon as Prince Liam retained his eyesight back, he narrowed his eyes and quickly tried to think of a way to make what just happened as lies! What he didn’t understand was why everyone looked at him like they had seen that exact memory too. How could it be so that they all know…How?

“As you see! My son, and this decree of stating him to be punished is what is needed!” The Emperor declared, completely filled with fury to what he just saw!

“Lies! Someone just showed something that isn’t real!” Prince Liam stated, looking around frantically. “It’s not real! I never had that conversation!”

Sahara then pulled up a body, that she teleported just a few minutes earlier, and teleported him to be in front of Matthew.

Without being told upon what to do, Matthew immediately recognized the person and took him into his grip, making sure that he couldn’t get away.

…But it wasn’t only Matthew that recognized the man…No…Many of the people did too!


“Minister Mitchells…” The Emperor said, walking up to who had betrayed him.

Having also seen what the others saw, Minster Mitchells felt like he was in deep trouble!

“Do you have something to say?” The Emperor asked, directly looking at him.

“Your…Your Majesty! I…I am…I was forced!” Minister Mitchells stated, thinking this was the only way he could get out of his predicament.

Prince Liam swallowed, suddenly at a loss.

What if this Minister changed sides and stated everything!?

Minister Mitchells was his man! He knew nearly everything! If he were to state even a third of what he knew to his father or these people…His life was going to be in deep jeopardy!

In a quick decision, Prince Liam nodded to his men, to get them to kill the Minister!

Even with how obvious it looked, it was still better to kill the Minister, then to let him speak!


With wind coming from three different directions, the area turned into a bit of a disaster, as hair and clothes floated up all over the place.

People couldn’t see and had to worry about their clothes, even against themselves as it was whipping their own legs and arms.

A loud groan and deep yell entered their ears and then the wind stopped, letting everyone see that Minister Mitchells, was obviously a target to be killed!

Prince Liam had no other option now, he could only leave. But leaving was still better though, then getting killed! If he left, he may even still be able to come back and get revenge! If he could find that golden eyed man again…He’d have the power!

Sahara teleported to be in front of Matthew, quickly touching the Minster, to heal him, whilst yells rang out to capture Prince Liam.

The crowd became very loud after that and some quickly left, while others watched the Emperor and Matthew look at each other and then try to speak to the people once again.

…It was…A mess!

Sahara was quick enough to get the Minister before his heart completely stopped beating and spent the next couple of minutes healing the person that was now placed on the ground.


Matthew stayed close to Sahara but did instead have his attention upon the crowd in front of him.

With Band One and Band Two both gone to try and capture Prince Liam, and Steven not in harm’s way because of looking after Kin, it was now just the Ministers, the Emperor, Felix and Matthew left on the stage.

And…In a sudden attack, quite a number of men came towards them from a few different directions, and it seems they had the obvious initiative to kill!

It was indeed a predicament once again as…If all of them died…

Matthew got into a battle stance and readied his golden sword, the General came running from his sidelines shadow spot in the corner, to try to come and help…But if one took a moment in a paused or frozen state, it was close to at least fifty, against perhaps twelve, or less…And not all of them were fighters!


In no time at all, there were even men against the Emperor but the Emperor, even if he had no sword, was no push over!

He was able to cultivate once again, for some time now, and he used not just his newly learnt earth techniques but that of his old fire ones too. He used earth to defend against attacks and then his fire for offensive when he could but…He was severely overrun and rarely had the chance to use his fire abilities.

Felix disappeared, to appear behind targets and hit the enemies on the side of their necks and higher shoulder, where they would fall to the ground, most of them being knocked out because of it. This move was taught by Matthew as…Felix had never killed anyone before and didn’t like the idea behind it.

Once Minister Mitchells was in a stable condition, Sahara stood up and quickly dodged an attack.

Looking over to Steven and shaking her head at him, so that he wouldn’t come here, Sahara went into battle herself and got out her sword.

Getting another sword and throwing it to the Emperor, Sahara then dodged once again, then used the net that she had in her storage on another oncoming opponent, then fought with the one in front of her.

She hadn’t had a proper fight in a while, she also hadn’t trained enough because at this moment, she was feeling a bit out of breath already…

I must get back into training!

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